Monday, September 21, 2015

DASH Dolls Premiere Recap: The Worst Show Ever?

Yes, the unstoppable Kardashian family empire has expanded again … to include the people who WORK for the Kardashian family empire.

It was a television event we can barely believe actually aired on real TV, even in the days where there are more shows than we can count.

It’s not enough that the flagship Keeping Up with the Kardashians returned last night. They had to bring a new spinoff along with them.

On DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 1, E! set out to answer the question no one has ever wanted to know but we are now forced to find out:

What goes on in the exciting lives of the young women who sell all the overpriced crap inside the Kardashians’ DASH clothing boutique?

When they’re even open for business, that is? Which is pretty rare?

Personally, we always thought the DASH line was a bit of a joke, and not just because Kourtney gave her son that for a middle name.

For all the millions of dollars this family has made – and more power to them for it – so little has come from these widely-panned threads.

Not to mention, the stores seem to pop up only when Kim, Khloe and Kourtney are lacking for anything else to do on Keeping Up.

Whenever that happens, the employees look as expressionless as the mannequins in their retail locations and about as smart, too.

Are we right? Or is there more to DASH than we’re giving the Kards, and their lackeys, credit for? Well, Sunday night answered that.

You may be surprised. Follow the link to watch DASH Dolls online and see what all the fuss is about, or lament the decline of society.

Here’s a sneak peek too if you’re a real glutton for punishment: