Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Supreme. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Neil Gorsuch: Who is This Supreme Court Nominee?

Donald Trump has made his selection.

In one of the most vital decisions a President can make, the Commander-in-Chief announced on Tuesday night that Neil Gorsuch is his choice to be the next Supreme Court justice.

“The most important thing the President of the United States can make is the appointment of a Supreme Court Justice, I took the task of this nomination very seriously,” Trump said in a nationally televised announced from the White House.

Gorsuch – who received his undergraduate education from Columbia prior to earning his law degree from Harvard and who then went on to receive a doctorate at Oxford University – is a federal appeals court judge in Colorado.

Like late justice Anton Scalia, whose seat Gorsuch will fill if he"s confirmed, the nominee is considered to be an originalist when it comes to how he interprets the Constitution.

He also clerked in the past for two Supreme Court justices, Byron White and Anthony Kennedy and served as a clerk on the second most important appeals court in the country, in Washington D.C., for conservative Judge David Sentelle.

“He is the man of our country, a man who our country really needs, to ensure the rule of law and justice, I only hope that Democrats and Republicans can come together, for once, for the good of the country,” Trump concluded of his nominee.

Gorsuch beat our finalists William Pryor and Thomas M. Hardiman for the nomination.

Get to know Neil Gorsuch better below and then VOTE: Is he the right choice?

Neil gorsuch who is donald trumps supreme court nominee

Trump"s Supreme Court Pick Neil Gorsuch Has Anti-Abortion Leanings

Donald Trump’s pick for U.S. Supreme Court has never squarely ruled on abortion, but he’s left clues. Neil Gorsuch, a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals, wrote a book called “The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia,” and said, “All human…


President Trump Announces Supreme Court Justice Pick (LIVE STREAM)

President Trump is set to reveal his Supreme Court appointee to fill late Justice Scalia’s vacant seat … and we’re live streaming the highly anticipated announcement.  That crucial 9th seat went unfilled through most of 2016 — and Trump’s…


President Trump Announces Supreme Court Justice Pick (LIVE STREAM)

President Trump is set to reveal his Supreme Court appointee to fill late Justice Scalia’s vacant seat … and we’re live streaming the highly anticipated announcement.  That crucial 9th seat went unfilled through most of 2016 — and Trump’s…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump Supreme Court Pick: Who Will it Be Tonight?!

U.S. President Donald Trump plans to name a Supreme Court justice to replace the late Antonin Scalia tonight, according to reports.

Trump has reportedly narrowed his search to two candidates …


He is considering appeals judges Thomas Hardiman of the Third Circuit in Pennsylvania and Neil Gorsuch of the 10th Circuit in Colorado.

Hardiman is 51 and Gorsuch is 49.

Naturally, both men are being brought to Washington D.C. ahead of the announcement, which will be made by Trump on live television.

Would you expect anything less from the Showman-in-Chief? Maybe fog machines and an Apprentice style “You’re Hired!” ceremony?

In all seriousness, this is a big deal.

The pick (and possible future ones by Trump) could help to shape the ideological balance of the nation’s highest court for years to come.

Currently, eight justices sit on the court, following the death of Scalia, and there’s good reason that many recent decisions have been 4-4.

Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito form the more conservative wing of the eight justices at present.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer fill out the traditionally more liberal wing of the court.

Anthony Kennedy, the most senior of the eight justices, is considered the closest thing to a moderate or swing vote among them.

The vacancy itself has sparked controversy.

President Barack Obama picked Merrick Garland, a Washington appeals court judge, to fill the seat vacated by Scalia last year.

The Republican-controlled Congress never held a vote on the nomination, saying it would be left to the next President to fill.

They’re about to get their wish.

Thomas Hardiman, a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, was nominated by President George W. Bush in 2007.

He was confirmed to his current post 95-0.

Trump’s older sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who sits on the Third Circuit with Hardiman, has spoken to her brother about him.

Hardiman has established conservative credentials, particularly when it comes to the issues of gun rights, law enforcement and crime.

On the flip side, certain rulings involving discrimination claims from marginalized groups depart from traditional conservative orthodoxy.

A native of Massachusetts, Hardiman was educated at the University of Notre Dame and later at Georgetown University’s Law Center.

Neil Gorsuch was also nominated to his judgeship in 2006 by Bush, and has a reputation of solidly conservative rulings himself.

He has expressed admiration for Scalia, saying last year that he was “not embarrassed to admit” that he cried hearing about his death.

Gorsuch has been a defender of religious exemptions for private companies and nonprofit groups related to the Affordable Care Act.

Like Scalia, he is described as an originalist, judges who give weight to the text of the Constitution as they feel it was intended at the time.

Gorusch is from Colorado and is an avid outdoorsman.

Another man believed to be a longtime favorite for the seat, William Pryor of Alabama, was reportedly among Trump’s top three candidates.

He has narrowed it to two. Who do you think it’ll be?!

And the Winner is?

Who will President Donald J. Trump pick for the Supreme Court? It’s reportedly down to these to appeals judges … and all bets are off! View Poll »


Monday, October 10, 2016

Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg -- Kaepernick Protest is "Dumb & Disrespectful"

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest is “dumb,” “disrespectful,” “stupid,” and “arrogant.” Justice Ginsburg — in an interview with Katie Couric — was asked for her thoughts on the…


Monday, September 5, 2016

Big Brother Recap: The Final Four Reign Supreme

The Final Four are proving to be quite the alliance in Big Brother and it’s bringing all the drama to a halt. 

