Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sugar. Show all posts

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Mama June: Does Sugar Bear Want Her Back?!

The love story of Mama June and Sugar Bear is …

Well, it’s about as strange as you’d imagine a love story between people named Mama June and Sugar Bear to be.

Though they’re no longer together, they’ve been through a lot together.

They brought Honey Boo Boo into the world, they became famous together after a particularly scandalous appearance on Toddlers and Tiaras.

And later, they tried to save their failing relationship, even though Sugar Bear had cheated on June with multiple people and June had dated a child molester at one point when they were broken up.

They gave it their best shot — or a shot, anyway — but things didn’t work out.

These days, Sugar Bear is married to Jennifer Lamb, and Mama June has unsuccessfully dated a couple of guys.

Although it seems like they’ve made up their minds, that their love story is over, that may not be the case.

Because another important fact about these people is that Mama June has spent the last several months completely transforming her body — she’s lost a massive amount of weight.

And it seems like Sugar Bear might be kicking himself for losing her.

According to a new report from Hollywood Life, Sugar Bear got a glimpse of that new Baywatch photo shoot June did — the one where she’s showing off her new bod in that iconic red swimsuit.

And it’s making him feel all kinds of ways.

“Sugar Bear is freaking over the pictures of her as a hot Baywatch babe,” a source claims. “He’s kicking himself for messing things up with her.”

“If he had any idea she was going to wind up losing all that weight and looking like a supermodel, he would have worked harder to keep her happy.”

Sad as it is, “He can’t believe the woman he let go is the same one in those sexy pictures. Now he feels like a doper for letting her go.”

Yeah, “doper” is one word we’d use to describe Sugar Bear.

But the fact is that even if Sugar Bear does feel this way — and we have our doubts, considering that he’s always shown a preference for bigger ladies — it really doesn’t matter.

June has made it beyond clear that she wants nothing to do with him anymore.

According to her, he’s been mentally and physically abusive, towards her and towards the kids. And he’s admitted he’s a cheater.

Poor Honey Boo Boo says that he’s body-shamed her in the past, and that he rarely talks to her, let alone sees her.

Throw in that horrible Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show, the one where Sugar Bear tried to physically fight with June’s older daughter … a reconciliation doesn’t look all that likely.

Hope you find comfort in that photo shoot, Sugar Bear.

It’s probably the most of the new Mama June you’ll ever see.


Friday, April 21, 2017

Jennifer Lamb: June Shannon Sucks! Sugar Bear is the Man!

A Lamb coming to the defense of an embattled Bear.

You don’t see that often in the animal kingdom. Nor do you see the same creature birth a Pumpkin and a Chickadee, then drop 300 pounds.

We’re not entirely sure where we were going with that, but not all intros can be winners, and you get the general idea. The point remains:

Nothing about June Shannon’s life is conventional.

The Here Comes Honey Boo Boo matriarch recently lost 300 pounds on Mama June: From Not to Hot, but she can’t shed her baggage.

Her weight loss chronicles became a sleeper hit for WE tv, especially in later weeks when it delived into June’s relationship with Sugar Bear.

To make a long story short, June said Sugar Bear abused her, a claim that is not sitting well with his new wife Jennifer Lamb. At all.

June publicly savaged Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson as a wife-beater and serial cheater, allegations he denies – and his new wife is livid over.

Jennifer Lamb, 43, married Suge, 45, this winter, and took to her Facebook page to assail Shannon and come to her husband’s defense.

“I have the best man in the world that loves my kids, and loves his daughter very much also,” Lamb, a mother of two, said in her post.

“So go ahead [and] judge but at the end of this day he only has one judge,” Jennifer said, though clearly she isn’t taking this lying down.

The only time, she says, that she’s ever seen Sugar Bear get angry was at the Mama June: Not To Hot reunion taping (video above).

When the discussion veered into a zone he didn’t care for, Mike absolutely lost his s–t on June and Shannon’s daughter Pumpkin, 17.

He also lost his shirt, in the literal sense.

“If you keep a cat cornered and poking at it, it’s finally going to get tired and come out [of] the corner fighting,” Lamb said of the outburst.

Lamb adds that Shannon’s story about Thompson abandoning daughter Alana (Honey Boo Boo) after their nasty 2014 split is bulls–t.

