Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2017

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Introduce 20th Child!

As previously reported, the Duggar family recently welcomed their 20th child into their home under the most unlikely of circumstances.

Now, Jim Bob and Michelle have introduced him on social media!

For those who may have missed it last fall, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were awarded guardianship of an eight-year-old boy named Tyler.

Yes, JBD and his wife, who produced 19 children biologically (or 20 if you count stillborn Jubilee) acquired this one a little bit differently.

Michelle has a 23-year-old niece, Rachel Hutchins, who has fallen on very hard times – unemployed, she’s homeless, and on probation.

Sad as that is, Rachel’s son Tyler, was paying the price, and her mom (Michelle’s sister), who had been taking care of him, had a stroke.

With T’s mom and grandma both unable to continue looking after him, Michelle Duggar nobly stepped in and took charge of the situation.

Jim Bob were granted custody of their great-nephew, seen here:

Despite having formally added Tyler to the family, the Duggars have only mentioned the boy occasionally, until posting the photo above.

The picture revealed that Tyler was about to “finish off” the jug. 

Of milk. That’s about as hardcore as beverages get for Duggar family members of any age, but hey, it does a body good and all that.

Anyway, the post left fans asking questions about Tyler, but the family didn’t reply. Curiously, they asked for more privacy instead.

The Duggar Family Blog, which is not run by, yet in close contact with the family, said that they sought privacy for the child at this time.

“At this time, the Duggars are choosing not to reveal the details of the situation that resulted in them receiving guardianship of Tyler.”

“We encourage fans to respect the [Duggar family’s] wishes, especially since there is a minor involved,” the site continued.

That may change, and when and if “the family decides to share more information with the public, we will post it to our blog.”

For now, though, we’re left with more questions than answers.

Since the guardianship was granted by a judge, Tyler has been seen in numerous family photos, usually with little fanfare.

He was seen participating in homeschooling with the other Duggars, to getting a pocket knife to match Josh’s son Michael’s.

A family insider recently said that the guardianship is going well and that the family has high hopes of adopting him for good.

That would be quite a storyline for Counting on Season 3, no?

As it is, the Duggars are gearing up for a new season that features Jessa Duggar’s second pregnancy and Joy-Anna Duggar’s courtship.

Moreover, we expect to see plenty of Jinger’s marriage to Jeremy Vuolo, and likely the announcement of Jill Duggar’s second pregnancy.

The adoption story, though, would be the most surprising, and arguably the most heartwarming thing to happen in Tonititown in years.

If not ever. Think about it for a second, Duggar Nation:

Mating and procreating will always be the family’s meal ticket, but going above and beyond like this is both unexpected and beautiful.

A little universally positive PR never hurt … just saying.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

UFC"s Michelle Waterson Says Paige VanZant Congratulated Her After the Fight (VIDEO)

Paige VanZant didn’t hold a grudge after Michelle Waterson choked her out at UFC on FOX 22 this weekend — and graciously congratulated her opponent backstage … so says Michelle herself.  The Karate Hottie say she has the ultimate respect…


UFC"s Michelle Waterson Says Paige VanZant Congratulated Her After the Fight (VIDEO)

Paige VanZant didn’t hold a grudge after Michelle Waterson choked her out at UFC on FOX 22 this weekend — and graciously congratulated her opponent backstage … so says Michelle herself.  The Karate Hottie say she has the ultimate respect…


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Welcome 20th Child!

A lot of times, we kind of look down on the Duggars, you know, because of that oldest boy, the one who molested his sisters and cheated on his wife.

But sometimes, this family is OK. Sometimes they’re even amazing.

This is one of those times.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have added one more child to their big ol’ brood, bringing their total number of children up to 20.

“But how?” you might be wondering. “Michelle is 49 years old, and I didn’t even know she was pregnant!”

And the answer, friends, is that Jim Bob and Michelle welcomed their 20th kid through the magic of the law.

OK, so Michelle has this 23-year-old niece, Rachel Hutchins, right?

Rachel is in a bad place in her life right now: she’s unemployed, she’s homeless, and she’s on probation for some breaking and entering she did back in April.

That’s sad enough all by itself, but Rachel also has an eight-year-old son, Tyler.

Rachel’s mother (Michelle’s sister) was taking care of Tyler, but she had a stroke over the summer, leaving her unable to continue looking after the boy.

