Showing posts with label Nation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nation. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Ice Cube -- RAIDER NATION FOR LIFE ... Even In Vegas?? (VIDEO)

He’s one of the biggest Raider fans on the planet — but if the Silver & Black move straight outta Cali and into Las Vegas, is that a deal breaker for Ice Cube???


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Counting On Season Premiere Recap: Love, Courtship & Baby Rumors in Duggar Nation!

On the season premiere of Counting On – formerly Jill & Jessa: Counting On, but still starring Jill and Jessa, among others – love was in the air.

Love … and courtship … and baby fever?!

On yes, Counting On Season 3 Episode 1 featured all of the above and more in an installment that was long-awaited and full of milestones.

With a focus on Jill, Jessa and their husbands, as well as Jinger Duggar, it was sure to please card carrying members of Duggar Nation.

Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar talked about the experience of having their first child, Spurgeon, who’s six months old in this footage.

Friends of Ben and Jessa are seen having dinner with them on Counting On Season 3 Episode 1, and again, touch on the topic of adoption.

The Napiers talk about how they adopted their daughter from Africa, something that Ben and Jessa have long expressed interest in doing.

Jessa says she feels so close to older sister Jill Duggar since they’re in the same stage of life, both happily married with young sons.

Of course … as of yesterday we now know that Ben got Jessa Duggar pregnant recently, while similar rumors of Jill expecting are false.

Moreover, Jill says Jinger will be next to get pregnant, not her, so perhaps the two married Duggars won’t be living parallel lives for long.

Speaking of Jill, she and husband Derek Dillard were filmed on their mission trip in Central America, where things are often quite challenging.

Beyond kidnapping and murder that run rampant in El Salvador, and the Zika virus, water outages happen and make child care tough.

At least they have each other as an emotional rock.

That will take you a long way in life, and the same can’t necessarily said for Jessa’s latest visitor, long-suffering sister-in-law Anna Duggar.

Anna offered fans an update on the status of her relationship with that cheating, porn addict, hypocritical child molester Josh Duggar.

Despite all the pain she’s experienced, and they’ve endured as a couple, Josh is back from rehab and they’re moving forward together.

Forgive us if we sign and cringe a little.

Most relationships involve some element of “pain” at times, but given the kind he put her through, Anna just looks a little too cheerful.

Obviously, there’s no chance that she’ll actually leave Josh, as much as he deserves it, so we understand trying to put on a brave face.

Still, it makes us sad to have the nature and scope of what he did glossed over in this fashion, by the sweet woman he did it to no less.

Anyway, Anna helps Jessa buy baby-proofing items for Spurgeon, and they bring younger sister Jinger Duggar along for the ride as well.

Segue alert!

Finally, after Jessa is asked about her sibling’s love life, the relationship between Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo is introduced to the viewers.

Their relationship and Jinger getting engaged to Jeremy Vuolo will be the highlight of this season, a feel-good story everyone will love.

Jim Bob Duggar was seen giving Jeremy his permission to court Jinger, whose siblings all shared their opinions of the couple’s relationship.

After being picked up at the airport by family patriarch Jim Bob, Jeremy arrives at the Duggar compound to begin the process of courtship.

It’s magical.

Jeremy and Jinger’s reunion was extra special, both with his gift to her and the way they say “I love you” for the first time on camera.

These two are smitten with each other, and everyone in the family knows it too – especially Jinger, who’s pretty speechless over Vuolo.

When Jeremy asks Jinger if they can court, we’re left in suspense … as to just how much they will break courtship rules this season.

Seriously. So many full-on front hugs.

Counting On Season Premiere Recap: Love, Courtship & Baby Rumors in Duggar Nation!

On the season premiere of Counting On – formerly Jill & Jessa: Counting On, but still starring Jill and Jessa, among others – love was in the air.

Love … and courtship … and baby fever?!

On yes, Counting On Season 3 Episode 1 featured all of the above and more in an installment that was long-awaited and full of milestones.

With a focus on Jill, Jessa and their husbands, as well as Jinger Duggar, it was sure to please card carrying members of Duggar Nation.

Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar talked about the experience of having their first child, Spurgeon, who’s six months old in this footage.

Friends of Ben and Jessa are seen having dinner with them on Counting On Season 3 Episode 1, and again, touch on the topic of adoption.

The Napiers talk about how they adopted their daughter from Africa, something that Ben and Jessa have long expressed interest in doing.

Jessa says she feels so close to older sister Jill Duggar since they’re in the same stage of life, both happily married with young sons.

