Showing posts with label Shepherd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shepherd. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Sherri Shepherd says Omarosa Sold Her Soul And Has Lost Her Black Card

Sherri Shepherd shredded Omarosa to pieces … accusing her of trying to lead black people to the slaughterhouse in the name of Trump. We got Sherri Monday night outside the Hollywood Improv … and she couldn’t be clearer ……


Sherri Shepherd says Omarosa Sold Her Soul And Has Lost Her Black Card

Sherri Shepherd shredded Omarosa to pieces … accusing her of trying to lead black people to the slaughterhouse in the name of Trump. We got Sherri Monday night outside the Hollywood Improv … and she couldn’t be clearer ……


Monday, August 6, 2018

"90210" Star Trevor Donovan Rips "Greedy Breeders" for Ailing German Shepherd

Trevor Donovan is fed up with “greedy breeders” who are too cheap to test dogs for a disease that leaves the animals’ hind legs paralyzed … a disease his own German Shepherd is battling. TMZ caught up with Trevor when the actor…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

"Wendy Williams Show," CBS Sued by Woman Sherri Shepherd Accused of Racism

Sherri Shepherd’s rant about being racially profiled got a Staples store employee fired, according to the employee who’s now suing media outlets that covered the story … but not Sherri. Instead, Janice Reyes is suing “The Wendy Williams Show”…


"Wendy Williams Show," CBS Sued by Woman Sherri Shepherd Accused of Racism

Sherri Shepherd’s rant about being racially profiled got a Staples store employee fired, according to the employee who’s now suing media outlets that covered the story … but not Sherri. Instead, Janice Reyes is suing “The Wendy Williams Show”…


Monday, November 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian to Stephanie Shepherd: You"re FIRED!

Kim Kardashian has made a tough decision.

The Keeping Up with the Kardashians A-lister has parted ways with friend and longtime assistant Stephanie Shepherd – and it was her call.

The 37-year-old Kim decided it was time to cut ties – professionally – with Shepherd, her friend and assistant since 2013, a source confirms.

“Kim made a decision to let Stephanie go,” the insider says, revealing that the parting of ways came after a failed promotion of sorts.

“She was a good assistant but when Stephanie wanted to transition into a larger role with Kim’s brand and businesses, it just didn’t work.”

“Kim gave her a chance but after a short period of time it became clear that Stephanie just didn’t have the knowledge to take on a role like that.”

“Kim made the executive decision to part ways.”

The source adds that while Shepherd is “still friendly with the other sisters,” the firing clearly stung, as currently “Kim aren’t really speaking.”

Shepherd began her position right before North West was born in June 2013. She opened up about the role in an interview earlier this year:

“I was doing her whole schedule, doing her laundry, booking travel, putting the stroller together and all of these things. But I wasn’t nervous.”

“I was just excited, always staying longer than I needed because I was trying to prove myself … and then North came early!”

Obviously, this presented a huge challenge for her, as “I was a brand new assistant who had no idea what to do with a baby.”

“But all moved into Kris’ house, and she was the one who made it all feel okay and moved mountains for us,” Shepherd said.

It all went well for so long … until recently.

If you watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians online, you may recall Kim questioning Shepherd’s relationship with her sister Kourtney.

“Do you find it weird that you’re like ‘wifey’ with my assistant?” Kim said, at which point her older sibling inquired if that bothered her.

“Kind of,” Kim responded, countering, “What if all of a sudden I became BFF with Megan? I think you would definitely be like, ‘That’s weird.’”

Kourtney then told Kim that “we were talking” recently “and she was saying that she didn’t know what she wanted to do in life.”

Steph was grateful for her role as an assistant but “feels, like, maybe she’s in a place in life where she’s unfulfilled, job-wise.”

“I feel like she’s just looking to, like, evolve.”

Kim knew this was true, but it still hurt, as she felt she’d given Stephanie the chance to do new things such as manage the Kimoji app.

Also, “I do think it’s like inappropriate for her to talk to you and not to me,” Kim said. “I mean don’t you think that’s like a little bit unprofessional?”

Stephanie’s take on that friendship?

“Kourtney and I weren’t really close at all when I first started working, I don’t think she really liked me at first to be honest!” she said.

“When we were doing that world tour of Miami and Iceland and all those places, with so much travel time, we bonded.”

“Now we talk all the time and we’ll go to dinner.”

“I’ll spend the night at her house,” she added.

“People always think we’re either lesbians, because we’re always together or holding hands, or even that I am Kourtney.”

“I guess we look alike and have a similar style.”

No word on whether personal jealousy or awkwardness played a role in her getting fired, and we aren’t likely to find out. 

We’re guessing there’s an NDA involved.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sherri Shepherd Xmas Screwup May Cost Her Big in Child Support (PHOTO)

Sherri Shepherd may have just screwed herself over in her child support war, all because she celebrated a birthday … the BD of Jesus Christ himself. THE BACKSTORY: Sherri’s ex-hubby, Lamar Sally, has been trying for months to move their child…


Sherri Shepherd Xmas Screwup May Cost Her Big in Child Support (PHOTO)

Sherri Shepherd may have just screwed herself over in her child support war, all because she celebrated a birthday … the BD of Jesus Christ himself. THE BACKSTORY: Sherri’s ex-hubby, Lamar Sally, has been trying for months to move their child…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

"A Dog"s Purpose" Producers Say German Shepherd Is Fine, Was Not Forced to Film

The German Shepherd seen struggling to stay out of a pool while filming “A Dog’s Purpose” was not forced to complete the scene, and shooting only resumed when he was comfortable … according to producers. Amblin Entertainment tells TMZ … the…