So Michelle stepped in, she took charge of the situation, and she and Jim Bob gained temporary custody of their great-nephew.

So sweet, right? Well, it’s about to get even better …

Now we’re hearing that the Duggars have gotten permanent custody of Tyler! And that makes him, in a strange, beautiful way, their 20th child.

According to court documents, the Duggars’ attorney stated that the boy’s mother, Rachel, “recently exhibited a pattern of behavior demonstrating that she is presently unable to meet Tyler’s health, safety, and other needs.”

Rachel has agreed to the guardianship — she’s also reportedly agreed to support the Duggars’ plan to adopt Tyler — and has also agreed to supervised visitation.

As for Jim Bob and Michelle, a new report from In Touch claims that they “couldn’t be happier right now.”

“Jim Bob and Michelle have made the child feel right at home,” a source says. “They treat him like their own and he looks up to them as parents.”

Adorably, their children have warmly welcomed Tyler, too.

What a precious little story. And a much-needed one, after all the Duggar heartache over the last year and a half.

After all, there’s nothing like a heartwarming story about love, kindness, and family to make you forget all about, well, everything else.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Michelle Obama: West Virginia Woman FIRED For Calling FLOTUS an "Ape in Heels"

The past week hasn’t been the greatest for those dreaming of unity, civility, or even just a safe place to live their lives without harassment from bigots and hate groups.

In the days since Donald Trump was elected president, race based hate crimes  – many apparently inspired by the election – have been reported from coast to coast.

Most of the racist rhetoric and actions have been perpetrated by individuals acting alone, who (to be fair) do not represent any large segment of Trump’s support base.

However, there have been cases of those in power using Trump’s election as an opportunity to “throw off the hood,” so to speak, and come forward as the worst kind of bigots.

The woman in the photo above is Pamela Ramsey Taylor of Clay, West Virginia.

On Election night, Taylor posted the following repugnant status update about First Lady Michelle Obama:

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified first lady in the White House,” the post read, according to local news station WSAZ 3.

“I’m tired of seeing an ape in heels.”

Her town’s mayor, Beverly Whaling, echoed the sentiment in a rely to the update, which read:

“Just made my day, Pam.”

The thread was deleted shortly thereafter, but not before immeasurable damage was done to both women’s reputations.

A signature to remove the women from their respective posts has received over 140,000 signatures, and today, it’s being reported that Ramsey has indeed been fired.

She has told local press that she plans to file a lawsuit against those who have “slendered” he in the media by … reporting what she said on Facebook?

Whaling has thus far refused to step down from her post, and may soon be subject to a recall vote.

Whaley is a Democrat (ed. note: ?!?!?!) and her party officials in her state have issued the following apology:

These radical, hateful and racist ideals are exactly what we at the West Virginia Democratic Party will continue to fight against.

“We will continue to fight for a West Virginia that is inclusive, not divisive, and a home for all to feel safe, welcome and protected.

Trump has yet to comment on the matter

The President-elect has asked his supporters to stop committing hate crimes in his name during a recent interview on 60 Minutes, but many feel that the fact that Trump complained about peaceful protests before condemning his followers’ racist crimes is unconscionable.


Monday, November 14, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar FINALLY Respond to Divorce Rumors

The idea of a Duggar divorce seems ridiculous considering the family’s commitment to maintaining the appearance of traditional Christian values.

But as the Josh Duggar sex scandals reminded us, all that glitters is not gold, and when the Duggars go astray, they do so in the most shocking fashion.

Earlier this month, reports of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar getting divorced began to circulate on social media.

Not surprisingly, the split was rumored to be the result of the ongoing controversy surrounding their handling of Josh’s molestation of his sisters.

As you may know, the Duggars opted to deal with their son’s sex crimes “in-house” rather than reporting him to the authorities, and the results were predictably catastrophic.

Josh continued to molest his younger sisters before being sent off to a sort of faith-based rehabilitation center.

The treatment was prescribed again after the public learned that Josh had cheated on his wife, Anna Duggar.

There was time when it was impossible to imagine that the Duggars would ever land another reality television series, but they did just that with the premiere of Counting On last year.

Now in its second season, the series focuses on the Duggar kids, but Jim Bob and Michelle make frequent cameos. 

And what does all of this have to do with the state of their marriage?

Well, there have been reports of Counting On being canceled due to low ratings and the fact that the show has prompted several advertisers to cut ties with the TLC network altogether.