Of course … as of yesterday we now know that Ben got Jessa Duggar pregnant recently, while similar rumors of Jill expecting are false.

Moreover, Jill says Jinger will be next to get pregnant, not her, so perhaps the two married Duggars won’t be living parallel lives for long.

Speaking of Jill, she and husband Derek Dillard were filmed on their mission trip in Central America, where things are often quite challenging.

Beyond kidnapping and murder that run rampant in El Salvador, and the Zika virus, water outages happen and make child care tough.

At least they have each other as an emotional rock.

That will take you a long way in life, and the same can’t necessarily said for Jessa’s latest visitor, long-suffering sister-in-law Anna Duggar.

Anna offered fans an update on the status of her relationship with that cheating, porn addict, hypocritical child molester Josh Duggar.

Despite all the pain she’s experienced, and they’ve endured as a couple, Josh is back from rehab and they’re moving forward together.

Forgive us if we sign and cringe a little.

Most relationships involve some element of “pain” at times, but given the kind he put her through, Anna just looks a little too cheerful.

Obviously, there’s no chance that she’ll actually leave Josh, as much as he deserves it, so we understand trying to put on a brave face.

Still, it makes us sad to have the nature and scope of what he did glossed over in this fashion, by the sweet woman he did it to no less.

Anyway, Anna helps Jessa buy baby-proofing items for Spurgeon, and they bring younger sister Jinger Duggar along for the ride as well.

Segue alert!

Finally, after Jessa is asked about her sibling’s love life, the relationship between Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo is introduced to the viewers.

Their relationship and Jinger getting engaged to Jeremy Vuolo will be the highlight of this season, a feel-good story everyone will love.

Jim Bob Duggar was seen giving Jeremy his permission to court Jinger, whose siblings all shared their opinions of the couple’s relationship.

After being picked up at the airport by family patriarch Jim Bob, Jeremy arrives at the Duggar compound to begin the process of courtship.

It’s magical.

Jeremy and Jinger’s reunion was extra special, both with his gift to her and the way they say “I love you” for the first time on camera.

These two are smitten with each other, and everyone in the family knows it too – especially Jinger, who’s pretty speechless over Vuolo.

When Jeremy asks Jinger if they can court, we’re left in suspense … as to just how much they will break courtship rules this season.

Seriously. So many full-on front hugs.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Khizr Khan Speaks at DNC, Captures Heart of the Nation

Hillary Clinton became the first woman to ever accept a major party"s nomination for President of the United States on Thursday night.

It was a big deal.

And, today, yet many people on the Internet are talking about someone they had never heard of prior to the Democratic National Convention, as opposed to this Presidential hopeful.

Did you catch the speech of Khizr Khan?

Khan"s son, Humayun, was a captain in the U.S. Army.

When a vehicle packed with explosives approached his compound in Iraq in 2004, he told his men to take cover as he ran toward it.

It exploded and killed Khan on the spot, earning him a posthumous Bronze Star.

Fast forward 12 years later and Khizr Khan and his wife taking the stage in Philadelphia.

During a moving speech toward the end of the DNC, Khan paid tribute to his child; gave credit to Hillary Clinton; and offered a stark, brave repudiation of Donald Trump.

"We are honored to stand here as the parents of Capt. Humayun Khan, and as patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country," Khizr Khan said to a standing ovation.

He spoke of his son"s dreams of becoming a military attorney and how Clinton had referred to his son as "the best of America."

And then he went after Trump.

"If it was up to Donald Trump, [Humayun] never would have been in America," Khan said.

"Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, even his own party leadership. He vows to build walls and ban us from this country."

He continued:

"Donald Trum, you are asking Americans to trust you with our future. Let me ask you: Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy."

With those words, he pulled a copy of the Constitution from his pocket.

"In this document, look for the words "liberty" and "equal protection of law,"" he said, once again to a raucous ovation.

Earlier this month, Trump promised congressional Republicans that he would defend "Article XII" of the Constitution.

There is no such Article.

"Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery?" Khan said.

"Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing. And no one."

Pretty powerful stuff.

Watch the full speech below:

Khizr khan speaks at dnc captures heart of the nation

Friday, June 10, 2016

Disabled Woman Shares Bikini Photo, Inspires a Nation

It’s been a good week for inspiring bikini photos.

A few days ago, we shared the story of a plus-size blogger who is very proud of her figure… as she ought to be.

And now we’re equally excited to bring you the story of Aimee Copeland.

You’re going to want to stand up and applaud for this one…

Based on her Facebook biography, Copeland was injured in a tragic zip lining accident when she was a graduate student going after her Master’s degree.

What made this accident so unusual and unfortunate was that Aimee’s open leg wound became infected with a flesh-eating bacteria.

As a result, Copeland lost her left leg, her right foot and both of her hands.

She had to undergo months of surgeries and rehabilitation, not to mention the mental toll such a physical problem brings along with it.

Fast forward to today and Copeland is getting her second Master’s degree in Social Work … she’s working as a disabilities activist … and she’s putting her money where her mouth is.

Or, to be more accurate, she’s putting her unique body on display for all to see.

Copeland shared the above photo on Facebook and wrote as a caption along with it:

It has taken me a long time to become comfortable with and accept my new body. We are ALL made with imperfections and there is so much beauty in our flaws.

The scars and skin grafting build character! It’s not about what you have — what you do with what you have is what really counts.

What can we even add to this?

Except to say: please, Internet, gives us more bikini photos such as this and fewer of Kim Kardashian telling us how she got her body back.

We’ll also accept bikini bodies such as this…

… or such as this:

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bachelor Baby Boom: The Births of a Reality Show Nation

No matter what Chris Harrison tries to tell you every year, The Bachelor is terrible at making actual love connections.

But that doesn"t mean the women who have appeared on either The Bachelorette or The Bachelor haven"t eventually made a different kind of connection: that of egg and sperm.

The following stars and contestants have all welcomed bundles of joy into their lives since becoming part of our lives on the small screen.

1. Jason Mesnick

Molly and jason mesnick with daughter

Jason Mesnick was already the father to an adorable boy named Ty when he met his wife-to-be, Molly, on his season of The Bachelor. Together, they are now also parents to a girl named Riley.

2. Desiree Hartsock Siegfried

Desiree hartsock siegfried

Desiree Hartsock Siegfried announced in April of 2016 that she and husband Chris, who met on Season 9 of The Bachelorette, are expecting their first child.

3. Trista Sutter

Trista sutter adorable baby

The original! This first-ever Bachelorette has two children with her husband, Ryan: seven-year-old Maxwell and six-year-old Blakesley.

4. Renee Oteri

Renee oteri

Rejected by Juan Pablo on The Bachelor Season 18, Oteri got married and gave her 9-year-old son Ben (pictured here) a little brother to play with; Oteri and her husband welcomed Jax in January 2015.

5. Ashley Rosenbaum

Jp rosenbaum and ashley hebert

Hey! A successful Bachelorette couple! Ashley and JP welcomed their first child in September 2014 and named him Fordham.

6. Melissa Rycroft

Melissa rycroft pregnancy announcement

Melissa Rycroft has rebounded nicely after being rejected by Jason Mesnick. She has a daughter named Ava and a son named Beckett with her husband, Tye.

View Slideshow

Monday, November 9, 2015

Terminally-Ill High Student Inspires a School, Nation

Prepare to shed all the tears, Hollywood Gossip readers.

All thanks to an 18-year-old named Jake Bailey.

A week before the senior high school student was scheduled to give a speech at his graduation in New Zealand, he was diagnosed with Burkitt"s non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma, a fast-growing form of cancer.

Despite this grim prognosis, however, the Senior Monitor (equivalent to Class President in America) left his hospital bed, climbed into his wheelchair and delivered words of moving wisdom to teacher and classmates at Christchurch Boy"s High School assembly.

"I wrote a speech, and a week before I was due to deliver this speech tonight they said, "You"ve got cancer," " he said from a wheelchair, continuing:

"They said, "If you don"t get any treatment within the next three weeks, you"re going to die." Then they told me I wouldn"t be here tonight to deliver this speech."

Principal Nic Hill was prepared to give Bailey’s speech on the teenager’s behalf, but it turned out this wasn’t necessary.

"Here"s the thing, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities you have," Bailey said.

"We don"t know where we might end up, or when we might end up. 

"The future is truly in our hands. Forget about long term dreams, lets be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals."

These would be inspiring words coming from anyone, let alone coming from a brave young man basically on his deathbed.

The senior finished his speech with the school"s motto, "Altiora Peto," which translates to "I seek higher things."

Watch now. Prepare to cry. And be amazed at how those in attendance pay tribute to Bailey upon completition of his speech.

God bless you, Jake Bailey.

Terminally ill high school student delivers moving speech