Showing posts with label Voice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voice. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Won Season 14?

The Voice Season 14 has been a hot mess from start to finish. With mind-boggling decisions from the coaches, to the bloated live episodes, it’s becoming clearer than ever that the show is running out of steam. 

The show should air for one night a week, and have the eliminations in the same episode as the performances. It’s becoming a drag to watch, and the ratings are reflecting it. 

These expanded finale episodes are stuffed with filler, performances from stars we have heard so much about that we’re sick of, and more performances from the potential winners. 

Britton Buchanan, Spensha Baker, Brynn Cartelli and Kyla Jade were the final four of The Voice Season 14, and while they were all very great at performing, only one of them could win. 

Before we got to the first batch of results Season 13 victor, Chloe Kohanski made a return to the stage to perform her new single, “Come This Far.”

It was a surprisingly robust track, and it was filled with the high notes we’ve come to expect from this vocal powerhouse. 

The true test for Chloe will be whether she can emerge from The Voice’s shadow and carve a career of her own in which she thrives instead of disappearing into the ether like much of the others from the show.

In an unsurprising move, Spensha Baker was voted out first, meaning she came in fourth place. Kyla Jade came in third place. 

This left Buchanan and Cartelli in the competitive loop for the title of The Voice. In an unsurprising move, Brynn Cartelli took the win. 

Brynn has been one to watch all season long, and that’s down to her strong vocals and versatility as an artist. You could throw any song her way, and she would make it her own without much of a struggle. 

Brynn’s win also gave Kelly Clarkson a win in her first season as a coach. That’s got to feel pretty great, and knowing Kelly is coming back for Season 15 is music to my ears. 

Despite this season’s flaws, Kelly has been a great addition to the panel. She’s brought a whole new energy with her, and it would make sense to get rid of some of the other coaches to make way for newer additions. 

Okay, what are your thoughts on Brynn winning the whole thing? Was someone else robbed?

Does the show need some big changes?

Hit the comments below. 

The Voice returns in the fall on NBC!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Had the Best Original Song?

The top four took to the stage Monday night to perform a cover, an original single and even a duet with their coach. 

Oh yes, it’s the end of The Voice Season 14, and that can only mean one thing: Lots of performances from your favorite contestants. 

Let’s break down the four remaining stars and how their final performances panned out. 

Kyla Jade (Team Blake)

Kyla kept the ball rolling with a cover of “With a Little Help From My Friends,” and boy, it was a real showstopper. 

When she moved on to he original song “The Last Tear,” it seemed like it was going to be one of those slow songs with very little substance. 

However, it was so much more. With Kyla’s signature high notes on full display, she continued to throw the ball out of the park and prove that she deserves a place in the finale. 

When it came to her duet with Blake, she sprung a leak. Her strong vocals did not mesh well with Blake’s country voice, and that could be problematic when we get down to the final vote. 

As it stands, Kyla has a good chance at winning, but she’s not a slam dunk. 

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia)

Britton’s cover of “Good Lovin” was a complete and utter dud. In fact, his vocals have never been his strong point. He parades around the stage at a fast pace. 

That could explain why he pants his way through his songs. He needs to stand in one place, and sing. This is The Voice, not So You Think You Can Dance. 

The good news for Britton is that his original single was filled with striking lyrics that almost made up for his lack of spark as far as the vocals are concerned. 

His duet with Alicia of “Wake Me Up” was bizarre. There was nothing remotely unique about it. It came across as a karaoke duet, and that’s not going to do Britton any favors when it comes to voting. 

Spensha Baker (Team Blake)

Spensha’s cover of “Merry Go ‘Round” was not the best. It was one of her worst performances to date, but that’s not to say it was terrible. 

Her vocals were still very much present, but it seemed like she was tired of fighting her way to the finish line. 

Thankfully, she brought her A-game back to the forefront when it came to her original single, “Old Soul.” The single did feel like something you would expect from someone on Team Blake, and it was performed ever so well. 

Unfortunately, her performance with Blake was dull and uninspired. There was a mismatch in the vocals, and it showed. 