The “doting” father called and texted his daughter every day for months, Lamb alleged; Sugar Bear said June lied about this as well.

According to the Bear-Lamb camp, June largely and repeatedly ignored his requests to spend time with the retired mini-pageant queen.

Mike and I went every weekend to [Hampton, Ga.] to see Alana.

“He would get up around 11 a.m. and call June to be able to see his daughter, then it would be 4-5 p.m. before she called back to let him see her.”

“And then sometimes we would sit there and never get to see her. I have him calling and texting every other day up until the first of the year.”

After that setback, he began trying even harder, Jennifer says:

“Then he started texting and calling about four times a week.”

Thompson vehemently denies Shannon’s allegations that abused her or that he left her children with “emotional and physical scars.”

“The abuse allegations are not true,” Suge said earlier this month. “This is not true, any of it. June won’t let me see or talk to Alana.”

“The last time I saw Alana was at mine and Jennifer’s wedding … I’ve tried to stay in touch with my daughter but June won’t let me.”

Moreover, “I never told Alana to lose weight or said anything to Alana about her weight. June’s a damn liar. I would never hurt Alana.”

There’s no love lost in either direction, clearly.

Asked recently if she has any feelings at all for her longtime partner, June said “No. I’ve never hated anybody as much as I hate him.”

“I have to call him out on his bullsh-t,” she added, defending her recent media blitz. “How, like, reality hit. I knew what I needed to do.” 


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Sugar Bear: See The Moment That Led to His Epic Meltdown!

Yesterday, we had the extreme displeasure of seeing Sugar Bear absolutely lose his mind on the Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show.

We saw him get into a shouting match with Pumpkin, Mama June"s 17-year-old daughter, and we even saw him try to fight her.

"Come on over here, you little bitch!" he yelled at her before ripping his shirt open in what was apparently supposed to be a display of masculinity and strength.

(It really, really was not.)

But while the fight was shocking to see — and it definitely made Mama June"s claims that he"d been abusive to her and her daughters infinitely more believable — we never got to see what actually caused the fight.

Until now!

For the reunion show, Lynn Toler, Divorce Court judge and Marriage Boot Camp star, sat down with everyone in an attempt to get to the bottom of some issues.

She talked with Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb, and they both insisted that all their issues stemmed from Mama June"s ongoing desire for Sugar Bear.

Then she talked with June, who made it clear that she wants nothing to do with her former love, and that in fact, she"s never hated anybody more in her whole life.

And then Lynn Toler brought Mama June, Sugar Bear, and Jennifer Lamb together for one big interview. And that"s when things got bad.

As we see in the clip below, June begins by criticizing Sugar Bear"s parenting of little Alana — or lack thereof.

He says that he spends lots of time with his daughter, playing and talking and playing some more, but Lynn points out that at that reunion show, he hasn"t asked about her once.

June gets passionate here, saying that Sugar Bear knows that she would never keep Alana from him.

Sugar Bear, pretty much silent up until that point, lights up and tells June "I"m finna to get on you right now."

And get on her he does.

He tells her (or at least we think this is what he says, it"s hard to understand him when he"s upset like this), that he tried to see Alana every weekend, but she started coming up with excuses as to why he couldn"t.

"I tell you what," he says to June, "I got a lawyer on the case and you"re gonna get the paperwork! And that"s all I got to f-ckin" say!"

He storms off the set, and June says "This is what happens," and Sugar Bear did not appreciate the comment.

"You open your f-ckin" mouth, June Shannon, is what happens, you stupid bitch!" he yells before hitting a wall.

Pumpkin, who is sitting offstage listening, hears Sugar Bear talk about her mother like that, and she says "OK, I swear to f-ckin" God …", apparently ready to defend June.

And that"s when Sugar Bear goes after her like a … well, like some sort of very angry, very primitive animal.

After the fight, Jennifer held Sugar Bear, trying to calm him down as he clenched his fists and cried about how "Everybody"s making me look bad."

Alana is taken away by a PA, and Mama June and Jennifer sit down for one last chat, in which Jennifer says that she"s never seen Sugar Bear behave that way, but she"s still not scared of him.

