Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian: Drinking, Partying Non-Stop to Cope With Breakup?

It’s been six since Kourtney Kardashian dumped Scott Disick, but it seems the 36-year-old mother of three is still having a hard time adjusting to the single life.

Sure, Kourtney was hooking up with Justin Bieber for a while, but that ended in humiliating fashion after photos of Bieber kissing Hailey Baldwin on New Year’s Eve began to circulate online. 

Now, Kourt is on her own once again, and insiders say the reality star is relying on some dangerous coping mechanisms.

“Kourtney’s out gallivanting around all night these days,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online. “She’s gone AWOL on her responsibilities and is trying to fix her heartbreak in the worst way possible.

“Kourtney’s still hurting badly, she gets drunk and does crazy things. Chasing down all these young guys is nothing more than tragic.”

The insider says that Kourtney’s been aching for this sort of release for years, but now that she’s got a modicum of freedom, she’s overdoing it in a big way.

“In some ways, it’s overdue because all her life she’s been the responsible one, looking after her siblings, then her kids and Scott, so she figures it’s her turn now,” says the source.

The situation is a bit ironic, as Kourtney dumped Scott in part because of his constant partying and refusal to go to rehab, and now, loved ones are encouraging Kourtney to seek professional help.

“It’s getting worse too because she’s always so cranky and exhausted, the only release she gets is from partying,” says the insider. 

“Everyone wants her in serious therapy or rehab. All the emotional instability, boozing and partying is a recipe for disaster.”