These two should not be performing together. It’s a bad combination. 

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly)

Brynn kicked things off with “Skyfall,” and while it’s always a big no-no to tackle an Adele song, she aced it. She flawlessly aced all of the notes and proved she is one of the best contestants of the series. 

Even her original single, “Walk My Way” sounded like something you would expect from a seasoned recording artist. 

Finally, her performance with Kelly was similarly solid. They both had strong voices and managed to refrain from overpowering each other. 

Which of the four will win the coveted title of The Voice?

We will find out Tuesday at 8/7c!


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Christina Aguilera Puts The Voice on Major Blast... Again

For the second time in just a few weeks, Christina Aguilera has talked dirty (or should we say… dirrty?) about her time on The Voice.

Earlier this month, the pop star compared working on this singing competition to being on a “hamster wheel,” said the experience was an “energy suck” and said she was “was longing for freedom.”

Harsh, huh?

And yet, Aguilera was apparently only just getting started.

Speaking to W Magazine, Aguilera doubled and tripled down on these remarks, laying even harder into The Voice.

“I signed on to a show where the blind audition element was something interesting, something genuine,” said the singer. “After a while, though, you start to see that everyone is good-looking.”

Aguilera served as a coach from 2011 through 2016.

That’s a long time.

She could have left early on if she really felt like the program was overly focused on the appearance of its contestants,but she stuck around… and has only chosen all these years later to saddle up on a very high horse.

“It wasn’t a comfortable place for me to be, where I’m just part of a money-making machine,” she tells W, adding:

“When I stop believing in something, then it’s like, ‘What am I doing here?’

“I think I did choose to, no pun intended, take a chair for so long and do something very commercial for my little ones.

“But at a certain point I felt like I’m not even doing them a service by cheating myself and what I’m here to do. They should be seeing mommy live her best life.”

Yes, this is absolutely true.

If Aguilera felt as if she was setting a poor example for her kids, then she should definitely have walked away.

We’re just wondering what she expected from the reality series. Of course it’s a “money-making machine.” It’s a television show that has to make said money in order to survive.

There are certainly worse ways to sell out than to be a coach on The Voice.

“I found myself in that place where I’m being told what to do, what’s going to be acceptable or unacceptable, what’s okay or not okay,” she said of her run in a red chair.

“It’s like, God, you know, I’m a mother of two now. The genie is out of the bottle.”

All of this said, Aguilera very much wants to put one rumor to rest:

No, she did not depart The Voice due to the romance between Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani.

That’s just plain old malarkey.

“It never had anything to do with any one person at all. And I actually think it’s really cute Blake and Gwen found love in that chaotic environment,” she says now, going down a different feminism path and adding:

“I fought for a long time to get two females in the chairs. And, for a long time, I was just told it wasn’t the demographic.

“But just know that I was a fighter behind the scenes.”

In closing, because all celebrities are now obligated to talk about Kanye West, Christina was asked about the controversial rapper.

(Aguilera did collaborate with Kanye on two upcoming songs, so this topic wasn’t completely random.)

“Kanye, you know, he says things,” Aguilera replied, stating the VERY obvious and adding:

“His mind works in mysterious ways. I’ll just say that. I’ve always been a fan of his music….

“If anything, he gives with his gut. You get the sense, though, that there’s a good guy there. Sometimes we’re all just a little misunderstood.”


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Voice Recap: Which Four Contestants Got Eliminated?

Eight became four on the latest episode of The Voice as the NBC juggernaut whittled down the contestants to make way for next week’s grand finale. 

But were the right people sent home? It’s not like the coaches have final say on who makes it to the finale. There are a variety of metrics that come into play, and one of them is iTunes sales. 

As always, there was a lot of beating around the bush before we got to the final results. Kane Brown showed up as a guest act and performed a surprisingly solid song, “Heaven.”

The true showstopper, however, was Blake Shelton who performed “I Lived It.”

There’s no denying that Blake is a great performer. When he’s up on the stage, it’s like all of the other country crooners aspire to be just like him. He’s a tough act to follow. 

