Friday, January 15, 2016

Donald Trump: Listen To My Patriotic Jam, It"s Got Freedom Girls

There are certain things you can"t unsee.

At a January 13th Pensacola rally, three girls in patriotic costumes performed "The Official Donald Trump Jam" as part of the candidate"s campaign.

The aforementioned jam was a remix of the wartime song, "Over There" and – if I"m not mistaken – Blondie"s "Heart of Glass?"

Here are the lyrics I picked up:

 "Cowardice, are you serious?"

"Apologies for freedom, I can"t handle this!"

"When freedom rings, answer the call!"

"On Your Feet! Stand up tall!

"Freedom"s on our shoulders, USA!"

"Enemies of freedom face the music.  Come on boys, take "em down!"

Comments from the post on Jezebel"s The Slot, summed up my feelings quite perfectly:

"About halfway through I started praying for the sweet release of death."


"And if the answer is “singing for Donald Trump and racist America while dressed as little American flags!” then someone needs to intervene immediately.  

"I’m not a parent, but I think i’d rather hear: "out getting high" over this."

"I tried to watch this but my computer starting sobbing."

It"s hard to believe that England is thinking about getting rid of "God Save The Queen" at soccer games while we"re being subjected to a half-assed dance recital performance of an outdated propaganda song.

I have to go lay down.

Donald trumps freedom girls perform his patriotic jam