But if what we see below is enough to make Sugar Bear that unhinged … it"s just not a great sign.

Sugar bear see the moment that led to his epic meltdown

Friday, April 14, 2017

Mama June: I HATE Sugar Bear More Than Anything!!!!!!!

So hey, don’t know if you heard about it, but Mama June has some pretty strong feelings about her ex, Sugar Bear.

Oh, heck, who are we kidding — of course you’ve heard about it.

No one can possibly look away from this shameful hillbilly trainwreck.

June’s been vocal for a while now about Sugar Bear’s wrongdoings, including all the times he cheated on her while they were together and his unwillingness to step up as a father.

But last week, she dropped the bombshell that he’d allegedly been abusive to June and her daughters.

And now she’s on the warpath.

In a new clip from tonight’s reunion special of Mama June: From Not to Hot, June has a little chat with Lynn Toler, the judge on Divorce Court.

Lynn has also done a lot of work with Marriage Boot Camp, so she’s been familiar with June and Sugar Bear for some time now.

She kicked things off by asking June if she had any feelings whatsoever left for Sugar Bear, of if she was at least upset that he got married so quickly after their split.

June, always one to jump to the point, answered with “No. I’ve never hated anybody as much as I hate him.”

“I would love to call him out on his bullsh-t,” she added. “How, like, reality hit. I knew what I needed to do.”

Well, it looks like she’s getting her wish now — we’d almost go as far as to say that we’ve never seen such an intense, successful calling out of bullsh-t, ever.

She’s been doing interview after interview, revealing her true experiences with Sugar Bear, and he’s making it easy to believe.

Just earlier today, we saw him go off on Pumpkin, June’s 17-year-old daughter. He called her names, ripped his shirt open, and tried to physically fight her.

If he’s willing to fight a 17-year-old girl he helped raise on national television, June’s claims aren’t all that far-fetched, right?

In this new clip, June acknowledged that she needed to move on from Sugar Bear, “not just for myself but for the kids because constantly he’s not going to change.”

Lynn came back to the point about how fast Sugar Bear moved on after breaking up with June — it was less than a year from the time they split to his proposal to Jennifer Lamb.

“I was a little shock, because it was so quick,” June admitted. “And I know Sugar Bear just can’t be alone.”

She also said that with his new marriage, she’s not so much worried about him as she is about Jennifer.

Lynn, ever the truth-seeker, brought up the reports that Sugar Bear had an affair with Jennifer while they were still together — something that he has denied.

When asked if she believes him about the affair, she answered with a simple but firm “Hell no!”

Look, June is certainly no prize herself, and she’d done her share of reprehensible things when it comes to her kids.

But if they feel safer with her than with Sugar Bear, and if he really is as abusive as she says, then good on her for taking them out of that situation.

As for Sugar Bear … come on, man. Get it together, at least a little bit.


Sugar Bear Fights with Pumpkin in Shocking New Video!

Last week, Mama June began making some pretty shocking claims about Sugar Bear.

She said that throughout their relationship, he was extremely physically and emotionally abusive to her and her daughters.

At the time, it was a very surprising story, because though Sugar Bear definitely has his issues, he"s never seemed violent on any of the family"s other reality shows.

He"s denied June"s claims, of course, saying that she"s lying about him "because she"s pissed at me," and "I never hurt any kid."

But now we have this new clip from tonight"s Mama June: From Not to Hot reunion show.

And the cameras don"t lie.

The clip begins in the middle of some sort of conflict, with 17-year-old Pumpkin running offstage and Sugar Bear following her, screaming "Come on over here, you little bitch!"

At that remark, Pumpkin lunges for Sugar Bear, but is held back by a security guard. June rushes over to them, assuring Sugar Bear that if he touches her daughter, she"ll kill him.

Pumpkin, on the verge of tears, tells him "That"s why you"re a f-cking piece of sh-t father."

And that"s what really set him off.

He flies into a terrifying rage, actually rips his shirt off, yelling "Come on, god damn it!", apparently willing to physically fight this girl who he raised.

Sugar Bear is escorted away, kicking various items along the way. June worriedly asks where Alana is, but the crew tells her that she"s off in a different part of the building.

The video — the horrible, inexcusable, infuriating video — ends with Pumpkin sobbing in a security guard"s arms.