When we got to the actual result, Spensha Baker, Brynn Cartelli, and Kyla Jake were granted a place in the finale, but Rayshun LaMarr and Jackie Foster were immediately sent packing. 

The middle three consisted of Pryor Baird, Kaleb Lee, and Britton Buchanan, who had to sing for one last chance to return to the stage on Monday night. 

Let’s break down the three performances. 

Pryor Baird (Team Blake) – “Soulshine”

Pryor continued doing what he does best: Oozing confidence and proving that he’s a force to be reckoned with. His rendition of this Allman Brothers classic was solid if a little unspectacular. 

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly) – “Simple Man”

Kaleb continued to be a bit all over the place. His performances have never been anything to write home about and his latest one seems like something he could be sent home over. 

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia) – “Dancing On My Own”

Okay, so here’s the thing: The moment it emerged there was a sing-off, and Pryor was involved, I thought Pryor had it in the bag, but Britton came, he conquered and left me wanting a whole lot more of those wonderful vocals. 

When it got down to it, Britton was saved, and Pryor and Kaleb were sent packing. Like, it’s great Britton got the chance, but I can’t help shake the feeling one of the other three should have gone home. 

Poor Pryor. 

What do you think of these results?

Who do you want to win?

Hit the comments below!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Top 8 Perform

With The Voice Season 14 winding down, the Top 8 took to the stage to perform with the aim of securing a place in next week’s final. 

The Voice has a nasty habit of taking too many performers to the live shows, and it means an alarming number are eliminated in the lead-up to the finale. 

It creates drama but also makes it more difficult to connect with any of the stars. Let’s break down the top 8 performances and try to narrow down who will make it through the elimination bloodbath. 

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly) – “What the World Needs Now”

If Brynn wanted to prove that she was a force to be reckoned with, she sure as hell accomplished that goal Monday night. For the first time in a long time, her performance was solid from start-to-finish and provided viewers with a great showcase. 

There’s no way she’s not making it to the final four, and if she doesn’t, she has a bright future ahead of her. 

Jackie Foster (Team Alicia) – “Here I Go Again” 

Jackie has been a bit all over the place of late, and that’s down to the downright bizarre songs being chosen for her. I mean, it’s obvious she has a great voice. 

But the voice only works well with certain songs, and that’s what’s putting Jackie at a disadvantage. She shouted her way through this performance, and it seemed way too fast-paced for her. 

Rayshun LaMarr (Team Adam) – “Imagine”

Rayshun has stayed in the competition much longer than he should have, and his Top 8 performance aimed to change things up. He wanted it all to be about his vocals, but he stood stationary on the stage instead of dancing around like he usually does. 

He seemed nervous, presumably because he thought he was going to be in the bottom two once again. 

Spensha Baker (Team Blake) – “My Church”

Spensha may be one of the most fun-loving people to ever grace The Voice’s stage, but she needs to channel that personality into her performances. They are coming across as monotonous, with very little in the way of versatility and that, once again, rung true on Monday night. 

Her tenure on the show will likely come to a close on Tuesday night’s episode. 

Kyla Jade (Team Blake) – “Let It Be”

Oh, Kyla. Never has a performance gave me the chills quite like Kyla’s latest number. It was from the heart and was the perfect one for such a crucial time in the series. If Kyla does not make it through, we riot. 

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly) – “It Is Well With My Soul”

Kaleb changed things up in a big way, and it resulted in his best performance to date. It’s just a shame he waited so long to change his sound up. If he did this after the first wave of criticism, he would for sure be at the end of the competition. 

Pryor Baird – “Change the World”

Pryor turned in more of the same, and that was a good thing. He’s been solid since his first performance, so why fix something that is not broken? He has his fans, and that should be enough to keep him around. 

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia) – “The Rising”

Britton oozes confidence, and that’s a good thing. Confidence is the name of the game, and if you can prove to everyone that you’re confident in yourself, then everything else should work itself out. Britton deserves a spot at the end, but time will tell. 

What did you think of the performances?

Who do you think will make it?

Hit the comments!