Insiders say their financial troubles and the humiliation of getting booted from the network that made them famous a second time has put a serious strain on the Duggars’ marriage.

Over the weekend, the couple took to Twitter to address the reports that they had decided to call it quits.

Some fans were surprised by the choice of forum, as Jim Bob and Michelle rarely tweet, but there was nothing shocking about the message:

“Don’t believe everything you read in the tabloids! Michelle and I have been married for over 32 years and are more in love than ever!” 

The couple added the above photo to underscore their point.

So we guess all is well between Jim Bob and Michelle these days.

Or at least that’s what they would have us believe.

If the the Josh scandals taught us anything, it’s that these two exercise extreme control over the release of information about their personal lives.


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Divorcing Due to Financial Issues?!

It’s been almost 18 months since news of the Josh Duggar sex scandals first went public, and the family of the disgraced former lobbyist is still feeling the fallout.

All this week, rumors that Anna Duggar is planning to divorce Josh have been circulating on social media.

Now, it seems another Duggar couple may be headed for Splitsville, and sources say the trouble in their marriage is also the result of Josh’s misdeeds:

We’ve heard reports of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar getting divorced before, but this time, there’s a new wrinkle to the rumors.

According to In Touch, the Duggars took a major financial hit as a result of Josh’s scandals and sex crimes.

The tabloid claims that the family’s deal for their second reality series – Counting On, now in its second season – has them getting paid a fraction of what they were receiving for 19 Kids and Counting.

Worse, their other businesses have struggled as a result of the family’s badly damaged reputation, and there have been frequent rumors of Counting On being canceled due to declining ratings and advertisers cutting ties with the network.

It seems major corporations don’t like being tied to families that admitted to sheltering a child molester.

Who would have thought?!

Sources say the main issue is that Michelle is aware that the family is close to losing everything, including their beloved “Duggar Compound.”

Jim Bob, on the other hand, reportedly refuses to acknowledge his money troubles or do what it takes to pull his family back from the brink of poverty.

Jim Bob is said to still be putting all his eggs in the Counting On basket, but if ratings don’t improve dramatically in the very near future, it seems those hopes will soon be shattered.

Insiders claim he was hoping from a major boost from the Jinger Duggar-Jeremy Vuolo courtship, but the viewership spike never quite materialized.

Jinger and Jeremy got married over the weekend, and the wedding was filmed for TLC, but it remains unclear if the family’s show will be picked up for a full third season.

Currently, it seems TLC is planning a wedding-centric miniseries that will conclude with the nuptials.

It would bring a decent-sized paycheck for the Duggars.

But it would also bring an end to their dreams of reality stardom – and possibly to Jim Bob and Michelle’s marriage.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Michelle Obama Trashes Donald Trump: What Did She Say?

Michelle Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump.

This, of course, is akin to saying that Donald Trump is not a big fan of women or Muslims or Mexicans or telling the truth.

It’s not exactly groundbreaking.

But the beloved First Lady got especially up in (muscular) arms on Thursday while on the campaign trail in Phoenix, stumping for Hillary Clinton.

The main topic on which Obama focused?

Trump’s stunning admission during Wednesday’s Presidential debate that he might contest the election results, doubling down on his ongoing claims that this process is “rigged.”

Said Obama in a fiery speech:

“When a presidential candidate threatens to ignore our voices and reject the outcome of the election, he is threatening the very idea of America itself.”

During the debate, moderator Chris Wallace was aghast that Trump would even entertain the notion of not fully supporting the will of the American people on November 8.

“There is a tradition in this country – in fact, one of the prides of this country is the peaceful transition of power,” Wallace said to Trump, adding by way of a question:

“No matter how hard-fought the campaign, at the end, the loser concedes to the winner … and the country comes together.

“Are you saying you’re not prepared to adhere to that principle?”

“What I am saying is, I’ll tell you at the time,” Trump replied. “I’ll keep you in suspense.”

Yes, he’ll keep us in suspense, as if this is some kind of TV show that needs a cliffhanger.

“You do not keep American democracy ‘in suspense,’ because look, too many people have marched and protested, and fought and died for this democracy,” Michelle said in response to this nonsense… which has been ridiculed on both sides of the aisle.

Charles Krauthammer, a staunch Republican contributor to Fox News, said this week that Trump committed “political suicide” by claiming he might not accept the results of the election on November 8.