So obviously this isn"t OK, right? And it makes June"s claims about Sugar Bear being abusive a whole hell of a lot more believable.

Pumpkin is just 17, and she was a little girl when he first got with June. He was there for most of her childhood, and he was definitely a father figure for her.

And if he"s willing to behave like this towards her when he knows cameras are rolling, who knows how he"d behave behind closed doors?

Watch the upsetting footage of Sugar Bear losing his mind below:

Sugar bear fights with pumpkin in shocking new video

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

June Shannon: Sugar Bear Beat Me & My Daughters!

After the world learned that June Shannon was dating Mark McDaniels – the man who had previously been imprisoned for molesting June"s eldest daughter – it was widely assumed that we"d heard the last of her family.

June and her daughters gained a massive following with the surprise reality hit Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, but molestation scandals are not the sort of thing public figures can easily bounce back from.

(Unless their name happens to be Duggar, but that"s a conversation for another time.)

In recent weeks, however, the Shannons have made an unexpected return to the spotlight, thanks primarily to June"s 300-pound weight loss.

Unfortunately, it seems that despite a stunning turnaround in June"s health, the Shannons remain a deeply troubled family.

In the past week, several members of the family have leveled startling accusations at one another, but the most shocking claim of all is June"s allegation that she was abused by Mike "Sugar Bear" Thompson during their lengthy romantic relationship.

June elaborated on those claims during a visit to The Wendy Williams Show this week.

Asked point blank if Sugar Bear was physically abusive, June replied:

"Very emotionally and physically. There was a lot of stuff that was hid for many many years."

She went on to detail the ways in which his abuse was concealed during the couple"s years of reality TV stardom:

"Pumpkin"s eye was his fault. The car wreck. Several things that happened on Honey Boo Boo that was covered up," Shannon told Williams.

Watch the entire shocking interview in the clip below:

June shannon sugar bear beat me and my daughters

Sugar Bear: Mama June LIES! Abuse Claims Are BS "Cause She"s Pissed at Me!

Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson is firing back at explosive claims that he abused June Shannon, saying such allegations are utter nonsense.

According to everyone’s favorite redneck ursine being, she’s just making this s–t up because she’s back in the news and shes pissed.

In the past week, several members of the family have thrown around startling accusations as their reality TV stardom has been rekindled.

The most shocking of those claims by far is June’s allegation that she was abused by Sugar Bear during their long relationship. 

June elaborated on those claims during a visit to The Wendy Williams Show when asked flat out if he had been abusive to her.

“Very emotionally and physically. There was a lot of stuff that was hid for many many years,” she said, and explained further.

She went on to detail the ways in which Thompson beat her and her kids and how it was concealed on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

“Pumpkin’s eye was his fault. The car wreck. Several things that happened on Honey Boo Boo that was covered up,” Shannon alleged.

In addition to stating that he hurt 17-year-old Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon, June said Sugar Bear has zero relationship with Alana, 11.

The Bear is not taking kindly to this media tour.

“The abuse allegations are not true,” Thompson responded, adding, “This is not true, any of it. June won’t let me see or talk to Alana.”

“I have text messages where I text June and try to talk to Alana, but no response back from her,” he continued, explaining to ET:

“The last time I saw Alana was at mine and Jennifer’s wedding. I’ve tried to stay in touch with my daughter but June won’t let me.”

In addition to denying that he beat June or the kids, he refutes claims – made by his own daughter – that he body-shamed Alana Thompson.

“I have never told Alana to lose weight or said anything to Alana about her weight,” he said. “June’s a damn liar. I would never hurt Alana.”

“Everything I’ve said is the truth,” he added.

“I’m just sick and tired of being put down for it. June is saying these things because she’s pissed at me. I never hurt any kid.”

Thompson believes his marriage to new wife Jennifer Lamb has “a lot to do” with Mama June’s anger, as well as her lust for attention.

Whatever is motivating her, she’s not backing down when it comes to assessing the state of her and Sugar Bear’s current relationship.

“When you get rid of trash, you become a better person,” she said of seeking the ultimate revenge body on Mama June: From Not to Hot.

“He really made me feel like s–t [and] I wanted to show him, ‘Hey, I can do [whatever] I want to do’… I wanted to show him,” she said.

