Friday, January 6, 2017

Val Chmerkovskiy Slams Racist Trolls, Defends Amber Rose Romance

The Internet can really suck sometimes.

Okay, the Internet can really suck a lot of the time.

Earlier this week, for example, Amber Rose shared a sweet and romantic photo of herself and Val Chmerkovskiy.

In the image (down below), Rose and Chmerkovskiy are exchanging a kiss on the lips, with the former gushing over her boyfriend in two simple words:

My love.

Adorable, right?

Why would anyone possibly take issue with the model and the Dancing with the Stars professional for giving us a quick glimpse into their relationship?

Because Chmerkovskiy is white and Rose is black.

That is sadly the answer.

In a series of since-deleted tweets, Chmerkovskiy was forced to come to the defense of his Rose romance, saying it was “not surprising but still fairly disappointing how ignorant and vile people are.”

We could investigate social media to see exactly what they said, but the results were likely depress us for weeks.

“The hypocrisy. All these bible proverbs and absolutely zero follow thru [sic]. All this ‘love’ yet zero empathy,” he continued, adding:

“I’m speechless. TBH. Not because I have nothing to say. Just don’t have anything to say y’all capable of understand [sic.]”

As mentioned, Chmerkovskiy erased those message not long after he wrote them.

But he did Tweet a couple more, attempting to focus on the positive in the process.

“Life’s beautiful. Stay focused. Keep winning,” he Tweeted, along with the following:

Love is like war. Easy to start, difficult to finish, impossible to forget. Thanks for this.

val tweets

Chmerkovskiy and Rose got together shortly after Dancing with the Stars Season 23, during which Rose was paired with Chmerkovskiy’s brother.

(Val was also featured on the season and actually went on to win with his celebrity partner, Laurie Hernandez.)

They started to pose on social media together in October, with the relationship clearly growing more serious every week since then.

“It matters 0% what people who don’t know you think about you,” Chmerkovskiy wrote on Thursday morning. “All that matters is what the people who really knowU and loveU think about you.”

“…and what God knows about you. Beautiful advice this morning.”

As for how Rose feels?

She commented on life with Chmerkovskiy during Wednesday’s episode of her podcast, Love line.

“It’s amazing. It’s so good,” she said. “It’s been four months and I love his family and everyone is great. Right now, it’s just absolutely amazing and I’m super, super happy.”

We’re so glad to hear it.

Forget the haters. Forget the trolls. Forget the racists.

In the end, they always lose at life.

But Val and Amber are very obviously winning these days.
