Friday, February 12, 2016

Blake Lively: Did She Cheat on Leonardo DiCaprio With Ryan Reynolds?

Ryan Reynolds has been feverishly promoting Deadpool for weeks now, and it’s not hard to see why the 39-year-old actor is so invested in the film’s success.

Though he’s well-liked and well-known, the A-list has eluded Reynolds, and questions about his bankability have haunted his career.

You may have forgotten about Reynolds’ previous attempt at anchoring a superhero franchise – the notorious 2011 flop The Green Lantern – but Reynolds certainly hasn’t.

After all, he met his future wife, Blake Lively, on set.

But as Reynolds revealed in a recent interview, he and Blake didn’t start dating until several months later – and they didn’t let the fact that they were both seeing other people get in the way of their romance:

“About a year after Green Lantern had come and gone and we were both single we went on a double date – she was on a date with another guy and I was on a date with another girl – and it was like the most awkward date for the respective parties because we were just like fireworks coming across.”

It may sound like a typical meet-cute story, and the fact that they met while on a double date with other people only makes Ryan and Blake marginally less boring, but some amateur Internet sleuths have picked up on the fact that the “fireworks” may have gone off around the time that Blake was dating Leonardo DiCaprio.

In fact, the first rumors of Blake and Ryan hooking up began to circulate the same week that Blake and Leo called it quits.

Could it be that Blake hit it off with Ryan while Leo was right by her side? Did she drop DiCaprio to hook up with Reynolds?!

Meh…either way Leo probably only vaguely remembers that they used to bang.

He probably consoled himself with a supermodel sandwich the same day they broke up.