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Survived Double Elimination Night?!

We’re getting closer to The Voice Season 14’s finale, and that means it’s time to whittle the contestants down to ensure only the best performers make it all the way to the end. 

Monday’s results show was a surprising one. The reason for that was that everyone turned in a solid performance, and it made it obvious the popular vote was going to come into play. 

Before we got to the elimination, we had to endure a string of performances. It would make sense at this stage to have a more streamlined series, and that would include eliminating at the end of Monday’s episode. 

The Voice is dropping in the ratings, and that could be attributed to the sheer amount of filler. Now, that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the performance from Charlie Puth. His pathway to stardom is an exciting one. 

After Charlie’s spectacular, it was down to Five Seconds of Summer to wow the audience with a rendition of “Youngblood.” It was just as great as you would expect.

Sent to Safety 

Kyla Jade (Team Blake)

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia)

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly)

Jackie Foster (Team Alicia)

Pryor Baird (Team Blake)

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly)

Spensha Baker (Team Blake)

That meant Christiana Danielle, Jackie Verna, and Rayshun LaMarr were the bottom three and had to perform to try and stay in the competition. 

Christiana Danielle (Team Alicia) – “Unchain My Heart”

Christiana has great vocal range, and out of the three performances, her one showed her in the best light. This was the best song she could have hoped for on the night, but was it enough to save her? 

Jackie Verna (Team Adam) – “I Told You So”

Jackie’s performances have been all over the place of late, and her latest number proved that she was not a consistent performer. It was off-key, and it looked like she could be exiting the process. 

Rayshun LaMarr (Team Adam) –  “Let’s Get It On”

Rayshun has flirted with the bottom several times, and this latest number was more of the same from him. The man is struggling to get the votes. 

When all was said and done, Rayshun was saved, while Christiana and Jackie were given the pink slip. 

We now have just eight performers left, and with the finale fast approaching, there’s no telling who will win, 

The Voice continues Monday on NBC. 


Friday, May 4, 2018

Christina Aguilera SLAMS The Voice: It Was Like a Prison! It Was SO Fake!

As fans have seen recently with Christina Aguilera’s stunning bare-faced photo, she is updating her image and stripping away everything that she considers “fake.”

Now she’s telling the world exactly how she feels about her time as a judge on The Voice.

And she is not holding back.

In her interview with Billboard, Christina Aguilera says that being on The Voice felt like a prison.

She describes the experience and the show as an “energy sucker,” and compares churning out episodes to running a “hamster wheel.”

Speaking of that time, she says:

“I was longing for freedom.”

She had a self-care routine when she would get home from the set.

“I would just take everything off — the makeup, all of it — and would blast hip-hop, or Nirvana, ‘Creep,’ Slayer.”

So … rebellious music for old people.

“Anything like that to get me out of that zone, that TV mode.”

Christina says that one of the things that she did not enjoy was the limitations forced upon her.

“I didn’t get into this business to be a television show host and to be given all these [rules].”

Some people find comfort in the clarity that rules provide. Christina is not one of those people.

“Especially as a female: You can’t wear this, can’t say that. I would find myself on that show desperately trying to express myself through clothing or makeup or hair.”

Sometimes, little acts of rebellion go a long way.

“It was my only kind of outlet.”

Hey, whatever works.

She says that her experience on The Voice got worse as time went on.

“It became something that I didn’t feel was what I had signed up for in Season 1.”

Sometimes, shows change.

(And it probably didn’t help that her $ 17 million starting salary got cut down to a paltry $ 12.5 million)

“You realize it’s not about music.”

Well, if it were about the music and not about making a show, then it probably wouldn’t be on television.

“It’s about making good TV moments and massaging a story.”


Christina talks about her own upcoming album, Liberation.

“To me, there’s nothing like an amazing hip-hop beat.”

And she’s not just saying that because hip-hop has really climbed up on the charts since her personal musical heyday.

“At the end of the day, I am a soul singer.”


“When you strip back the words ‘pop star’ and the many things that I’ve done, singing soulfully is where my core, my root and my heart really is.”

