Showing posts with label Shirtless. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirtless. Show all posts

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hollywood"s Hottest Hikers -- Trek Through the Shirtless Shots

While you try and motivate yourself to get off of the couch, take a peak at these hunky Hollywood hikers guaranteed to be trailblazin’ through your mind all weekend long.  Climb on!


Saturday, August 12, 2017

Niall Horan Jogging Shirtless in Runyon Canyon

Niall Horan was blazin’ in the sun Friday during a very hot afternoon jog. The former One Direction singer stripped down — partially — during a jog in the place celebs love to be seen exercising — Runyon Canyon in L.A. Niall’s gotta be feeling…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Aaron Carter Splits from Madison Parker, Shares Shirtless Selfie!

Aaron Carter has come out as bisexual, leaving some fans surprised and others saying “finally!”

But that’s not the only big news that he’s had, because he’s also ended his relationship with girlfriend Madison Parker. His rep made a statement about their split.

Every step of the way, Aaron’s been reaching out to thank his fans and supporters over social media. He even thanked them with a photo and he’s suddenly looking a lot better than he had been.

Aaron and Madison met through Instagram, which isn’t usually the social media platform where you’d imagine that people would meet, and they hit it off.

But now they’ve broken up.

In a statement to E!, Aaron Carter’s rep shared confirmed that Aaron Carter and Madison Parker broke up.

“Aaron and Madison love each other and respect one another dearly.”

That’s always good for a breakup, though … reps aren’t usually going to say anything negative anyway.

“It was a mutual decision and Aaron’s personal statement released speaks for itself.”

Aaron’s personal statement, of course, was his coming out as bisexual — his rep didn’t feel a need to speak over their client.

“Now back to the music.”

It’s easy to forget that Aaron Carter is still passionate about music, but he is.

Aaron shared this shirtless selfie, and we have to say that he’s looking way, way better here than he was in his mug shot.

Obviously he played around with shading a little, but he still looks good here.

He tweeted out the photo and captioned it:

“Goodnight world. Your #LøVë and support means everything to me. [hands touching as a high five or prayer emoji] I adore all my fans. Never forget that.”

Aaron’s been more than diligent about being grateful for the continued support of his fans.

He’s had a rough go of many things over the course of his life.

He’s had to deal with countless expectations from a very young age.

(Don’t even get me started on his and Nick’s parents, ugh)

Even as disappointing as some of his irrational statements and troubling actions have been, we still think that he’s come out of fame better than Bieber.

Better as a person, anyway.

Aaron’s confession that he’s bisexual wasn’t that much of a surprise to people who’ve heard multiple rumors about him (or some past statements that he’d made that suggested as much).

And, frankly, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone with gaydar, which totally works for bi folks.

(I remember being shocked when Anderson Cooper came out because I hadn’t known that he was closeted before that, whoops)

As important as LGBT representation is among celebrities and in fictional media, there’s something called bisexual erasure where people get branded as gay when they’ve made it explicitly clear that they’re bi.

Twitter was full of those folks after Aaron’s big announcement.

Just think of how many people refer to Kristen Stewart as a lesbian when she’s had male lovers and even recently spoken about the possibility of dating men again.

Some will doubtless speculate that Aaron’s decision to come out as bi was behind his split from Madison, and that could technically be the case … but let’s not go accusing her of being some raging biphobe.

It may be that, when they decided to break up, Aaron figured that he might as well come out with it.

Many fans have expressed hope that his mental and emotional well-being will improve now that he’s no longer closeted.

Aaron Carter’s had a rough go of it.

He’s estimated to be a couple of million dollars in debt with very little money to his name.

He also has a hernia which he says makes it difficult for him to put on any body weight.

But he also recently confessed that he has an eating disorder, which is always tragic.

Maybe, as we mentioned that his fans have been hoping, his coming out — no longer weighed under the burden of being closeted — will be a step in the right direction towards him having a better life.

If he can address his eating disorder, which can be even harder to do for those who aren’t rich, that could really help transform his life.

Coping skills can do wonders, which could help him with his music and his efforts to turn things around.

