Showing posts with label Vegas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vegas. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2017

Las Vegas Shooting: Vegas Halloween Stores Still Selling Toy Guns

The Las Vegas mass shooting and the horrific carnage it left behind hasn’t put a damper on Vegas Halloween stores — realistic looking toy guns are still for sale. We called a bunch of stores in the area and they say they’ll continue pushing toy…


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Jason Aldean: See His Moving Tribute to Las Vegas Shooting Victims

This week must have been unspeakably difficult for Jason Aldean.

He was, of course, the performer on stage at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas when a man decided to open fire on the crowd, killing over 50 people and wounding over 500.

When the gunshots began, he rushed offstage, and he reported soon after that he and his crew were safe, but obviously heartbroken about what had happened.

But as traumatized as he must be, he still managed to make an appearance on last night"s episode of Saturday Night Live.

This week, Jason did the show"s cold open, and instead of the usual skit, he spoke directly to the audience and the cameras.

"This week, we witnessed one of the worst tragedies in American history," he began.

"Like everyone, I"m struggling to understand what happened that night, and how to pick up the pieces and start to heal."

"So many people are hurting. They"re our children, parents, brothers, sisters, friends — they"re all part of our family."

"So I want to say to them, we hurt for you, we hurt with you," he continued. "We can be sure that we"re gonna walk through these tough times together, every step of the way."

Because, Jason said, "When America is at its best, our bond and our spirit, it"s unbreakable."

And then, because his statement wasn"t touching enough, he launched into a song.

The song he decided to play?

"I Won"t Back Down," the incredibly fitting song by the late, great Tom Petty, whose death made this week even tougher than it already was.

Watch Jason"s full speech and performance in the video below:

Jason aldean see his moving tribute to las vegas shooting victim

Jason Aldean Tells "SNL" Viewers, "Don"t Back Down" After Vegas Massacre

Jason Aldean opened “SNL” Saturday night in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre, singing the message, “Don’t Back Down.” As you know, Aldrean was onstage at the Route 91 Harvest Festival a week ago when Stephen Paddock fired into the crowd,…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Las Vegas Cops Reveal Latest on Mass Shooter Investigation (LIVE STREAM)

The Las Vegas Metro PD will give an update in the deadly mass shooting investigation … and TMZ will be streaming live when it begins shortly. It’s been nearly a week since Stephen Paddock murdered at least 58 and injured over 500 others when he…


Las Vegas Cops Reveal Latest on Mass Shooter Investigation (LIVE STREAM)

The Las Vegas Metro PD will give an update in the deadly mass shooting investigation … and TMZ will be streaming live when it begins shortly. It’s been nearly a week since Stephen Paddock murdered at least 58 and injured over 500 others when he…


Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Got Aggressive with Chicago Hotel Manager Before Lollapalooza

Stephen Paddock got a guaranteed room with a view that overlooked the Lollapalooza festival because he was aggressive and demanding with the hotel manager … TMZ has learned. TMZ broke the story … Paddock booked 2 rooms at the Blackstone Hotel…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Britney Spears: Canceling Her Las Vegas Show After Terrorist Shooting?

We know that Britney Spears isn’t afraid of crowds or public appearances. She just took her sons to Disneyland for their birthdays, right there among countless other visitors.

Massive tragedies have a way of frightening us to our core, however. The Las Vegas terrorist shooting, which claimed 59 lives and wounded 527, had to be especially rattling to a singer and performer who performs there.

But … is Britney going to end her residency in Vegas?

When that monster Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd at a Jason Aldean concert, he ended dozens of lives, changed hundreds of lives forever, and destroyed his own family.

But following any terrorist shooting, there’s a culture of fear that endures. That’s part of the point of terrorism.

Do you all remember your first trip to a movie theater after the Aurora shooting?

I’ll be honest — I still quickly scan the room for anyone who seems like they might be concealing something. I’ve yet to see someone carrying a large package into the theater, and I don’t know what I’d do if I did, but … it changes you.

