Showing posts with label Reid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reid. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ryan Lochte Gushes Over Kayla Rae Reid, Shares Proposal Secrets

Ryan Lochte may have earned 12 medals over an impressive Olympic swimming career, but the controversial athlete has never felt more like a winner than he does right now.


Because Lochte proposed to his girlfriend of about nine months over the weekend… and Kayla Rae Reid said yes!

The news went viral on Monday, with both the athlete and the former Playmate of the Month (July 2015) sharing photos from the proposal.

“Memories forever!!! #thelochtes #LA,” Lochte wrote as the caption to his image, while Reid added:

“Speechless. Absolutely beautiful.  So in love with YOU.”

A day after his life-altering question was popped and answered, Lochte spoke backstage at Dancing With the Stars, gusing over his new fiancee and revealing precisely how he was feeling just prior to getting engaged.

In short?

It sounds like Lochte felt more pressure being down on one knee than he felt in any Olympic starting block.

“I couldn’t really focus, I couldn’t concentrate,” Lochte told Us Weekly of trying to practice for the ABC competition hours before the proposal. “I’m just happy everything worked out.”

It sure did.

As for details of the romantic proposal, Lochte was happy to spill a few secrets now that it was done and over with.

“We were in a helicopter and we went down around West Hollywood and Hollywood, and then we flew over Santa Monica and the pier, and we went up the coast in the helicopter,” Lochte explained.

He continued;

“Then they landed us on top of a mountain in Malibu, and on the mountain there was a picnic that had roses and champagne, and she was like, ‘What’s going on?’

“And so we got out and that’s when I got down on one knee. But I was messing up! I had practiced it so many times in my bathroom, I had my suit, my jacket on, and I was pulling the ring out, and everything was perfect.

“Then when it actually happened I couldn’t get the ring out of my pocket and I was stumbling over all of my words! And I was just so clammy and nervous – but then I finally got the courage to ask, ‘Will you marry me?’

“And she said yes! And I was like, ‘Yeah! My life is complete!"”

Wow. Nice. Sort of makes us with Ryan Lochte had proposed to us!

Not much was known about Kayla Rae Reid prior to news of her engagement making headlines yesterday.

Yes, she flew to Brazil and cheered Lochte on this summer, but the two kept their relationship on such a down low that Lochte joked prior to the Olympics that he was on Tinder.

You can get to know Reid a lot better below, however:

Lochte and Reid started dating in March.

Things turned very serious very quickly.

The swimmer went through some very challenging times over the past few months, being caught in a lie about an armed robbery in Brazil and then getting suspended for 10 months due to these actions.

But there was a silver lining to this low point: it solidified his relationship with his now-fiancee.

“She’s stuck behind me this whole entire time when I was at my darkest point and she was my rock,” Lochte says. “That’s when I knew, I’m not letting this one go!”

Lochte, meanwhile, is still alive on Dancing with the Stars.

Check out his latest routine with Cheryl Burke below and then respond: 

Do you think he can win?


"Veep" Star Reid Scott -- I Wouldn"t Want to Be Donald Trump"s Cleanup Crew (VIDEO)

“Veep” star Reid Scott cleans up after Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ presidential character, Selina Meyer, on the hit HBO TV show, but wouldn’t want to do it for Donald Trump. Reid plays Deputy Director of Communications Dan Egan on…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Kayla Rae Reid: Who is Ryan Lochte"s Foxy Fiancee?

Kayla Rae Reid has said JEAH to Ryan Lochte.

The blonde bombshell accepted the controversial swimmer"s proposal in October of 2016.

But while the Internet is very happy for the Olympian and the Playboy model, many people on said Internet are now wondering:

Who the heck is Kayla Rae Reid? Here are 8 things to know about the beauty:

1. Where Did They Meet?

Kayla rae reid and ryan lochte

She met Lochte at a Los Angeles nightclub and the two dated for about nine months prior to their engagement.

2. What an Honor!

Kayla rae reid

She was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month in July of 2015.

3. More Than Just a Model… Sort Of

Kayla rae reid photo

Reid has also worked for the energy drink company Monster as a Monster Girl, doing in-person promotions.

