Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kody Brown: Cheating on Sister Wives with New Lover?!

Kody Brown doesn’t seem to be satisfied with four women and 18 kids, according to a new tabloid report. There must ALWAYS be more.

According to insiders, the TLC reality star may have strayed from his polygamist marriage just weeks after welcoming his 18th child.

The latest cover of Life & Style reveals that there is a Sister Wives secret lover out there, one who is ready to tell all about the Browns.

Why would Kody need yet another woman? And how many more secrets can be exposed about the Browns at this stage of the game?

It’s not clear at all, but the Brown wives have been at loggerheads with each other for years, particularly Janelle Brown and Meri Brown.

Both have admitted as much, and separately, Christine Brown has been on the outs with Kody Brown and Robyn Brown for an eternity.

Kody was actively pursuing and courting Robyn Brown the entire time Christine was pregnant with her sixth child, Truely, back in 2010.

That can’t go over well.

Nor can it be easy when the polygamist patriarch married a divorced mom of three just one month after little Truely entered the world.

Christine, naturally, would be jealous and harbor major resentment toward Robyn. Being a polygamist brings about these new dynamics.

However, if he’s cheating on ALL FOUR, that would take it to a new level entirely, and then there’s this tidbit from the celebrity magazine:

Allegedly, tensions have boiled over into physical abuse, as the Brown women have now added violence to their laundry list of secrets.

Without naming names, a source divulged that one of the Browns was punched in the stomach by one of the Sister Wives co-stars.

This comes on the heels of talk of Kody being dumped by three Sister Wives, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, and Christine Brown, in January.

Take all this with a grain of salt, of course.

Just because you repeat a rumor over and other again doesn’t mean they are really planning to leave him. Still, things don’t look great.

Kody married Robyn Brown to adopt her kids and then just had a new one with her, so she’s likely in it for the foreseeable future.

The rest of them could potentially revolt – perhaps the Meri Brown catfish scandal was a harbinger of things to come – at any time.

Stay tuned to find out of this is pure tabloid conjecture or whether the long-reported internal crumbling of the Brown empire is real.