The point is to still go, despite the fear — to fly (yeah, I remember what it was like to fly after 9/11, too) and see movies and go to school and take public transportation and do all of the things that you normally do.

Otherwise, the terrorists literally win. To a degree, anyway.

Stephen Paddock was a jerk who demeaned his girlfriend in public, gambled for a living (he may have had an alternative revenue stream — some speculate that he was either a card-counter or did some sort of smuggling on top of his better known fondness for poker), and stockpiled deadly weapons.

But we don’t know what motivated to commit this evil act or what beliefs he holds that were behind it.

Maybe we’ll find out and maybe we won’t, but the impact that this massacre has had upon people is very real.

And it also impacts celebrities.

According to RadarOnline, their source close to Britney Spears says that she is terrified that another shooting might take place.

“Britney is heartbroken, but she is also legitimately scared to go to Las Vegas to finish her show.”

That’s her Piece Of Me residency, which has been running for ages and is actually nearing its end.

“As of right now, she wishes she could get out of the remainder of her contract because she does not feel safe at all going back there and doing a show in front of a large crowd.”

Britney’s not one for stage fright, so it sounds like she’s terrified that her audience members — her fans — could become an appealing target for the next monster.

“In fact, she has been really freaking out about it. She is already a slightly paranoid person, but this whole thing has gotten her and her family extremely concerned for her safety.”

Remember that Britney is also a mother. Jayden and Sean Preston don’t want to lose their mom.

“Several of Britney’s dancers are just ready to quit now. No one on her show really feels that secure about resuming the residency after what happened.”

That kind of thinking is normal after a tragedy.

“She is in talks right now with the casino to see if there is a solution. If she doesn’t postpone the show then she is going to require quadruple the security, at least.”

More security never hurts. You can’t plan for everything, but you can do your best.

That is so sad to hear.

If true, Britney isn’t the only one who feels that way.

Jason Aldean has canceled shows following the massacre.

And so has Jennifer Lopez.

While Jason Aldean’s audience was the target, Jennifer Lopez is clearly concerned about what many people are concerned about right now:


They say that the safest time to fly is right after a well-publicized plane crash.

This is when pilots and everyone responsible for plane safety are at their most alert.

In some ways, people are at their most alert for a shooting after a mass shooting.

But that additional caution also comes with the risk of a copycat trying to enact something similar, having been “inspired” by an existing massacre.

We understand Britney’s fears.

Her shows are legendary and incredible, but it’s always smart to put safety first.


Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Adamant Chicago Hotel Rooms Had View of Lollapalooza

Stephen Paddock called a Chicago hotel he had booked for Lollapalooza back in August to tell them that he wanted someone to call if, before check-in, he couldn’t get a view room — a room that overlooked the venue. TMZ broke the story … Paddock…


TMZ Live: Vegas Shooter: Targeted Other Concerts

ON TODAY’S SHOW O.J. Simpson Fakes Paparazzi Shot Cam Newton Fired After Sexist Comment  Lil Wayne: Secret Son Surfaces Tyga: Talkin’ Kylie Jenner Pregnancy 


O.J. Simpson Fakes Paparazzi Shot to Make Vegas Massacre Reaction Video

O.J. Simpson staged a paparazzi run-in with a photog Wednesday night so he could make (and possibly sell) a video commenting on the Vegas massacre.  Simpson was having dinner at a posh Vegas country club where our photog overheard him planning…


Dan Bilzerian Searched Police Truck Amid Vegas Shooter"s Gunfire

Dan Bilzerian frantically searched inside a LV police truck Sunday night as terrified concertgoers ducked for cover from the hail of bullets. Dan — the gun enthusiast getting roasted on social media for running away from the massacre — is…


Dan Bilzerian Asks Cop For His Gun During Vegas Shooting in Insane Video

On Sunday night, 59 people were killed and hundreds more were injured in the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Video and photographs from the attack chronicle an unimaginably horrifying scene with victims falling in the street and heroes dragging the wounded to safety.

But one video that"s gained a tremendous amount of traction on social media focuses neither on the shooter nor the innocent civilians who were gunned down, but instead reveals the unexpected involvement of a controversial internet celebrity.

Dan Bilzerian"s Instagram page has nearly 23 million followers thanks to the 36-year-old"s talent for presenting a lifestyle that reflects an archetypal male fantasy.

Based on his social media uploads, it appears that Bilzerian spends most of his time hanging out with scantily clad models and firing off massive guns.

Bilzerian"s weapon arsenal is the stuff of legend, but it seems the professional poker player found himself unarmed and off-guard when Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd at a country music festival earlier this week.

Previous video of Bilzerian at the shooting seemed to show him fleeing the scene and resulted in widespread criticism.

Bristol Palin"s husband Dakota Meyer slammed Bilzerian as a "coward" in a scathing social media post.

Now, however, new video has emerged that shows Bilzerian running toward the scene of the attack and attempting to assist police in bizarre fashion.

Without question, it was foolish of Bilzerian to interfere with police attempting to bring down an active shooter, and we"re sure many will argue that the interaction captured on video was nothing more than a publicity stunt from a man who"s made a living marketing himself as a gun-toting badass.

That theory may never be proven or disproven, but the video below does seem to verify Bilzerian"s argument that he wasn"t as blindly concerned with his own safety as Meyer and others claimed.

Check it out:

Dan bilzerian asks cop for gun during vegas shooting in insane v

T.I. Says Las Vegas Massacre Changes Nothing for Him, On Gun Control or Concerts

T.I. is standing his ground on gun laws, saying there’s still a NEED for Americans to own assault weapons … even though he can’t own them himself. We got Tip leaving Catch L.A. Wednesday night and asked him if the Las Vegas massacre makes him…


Dan Bilzerian Begs Vegas Cops, Give Me a Gun and I"ll Help!!!

Dan Bilzerian begged cops to hand him a gun as the Las Vegas shooter sprayed bullets at concertgoers … and it resulted in a heated confrontation. Dan — who flaunts his arsenal of weapons — has been skewered on social media for running from…


Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock"s Younger Brother Is Wanted by Cops

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock has a younger brother who has a warrant out for his arrest, albeit for something far less menacing … TMZ has learned. 57-year-old Bruce Paddock is wanted in L.A. County, according to docs, and it stems…


Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock"s Younger Brother Is Wanted by Cops

Mass murderer Stephen Paddock has a younger brother who has a warrant out for his arrest, albeit for something far less menacing … TMZ has learned. 57-year-old Bruce Paddock is wanted in L.A. County, according to docs, and it stems…


Stephen Paddock Booked Hotel Overlooking Lollapalooza 2 Months Before Vegas Massacre

Stephen Paddock had his sights set on Lollapalooza in Chicago and even booked 2 rooms in a hotel that overlooked the massive outdoor venue … TMZ has learned. Check out this pic of a computer screen at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago, located…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Las Vegas Shooting Victim Meets President Trump, Stands on Shot Up Leg

President Trump’s visit to a Las Vegas hospital got one of the mass shooting victims to stand at attention … even on his injured leg. Thomas Gunderson is one of the victims the President and First Lady met Wednesday in Vegas. Gunderson says he…


Las Vegas Shooting Victim Meets President Trump, Stands on Shot Up Leg

President Trump’s visit to a Las Vegas hospital got one of the mass shooting victims to stand at attention … even on his injured leg. Thomas Gunderson is one of the victims the President and First Lady met Wednesday in Vegas. Gunderson says he…


O.J. Simpson Staying In Massive Vegas Home on Golf Course

O.J. Simpson is living LARGE — he’s currently staying in a palatial 5,000 square foot home in a private Las Vegas gated community … right next to a golf course. We’re told the owner of the home is Simpson’s longtime friend — a person who even…