4. When She Was Young…

Kayla rae reid at playboy mansion

Reid moved to Palm Springs, California when she was 10 years old. She had planned to pursue cheerleading professionally before deciding upon modeling instead.

5. She’s Popular!

Kayla rae reid in a hockey jersey

Reid has over 430,000 Instagram followers. That number will likely increase after this engagement news.

6. Her Measurements:

Kayla rae reid at maxim party

She stands 5’7″ and weights 125 pounds.

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Ryan Lochte: Engaged to Kayla Rae Reid!

Ryan Lochte is engaged.

And this is no lie.

Smack dab in the middle of Dancing With the Stars rehearsals, the controversial Olympic swimmer took a break over the weekend from Salsa and Tango lessons to pop life’s most important important.

He proposed to girlfriend Kayla Rae Reid.

And she said yes!

Or, more appropriately, perhaps she said JEAH.

“Memories forever!!! #thelochtes #LA,” wrote the 12-time medalist on Instagram Sunday night as a caption to a sweet image of the couple kissing.

Reid then added a photo of herself, writing to fans and followers:

“Speechless. Absolutely beautiful.  So in love with YOU.”

Lochte has been unusually quiet about his relationship with Reid, who is best known as a Playboy model.

Most Olympic viewers this summer assumed that the swimmer was single.

Not that they focused much on his love life, of course.

The champion athlete became an Internet villain after he went out on night in Brazil with U.S. Swimming teammates and claimed the next day that he had been robbed at gunpoint.

Except Lochte and company did not get robbed at gunpoint.

Instead, they got really drunk and vandalized a bathroom.

A couple security guards then did hold a weapon in their faces and ordered them to pay for their damages before they fled the scene.

As a result of his (main) role in this lie and this cover-up, Lochte was handed a 10-month suspension by the United States Olympic Committee.

So at least he has plenty of free time now on his hands to plan a wedding.

He reportedly met Reid at a Los Angeles nightclub in January.

He later told USA Today that it didn’t take him long to realize that she was very, very special.

“From the very first time I met her, everything has like clicked,” Ryan told the newspaper, adding:

“That’s why I know I can propose to her because everything that’s happened and she’s been keeping me so positive. She doesn’t care about my fame. She doesn’t care about anything.

“All she cares about is me being happy.”

That does make her sound like a keeper.

“My family says, ‘Don’t you think it’s a little too soon?’ I’m like, ‘Can you put a time on love? Can you?"” Lochte added to USA TODAY Sports.

“When I realized this was ‘the one’ was when she stuck behind me through this. She still loves me and she’s still right there with me.”

How sweet. For real!

We send our congratulations to Ryan Lochte and Kayla Rae Reid!


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Tara Reid: Drunken Rant Caught on Video! WATCH!

Tara Reid might have finally reached peak-Tara Reid.

Last week was saw the actress-turned-reality-star get drunk on Marriage Boot Camp, which was every bit as ugly as it sounds:

Now, we have more footage from that same night and … yeah, it’s giving us some real insights into what Tara’s like when the cameras aren’t rolling.

Unfortunately, those insights are super depressing.

You’ll need a little background in order to fully appreciate just how bonkers the following clip is.

For starters, it was filmed without Tara’s knowledge, so it’s safe to assume she’s not just ramping up the drama for the sake of ratings.

On top of that, it was shot shortly after the clip above, so it’s safe to say Tara is hammered out of her gourd.

It’s tough to tell exactly what she’s saying, but it seems Tara really dislikes her boyfriend, Dean May, and apparently she’s pissed that the rest of the cast seems to like him.

“They only see what Dean tells them … I’m not going to set myself up again when they don’t know the real story,” Reid says at one point.

“He’s Dean May. He’s cool. He’s gonna be famous now.” 

“I was wrong on my opinion of him, everyone in this house thinks he’s so f—ing cool and I’m all the sudden this bad person because I’m not gonna show up to look like a fool. You want to know about Dean? It’s all bulls–t.” 

From there Reid, goes on to slam her co-stars:

“I didn’t know who anyone was in this f—ing house when I walked in, but everyone knows who I am … everyone.” 

The producer who’s forced to sit through Tara’s rant echoes the sentiment of everyone watching when he says, “I don’t know 90 percent of what you’re saying.”

