Saturday, January 9, 2016

Josh Duggar: I Have Photos to Prove I Didn’t Abuse Danica Dillon!

Whoa. This Josh Duggar porn star scandal has more twists and turns than a cornfield maze.

Yesterday we learned that Duggar claimed he never met, much less paid for sex with and abused Danica Dillon – and now Radar Online reports that he has photographic evidence that proves he wasn’t even in Pennsylvania when the alleged incident took place.

Duggar has been accused of assault and is being sued by Dillon, an exotic dancer and adult film actress who claims the former reality TV star paid her for sex and inflicted physical and verbal abuse on her during their encounter.

New U.S. District court documents submitted by his attorneys state that Duggar “and his counsel have already provided more than one hundred pages of alibi documents to Plaintiff’s counsel, as well as video footage and photographs. Defendant also supplied the contact information of many eyewitnesses to ensure that substantive initial disclosures were produced.”

Duggar’s defense team also asked the court to demand that Dillon supply proof of the $ 500,000 in damages she incurred due to the alleged abuse, including wage information and medical costs.

But here’s the part that leaves us scratching our heads.

In a final blow, Duggar argues that Dillon’s assault and battery claims should be dismissed “because Plaintiff was engaged in illegal activities at the time she sustained the injuries alleged.”

Soooo, first he insists that the incident never happened, then he says that the thing that definitely didn’t happen was illegal, so her accusations shouldn’t count.


Did it happen or not, Josh? If it didn’t happen, it seems that last part should be totally irrelevant, right? 

And by the by, if that thing that didn’t happen DID happen, A) you were also engaged in said “illegal activity,” and B) if a second, and incidentally more severe, illegal act (i.e., physical abuse) occurs simultaneously with the first offense, you don’t get off scot-free.

A pretrial conference is scheduled for January 21. But we have a feeling more will surface between now and then.