“Like, I am actually worth it.”

The Bear is not on the outs with everyone in his family, as the divisions among the Shannons and Thompsons run deep on both sides.

Anna “Chickadee” Shannon-Cardwell, 22, just moved back in with Sugar Bear after getting divorced following three years of marriage.

Her relationship with her mom has been icy since June started dating Mark McDaniel in 2014, following her breakup with Sugar Bear.

McDaniel, one of June’s boyfriends from long ago, did time in prison because he was infamously convicted of sexual abuse … of Anna.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sugar Bear: I Did Not Beat Mama June or Them Kids!

Maligned former reality star and redneck ursine specimen Sugar Bear is fighting back against stunning new claims of domestic abuse.

Allegations that he body-shamed or even physically hurt Honey Boo Boo and her siblings surfaced earlier this month, and he is pissed.

Ever since his ex, June Shannon, got herself a TV show to document her weight loss transformation, her whole family is back in the news.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, June Shannon’s weight loss has been the talk of WE tv and the celebrity gossip world in general.

But the fallout from Mama June: From Not to Hot has extended well beyond June’s shrinking waist, thanks to her making media rounds.

June and her daughter, Alana, gave interview after interview, including one in which Alana said she was body-shamed by Sugar Bear.

Yes, her own father verbally abused her regarding her weight and appearance, the Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star alleged on ET.

For her part, June accuses him of even worse.

Asked if she ever saw herself being on friendlier terms with Sugar Bear again after their high profile breakup, June’s response was alarming.

“There was just so much emotional and physical abuse,” June said of their time together. “I just choose not to put my kids through that.”

Wait … come again?!

For all of his faults, Sugar Bear always struck us as a quiet, laid back dude, content to let June be in charge while just doing his thing.

One never saw him as the abusive type, but TV doesn’t tell all, according to June: “You saw [only] a little bit on Marriage Boot Camp.”

Shannon teases, “this shows the real true side of Sugar Bear and when the special comes out y’all are going to be like ‘what the hell."”

As for his current wife, Jennifer Lamb, who said June lost Suge because she’s a bitch, basically, Shannon simply says “Watch out.”

Suffice it to say, Sugar Bear is fighting back against this, and hard. The reality star, whose real name is Mike Thompson, tells Radar:

“No, I never abused them kids. I loved them kids!”

Beyond Alana’s allegations, Shannon’s daughter Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon had her “eye buckle caused by him,” according to June.

Honey Boo Boo herself hasn’t had a relationship with Sugar Bear for “a long time,” June told Page Six, raising more eyebrows Friday.

It’s an interesting comment, considering that she was a flower girl at Sugar Bear’s wedding to Jennifer Lamb in January of this year.

The Bear is not on the outs with everyone, though.

Anna “Chickadee” Shannon-Cardwell, 22, moved in with Sugar Bear after getting divorced, as we just learned within the last 24 hours.

Anna’s relationship with her mom has been estranged since June started dating Mark McDaniel in 2014, following her split from Suge.

McDaniel, one of June’s former boyfriends, was infamously convicted of sexual abuse – of Anna specifically – and served time in prison.

June and Sugar Bear split for good in 2016, at which point Shannon cultivated the ultimate revenge body through gastric sleeve surgery.

That, combined with diet and exercise, ultimately meant that June lost a stunning 300 pounds and gained a whole lot of attention for it. 



Monday, April 10, 2017

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell Splits From Husband, Moves In With Sugar Bear

It’s been a strange few weeks in the lives of the Shannon family.

The former reality stars faded into obscurity years ago following a bizarre scandal in which it was revealed that matriarch June Shannpn was dating the man who had been imprisoned for molesting her daughter, Anna Cardwell.

It’s not the sort of thing public figures typically bounce back from, but “Mama June” has done exactly that … with the help of a few skilled surgeons.

Yes, if you’ve been anywhere near social media in the past week, you’ve probably heard about June Shannon’s weight loss.

The 37-year-old has dropped nearly 300 pounds with the help of a team of doctors and the We TV reality series Not to Hot.

For obvious reasons, June’s been receiving a great deal of attention, and as a result, her family is back under the media microscope.

