Friday, July 1, 2016

Josh Duggar: Treated Like "Returning War Hero" After Rehab?!

Back in October, Gawker revealed that Josh Duggar had been using an Ashley Madison account to help him cheat on his wife of eight years, Anna Duggar.

The news came on the heels of the revelation that Josh had molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters) when he was in his teens.

The whole thing left Anna in a tough position, but not for the reasons you might expect:

For most wives, the only question would’ve been: “Do I leave my husband now, or try to piece together some sort of rudimentary time machine so that I can leave him yesterday?”

Anna, however, had a different quandary.

You see, the Duggars have no tolerance for sexual depravity (or, for that matter, pre-marital hand-holding), but they also have no tolerance for women having thoughts and emotions that don’t result in more babies and/or sandwiches for their husbands.

As such, it’s not surprising that Anna’s mind would’ve immediately turned to how she can help ease her husband’s burden by making his transition from disgraced sex addiction rehab patient to regular unpunished molester as easy as possible.

“She lost a bunch of weight … [But] she still feels insecure,” a source close to the family tells In Touch.

“She’s been going nonstop, not only exercising but getting their house ready for him, like he’s a hero returning from war. It’s really sad.”

Yes, Anna finds out that her husband cheated (she knew about the molestations before they married) and her first thought is, “How can I make myself more appealing so this doesn’t happen again?

Somewhere, Gloria Steinem’s head just exploded.

Yes, Anna addressed the Josh scandals on Jill & Jessa: Counting On last season, but it felt like it had less to do with her speaking her mind, and more to do with the Duggars saying:

“See? We’re not sweeping it under the rug! Now let’s move on, shall we?”

Try as they might to make it look like something less disturbing, Anna’s reaction to her husband’s infidelity is just a confirmation of how horrendously women are treated in the Duggar family.

Big Brother Recap: Who Was Evicted?

Was that one of the best blindsides in Big Brother history?

The Eight Pack alliance continued to chat about getting rid of Jozea, but Jozea and his alliance were so sure that they had the majority in the house. 

BB18 Julie

Jozea made a random claim that Paulie was the road kill champion, but this was probably made up to further sway the rest of the house to send the Calafiore brother packing. 

Nicole was less than impressed when she found out about Bridgette spying on the HOH crew. Her anger was further fueled when Zakiyah informed her that Bridgette said that Nicole’s her enemy. 

Nicole has not done a thing to Bridgette, so the fact that she’s targeting her so openly proves that these newbies are playing a horrible game. 

James tried to lighten the mood up a bit in the house and played a prank on Natalie. He replaced her face cream with mayo, but she never noticed. 

Bronte used it after and the reaction on her face was hilarious. Natalie and Bronte got revenge on him, but the three of them were just laughing by the end of it. 

Victor and Paul pressured Jozea into speaking with Nicole in the event of a tie. Jozea did not want to talk to her, but he knew he had to. 

Nicole knew what he was up to, but she played along with it. Jozea even tried crying to her. Say what you want about Nicole, but she can play this game better than anyone else in that house. 

A last minute argument almost made the Spy Girls vote Jozea out. Jozea got so jealous when James and the Spy Girls were chatting and James ushered him out of the room. 

Clearly Jozea wants to be part of every single house meeting. It’s not like he invites everyone to his, so there’s that. Why bother inviting him if he’s the Messiah of Big Brother?

Jozea and his alliance members were shocked to the core when he was evicted. It really shook his alliance members who were so sure that Paulie was leaving. 

The Eight Pack just sat with no expression on their faces. Well played!

At his interview, Jozea went back on a lot of the stuff he said in the game and even thought that Natalie voted to evict him, so if he gets back in the game you can expect him to target her. 

Julie let him in on the news about the potential of going back into the game in three weeks. He was ecstatic. 

This is all part of the latest twist and the winner will go back in the house in a special Friday airing on July 22. 

The drama continued to mount as the houseguests went to play in the latest HOH competition.

They were in their teams and had to move berries over an obstacle and whichever team wins gets to decide the new HOH. Julie said goodnight to the houseguests just as Natalie was disqualified. 

That didn’t take too long!

Who do you want to win the HOH? Who will be evicted next?

Hit the comments below!

Demi Lovato: Topless on New Single Cover!

Demi Lovato thought she’d be dead by now.

Thank heaven and earth that she is not.

This is the cover for her new single, “Body Say.”

What would your body say if you saw this?

We don’t even need to answer that question, because it’s obvious: Demi is basically the definition of sexy these days if you ask us.

Why? Because if nothing else, Lovato is authentic.

Hot, for damn sure, and moderately talented, yes. But you always know that Demi she speaks from the heart, and that sets her apart.

Demi has been open and honest about her struggles with cutting, self-esteem, eating disorders, substance abuse and so on down the line.

By being so imperfect, she is practically perfect.

What other celebrity can publicly lament what is wrong with the world today in such a way that shines a beacon of light upon it simultaneously?

Even when she does annoying things like quitting and returning to Twitter within 24 hours, you can chalk it up to her being a real human.

She’s her own person, trolls/haters be damned.

Typically, topless photos are ideal if the topless subject faces the camera, showing off their face and potentially other attributes as well.

Again, though. We’ll forgive her. She’s human.

Stacey Dash: Jesse Williams is a Hollywood Plantation Slave!

Safe to say Stacey Dash was not a big fan of Jesse Williams’ impassioned, viral speech at the BET Awards last weekend. At all.

Dash called Williams racist … and didn’t stop there.

“You’ve just seen the perfect example of a HOLLYWOOD plantation slave!” Dash wrote on her blog, excoriating the actor’s remarks.

“Sorry, Mr. Williams. But the fact that you were on that stage at THOSE awards tells people you really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Just spewing hate and anger.”

Williams stars on Grey’s Anatomy and is also the executive producer of the documentary Stay Woke: The Black Lives Matter Movement.

At the BET Awards, he delivered a poignant, and at times pointed, speech about the still-prevailing racism in today’s volatile society.

Citing examples of police brutality and invoking images of slavery as well as the Black Lives Matter movement, Williams earned raves.

“We’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and out of mind.”

“Extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment … ghettoizing and demeaning our creations, then stealing them, gentrifying our genius.”

Accepting his humanitarian award, Williams added, “The thing is, though, just because we’re magic, doesn’t mean we’re not real.”

Dash, however, saw it a bit differently.

From her standpoint, Williams’ speech was divisive rhetoric, another obstacle keeping America from coming together as a united nation.

“That chip on the shoulders of people like you will weigh you down and keep you from flying free,” she wrote. “But true freedom is never free.”

“You have to know how to fly. If anyone is making you feel this way its you. Living in a psychological prison of your own making.”

“If anyone is GHETTO-IZING anyone, it’s people like you letting the BETs and other media outlets portray us in stereotypes.”

Her beef with the network is ongoing.

During last winter’s #OscarsSoWhite controversy, Dash stated on Fox & Friends that she couldn’t grasp why BET still existed.

“I think it’s ludicrous,” the 49-year-old said. “We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration.”

Dash says it’s all a double standard:

“If we don’t want segregation, then we have to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards, where you’re only awarded if you’re black.”

Dash also incurred the wrath of Twitter for comments about Prince not being a black artist, so in certain situations she really is clueless.