Well, some people strongly prefer pop stars. But Christina is her own person and can make whatever kind of music she likes.

“And as you can see, it’s what I’m inspired by.”

She does admit that she finds touring a little daunting.

“Touring is so frightening to me, because I am a mom first. It’s part of why I stayed in the position I was [at The Voice].”

So she’s leaving her comfort zone for her art.

“It’s easy to get comfortable and cushy in the same place and not have to worry about uprooting your kids. I’ve been putting myself on the back burner.”

Plenty of people would have been happy to do The Voice for decades if given the option. But Christina is an artist.

“It needs to happen. I’m looking forward to getting back out and actually showing my kids what Mommy really does!”

That’s so exciting!


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Made Top 10?!

The Voice Season 14 continued to whittle down the contestants Tuesday night as we inch closer to the season finale. 

As is always the case with a results show of The Voice, there was a lot of filler as we found out who got through to the next stage of the competition. 

Pryor Baird and Britton Buchanan were the first two announced to be advancing. 

Janelle Monae then took to the stage to perform “Make Me Feel.” It was a great song, and we’re sure it will be another hit for the singer. 

America then voted to save both Rayshun LaMarr and Brynn Cartelli. This paved the way for another performance. 

This time, it was Team Adam who turned in a striking rendition of Coldplay’s “The Scientist.” It was a bit all over the place and made it clear one person should sing the song. 

Spensha Baker, Jackie Verna, Jackie Foster, Kyla Jade and Kaleb Lee were subsequently voted through. 

That meant Christiana Danielle and Sharane Calister were the bottom two for the evening and one of them was being sent home. 

But first, they had to perform another song to sway votes their way. 

Sharane – “If I Were a Boy”

Sharane benefits with the slower songs that allow her voice to be dialed all the way up. This was a great example of that. 

Christiana – “A Thousand Years”

Christiana gave it her all and proved that she is a force to be reckoned with as far as performing goes. It’s just a shame she struggles to bring in the votes. 

It was all down to the instant vote, and Christiana was the one who achieved the most. She advanced to the top 10. 

As for Sharane, her tenure on the series was over, and she was sent home. The good thing about the live shows this time around is that the right contestants are being sent home. 

The viewers are voting for the weaker vocalists, and that’s a good thing. Most of the middle of the pack performers are kept in way too long. 

What did you think of Sharane’s elimination?

Who do you think will go next?

Hit the comments below!

The Voice continues Monday on NBC. 


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Top 11 Perform Fan-Picked Songs!

The Top 11 took to the stage on The Voice’s Monday night episode, but they did not get to perform songs they picked. 

Instead, the viewers got to pick the songs their favorite competitors belted their hearts out to. It’s certainly a fun direction to take things. 

Did this twist give some of the more marginal performers the opportunity to emerge above the others, or did it make them circle the drain?

Let’s break down the eleven performances. 

Pryor Baird Team Blake – “Night Moves”

Pryor has been all over the shop since he appeared at the Blind Auditions, so it was a pleasant surprise to hear him sing a song that was made for him. 

Who knew a Bob Seger number would be the thing to put Pryor back into the competitive loop?

Sharane Calister – Team Adam – Hero

Sharane seemed to have the handle on the performance from the get-go, but it quickly fell apart. There were questionable vocals, lots of breathing and even silly stage movements. 

Sharane might have cost herself a spot in the Top 10, you guys. 

Kaleb Lee – Team Kelly – “T-R-O-U-B-L-E”

Kaleb got a good song to work with. It showed off just how great he can be if he gets a song choice that works for him and his voice. Will it be enough to keep him in the competition? We have no idea. 

Jackie Foster – Team Alicia – “Love Reign O’er Me”

Who would have thought that Jackie would be able to move on after that horrid “Toxic” number? It’s genuinely going to be the performance that haunts me the most from this season. In any case, Jackie successfully proved she has a lot of fight left in her. 

Jackie Verna – Team Adam – “Strawberry Wine”

Jackie’s country vocals effortlessly turned this performance into one of Jackie’s best performances yet. It oozed confidence and reiterated the fact that song choice is key. 

