Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 7 Recap: Bethenny Frankel Edition!

On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 6 Episode 7, a familiar face from the East Coast paid a visit to the ladies of the 90210.

You could say she lived up to her reputation, as well.

Oh yes, Bethenny Frankel hosted the women of Beverly Hills on their trip to the Hamptons, and weighed in on every bit of their drama.

Bethenny does not mince words. To put it mildly.

Lisa Vanderpump, never one to hold her tongue either, even said of Frankel, “sometimes, she needs to sweeten her brand a little bit.”

Nothing was, or will ever be, off limits. Nothing.

Right off the bat, Frankel had lots to say about Erika Girardi. “Holy s— she’s hot,” for one, and “she looks like a Playboy bunny,” to boot.

Girardi’s music videos sort of sucked, though.

At least according to Frankel, for whom the pacing was off, the brand was off, the visuals were off … DEAR G*D WHAT IS THIS CRAP!?

Erika took it all in stride, but you could tell she was miffed to be called out in such fashion, and she wasn’t the only one Tuesday night.

Meanwhile, Eileen Davidson attempted to resolve some of the ongoing tension with Lisa Vanderpump dating back to a recent conversation.

Eileen felt that Lisa had pried too much about how Eileen and her husband had met, knowing full well how uncomfortable this made her.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, you know it’s one thing after another with this crew in terms of who said what.

Lisa did have a decent point, though, when she basically told Eileen: If the questions were uncomfortable, you should have just told me.

Davidson agreed, but she was still upset by it.

As for another taboo subject – no, not Yolanda Foster’s Lyme disease – Frankel, of course, was not afraid to bring it up with the cast.

The sad, ongoing saga of Kim Richards. 

“I feel badly for you because you feel like you’re on the outside of it,” Bethenny told Kyle of Kim’s drinking, arrest and personal problems.

“People don’t realize you can’t help someone unless they want to be helped,” Kyle said, fighting off tears. See, I can’t talk about this.”

Finally, there was Lisa Rinna, who was involved in everything, yet on the periphery, rather than taking a more active pot-stirring role.

At least for this week. Her notable highlight was a “prudish” reaction to Erika’s video, which namesake Lisa Vanderpump took notice of.

LV’s quote of the night: “Maybe she’s being judgmental, but she doesn’t want everyone else to be judgmental of her being judgmental.” 

Spoken like the true queen that she is.