Not surprisingly, it seems the post-sex scandal years haven’t been particularly kind to Mama June’s kin.

June’s relationship with her ex, Mike “Sugar Bear” Thompson remains contentious, and not surprisingly, she’s still not on speaking terms with Anna.

Today, the family situation became even more grim, as we learned that Anna has separated from her husband of three years, 

“We are separated,” the 22-year-old mother of two wrote in a Facebook post today.

“It’s just a lot on both of us and [we] have a lot to think about. But this is only temporary right now. I love him and always will no matter where this goes.”

Cardwell has reportedly moved in with Sugar Bear and his new wife, Jennifer Lamb.

“I told her she can stay for as long as she needs,” Sugar bear told Radar Online today.

Though she’s back in her hometown, it seems Anna will not be getting in touch with her mother.

“Anna definitely won’t be getting together with June,” says a family insider.

“She feels betrayed by her own mother. It’s sad.”

She’s not wrong to feel that way.

Not only did June allegedly carry on an appalling relationship with Anna’s attacker, she was caught stealing from Cardwell in 2015.

Something tells us that relationship won’t be mended any time soon.


Mama June: Sugar Bear Abused Me!!!

Mama June is just full of surprises, isn’t she?

Sometimes they’re good surprises, like the way she lost well over half her body weight recently, but sometimes they’re bad, like the time she dated a convicted child molester.

Good or bad, interesting or revolting, Mama June has plenty of stories to tell.

And this new one she’s telling sure is a doozy.

In a new interview with Life & Style, June explains that her current relationship with Sugar Bear,  is “non-existent,” which makes sense.

They broke up well over a year ago, and as we’ve seen on Mama June: From Hot to Not, she’s basically sworn enemies with his new woman, Jennifer Lamb.

But when June is asked if she ever saw herself getting friendlier with Sugar Bear, her response was shocking.

“There was just so much emotional and physical abuse,” she said of her time with Sugar Bear. “I just choose not to put my kids through that.”

… Wait, what?

From all we’ve seen of Sugar Bear on various reality television shows, he seems to be a quiet, laid back kind of guy. He was always content to let June be in charge, just like he’s fine with his new wife making the rules.

We’ve never seen a hint of him being abusive, but that’s not to say he wasn’t. TV cameras can’t capture everything, of course.

In the interview, June also announces a brand new special all about Sugar Bear.

“You saw a little bit on Marriage Boot Camp,” she teases, “but this shows the real true side of Sugar Bear and when the special comes out y’all are going to be like ‘what the hell."”

As for his current wife, June simply says “Watch out.”

While it may be a little shocking to hear about this alleged new side of Sugar Bear, it’s worth pointing out that this isn’t the first time we’ve been shocked by him.

In an interview done just a few days ago, Alana Thompson — Honey Boo Boo herself — claimed that he body-shamed her.

Alana, who is just 11 years old, said that she was talking to her father on the phone when he mentioned that he needed to mow his lawn. She offered to do it for him if he had a riding lawnmower.

His response? She should use a push mower, because “it couldn’t hurt.”

And since June mentions Marriage Boot Camp … well, goodness knows we learned a lot about Sugar Bear on that show.

For instance, we learned that he cheated on June. A lot.

And not only did he cheat, but he cheated on her with a close friend of theirs, with his ex-wife, and also with some men.

So in addition to the cheating and the body-shaming of a child, could Sugar Bear be abusive?

Guess we’ll wait till this new special to see.


Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sugar Bear"s Wife Trashes June Shannon: You Lost Him Because You Were a Bitch!

June Shannon has a hot new body and it’s become the focal point of her WeTV series, Mama June: From Not To Hot. 

We can’t be the only ones still reeling from the shocking body transformation for the reality TV star. It turns out, June’s TV series is filled with drama. 

On last night’s episode, it was all about Sugar Bear’s wedding to Jennifer Lamb. June was invited to the wedding, but Jennifer decided at the last second to dis-invite her. 

Maybe she was worried that June would upstage her at the wedding. There’s no denying that Lamb probably sees June’s transformation as a revenge body and is worried Sugar Bear could jilt her for his former love. 

Yes, it would make for some tense and amazing reality TV scenes, but it would never happen. All of the drama seemed to go into overdrive when June revealed that her date was no longer attending the nuptials with her. 

