Thursday, July 21, 2016

Tara Reid: WASTED on Marriage Boot Camp! Watch!

Last week, Tara Reid snapped at Jenny McCarthy during an appearance on McCarthy’s Sirius radio show.

It was supposed to be an uneventful interview to promote Reid’s upcoming Sharknado film (Yes, they made another one.), but things turned ugly in a hurry when McCarthy asked Reid about her time filming the current season of Marriage Boot Camp.

It seems that was a topic Reid wasn’t too keen to discuss – and now we know why.

No, it wasn’t because she appeared on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars despite the fact that she’s neither married not a reality star.

(Tara hasn’t appeared in anything resembling reality in looooong time.)

It’s because she was apparently unable to refrain from getting absolutely sh-tfaced while the cameras were rolling:

That’s a clip from an upcoming episode of the WE TV series, and it’s enough to make anyone worry about the 40-year-old’s wellbeing.

Sadly, considering the last time we checked in on Tara before the McCarthy debacle, she was drunk in a tattoo shop, this doesn’t come as much of a surprise.

As you can see, this isn’t one of those “slight slur, is she-or-isn’t-she?” scenarios.

Tara is so drunk that her boyfriend, Dean May, is forced to acknowledge her alcoholism in a conversation with his castmates.

Here’s hoping Reid eventually gets the help she so clearly needs.

And in the meantime, it may be a good idea for her to stop doing reality shows.

It’s bad enough having a problem without having a bunch of producers cashing in on your suffering.