“For the record, our democracy is revered around the world, and free elections are the best way on Earth to choose our leaders. This is how we elected John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, two George Bushes and Barack Obama. It has worked for decades,” Obama continued.

“We are fortunate, and I have traveled the world, we are fortunate to live in a country where the voters decide our elections, where the voters decide who wins or loses. Period. End of story. “

A day after uttering these suspense-filled words, Trump made an appearance in New Hampshire.

He did not walk back any of his comments, choosing instead to make a joke out of them.

“I would like to promise and pledge, to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States, that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election,” he said.

He then paused. And smirked. And added:

“If I win.”

Fortunately, the polls make that possibility very unlikely.

Even in a typically (very) conservative state such as Arizona, Clinton has a chance to defeat Trump.

This is why Michelle Obama was in Phoenix yesterday, urging residents to take action.

“Don’t just tweet about my speech,” she said. “If you liked my speech last week, go vote!”

Michelle did also turn her attention to Clinton at one point, praising the Democratic nominee as follows:

“Here’s the thing about Hillary: She is a policy wonk. And let me tell you, just for the record: When you are president, that is a good thing. When you are president, knowing what you are doing is a good thing.

“Hillary has comprehensive policies to help people. Her opponent has tweets. You decide.”


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Michelle Duggar: Jinger is Breaking All the Courtship Rules!

Jinger Duggar isn’t exactly the rebellious type, but it seems the newly engaged 22-year-old has been pushing her parents to their limit ever since she announced that her courtship with Jeremy Vuolo.

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re no doubt familiar with the chaste courtship process which seems designed to ensure that young people marry out of sexual frustration, and then immediately begin breeding.

Needless to say, the young folks themselves aren’t always super keen on abiding by a strict code of genital conduct, so it often falls to parents and older siblings to creepily “chaperone” these consenting adults.

Despite the fact that this system has caused major problems for the Duggars in the past (See: the Josh Duggar sex scandal, the other Josh Duggar sex scandal, and the Josh Duggar sex scandal that’ll probably come out in the next few weeks), they’re sticking to their guns – even if it means publicly embarrassing one of their daughters.

If you caught this week’s episode of Counting On, you might remember the scene in which Michelle Duggar hinted to her husband Jim Bob that her daughter is more affectionate with her fiance than they would prefer.

“It’s kind of hard to keep two magnets apart. They definitely are in love,” she reported back to her husband after chaperoning the trip during which Jeremy popped the question.

When he asked point blank if the two of them had violated courtship rules, she played it coy:

“Well, there were a few moments that I think she was totally caught off guard,” Michelle admitted.

So it sounds like they definitely did break the rules, but that could mean many things.

Duggar kids aren’t even allowed to kiss before marriage, and until they exchange vows, their physical contact is limited to hand holding and “side-hugs.”

So we know Jinger and Jeremy broke the rules again, but it could’ve been something as tame as a “front-hug.”

Based on recent comments from Jinger, it seems things didn’t go much further than almost-genital contact through two layers of denim:

“I think we’re still going to save our first kiss for the wedding day,” Jinger said.

“Jeremy and I have learned just the communication factor of a relationship, making that the priority right now and just being wise with physical affection and boundaries there.

“Just saving that for marriage.”

Well, we suppose it’s good to save something for the honeymoon.

Of course, the Duggars tend to save everything for the honeymoon, which we imagine makes for some mighty short wedding receptions.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Michelle Obama -- $12k Versace for Final State Dinner (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Michelle Obama’s going out with a VERY expensive bang. The First Lady’s body was straight fire — with all due respect — in a form-fitting custom-made rose gold Versace gown during President Obama’s final State Dinner Tuesday night. Michelle…


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Cameo Rankles "Counting On" Faithful, Sparks Controversy

Since 19 Kids and Counting was canceled by TLC network last summer, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have kept a relatively low profile.

Because of their role in covering up Josh Duggar’s molestation scandal, and their perceived hypocrisy in general, the parents took a PR hit.

Gradually, the family recovered from the setback and returned to reality TV with Jill & Jessa: Counting On (later renamed Counting On).

Jill, Jessa, Jinger Duggar and the other adult kids, along with their coming-of-age siblings, have emerged as the new family focal point.

Josh Duggar, obviously, is nowhere to be seen, although his long-suffering wife Anna has discussed the state of their marriage at times.