“Well, about that, Jennifer disinvited you,” Alana Thompson revealed to her shocked mother. After the daughter dropped the revelation, June questioned when the conversation happened. 

Turns out, it was quite some time before her surgery, but June was not ready to give up. 

“Does [Jennifer] really think that I’m going to allow Alana to come to her house without me? Negative!,” she barked at the camera. 

Later, Alana tried to turn the tables on Jennifer to get June back on the invite list. Sugar Bear had no idea that Jennifer had said she could not attend. 

Alana then dropped the bomb that she would be going to the event if her mother was not invited. 

“I hope that Mama Sugar Bear and Jen get along one day, even though it’s practically impossible,” Alana said to the camera.

Unsurprisingly, Sugar Bear turned to his wife-to-be and took Alana’s side. 

“If Alana can’t be here, there won’t be a wedding,” he said. “I’m putting my foot down. You’re going to have to re-invite June.”

Jennifer reluctantly agreed, but was adamant June would not step foot in the house. Sugar Bear was willing to compromise and agreed to her terms. 

When the wedding arrived, June was invited into the house, but Jennifer got ready for war and called her enemy out. 

“You’ve always been a bitch. You’ve always been rude. That’s why you don’t have him anymore.”

June replied, “I don’t want him,” to a stunned Jeniffer, before making a swift exit from the event. It was nice that June immediately retreated, so Jennifer did not have the satisfaction of saying she ruined the wedding. 

We’re dying for the pair to cross paths again. Bickering always makes reality TV so much better. 

What do you think about all of it?

Sound off below!


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Alana Thompson: Sugar Bear Body-Shamed Me!

Alana Thompson, AKA Honey Boo Boo, AKA the spawn of Mama June and Sugar Bear, has a sad, sad story to tell.

She"s been back in the spotlight since her mother, Mama June Shannon, got herself a brand new television show to document her incredible weight loss.

The finale of Mama June: From Not to Hot airs tomorrow night, so June and Alana have been making the rounds, doing interview after interview.

And in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, Alana reveals that she"s been body-shamed by her own father.

How could you, Sugar Bear?!

Seriously, after taking Alana to a restaurant and letting her order literally every dessert on the menu, how could you?

Alana says that she was talking to her dad on the phone when he mentioned he needed to mow his lawn.

She offered to do it for him if he had a riding lawn mower, but he responded by telling her "You"re gonna need a push mower "cause it couldn"t hurt."

Look, if he thinks Alana needs to lose weight, he can provide her with a different diet. He could offer to do some fun physical activities with her.

Making remarks like that don"t help anyone, and at 11, Alana"s at a very sensitive age.

Sugar Bear should be ashamed of himself, but seeing as how he apparently doesn"t have much to do with his daughter anymore, he"s probably not all that capable of feeling shame.

See the sad interview in the video below:

Alana thompson sugar bear body shamed me

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sugar Bear on June Shannon Weight Loss: Holy S--t Man!

We"ve observed and documented some impressive feats of celebrity weight loss over the years at The Hollywood Gossip.

Al Roker, John Goodman and Jonah Hill come to mind.

Simply put, however, we"ve never seen a body transformation before quite like that of former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star June Shannon.

And it"s clear we aren"t alone.

In the following clip from this Friday’s Mama June: From Not to Hot, the former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star heads to her ex-home in McIntyre, Georgia to flaunt her new figure for ex-husband Sugar Bear.

(The couple split in September of 2014 and share custody of Alana Thompson.)

Shannon’s personal trainer, Kenya Crooks, and her daughters come along for support. 

June tells the camera crew for her WE tv show:

“Just being back in McIntrye brings back a lot of bad memories. People who haven’t seen me in a couple of years are going to be shocked."

“Like, what the f-ck am I doing here?"

"That’s the house that I used to live in with the kids when Alana was little," Shannon reflects in the sneak peek.

"Yeah, they did a lot of work to the house and it looks better, but it’s still the same damn house."

"That house doesn’t serve good memories.”

Shannon then spots Sugar Bear and says she"s "nervous."

How will he react to the woman in front of him?

