Monday, November 28, 2016

Sister Wives Season 8 Episode 1 Recap: Did Kody Go Too Far?

Did Kody go too far?

That concern popped up several times throughout Sister Wives Season 8 Episode 1, when the family continued their wedding planning. 

However, all of the drama from Season 7 was still hanging over them, and it made us question whether the family would ever be able to fully recover from it. 

We picked up with Maddie, who was still planning her wedding to Caleb.

The family discussed the fact that it may be the first monogamous wedding that the family had witnessed in quite some time. 

Christine was far too busy with Mykelti’s news that she wants to marry her boyfriend, Tony, but she made it clear she would consider it. 

Christine contacted Kody for advice when she realized things were getting serious with Tony. 

When they caught up, Kody was less than impressed about the news that Mykelti had the idea of getting married.

Kody wanted her to finish college before making any big decisions, but it appears like she’s doing anything but finishing college. 

Tony has dinner with Christine and Kody, to ask them if it’s okay to have Mykelti’s hand in marriage.

Kody let his concerns come to the surface. His main issue was the short time span of the relationship. 

Kody wants the pair to not be sexual with one another and to wait for marriage. Tony reluctantly agrees. 

Christine was then blindsided by the news that Kody gave consent for the marriage to go ahead and aired her thoughts on it. 

Christine and Kody then told the wives about the wedding and they were less than impressed.

They were concerned at the thought of planning two weddings. 

After that, they go to help pick out a caterer for Maddie’s wedding to Caleb. 

We then got the news we all knew was coming: Mariah is not impressed with Meri for the whole catfishing incident.

Meri then claimed she and Kodi had been having trouble in their relationship for years and that something needed to be done. 

She was totally right. 

Meri and Kody then faced off about the way things were going in the relationship and we left them at a difficult moment.

It will be addressed in next week’s episode. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!
