Showing posts with label Toddler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toddler. Show all posts

Thursday, June 2, 2016

This Toddler Just Called the Cops on His Dad

Dialing 911 is not a laughing matter.

This is an emergency assistance line that must be kept open unless one or someone one knows is actually in need of emergent assistance.

But Robbie Richardson has made it impossible for readers not to at least have a chuckle over his recent actions.

A five-year old resident of Massachusetts, Richardson recently called authorities… on his father… because he ran a red light.

“He tells me, ‘Hey Dad, you just went through a red light,’” Robbie’s father, Michael Richardson, told CBS Boston.

“And I said, ‘No Robbie, you can go through that one as long as you stop and there’s nobody coming you can go.’

"He says, ‘No you can’t. That light was red.’ So we get into the car wash and he says, ‘I’m going to call the police.’”

And then Robbie really did call the police!

You can hear portions of said call in the video below.

“My daddy went past a red light,” Robbie told the 911 operator. “He has a black truck. He was in the brand new car, my mommy’s car.”

“And then what happened?” the dispatcher inquired.

“And he had to go to the car wash and then he went past the red light," Robbie replied.

The police then asked to speak to Michael, who apologized; both for his actions and for those of his son.

“Everyone follows the rules, but not Daddy,” Robbie told the Boston Globe, adding that if it happened again, he wouldn’t call the police.

“I’ll call the eye doctor so he can fix his eyes.”

This little guy (who wants to be a police officer when he grows up) rules.

5 year old calls 911 after dad runs red light

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Accused of Hijacking Business Idea For Toddler Urinals!

Another day, another potential legal problem for Jenelle Evans of Teen Mom 2 fame … though this one is bizarre even by her standards.

Rather than custody fights, drug use, domestic violence or beating the ever-loving crap out of Brittany Truett, her latest issue is this:

The Carolina Hurricane plans to release a mini-urinal made for toddlers, but is being put on blast for stealing the idea from the Internet.

You cannot make this stuff up.

Jenelle Evans recently announced the March 21 launch of Little Kaiser, a new urinal designed specifically for boys who are potty training.

Kaiser is the name of her second child with former fiance Nathan Griffith (whose list of legal issues is nearly on par with that of his ex).

“#LittleKaiser boys need something different !!!” Evans told her 1.2 million Twitter followers. “New project we have been working on!!!” 

Twitter was not too impressed.

Fans told the mom to Jace, 6, and Kaiser, 19 months, that her entrepreneurial vision was strikingly similar to something called “LiL Marc.”

Evans’ manager, Johnny Donovan, strongly denied to Us claims she’s ripping off “LiL Marc,” a toddler urinal that debuted years ago.

“We aren’t stealing it,” Donovan responded. “There [sic] company went to s–t and reached out to us for us to rebrand it learn your facts..”

Eloquent, Johnny. Eloquent.

For their part, executives at “LiL Marc” (which apparently exists) deny any relationship with the MTV star, and say they are not rebranding.

In fact, the company fired back in a statement, making it clear that the use of their “name or photos are unauthorized and a violation.”

So … someone’s not telling the truth.

It’s not clear if Jenelle knowingly copied an existing product, but she might want to invest in a more literate manager if nothing else.

We can’t speak for anyone at LiL Marc, but it sure sounds to us like (wait … wait for it …) they’re pretty PISSED OFF about the situation.

Boo. We’ll show ourselves out. 

Evans’ camp is talking a good game, but she deleted the original tweet, so Lil Kaiser’s future may have just been flushed down the toilet.

Or urinal as it were. Sorry again. We just couldn’t resist some quality STAND UP comedy. You know, because you stand up at a urinal?

Okay we’re done for real.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Toddler Reacts in Crazy Delight to Star Wars Trailer

Look, we"re not about to go there.

We"re not about to say that the girl featured in the following video is the biggest Star Wars fan in the world because we know this is a touchy subject.

We really do not wish to incur the wrath of long-time followers of this beloved franchise.

However, we will say this. And we"ll say it with the utmost confidence:

The girl featured in this video is the cutest Star Wars fan in the world.

Footage has gone viral of her watching the first Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer… and if you think you were excited to get your initial look at this wildly anticipated blockbuster… well…

… just watch the video below.

Courtesy of our friends at My Fanatic, it features a wide-eyed toddler who isn"t just psyched because she"s seeing some cool characters, vehicles and explosions on screen.

This girl knows her stuff. She"s clearly very well-versed on the universe at hand.

Consider the way she screams "MILLENNIUM FALCON" as soon as this ship makes an appearance on screen… and then watch it again and again and again one more time.

Lord knows we did.

The precious Force is very strong with this one and we give her parents mad props for raising her so well. Job well done, Mom and Dad. We"re not joking.

Cutest star wars fan in galaxy reacts in delight to force awaken

Monday, October 19, 2015

Frosting-Covered Toddler Denies Eating Cupcake

We"d really prefer not to label any children as a "liar." That"s just not a very nice thing to say about an adorable young human being.

But… well… the father featured in the following video may want to back away from his son right about now.

Because little Jack"s pants are totally on fire!

In the precious piece of footage, Jack is confronted with a question from his dad: did he eat any of the cupcakes on hand for the New York Giants football game?

No, Jack claims, over and over and over again. No, he would never do that.

Why do we tend to not believe the toddler? Because he"s been caught red-handed blue-faced. See for yourself:

Frosting covered toddler denies eating cupcake

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Toddler Defends Illicit Nail Polishing, Tells Dad to Blame Barbie

Over the year, Barbie has become a lightening rod for controversy.

Many critics blame the doll for a rash of eating disorders, due to her unproportional, unrealistic figure.

But the adorable little girl featured in this video blames Barbie for something else entire: the nail polish found all over her body.

Sophia is sat down in this footage and then dressed down by her father, who wants to know why his child’s Barbie doll is pained with blue Disney nail polish.

"She told me to," the sad little girl responds. “She said it a hundred times.”

Sophia fights back tears throughout her defense, reiterating over and over that she was peer-pressured by Barbie into breaking house rules.

Does her dad buy this line of defense? Does it get Sophia off without a punishment? Watch, laugh and find out for yourself.

Little girl defends illicit nail polishing tells dad to blame ba

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Guess Who This Pigtailed Toddler Kid Turned Into!


0916_pigtails_cute_kid_guess_launchBefore this grinning little girl was traveling the globe as one of the world’s hottest models, she was just another cool little kid with adorable braids in San Diego, California. Can you guess who she is?!