The following clip then depicts Shannon’s legs as she exits the car in a long red dress, along with Sugar Bear’s reaction in a confessional.

"Oh, sh-t," Suge says.

That says it all, right?

Shannon formerly weighed approximately 460 pounds; then she underwent gastric sleeve surgery and stuck to an intense diet and exercise regimen.

Her goal was to slim WAY down, and it seems fairly obvious to anyone who"s seen her lately that she accomplished that and then some.

She also endured several plastic surgeries, including excess skin removal on her neck and arms, along with a tummy tuck and a boob job.

Check out the season finale sneak peek and watch the infamous ursine specimen"s reaction, courtesy of Entertainment Tonight, below!

Sugar bear on june shannon weight loss holy s t man

Sugar Bear Reacts to June Shannon Weight Loss: HOLY $HIT!!!!!

We"ve documented some impressive feats of celebrity weight loss over the years.

Al Roker, John Goodman and Jonah Hill come to mind.

Simply put, however, we"ve never seen a body transformation before quite like that of June Shannon.

And it"s clear we aren"t alone.

In the following clip from this Friday’s Mama June: From Not to Hot, the former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star heads to her ex-home in McIntyre, Georgia to flaunt her new figure for ex-husband Sugar Bear.

(The couple split in September of 2014 and share custody of Alana Thompson.)

Shannon’s personal trainer, Kenya Crooks, and her daughters come along for support. 

“Just being back in McIntrye brings back a lot of bad memories. People who haven’t seen me in a couple of years are going to be shocked,” Shannon tells the camera, adding:

“Like, what the f-ck am I doing here?

"That’s the house that I used to live in with the kids when Alana was little. Yeah, they did a lot of work to the house and it looks better, but it’s still the same damn house. That house doesn’t serve good memories.”

Shannon then spots Sugar Bear and says she"s "nervous."

How will he react to the woman in front of him?

The following clip then depicts Shannon’s legs as she exits the car in a long red dress, along with Sugar Bear’s reaction in a confessional.

"Oh, sh-t," he says.

Shannon formerly weighed approximately 460 pounds; then she underwent gastric sleeve surgery and stuck to an intense diet and exercise regimen to slim WAY down.

She also endured several plastic surgeries, including excess skin removal on her neck and arms, along with a tummy tuck and a boob job.

Check out the season finale sneak peek below, courtesy of Entertainment Tonight, now!

Sugar bear reacts to june shannon weight loss holy %24hit

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Mayweather Beats McGregor In ONE ROUND ... Says Sugar Ray Leonard (VIDEO)

Screw the talk, screw the hype … it would only take ONE ROUND for Floyd Mayweather to dismantle Conor McGregor in a boxing ring — so says Sugar Ray Leonard.  The boxing legend — who actually beat Floyd’s dad back in 1978 — was leaving…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Mama June: Trying to Get Sugar Bear Back?!

Here"s something we never thought we"d be able to say: Mama June and Khloe Kardashian have something in common.

No, June isn"t rambling on and on to anyone who will listen about her camel toe, and no, Khloe hasn"t come down with a case of forklift foot.

The common ground these ladies share is that they"ve both gone through bad breakups, and they"ve both dedicated themselves to obtaining a killer "revenge body."

Khloe"s had hers for a while now, but June, as we can see on her new show, Mama June: From Not to Hot, is just getting started.

In this new sneak peek from tonight"s new episode, Mama June returns home after her weight loss surgery, and she"s understandably not feeling so great.

Her niece has been staying at her house, helping to care for her children, and she"s got a little surprise for June.

It"s a dress! Specifically, it"s a dress for June to wear to Sugar Bear"s upcoming wedding.

How nice, right? The only hiccup is that the dress is a size 4, and June says she"s currently between size 22 and 24.

The dress, it turns out, is meant to motivate Mama June to lose enough weigh to slip it on for the wedding, so, as her niece says, she can look better than Sugar Bear"s bride.

"Oh, I"m going to look better than her any damn way," June so modestly responds. "Any day of the week."

Later, she added that "Sugar Bear"s going to be like, "Damn, I want to hit that with my sausage.""

Sounds like somebody misses good ol" Sugar Bear, huh?

Check out June"s revenge dress in the clip below:

Mama june trying to get sugar bear back