Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Peggy Sulahian: Also Ousted from The Real Housewives of Orange County!

Calling all rich and spoiled women who want to be sort of famous on television:

Bravo has a couple of opening for you!

Fresh off the news that Lydia McLaughlin would not be returning for a new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County, Bravo has now announced another cast departure… 

We hardly even knew ya, Peggy Sulahian.

Following just one year on this cable network franchise, Sulahian has been let go by producers, who apparently weren’t pleased with Peggy’s role on Season 12.

Over the course of her brief run on the series, which culminated in Sulahian basically hiding out alone in her Iceland hotel room, the Z-Lister bonded with Vicki Gunvalson…

… while fighting with basically every other cast member.

“What an exciting experience it was to be part of The Real Housewives of Orange County! It was an honor to be the 100th housewife and to be part of the Bravo family,” wrote on in response to this news.

She added:

“I am extremely proud of being the 1st Armenian-American Housewife and sharing my culture with the world.

“While I faced and conquered many challenges, I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story and spread awareness of breast cancer.”

Sulahian went on to say that this breast cancer diagnosis is what prompted her to resign from the show, claiming she is leaving on her own terms.

“Dealing with the disease and the passing of my father challenged me to reassess and reflect on my life, and I’ve realized what’s most important is leading a healthy and happy life, surrounded by people who care and love you.

“At this point, moving on seemed like the right thing to do.

“A few new ventures have availed themselves, and I look forward to sharing them with you soon!”

Radar Online, however, counters that both Sulahian and McLaughlin (pictured below) were fired by executives – and that both women were among the last to even learn their fate.

According to this report, Peggy was told by her friends and by the network simultaneously that she was on her way out.

Similarly, McLaughlin released a statement last Friday that made it sound as if she quit.

In reality, though, she only said these words to save face after being told that she wasn’t wanted back.

Peggy is looking forward to focusing on her family and her own opportunities. She is a very positive person and wants to be away from the negativity of the women,” an insider tells E! News, adding:

“Peggy is big on positive energy and wants that around her and her family.”

Sulahian and McLaughlin’s departures come on the heels of Meghan King Edmonds also leaving the show.

This means the only ladies set to return right now are Gunvalson, Tamra Judge, Shannon Beador and Kelly Dodd.

Prepare for a few casting announcements to be made by Bravo in the near future as a result.

Have anyone in mind you think should join the team?
