Showing posts with label Trevor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trevor. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Actor Trevor Eyster"s Criminal Threats Case Dropped by D.A.

Trevor Eyster – the actor who played Sponge on the 90s sitcom “Salute Your Shorts” — can breathe easy around the holidays … the D.A. decided not to charge him with criminal threat Trevor got into an argument with his aunt’s caregiver back…


Friday, December 2, 2016

Tomi Lahren Meets with Trevor Noah, Has Slept with at Least One Black Guy

On Wednesday night, conservative commentator Tomi Lahren sat down across from Trevor Noah as a guest on The Daily Show.

The interview generated a great deal of online buzz, as Lahren and Noah battled it out over such topics as Donald Trump, the KKK (Lahren has some opinions on that group…) and whether Black Lives actually Matter.

But while most social media users quickly took sides after the interview (which we’ve posted below) aired, both Lahren and Noah did something rarely seen in this political climate:

They acted cordial to each other online.

For real!

Soon after the back-and-forth went viral, Noah Tweeted the following:

Thank you for being my guest Tomi. Our goal should be to destroy these “bubbles” not each other. You’re always welcome on my show.

Lahren then replied:

To my fans: Trevor Noah is not a douche or a jerk. To Trevor’s fans: I’m not a bitch or c*nt. We are people with opposing views. That’s it.

noah tweet

Moreover, Lahren and Noah actually met up last night at The Bowery Hotel in New York City.

In person. To talk more about their differences of opinion.

As far as we know, no drinks were thrown and voices were not raised. 

Crazy, right? A calm, rational, reasonable discussion about the issues facing this great country of ours?

TMZ caught up with Lahren after she caught up with Noah and asked for her thoughts on their discussion, prompting Lahren to say she and Noah still don’t see eye-to-eye on very much.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t be friends.

And that doesn’t mean she blames Noah at all for how the question-and-answer segment went. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to be a guest and she seems to believe in the maxim that all publicity is good publicity.

As for the question of whether she would ever date a black man?

Or whether she has ever dated a black man, as raised by Charlamagne in THIS VIDEO?

Lahren laughed. She played coy. But she did not deny that it has happened and did not deny that it could happen in the future.

So while Tomi Lahren doesn’t think that Black Lives Matter, she seems to believe that black penises sometimes matter behind closed doors…

Did you catch her controversial appearance on The Daily Show?

Do you think Lahren got the best of Noah? Or Noah got the best of Lahren?

And should more more conservatives and liberals sit down for these kinds of conversations on TV? Would it help a divided electorate heal?

Watch the interview and then comment away below… respectfully, please!


Tomi Lahren -- Peace Summit with Trevor Noah ... As for Dating a Black Guy ... (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah and conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren held a peace summit over drinks Thursday night, and Tomi’s declaring herself the big winner after their on-air feud. We spotted Tomi and Trevor having a very peaceful…


Tomi Lahren -- Peace Summit with Trevor Noah ... As for Dating a Black Guy ... (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

‘Daily Show’ host Trevor Noah and conservative firebrand Tomi Lahren held a peace summit over drinks Thursday night, and Tomi’s declaring herself the big winner after their on-air feud. We spotted Tomi and Trevor having a very peaceful…


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Tomi Lahren: Roasted to a Crisp By Trevor Noah on The Daily Show

Going back to the early days of Jon Stewart"s tenure on The Daily Show, the Comedy Central series has served as a venue for open dialogue between the preternaturally witty host and his usually short-tempered conservative counterparts.

Trevor Noah"s time on the show hasn"t resulted in quite as many instantly viral debates, but the comic"s half-hour interview with shrill Confederate-flag-come-to-life Tomi Lahren resulted in one of the most amusing discourses in TDS history last night.

If you"re unfamiliar with her work, Lahren is a 24-year-old pundit created in Roger Ailes" angry blonde laboratory.

We assume she"s not yet able to pass a Turing test, as instead of making millions railing against Obummer and Killary on Fox News, Lahren is desperately struggling to make a name for herself on The Blaze, which is apparently a cable network.

Lahren went toe-to-toe with Noah on last night"s TDS, and she malfunctioned so badly we assume she"ll be headed back to the workshop for Westworld-style reprogramming.

"For someone who"s not racist, you have to spend a lot of time saying you"re not racist," Noah aptly pointed out at the outset of the interview.

Lahren"s internal volume knob instantly went from 11 to 17, as she loudly declared that she "doesn"t see color," which is basically the rallying cry of people who have loudly and publicly declared that taco trucks are un-American.

She went on to prattle on about "militant actions" from Black Lives Matter supporters and otherwise brand the movement as a violent terrorist organization because it dares to speak out against the murder of black men by increasingly militarized police forces.

Noah not only held his own, but called out Lahren"s hypocrisy at every turn.

("I"m a Millennial; I don"t like labels," Lahren hilariously argued at one point, literally using a label to justify her hatred of labels.)

The whole thing is worth a cringe-watch and ought to be enough to at least temporarily quiet Noah"s critics and remind Lahren"s critics that they were so, so right from the start.

Tomi lahren roasted to a crisp on the daily show

Friday, September 18, 2015

Trevor Noah Talks Taking Over For The Daily Show"s "Jewish Yoda" Jon Stewart — And Shows Off His Impersonations Of All The GOP Candidates!

He seems OK to us!

Last night on The Late Show, The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah stopped by to chat it up with fellow new late night host Stephen Colbert!

While Noah was there, he of course talked a bit about his upcoming hosting gig and how he felt about taking over for Jon Stewart!

Video: John Cena Body Slams Jon Like He’s Amy Schumer In Trainwreck!

The 31-year-old comedian, worried he couldn’t live up to his predecessor — AKA “Jewish Yoda” — and shared the advice Stewart gave him about taking the reigns:

“The Daily Show’ is what ‘The Daily Show’ should be for you to be the best show you can make.”

To which the new host admitted:

“I walked away not knowing what that meant.”

While he was chatting it up with Colbert though, he also gave him a rundown of how ridiculous the GOP debate was as he impersonated every candidate’s responses in HIGHlarious fashion!

Ch-ch-check out Noah doing his best republican presidential candidate impersonation (below) and let us know how excited you are for the new host and the return of The Daily Show!

[Image via CBS.]