Until this season, Jim Bob and Michelle had made themselves scarce as well, until a recent cameo that the duo may now be rethinking.

If you watch Counting On online, you saw the patriarch and matriarch chilling with Jessa and Ben Seewald, Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo.

It was one thing when Jeremy asked Jim Bob’s permission to start courting Jinger. Milestones like that are important and he is central to them.

A lot of fans weren’t happy to see the couple’s renewed role, however – and man alive, did they let social media hear about it after the fact.

“It was told that if the show came back on, the parents would not be on there,” one angry fan wrote on the show’s official Facebook page. 

NOTE: It’s unclear if this is actually true. TLC has denied reports of Josh Duggar returning to TV, but hasn’t discussed Jim Bob and Michelle.

“Keep the parents off the show!” Duggar hater #149 demanded.

“They are the reason that Josh is in the shape that he is now.”

That is familiar refrain, and the reason for their self-exile.

The Duggars’ controversial rules for dating, courting and life have always found their share of detractors, but in light of Josh’s scandals?

Everything they do is doubly polarizing, if not more so.

As such, they’re hearing it from the fandom now.

Another fan who loves Jinger, Jill and company, but can’t stand the sight of the people who gave them life, added the following:

“Get those disgusting parents off the show! At least Josh is no longer on the show. [TLC] should be ashamed of itself.”

“I will no longer watch this show.”

Some Duggar fans even accused the couple of “wiggling their [way] back” into the limelight and “making a dime” out of their kids.

Sound about right.

“I have no desire to see Jim Bob and the wife!” yet another angry fan commented after their Counting On Season 3 Episode 2 appearance.

“I thought ‘Counting On’ [was] going to be about the girls and their lives and the parents weren’t allowed to be on the show.”

One viewer said, “I have lost all respect for the parents after finding out they knew the whole time Josh molested his sisters.”

Well, yeah.

However, not all online comments were mean towards Jim Bob and Michelle; Duggar Nation remains behind them, at least in part.

Some of those who have been with 19 Kids and Counting since the start liked that the patriarch and matriarch were back in the mix.

One enthusiastic fan wrote:

“Loved this week’s episode! So happy for Jinger! And I loved seeing Michelle & Jim Bob again! I hope to see more of the entire family together again!”

Another fan added: “Thank you so much for showing the whole family on tonight’s episode. My heart was filled with joy to see them all!”

What do you think? Yay or nay to Michelle and Jim Bob appearing alongside their kids more often, less often, or not in a million years?

Hit the comments to tell us.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: Breaking Up Over Josh!?

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are on the verge of a breakup again, according to a new tabloid report, and you know who is at the crux of it all.

In a way, it’s a rehash of a rumor that’s been circulating for months:

Despite the fact that his sex scandals have largely blown over, Jim Bob and Michelle are fighting over Josh and heading for divorce.

Ironically, Anna Duggar and Josh are on good terms after all this.

Anyway, one of the pariah’s parents allegedly does not want anything to do with their first-born, while the other wants him back in the fold.

Can you guess which Duggar parent is which?

In Touch magazine’s latest cover story features a smiling Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and the “fight that split the family apart,” supposedly.

The gossip publication claims that the pair has been at odds, and that while Jim Bob is ready to forgive his son, his wife isn’t so sure.

Apparently, the tension has grown so thick that either Jim Bob or Michelle will be moving out of their Arkansas home in the near future.

Who will stay and who will leave the compound?!

There are only two real possibilities here as we see it:

Either the cover above is entirely inaccurate, or Jim Bob and Michelle are doing one heck of a fine job masking whatever tension exists.

Just three days ago, he looked lovingly at Michelle in a birthday video message for son Josiah on the family’s official Facebook account.

In the clip, Jim Bob extolled the virtues of his 20-year-old son and his “loving spirit towards people” while Michelle glowed by his side.

Like we said, they’d have to be really good actors.

Jim Bob also gushed over Michelle in a recent anniversary tribute in which he also appeared to shade Josh, casting doubt on this story.

For all the recurring talk of the Duggars divorcing, that would come as nothing short of a monumental shock at this stage of the game.

Why? Consider the past, present and future …

Whatever you think of them personally, the family’s comeback from Josh’s sordid scandals in 2015 has been nothing short of extraordinary.

TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting pretty fast, but after a few months, Jill & Jessa: Counting On was reborn (then renamed Counting On).

If you watch Counting On online, the recent pivot toward Jill, Jessa and now Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo has been very effective.

The Duggars are back, and better than ever; Jim Bob and Michelle may be more in the background these days, but they’re not invisible.

Nor are they stupid. On the contrary.

You might think of their values and lifestyle as incredibly backward, and there’s an argument to be made for that. But they’re not unintelligent.

They know what a valuable thing they have going lately and how the money train is back on the tracks following its interim derailment.

No way they’re going to risk that.

Besides, have you ever heard of Duggars getting divorced? Do you know what a Covenant Marriage is and what that entails specifically?

Exactly. Not gonna be happening.

We have little doubt that there are differing opinions about Josh, both in terms of what he did and how do deal with him going forward.

They wouldn’t be good parents – or human beings – if they didn’t struggle internally with an issue that’s as complicated as they come.

It’s a big leap to go from that to divorce, though, especially given that this is JIM BOB AND MICHELLE DUGGAR we’re talking about.

Josh may be the third trail that no one in the family wants to touch, but he’s still family, and we expect things to be more or less status quo.

In other words:

Keeping the cheater off TLC cameras as long as possible, but slowly reintroducing him into family life on social media here and there.

And keeping a close eye on Josh’s flip phone records. You never know what trouble that dude can get into, even on an archaic device.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Did the Perk Save Michelle?

Big Brother is finally down to seven contestants and that makes the game that bit more tricky. 

It’s at the stage now that alliances are lasting a few hours because there’s so few in the house. The target is constantly changing. 

We started off with a flashback that revealed Paulie and Paul told Nicole they would need to target James for eviction after Victor. 

Nicole knew this wouldn’t sit well with Natalie, so she went forward and told her before the eviction episode went live. 

Natalie was furious and it forced her to realize that no one really had her back in the house. Natalie then revealed to viewers that she’s targeting Paul because he’s targeting James. 

The HOH competition was pretty spectacular. The houseguests were locked inside a black box in darkness, collecting rings through goo. 

Michelle had an advantage from the carnival, but she was still the first person eliminated from the competition. 

Victor was shocked because he was relying on Michelle to help him keep the target on Nicole and Corey. 

Say what you want about Nicole and Corey, but they’ve managed to make it far without actually doing very much. 

Would the jury really look at floating on through as gameplay? It would be intriguing to find out. 

Either way, the HOH competition proved that everyone was lying to each other. Having them show their rings at the end of the competition backed that up. 

Natalie emerged as the HOH champion.

Michelle seemed ecstatic because Natalie would target Nicole and Corey, but Natalie quickly shot it down. 

Michelle then won the care package and she and Natalie conspired to nominate Paul and Victor. 

Paul and Victor kept trying to ensure that Natalie and Michelle were sticking with the plan to take out Nicorey. 

At the nomination ceremony, Paul and Victor were nominated. 

It was made clear that Paul was the target and Victor took a little solace in that. 

Paul then made it clear he had been stabbed in the back and was not impressed. 

Who do you want to win the veto?

Hit the comments. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michelle Pugh: Suing Kelly Osbourne For Tweeting Out Her Number!

She broke up a family and blabbed about her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, but Michelle Pugh refuses to be publicly shamed.

The colorist, who had a four-year affair with Ozzy, confirmed to People Magazine that she’s suing Kelly Osbourne for “defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress and public disclosure of public facts” after the TV personality shared Pugh’s phone number on Twitter back in May.

“Anyone looking for cheap chunky LOW-lights a blow out and a blowjob call ________,” Kelly tweeted, listing out Michelle’s number.

“I am a private individual. I am not a celebrity,” Michelle told People.

“My private life is off limits.”

Michelle said she sent Kelly a cease and desist letter in May after seeing the Tweet, but alleges it wasn’t immediately taken down. 

What’s more, Michelle alleges, she won’t tolerate being bullied or shamed for the affair.

“I am not asking for anyone’s approval, but the difference between someone’s disapproval, and shaming and harassing publicly, that’s verbal abuse,” Michelle said in response to her affair with Ozzy.

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you are not allowed to bully other people.”

Ozzys’ reps have already responded to Michelle’s claims that theirs was a true love affair, suggesting that the she “took their relationship out of context.”


