Thursday, September 10, 2015

This Cell Block Tango Parody About Kim Davis Is The Funniest Thing You"ll See All Day!

This is just TOO perfect.

On Monday, one YouTube user made it clear he had a lot of strong feelings about Kim Davis‘ refusal to issue marriage certificates to same-sex couples.

User Randy Rainbow took to the video streaming site to share a silly and perfect parody to Cell Block Tango from Chicago, and it’s all about the Kentucky clerk!

[ Video: Did Candace Cameron Skip The View To Avoid Kim Davis Topic? ]

He sings about her bigotry, her biggest fan, Mike Huckabee, and her jail time, so its only fitting that he selected a song to spoof that’s about being in prison! LOL!

Now, even though it was uploaded before she was released, it’s definitely still worth a watch! Ch-ch-check it out (below)!

[Image via Carter County Detention Center.]