Showing posts with label Propose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Propose. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Pressuring Tyga to Propose Amidst Latest Cheating Scandal?

Earlier today, we reported that Mia Isabella called Tyga out on Instagram, posting what she claims is evidence that the rapper cheated on his 18-year-old girlfriend, Kylie Jenner.

Mia’s claims came complete with screenshots of text messages and emails that seem to verify that she did indeed carry on a lengthy affair with Tyga.

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve had reason to believe that Tyga banged Mia behind Kylie’s back, but apparently Kylizzle has zero interest in examining the new evidence:

“Kylie and Tyga have moved past that whole entire episode,” says a source close to the situation.

“She is just really convinced that Tyga is the man she is meant so spend the rest of her life with, and there is nothing that anyone can say or do to change that.”

Yes, it seems Kylie is so jazzed about becoming Mrs. Whatever Tyga’s Last Name Is that she’s already outlined all the specifics:

“Ahe’s just really hoping that Tyga proposes to her on Valentine’s Day,” the insider says. “She already showed him the ring she wants!”

So even though there’s ample evidence to suggest that Tyga has cheated on Kylie with multiple women during their one-year relationship, she still wants to lock it down.

Ah young, incredibly dumb love. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Miley Cyrus to Liam Hemsworth: Propose to Me or We"re Through!

Here’s what we know for sure: Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are back together.

As for whether or not they’re planning a trip down the aisle, well…it seems even they can’t agree on that.

Last month, Miley was spotted sporting a massive rock on that finger, which naturally prompted rumors that she’s once again engaged to Hemsworth.

Shortly thereafter, the same publications that breathlessly reported a wedding was in the works did abrupt 180s and confirmed that Miley and Liam are not engaged

So if Cyrus and Hemsworth aren’t engaged, why was Miley rocking a ring? Well, it may have been one of her methods for sending Liam the message that she wants him to pop the question ASAP.

“Liam and Miley are already having some serious drama,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “She is trying so hard to make this wedding and engagement happen.”

“She just wants to race to this wedding and would get married to him today if she could!”

The insider says that Miley has issued Liam an ultimatum and made it clear that she has no intention or starting their relationship over at square one.

Unfortunately, it seems her persistence may be having the opposite of the desired effect:

“Liam is acting like he is already over it,” says the source. “He cannot handle her drama and he wants her to just slow her roll on the entire thing.”

Something tells us Miley isn’t the type to just quietly move on once she has her heart set on something.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ben Higgins: I WILL PROPOSE on The Bachelor!!

The Bachelor star Ben Higgins says his goal is to get down on one knee once the new season begins next Monday on ABC.

But to whom will he propose?! Obviously, Ben’s not saying, although The Bachelor spoilers can probably tell you. Anyway …

Ben was a fan favorite from the moment he began wooing The Bachelorette star Kaitlyn Bristowe, and should be a hit this season.

Especially with the ladies. Says Ben in an interview with People:

“Ideally, I would love to walk away from this with a fiancée. I’m excited about that next step of seeing her walk down the aisle towards me.”

The baby-faced software accounts manager says he’s seeking “somebody with a genuine heart, who believes in truth and authenticity.”

Also, Higgins hopes to connect with someone who “shares the same Christian faith that I do” and who won’t cut down others:

“I’m looking for a woman who gets along with other women. Somebody who is very dramatic is not attractive to me.”

Former Bachelor star Sean Lowe is someone he looks up to as he begins this crazy adventure, because of how he conducted himself.

“Sean reminded me to stay true to myself and not to try to be The Bachelor, to just be Ben,” says Ben, who adds that he is serious.

About the show, and about the end goal:

“It’s important for me to make sure a relationship will last. My heart and her heart are involved and I want to make sure it’s the real thing.”

Ideally, “I’ll be down on one knee!”  

So who are all the ladies vying for a chance to see Ben in that very position (and possibly a lot of other positions before that)?

Check out the gallery below!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Maci Bookout to Taylor McKinney: Hurry TF Up & Propose!

Teen Mom cast member Maci Bookout has a message for her longtime boyfriend Taylor McKinney: Three years, and still no ring?

HELLO! What is so challenging about this?!

Those who watch Teen Mom online know Maci has been with Taylor since 2012, and he even has the approval of her ex Ryan Edwards.

Yet he hasn’t gotten down on one knee, much to her consternation … and the reality star is openly wondering what the holdup is.

Especially since they have a kid and all.

“It’s so to the point where I’m like, ‘Really, what is the deal?’” Maci, 24, says of the father of her second child, daughter Jayde.

Fans of Bookout have been eagerly awaiting the big news since the Season 5 finale showed Taylor McKinney ring shopping.

That was May. They’re still waiting.

“Marriage is something I want in my life,” Maci says. “In my opinion – and I think Taylor would agree – we pretty much are already married.”

“So it’s kind of like, ‘All right, what are we waiting on?’ I’m confused,” Bookout adds, but rut ring or no, “we make a really good team.”

In addition to Jayde, the couple are also raising Bookout’s son, Bentley, 7, her child with Teen Mom troublemaker Ryan Edwards.

Things between them are alright, though, and the stability Taylor brings to her life has been a big factor in that positive change.

“I don’t think we would be able to do everything we have going on lately if we didn’t have each other,” Bookout says of McKinney.

The new season of Teen Mom: OG kicks off next Monday, January 4. Better step up and pop the question this winter, T, or else.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Calvin Harris: Hanging With Taylor Swift"s Mom, Asking Permission to Propose?!

There was a time when you couldn’t turn around without seeing photos Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris all loved-up together.

Back in October, however, the relationship seemed to cool. 

Calvin was accused of cheating on Taylor (at “happy ending” massage parlors, no less); Taylor went back to spending most of her time with her ever-expanding “squad;” and the couple wasn’t photographer together for over two months.

It was widely assumed that Calvin and Taylor had broken up, and we would soon be treated to an album’s worth of breakup songs in which Taylor likened herself to a discarded and forgotten plaything – a Hobbes to Harris’ Calvin, if you will.

Now, however, in what can only be described as a Swiftmas miracle, Calvin and Taylor have reconciled, and it looks as though they might be ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Several sources have reported that Calvin was in attendance at Taylor’s 26th birthday party last week. 

Even more interesting is the fact that Calvin was spotted in what appeared to be a private conversation with Taylor’s parents.

Naturally, this has led to speculation that he was asking their permission to propose to Taylor, and unlike the many previous rumors about Taylor getting engaged, this one isn’t all that ridiculous.

She’s 26; he’s soon to be 32; they’ve been dating for a decent length of time…

Taylor may pretend she doesn’t care if she ever gets married, but have you listened to her lyrics? that girl was born to squeal at the sight of an impossibly huge princess-cut diamond.

Get ready for the wedding of 10,000 bridesmaids!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Newborn Son Helps Daddy Propose to Mommy

Sorry, all other boyfriends around the world. You can stop trying to come up with the best marriage proposal ever now.

Because Michael Miles has officially earned this honor for all of eternity.

In the following piece of moving footage, we see a nurse hand Triston Lowery her newborn son, born mere hours earlier.

But the very young man has since undergone an outfit change, and he"s now rocking a onesie that reads "Will you marry my daddy?"

Enter Daddy himself, who pulls out an engagement ring and who turns his family"s special day into a REALLY special day.

Watch the tears flow and give Michael props now. Well done, man!

Newborn son helps daddy propose to mommy