Kyla Jade – Team Blake – “Sweet Sweet Baby (Since You’ve Been Gone)”

This song gave Kyle the podium she needed to elevate her voice to a whole new level. It wasn’t full of shouting; it was filled with powerful vocals and confidence. 

Christiana Danielle – Team Alicia – “Umbrella”

Christiana went full steam ahead and rejigged the whole song. The result? A flawless performance that was up there was one of the best of the night. 

Brynn Cartelli – Team Kelly –  “You and I”

It was a bit cruel to give someone a Lady Gaga number. I mean, her voice is unique, so trying to replicate that is something that’s very difficult. 

Brynn tried her best, but it was difficult to listen to. 

Rayshun LaMarr – Team Adam – “Try a Little Tenderness”

Rayshun’s performance was confusing. It kicked off very well, but it faltered about the midway point and never really recovered. 

What paved the way for the big change? We have no clue, but it may well have cost Rayshun a place in the Top 10. 

Britton Buchanan – Team Alicia – “Perfect”

Who can say they’ve covered an Ed Sheeran song and failed? Probably everyone, and that included Britton. There’s was nothing remotely unique about his performance, and he was definitely served up a raw deal. 

Spensha Baker – Team Blake – “Better Man”

Spensha is too inconsistent to take seriously. Her latest number was not great, and I’m beginning to think she would be better off the show and finding her own voice. 

What did you think of the top 11?

Hit the comments below. 

The Voice continues Tuesday night at 8/7c!


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Most Predictable Elimination Yet?

With the live shows of The Voice Season 14 now well underway, it’s becoming increasingly easier to tell who is circling the drain. 

With most of the performers turning in solid performances on Monday night, it left a few stragglers who would likely be on the chopping block during Tuesday night’s installment. 

Per usual, the results show was stuffed with filler, but at least we got to hear Kelly Clarkson sing! The talented performer joined her team for a rendition of “Don’t Take the Money” which was not that great. 

It sounded like they were all singing it from inside a tin can, but there was no mention of whether there were issues with the performance on the technical side. 

We also got performances from Maroon 5 and the Rise cast. Rise is the new NBC drama that’s trying so hard to be Glee it hurts. 

Sent to Safety

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia)

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly)

Sharane Calister (Team Adam)

Pryor Baird (Team Blake)

Christiana Danielle (Team Alicia)

Spensha Baker (Team Blake)

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly)

Jackie Verna (Team Adam)

Kyla Jade (Team Blake)

Jackie Foster (Team Alicia)

That left D.R. King and Rayshun LaMarr on the chopping block, and both artists got one last chance to impress the world. 

D.R. King (Team Kelly) –  “Papa Was a Rolling Stone”

Like Monday night, D.R. turned in a performance that you would expect from someone at the start of the competition. 

Simply put, it was all over the place. It had shaky vocals, and it was difficult to imagine D.R. finding a way to bring himself back from the brink with this one. 

Rayshun LaMarr (Team Adam) – “I Can’t Stand the Rain”

Rayshun went with a slower song, and it was a return to form for him. The vocals were off the charts, and it made it very clear who would be making it through to the Top 11. 

As expected, Rayshun was saved, while D.R. King was sent packing. This highlights a bigger issue for The Voice: Why do the powers that be allow some of the weaker contestants to get far?

We’re not going to name names, but a lot of better vocalists have been sent home and D.R. has skated through. 

In any case, we’re down to 11 contestants, and the eliminations will get more substantial because there are only a handful of episodes left this season. 

What did you think of the elimination? 

Did the right person go home?

Hit the comments!


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Voice Recap: The Top 12 Perform!

The Top 12 took to the stage to perform for viewer votes Monday night, and one thing became clear during the episode: The crop of current performers are actually very good. 

Now, we’re not saying every single one of them is good, but for the most part, this is a decent and deserving bunch. 

Let’s break down the performances on the night!