Maybe he’ll even stop lashing out at “fake support” when someone who cares about him reaches out.

We really do wish him the best.


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Lewis Hamilton Copies Justin Bieber, Goes Shirtless for a Purpose

Lewis Hamilton has a new purpose at the beach … rep Justin Bieber to a T (shirtless). The Formula One race car driver was out Sunday on a beach in Barbados, where he was rockin’ Bieber’s Purpose Tour shorts … the same ones the Biebs was seen in…


Lewis Hamilton Copies Justin Bieber, Goes Shirtless for a Purpose

Lewis Hamilton has a new purpose at the beach … rep Justin Bieber to a T (shirtless). The Formula One race car driver was out Sunday on a beach in Barbados, where he was rockin’ Bieber’s Purpose Tour shorts … the same ones the Biebs was seen in…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Vladimir Putin Shirtless on Vacation, Fishing for a Compliment

Vladimir Putin wants to show the world what he’s made of … which is now a little wrinkly. The Russian Prez is vacationing in Siberia … catching both rays and fish. He seems super chill … clearly not bothered by any grand jury investigation…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Scott Disick: I"m Shirtless and Available! Did I Mention Shirtless?!

Scott Disick just can’t help himself, huh?

Likely on some unknowable impulse, Scott Disick shared a mirror selfie of himself, bare-chested and clad only in a towel.

People have been quick to point out that they can’t help but be reminded of a certain Kardashian’s famous topless selfie. …

You see it, right?

Remember Kim Kardashian’s topless selfie that absolutely everyone saw?

Like, she didn’t quite break the internet again like she did with her megabutt.

You didn’t even see her nip-nops or anything, but she posted it not a super long time after she had her baby, so people were kind of freaking out a little over how great her naked body looked.

Also some people shamed her, which was ridiculous.

People still shame women for nudity, censored otherwise.

And it’s still ridiculous.

Actually, since Scott Disick isn’t alone in this photo (he’s pictured with pal David Einhorn), we’re reminded of a different topless selfie that Kim Kardashian’s taken.

Remember Kim Kardashian and Emily Ratajkowski’s topless selfie?

You should — they’re both gorgeous and also they were both flipping us the bird.

Well, maybe not us as in everyone who saw the photo.

But their ire is perhaps directed patriarchal systems that oppress and seek to control women.

And at the very real people, both men and women, who seek to enforce those pernicious social forces.

Of course, Kim wasn’t necessarily what was going on in Scott’s mind, though the two saw each other very recently.

No, he may have just been … advertising himself.

Consciously or acting on some boozed up instinct, the self-described “Lord” may have been showing off his definitely pleasant-looking and well-shaped torso and his tan to any prospective “romantic” partners.

We put that in quotation makers because, folks, he’s not doing a lot of “romancing” these days — not in any of the reports that we’ve seen.

No, he’s spotted with teen actresses and then later at a party with a mystery girl, bounding from pretty young thing to pretty young thing.

All seemingly without a care in the world.

And since Bella Thorne has a new man, we guess that she’s really done with Scott now.

He’s going to need to find another gorgeous young woman to eat burgers in his yard.

The fact of the matter is that we can’t know what’s going on his mind.

(And, from the looks of his behavior over the past several months, we sure don’t want to)

No matter what prompted Scott’s impromptu mirror selfie, topless is a good look on him.

And one hell of a better look than sloppy drunk in a bar begging strangers to suck his dick.

Like, we say “we’ve all been there” sometimes, sometimes seriously and sometimes as a joke.

But we have never sunken quite to that level.

It would almost be impressive if it weren’t so, so sad.