And so, as Ozzy reconciles with Sharon Osbourne, Michelle is left to pick up the pieces of her life that were torn apart by the public, thanks to Kelly.

“Not only have they stated their speculation, but they have come out and attacked me, berated me, and publicly shamed me on a global scale,” Michelle told people.

“Once it is on the Internet, it is out there for the whole world to see and it is always going to be there… The point is you cannot violate someone’s privacy like that.”

Michelle Pugh: Ozzy Osbourne And I Were In Love! Sex Addiction A Lie!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  

Colorist Michelle Pugh wants to tell her side of the story surrounding her affair with Ozzy Osbourne, details of which surfaced in late May.

Things spun out of control when Kelly Osbourne tweeted out Pugh’s cell number to get back at her father for his indiscretion.

Pugh told People Magazine that their affair started in 2012, a year after she first started coloring Ozzy’s hair.

“When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it,” she said.

“He made me feel like the most beautiful and worshipped woman in the world.”  

What’s awkward is that Ozzy himself denies that their relationship was purely about sex, since he admitted to having an addiction.

Ozzy confirmed to Good Morning America recently that he and his wife, Sharon were back together, and he issued a warning to Pugh via his reps.

“He is sorry if Ms. Pugh took their sexual relationship out of context,” the rep stated in response to the story. 

“He would like to apologize to the other women he has been having sexual relationships with. Since his relationship with Ms. Pugh was exposed, Ozzy has gone into intense therapy.”

Pugh isn’t buying it, though.  She insists that Ozzy was “unhappy” in his 24-year marriage to Sharon.

What’s more, Pugh pointed out, Ozzy “consistently and willingly and generously” gave “his love” to her.

The attraction, Pugh insists, was based on chemistry.

“We just had it. It’s that indescribable thing in life, and you can’t deny it. And he didn’t.”

Pugh says she understands why Ozzy broke it off.

“He is a grown man. He is capable of making the decision to be with me. If he has chosen to not be, that is fine. I accept it and move on,” she said.

“But he has been my best friend for the last few years, so of course I am grieving the loss for that.” “I still love him,” she added.

“And I would never exploit the truly personal and private parts of what we had. That’s not me. I’m going to stand tall and proud and say, ‘This is me. I’m not ashamed.’

“I fell in love with a man that gave me the love I never knew I could receive.”

Does Pugh have a right to speak up?  Or is she exploiting their relationship?

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Big Brother Recap: Is Michelle A Bully?

We knew it was going to be an interesting week in the Big Brother house when James made a bold move and nominated Frank and Bridgette for eviction. 

It wouldn’t be Frank if he rolled over and admitted defeat, so he got work on ways to get either him or Bridgette off the block and Da’vonne put up. 

No one would even entertain that idea and it was getting cumbersome to watch him cornering everyone. He was no doubt annoyed when both Da’vonne and Nicole were picked to play in the veto. 

It was the OTEV. Remember the competition that solidified Frank’s fate the last time he was in the house? Yeah, it seems like it’s going to do just that again. 

After several heats of the competition, Michelle emerged as the winner. She fell and hurt her head quite a bit, so it was a little surprising she managed to continue. 

Michelle was ecstatic at having some power, but she knew she was going to be Frank’s number one friend for the rest of the week. 

He immediately got her to go in a room with him and he started strategizing, but Michelle was pretty clear that the house didn’t want her to use it. 

Frank implied they did and wanted Da’vonne to be the one going out of the game on Thursday, so Michelle asked him to prove it. 

She went to sit with her alliance members and told them everything. James said they should call a house meeting to discuss what should happen. 

Frank was quick to quip that they should get rid of Da’vonne. She fired back that it wasn’t going to happen.

Paulie then emerged from the bathroom and said that he was going to pull Frank aside and tell him his game was over. 

Frank respected that and the conversation was over. 

Michelle then went to get ready and Bridgette followed. Michelle doesn’t have the time of day for Bridgette. 

She feels like she stole Frank from her and has done a lot of sketchy things in the house. 

She was brutally honest with Bridgette, who tried to make amends with her. Michelle made it clear that there was a time when Frank was her number one, but Bridgette’s scheming put an end to that. 

At the veto meeting, Michelle decided not to use the veto. This means that either Frank or Bridgette will be evicted. 

What do you think of the latest drama?

Was Michelle too rude to Bridgette?

Hit the comments below!