Rayshun LaMarr (Team Adam) –  “When Love Takes Over”

While most of the performers were solid, Rayshun sprung a leak. He’s a likable person, but his performance was so over the to the top it was difficult to take it seriously. 

The vocals were not up to par, and that’s problematic because he’s at the freaking live shows. There’s a good chance Rayshun’s number will be up on the next episode. 

Kaleb Lee (Team Kelly) – “Amazed”

Kaleb turned in a solid rendition of this Lonestar classic. His vocals were at the level expected at this stage, but there were some issues. 

At a few points, they were shaky, and that could become problematic if it continues. He should advance to the next stage. 

Jackie Foster (Team Alicia) –  “Toxic”

It’s difficult to take someone seriously who performs a Britney Spears number and expects to be taken seriously. 

It was genuinely all over the place, and there’s a good chance Jackie will be exiting in the next elimination.

Spensha Baker (Team Blake) – “Down On My Knees”

Spensha brought her A-game to the stage, and she was great. Spensha will likely make it all the way to the end, and that’s because she knows what’s expected of her. 

Christiana Danielle (Team Alicia) – “Say Something”

Christiana has been one of the better performers throughout her stint on The Voice, and that continued Monday night with a performance worthy of winning awards. 

Everything about it oozed confidence, high production values, and class. 

D.R. King (Team Kelly) – “White Flag”

Performing after Christiana was always going to be difficult, the song choice was way off, and that put him at a disadvantage. 

Gis reimagined version seemed more like karaoke as opposed to making it his own. 

Sharane Calister (Team Adam) – “In My Blood”

Wow. Who knew that performing a Shawn Mendes song would help separate Sharane from the other performers who are middle of the pack?

More big swings like that, and she could solidify herself a place at the end of the competition. 

Pryor Baird (Team Blake) – “Pickin’ Wildflowers”

If you counted Pryor out after that horrid Dolly Parton rendition, we have news for you: He’s back and better than ever. 

The country voice benefited the song and proved he had the chops to make it further without relying on gimmicks. 

Brynn Cartelli (Team Kelly) – “Up to the Mountain”

Brynn may well emerge as the winner of the entire season, and it’s excellent when you consider that she’s just 15-years-old. Everything about it was polished, and up there as one of the best performances of the entire season. 

Jackie Verna (Team Adam) – “I’m With You”

Jackie has been hit or miss throughout, but she managed to regain focus on Monday night’s episode. She went with a genre-bending version of Avril Lavigne’s classic. 

Some of the vocals were shaky, but for the most part, Jackie redeemed herself. 

Britton Buchanan (Team Alicia) – “Small Town”

Britton went country, and, of course, it was an epic fail. It’s mind-boggling for him to change the direction like this, and probably put him at a disadvantage. 

Kyla Jade (Team Blake) – “One Night Only”

Kyla appeared on stage, belted out a classic soul song that came straight from the heart. It was poignant and filled with everything you would expect from this artist. 

Okay, who do you think will get cut next?

Hit the comments below. 

The Voice continues tonight on NBC!


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Made the Most of The Playoffs?

The Playoffs continued on Tuesday night’s episode of The Voice which found Blake and Alicia’s singers performing to get some votes to advance to the live shows. 

With the votes being cast during the show, the results are scheduled to be announced during a special Wednesday night telecast. 

Let’s break down the ten performances that took place on the episode. 

Team Blake

Spensha Baker – “Smoke Break”

Spensha brought more of the same in her performance, and that was the best thing to do. She already wowed the coaches earlier in the process, so it made sense for her to stick to what she does best. 

WILKES – “Don’t Speak”

Wilkes is poised to make it far into the competition, and that’s down to his rock-solid vocals that have been present ever since his first performance. His latest performance was similar to his others, and we would go as far as ruling him as one of the finalists. 

Pryor Baird – “9 to 5”

This performance was a bit all over the place to take seriously. Pryor is as talented as they come, but song choice is key, and this classic song was not for him. He should steer well away from Dolly Parton in future. 

