Sunday, September 20, 2015

It"s An Honor Just To Be Nominated, Right? You Won"t Believe These TV Stars Have NEVER Won An Emmy!

The 67th Emmy Awards are tonight!

This prestigious night honors the finest programs in television, and only gets more competitive as the years go on — because there is SO much quality TV nowadays!

That surge in competition is a double edged sword, because a ton of deserving actors have been forced to perform the “gracious loser clap” year after year by losing out to someone else!

It’s the last year for Jon Hamm and Amy Poehler to win for their roles on Mad Men and Parks & Recreation. If not, they will sadly remain with these other actors who have NEVER won an Emmy!

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

CLICK HERE to view “TV Stars You’ll Be Shocked Have NEVER Won An Emmy!”

[Image via AMC/NBC.]