LeBron James Laughs Off Haters in New Shirtless Workout Video

Here’s the latest installment of the LeBron James Challenge … courtesy of LeBron James!! LBJ posted yet another shirtless workout vid Friday morning … vibin’ out to Meek Mill’s new “Wins & Losses” album. This time, the King raps, sings and…


Tiger Woods: Shirtless, Ripped & Hunting Lobsters

Tiger Woods is teein’ off on marine life — and he’s doin’ it with a ripped bod. Tiger shared a photo of him freediving in Albany, New York with his kids on Friday — and from the looks of it, the golf G.O.A.T. bagged himself a legendary lobster.…


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Justin Bieber Goes Shirtless for 7-Eleven Run

Justin Bieber always marches to the beat of his own drum, and that beat’s telling him to free his nipples … in convenience stores … apparently. Justin looked like your typical teenager in Arizona or Florida when he hit up a 7-Eleven Saturday…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Arnold Schwarzenegger"s Son, Joseph Baena, Goes on Shirtless Beach Jog with His Bros

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son must have learned from his old man — you gotta get the cardio in if you wanna get ripped. Joseph Baena wrapped up a workout session Friday with a run on the beach in Malibu … along with a couple buddies who popped…


Monday, June 19, 2017

Rob Gronkowski Racks Up $100k Tab During Shirtless Turn-Up

How much does it cost to party with Rob Gronkowski for a night? More than most people make in a year … ‘cause Gronk and Co. racked up a HUGE $ 100K tab at a casino nightclub over the weekend. TMZ Sports obtained the itemized receipt for Gronk and…


Monday, May 29, 2017

Shirtless Dudes in Tropical Locations ... Need We Say More?

Before you soak up the sun this Memorial Day … make sure you bask in these beauties that can only be surpassed by their incredible surroundings.  The view!


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Jason Momoa Is a Shirtless Wonder Down Under (PHOTO)

Jason Momoa is Aquaman on and off set because even when he’s chilling shirtless he looks like a freakin’ superhero! Momoa showed off his bulging pecs, bis, abs — everything really — while hanging on Australia’s Gold Coast. We’d say he shamed…


Monday, April 10, 2017

Rob Gronkowski and Mojo Rawley Party Shirtless In Vegas With Hot Chicks In Bikinis

Rob Gronkowski had a nice quiet weekend in Vegas … ripping off his shirt and raging with WWE superstar Mojo Rawley while bikini chicks sprayed ‘em with champagne … and we have the video.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

WWE"s Shirtless Superstars -- Guess Who!

WrestleMania 33 is here and to get pumped for the epic event rip through the shirtless shots and see if you can guess the shredded superstars that’ll have you down for the count. 


Saturday, April 1, 2017

Tyga: Hollering at Danielle Bregoli! Texting Her Shirtless Pics!

We’ve reported several times this month that Kylie Jenner and Tyga broke up, and that unlike past splits, this one looks like it’ll take.

Case in point:

He’s not wasting any time moving on in typical, gross T-Raww fashion. Kylie is closer to 20 than 19 these days, i.e. way too old for him.

Ever since Kylie and Tyga got together, rumors of his wandering eye – and her hiring a private detective to watch his ass – have persisted.

In 2015, the rapper was reportedly busted hollering at trans porn star Mia Isabella, with whom he allegedly carried on an affair.

He was also linked to a random Brazilian model … and even accused of stalking and harassing a 14-year-old on social media.

Dude likes ‘em young; Tyga got with Kylie before she turned 18, and now that he’s single, he’s set his sights on another young rising star:

Danielle Bregoli!!

Yep. One and the same. Saying he wants to talk “business” with the famed “Cash Me Ousside” girl, he’s been blowing up her phone.

What’s he saying?

Tyga has yet to meet her in person, but he has been working it. The scandalous relationship, or whatever you’d call it, began via Instagram.

Soon, it switched to texting after he scored her phone number … and then it just got weird when the 27-year-old went into stalker mode.

According to the know-all Tyga mole:

“He texts her every day, and tries to FaceTime with her too. He keeps telling her how beautiful she is and can’t wait to hang out with her.”

“Tyga says he wants to sign her to his management team and rep her, that she’s beautiful, that she’s the hottest thing on the web right now.”

“He said he can make her a star.”

As for Danielle’s reaction?

The Dr. Phil miscreant was intrigued at first, as people often are by their newfound fame and the celebrity connections to which it may lead.

But that was short-lived.

“Tyga contacted her first,” a second source, this one close to Bregoli, says. “He direct messaged her on Instagram. She knew who he was.”

Obviously. Danielle even threatened to fight Kylie Jenner last month, making us wonder if the Keeping Up star was caught up in this somehow.

In any case, Danielle, 14, was “surprised he was contacting her” and “began to feel uncomfortable” when he asked to call her on FaceTime.

And then he asked again.

And again after that.

“Because of obvious discomfort, she stopped responding,” the insider says, at which point Tyga did not take being ghosted well at all.

Increasingly desperate, he began sending Bregoli risque photos – shirtless and suggestive (the torso tattoos match up), if not XXX-rated.

Danielle hasn’t called him out because she’s embarrassed, but the source is doing it so “this doesn’t happen to any other young girls.”

Bregoli first made headlines when she appeared on Dr. Phil as an “ungovernable” and “out of control” middle school dropout in 2016.

She dropped the lyrical bob, “Cash me ousside, how bow dah” (translated: “Catch me outside, how about that,” translated: “I will beat your ass”).

This was memed all over the web and a star was born.

Danielle said of her bad reputation at the time:

“I’m pretty violent. Either I’m breaking down [my mom’s] door or she’s breaking down my door. I don’t stop ‘til I see dents in the door.”

Video of Danielle’s mom kicking her ass later surfaced, so she’s not lying, sadly. Said video explained a lot and even made her look sympathetic.

On the plus side, Bregoli’s mom clearly doesn’t take any s–t.

She has her own issues and needs professional help, for sure, but she certainly appears capable of whomping that scrawny, weaselly Tyga.

Not that she’ll need to, since we made this story up – April Fools and all – but if Dani ever needs backup, all she has to do is call mom.

And don’t tell us you didn’t believe Tyga would do this.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Justin Bieber Goes Shirtless in New Zealand Bar ... Bartender"s LOVING IT!! (PHOTOS)

Justin Bieber took a load off … and everyone was all smiles. The Biebs hit up a bar in New Zealand and for some reason, decided to rip his shirt off before pounding a few back. Bartender was all in.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Alex Smith"s Shirtless Swoleness In Hawaii (PHOTO GALLERY)

Here’s Alex Smith finally proving he has something Petyon Manning, Tom Brady, and Ben Roethlisberger don’t … muscles … showing off his All-Pro physique on vacation. While rumors swirl over Tony Romo taking his job, Alex is down in Hawaii…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Justin Bieber Returns To Instagram, Internet Rejoices at Shirtless Pics

Justin Bieber was not lying when he told fans that he would not hesitate to shut down his Instagram account. 

Bieber closed the account down back in August after fans persisted to send hurtful comments to Sofia Richie. Yes, Sofia was just one of the girls Justin dated in 2016.

As seems to be the norm with Bieber’s relationships, they just don’t stand the test of time. That’s probably down to just how busy the young singing sensation is. 

Thankfully, Justin made his return to Instagram on Friday and threw in some shirtless pictures to make it up to the fans who missed his updates for those months he was MIA. 

“SOO MUCH CONTENT,” Bieber captioned as he showed off his toned body and many tattoos. 

Does this mean he’s about to use his Instagram to start marketing horrible products to people?

Quite possibly. Stars have a knack for that and it’s pretty desperate. 

However, the shirtless pictures were not his first post back on the social media site.

That honor went to the T-Mobile Super Bowl ad that found the star doing a variety of dances as he urged people to send videos of them dancing. 

“Let me see your #unlimitedmoves,” the 22-year-old captioned to his 77 million followers. 

How long will Justin be able to stay on Insta this time?

Will he wind up in another relationship and shut it down?

The comments to Sofia were horrible over the summer. No one wanted to see Bieber happy, so they lashed out. 

Even Selena Gomez joined in the fun and it kicked off another feud between the pair. 

With Justin complaining that people need to leave Sofia alone, Selena seemed to think Justin should not even be drawing attention to all the drama. 

As you probably expected, Justin flipped out and claimed that Selena only used him for fame. 

What do you think about this?

Sound off below!