We finally got up to speed on what went down before Thursday’s live show and it was pretty spectacular. 

Meech continued to think she was super safe for the week, but she still had not talked game with Nicole, or even Corey. 

This proved she genuinely thought the target was Paul, but it’s almost like she just rolled over and let her game die. 

When Nicole revealed the truth to James and Natalie, they were pretty shocked. Neither James or Natalie had spoke game with Nicole throughout the week. 

There is such a thing as being too safe and that’s usually when people are sent packing. Michelle’s pleas for Corey and Nicole to keep her were hilarious. 

Michelle is the one who has made it crystal clear that she’s going after Nicole and Corey, so why would they vote to keep her in the game?

The mind boggles and Michelle is probably sitting in the jury house crying right now, but her going was the best strategic move for Nicole. 

If Michelle stayed, she would have joined forces with Natalie and James to take out the rest of the house. She’s too much of an emotional player to conceal her true intentions. 

It’s totally understandable why Michelle resents Nicole. It’s almost like Nicole has been inside an impenetrable bubble all season long. 

People have been playing the game, while Nicole just hung around with Corey and acted like she was on her summer vacation. On paper, it’s a terrible strategy, but look where Nicole is now. 

She’s all but guaranteed to make it to final five and she’s found love in the process. It would be intriguing if the relationship continued to flourish out of the house. 

The reality TV romances seem to have a shelf life and implode after the cameras stop rolling. 

At the HOH competition, Corey seemed to think he should throw the competition because he knew Paul and Victor were gunning for Natalie and James. 

It was a good tactic, but what if Nicole or Corey had to go up as the replacement nominee? That would have been his plan ruined. 

Also, putting his first egg in the HAVE basket pretty much proved to James and Natalie that he felt comfortable in the house. 

Nicole tried to lighten up the mood by throwing terrible jokes at her fellow houseguests and they were horrid. 

There was a time when Nicole was genuinely funny, but the way she’s acted this season has made me change my perception of her. 

Victor won his third HOH competition of the season.

Natalie was furious with James after the competition because she knew they were being picked off now. She’s livid that she actually trusted Nicole and Corey. 

The crazy thing about all of this is that James has gone back on his word multiple times, so he’s not the most reliable player. 

James trying to cut a deal with Victor was hilarious. Victor made it clear that James cut him after doing his dirty work and that’s why he was going on the block. 

Victor nominated Natalie and James.


What do you think of all the drama?

Who do you want targeted this week?

Hit the comments!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Antonin Scalia Dies; Supreme Court Justice Was 79

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was reportedly found dead in his room at a luxury resort in West Texas this morning. He was 79 years old.

Law enforcement officials report that Scalia appears to have died from natural causes.

Sources close to the situation say that Scalia was vacationing at the resort with a large group of friends.

When he did not appear at breakfast this morning, a hotel employee entered his room and found that he had passed away during the night.

The Supreme Court’s longest-serving justice, Scalia was appointed to his post by President Ronald Reagan in 1986.

He was the Court’s first Italian-American justice.

Texas Governor Ted Abbott issued the following statement about Scalia just moments ago:

He was the solid rock who turned away so many attempts to depart from and distort the Constitution. His fierce loyalty to the Constitution set an unmatched example, not just for judges and lawyers, but for all Americans.

“We mourn his passing, and we pray that his successor on the Supreme Court will take his place as a champion for the written Constitution and the Rule of Law.

Texas senator and current presidential hopeful Ted Cruz issued a statement calling Scalia “one of the greatest Justices in history.”

Scalia is survived by his wife of 56 years and his nine children.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

15 Best Celeb Instagrams of 2015: Who Reigns Supreme?

One is eternally grateful for the invention of Instagram, for it allows us to pretend as though our favorite stars are sharing personal photos with us.  

Except they"re not.

The mystery may be gone, but look at how funny everyone is!  And we would never have believed that Amy Schumer and Jennifer Lawrence went on vacation together, or that JLaw was friendly with Kris Jenner.

The things you learn on the interweb.


1. Thanks Kris!

Straight outta kris jenner

Khloe Kardashian gave a shoutout to mom Kris Jenner when ‘Straight Outta Compton’ hit theaters.

2. Meryl Embraces Amy

Amy schumer instagrams a photo of herself with meryl streep

“Everyone shut up forever,” Amy commanded.

3. Taylor Swift & Calvin Harris

Taylor swift and calvin harris on a swan

“Swan Goals” indeed.

4. The Odd Couple

Jennifer lawrence kris jenner in bed photo

“Happy Birthday you piece of shit…” Kris Jenner wrote. “God I love you #Jenniferlawrencethanks for making this night a night to remember…..even if we did get caught… I love you Happy Birthday Gorgeous!!!”

5. Happy Halloween, It "Still Fits"

Kim kardashian dresses like herself for halloween

Remember the Givenchy sofa cover/curtain/couture number Kim Kardashian wore to the 2013 Costume Institute Gala? So does Kim Kardashian.

6. Farrah Abraham Hawks Yet ANOTHER Product

Farrah abraham hawks a beauty product

Makeup-free and looking like a fool.

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