This pair of incidents comes on the heels of an ugly episode in which Tara clashed with Jenny McCarthy while appearing on her Sirius radio show. 

Here’s hoping the 40-year-old actress is able to get the help she needs soon.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Tara Reid: WASTED on Marriage Boot Camp! Watch!

Last week, Tara Reid snapped at Jenny McCarthy during an appearance on McCarthy’s Sirius radio show.

It was supposed to be an uneventful interview to promote Reid’s upcoming Sharknado film (Yes, they made another one.), but things turned ugly in a hurry when McCarthy asked Reid about her time filming the current season of Marriage Boot Camp.

It seems that was a topic Reid wasn’t too keen to discuss – and now we know why.

No, it wasn’t because she appeared on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars despite the fact that she’s neither married not a reality star.

(Tara hasn’t appeared in anything resembling reality in looooong time.)

It’s because she was apparently unable to refrain from getting absolutely sh-tfaced while the cameras were rolling:

That’s a clip from an upcoming episode of the WE TV series, and it’s enough to make anyone worry about the 40-year-old’s wellbeing.

Sadly, considering the last time we checked in on Tara before the McCarthy debacle, she was drunk in a tattoo shop, this doesn’t come as much of a surprise.

As you can see, this isn’t one of those “slight slur, is she-or-isn’t-she?” scenarios.

Tara is so drunk that her boyfriend, Dean May, is forced to acknowledge her alcoholism in a conversation with his castmates.

Here’s hoping Reid eventually gets the help she so clearly needs.

And in the meantime, it may be a good idea for her to stop doing reality shows.

It’s bad enough having a problem without having a bunch of producers cashing in on your suffering.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Tara Reid & Jenny McCarthy Clash Over Boobs, Sharknado

Well, okay then.

That sure escalated quickly.

One day after Teresa Giudice peaced out of an interview with Access Hollywood Live, Tara Reid arrived to the set of Jenny McCarthy"s SiriusXM radio show…

… and then left very early herself after getting into it with the host. 

Reid was apparently under the impression that the Q&A would focus solely on her upcoming role in Sharknado 4.

But the chat kicked off with McCarthy complimenting the 40-year-old actress for her appearances on the WE tv reality series, Marriage Boot Camp.

"I f–king love you on that show, but are you glad you did it?" she asked.

The question seemed to have struck a nerve with Reid.

"It"s not worth the time to talk about," she replied, following that up after McCarthy posed another question about Marriage Boot Camp with:

"Please let"s not talk about this show. We"re all here about Sharknado."

Okay, McCarthy agreed… did Reid after get into shape for her ongoing role in the franchise?

"It"s not like you really need to get into shape. It"s Sharknado. They"re fake sharks," she said.

McCarthy then attempted to clarify her question, explaining how Reid might have felt inclined to hit the gym to get into "muscle shape."

Aside from weekly yoga, Reid said she did "nothing crazy, nothing strenuous."

"People talked about your surgeries before. Are you still going through surgeries or are you past them?" McCarthy proceeded to ask, referring to Reid"s penchant for plastic surgery.

"No, I haven"t had any surgery for awhile, Jenny," Reid answered.

So, nothing else is planned on that front, Tara?

"I think I"ve made that clear about 100 times," Tara shot back. "Maybe you only read the bad things, but I"ve made that really clear for so many years."

It got worse from there, as Reid sarcastically wished McCarthy luck upon getting up and leaving.

"Good luck to you, too, and I"m so excited about Sharknado and I hope you stay married," McCarthy responded. "I hope your knees get a little wobblier than they already are."

"I hope your tits get even nicer, because they"re amazing. The same guy who did mine, right?" Reid quipped in response. "I"ll always use your advice. You"re the best. Bye."

Listen to snippets of the awkward segment below and then choose a side: Team Jenny or Team Tara?

(UPDATE: A rep for Tara Reid tells E! News:

"Tara is a positive person who is against women tearing each other down. She was bullied on Jenny"s and felt ambushed when she came into the show with a positive spirit and in a happy mood. It was very unfortunate how Jenny shifted the conversation for her personal gain when the whole focus should be on Sharknado 4.")

Tara reid clashes on air with jenny mccarthy storms out of inter