Austin Giorgio – “Love Yourself”

Austin completely ruined all his credibility by performing a Justin Bieber song. It seemed more like a desperate ploy to get the votes from the younger crowd than one that made sense. The vocals were not strong, and Austin may have caused himself his place in the competition. 

Gary Edwards – “America the Beautiful”

Gary is one of the weaker performers on Team Blake, and his latest performance all but confirmed that. There’s not much more he can do at this stage aside from being sent home. 

Team Alicia

Terrence Cunningham – “Ain’t Nobody”

This performance started slow but picked up the pace quickly. However, it took a little to get to the good stuff, and we fear that most viewers probably zoned out before that stage. 

Christiana Danielle – “Take Me to Church”

There were some glaring issues with this performance, and while we could say it was the song choice, Christiana’s earlier performances have not been all that. Her tenure in the competition should be over soon. 

Jackie Foster – “Alone”

In all honesty, Jackie struggles with her performances because she does not know what her sound is. She changes things up too much, and it becomes difficult to get on board with an artist who is not at ease. 

Kelsea Johnson – “Need You Bad”

Kelsea was one of the better female voices on the show last night and proved that she’s one of the artists that can leave a lasting impression on everyone. She should advance to the live shows, but you can never really tell with this show. 

Johnny Bliss – “One and Only”

Johnny is hands down one of the most engaging performers, and he knows how to put on a show. The good thing is that his vocals remained on point throughout. He should stay in the process. 

What did you think of the performances?

Hit the comments below!

The Voice continues Wednesday night on NBC.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Voice Recap: Who Made It to the Live Playoffs?

The Knockouts came to a close Monday night on NBC’s The Voice, and that meant the coaching panel used up the rest of their saves and steals as they firmed up their teams ahead of the Live Playoffs. 

This is the stage of the competition in which the coaches tend to clip their weakest players to stand a chance of being the coach with the winning contestant. 

The Voice Season 14 has been moving at breakneck pace, and that’s probably down to the fact that the judging panel has been reinvigorated with the addition of Kelly Clarkson. 

Let’s break down the final Knockouts of the season.

Team Kelly: D.R. King singing “(I Know) I’m Losing You” vs. Tish Haynes Keys singing “Lady Marmalade” 

D.R. turned in a solid rendition of this classic song that was filled with soul and emotion. You could tell he knew he was skating on thin ice and needed to tower above the competition to make it through to the next stage. 

Unfortunately, Tish’s performance was considerably less polished, and you could tell who utilized the rehearsal time the most. 

Winner: D.R. 

Steal/Save: N/A

Team Blake: Wilkes singing “The Climb” vs. Dylan Hartigan singing “You Are the Best Thing” 

Wilkes went with “The Climb,” and it was a great performance. The vocals were off the charts, and there was a finesse when switching between the high and the low notes that worked out spectacularly. 

Dylan’s performance was not great. There were a lot of problems with it. It felt rushed, and all over the place. 

Winner: Wilkes

Steal: Dylan to Team Kelly

Team Adam: Rayshun LaMarr singing “Fallin’” vs. Gary Edwards singing “Many Rivers to Cross”

The most surprising thing about both performances was that the two were excellent. They both have the skillset to become success stories. 

Winner: Rayshun

Steal: Barry to Team Blake

Team Kelly: Alexa Cappelli singing “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” vs. Jorge Eduardo singing “Adorn” 

Alexa struggled with her performance, but she still emerged as better than Jorge. It was almost like both performers had decided they were done with the whole process. 

That’s not a good thing considering one of them got through to the Live Playoffs. 

Winner: Alexa

Team Alicia: Kelsea Johnson singing “Rise Up” vs. Sharane Calister singing “All I Could Do Was Cry” 

The show definitely saved the best for last. Kelsea and had a point to prove after her horrible battle, and she towered above the competition. 

Everything about this performance was fire when benchmarked next to her other ones this season. 

Sharane was also great but lacked the spark Kelsea had. That’s not to say the performance was weak. 

It was great. 

Winner: Kelsea

Steal: Sharane to Team Adam

Okay, what did you think of the latest battles?

Hit the comments below!

The Voice continues Monday on NBC. 
