Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12 Recap: Got a Secret, Can They Keep It?

Secrets became untangled on Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12.

Pretty appropriate for an installment titled “Charlotte’s Web,” no?

With so much being revealed about our core quartet this week, let’s simply breakdown what we learned on a twist-filled hour of television, shall we?

Spencer and Caleb definitely hooked up. Was this rumor confirmed? No. But you need not have read too closely between the lines of Spencer’s story about bumping into Caleb in Madrid in order to jump to this conclusion.

She’s likely very happy to hear that Caleb will be hanging around to “help with the campaign.”

Emily may have cancer. She’s been undergoing “treatments” in California and also in Rosewood. Granted, that is all we know for sure at the moment.

But new woman running Ezra’s café did drop the dreaded C-Word at one point. This blew our minds to such a degree that we scarcely even reacted when Emily eventually bumped into Sara in the cemetery.

Aria and Ezra were together the night Charlotte was killed. So… did they commit the crime together?

Aria looked guilty this week after fleeing for Boston as soon as possible, but then we learned that she met up with Ezra around the time that Ali’s sister lost her life.

According to that awkward prayer, that subsequent intervention and the promo for Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 13, the gals are growing suspicious of both “Ezria” halves.

Hanna may be engaged to Jordan, but she still has feelings for Caleb. Not exactly a major bombshell here, we know. But we do adore Jordan!

And now, as we encourage readers to watch Pretty Little Liars online in order to catchup, it’s time for a few quickfire questions as a result of this episode:

  • Was there a romantic spark between Emily and the coffee shop girl?

  • Are Sara Harvey’s hands really as unusable as she claims them to be?

  • Was Ali’s “grace” the most frightening prayer you’ve ever heard in your life?