Thursday, June 1, 2017

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 9 Recap: More Cheating Allegations!

With Tom’s infidelity coming to the forefront once again, it’s making for a boring string of episodes of The Real Housewives of New York City. 

On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 9 Episode 9, the rumors continued to swirl, but it all felt like a rehash of Season 8. 

When the episode got underway, LuAnn continued to claim she trusted Tom, even though there was a lot of evidence that he was stepping out on her. 

“I’m getting married in two weeks,” LuAnn declared. “What couple doesn’t have lover’s quarrels?”

Ramona opened up about Tom exchanging saliva with other women, but LuAnn did not seem to care. Is there a chance that she lets her man do that to her?

Bethenny then chimed in with her thoughts on the matter. 

“We all just want to hit her over the head with a baseball bat one last time to make sure she’s really sure,” Bethenny said to the camera, adding that “cracks become craters.”

Ramona tried to get LuAnn to admit that Tom had not stopped being a cheat, but it was all falling on deaf ears. Ramona then felt the need to imply she was trying to help LuAnn because she was worried. 

Um, we’ve already witnessed a number of scenes with Ramona being downright obsessed with LuAnn. 

“Tom and I are confident in who we are, and we trust each other,” Luann fired back, irate at being put on the spot.

The conversation quickly changed gears when LuAnn opened up about her and Tom’s luxurious lifestyle. Seriously, LuAnn, get yourself some new friends and a new man.

While the Tom drama seemed over, Ramona switched her attention to making things right with Bethenny. Bethenny, however, was done with Ramona. 

LuAnn stepped in to offer some advice. Bethenny fired back that LuAnn’s advice found her in the “torture chamber” she was stuck in with Jason Hoppy. 

“I’m in a very, very negative, tortuous situation as a result of my divorce and I am holding on by a thread,” Bethenny said.

LuAnn then tried to imply that everything would be all right and Bethenny should look at it as life defining moment. This did not impress Bethenny, and she decided to shout at her former friend. 

“I didn’t go through s–t! I’m in s–t! I’ll never be done!”

“I don’t know why I’m being punished this way,” she cried. “I sometimes feel hopeless, and I sometimes feel like my ex is untouchable and I’m not going to be able to get out of this.”

Ramona then felt the need to get very drunk and try to make nice with Bethenny. 

“Ramona, all of a sudden, like a bat, comes crawling on my shoulder,” Bethenny says to the camera. Ramona then tried to apologize, but Bethenny left. 

Ramona chased her and the two ladies finally engaged in a conversation. 

“I want to go through it because I want you to understand it,” Bethenny said. “You have not been a good friend to me.”

“Wow, wow, Bethenny, wow!” Ramona screamed. “Are you f–king kidding me? Are you kidding me?”

So, what do you think happens next? Hit the comments!
