Showing posts with label Bookout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bookout. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Maci Bookout is Doing Porn Too!

Farrah Abraham … well, the girl has seen better days, that"s for sure.

Back in October — and as we"re just now seeing on Teen Mom OG — she was given the choice to either keep filming the show or keep working in the adult industry.

She chose the adult industry, or as she explains it, she was neither fired nor did she quit, she was bullied out of the show because of all the hate crimes committed against the nation"s top female celebrity.

So Farrah is out, and she"s obviously been pretty salty about it for months now.

The latest example of that?

She"s talking about how hypocritical it is that she lost her job for doing porn when Maci Bookout is doing the exact same thing and is facing no consequences.

Really, this is an argument she"s trying to make.

But why would she even think that?

Let"s get into it!

1. Farrah’s Firing

Farrah abraham castle selfie

You surely know this story by now, but let’s recap just for fun: after nearly being fired a few years ago for that celebrity sex tape, Farrah got fired for real last October when she began getting real into that thing where she masturbated on a webcam and streamed it online.

2. Did She REALLY Get Fired?

Farrah abraham red hair

Things were confusing for a while, because sometimes she said she was fired and sometimes she said she quit, but now we know that she was given an ultimatum, and she chose to quit filming Teen Mom in favor of her adult endeavors.

3. Huh

Farrah lynn abraham

We saw that all very clearly, but still, she’s suing Viacom for unlawful termination and also because she says executive producer Morgan J. Freeman made her fear for her life, because hey, why not?

4. Interesting …

Farrah abraham blonde photo

Real quick though, remember the first time this was an issue, back when Teen Mom came back from being canceled when Amber went to prison? In the beginning, Farrah wasn’t asked back at all, and when producers approached the other moms about finally bringing her back on, Maci in particular had an issue with it.

5. Think of the Children

Maci bookout interview with mtv uk

At first, Maci said that she’d quit if Farrah came back, but then she said that she wouldn’t allow Bentley to film because she didn’t want her son on the same show as a porn star.

6. Empty Threats

Maci bookout and bentley

That didn’t last too long either though, and before we knew it, both Maci and Bentley were back to filming as usual, even though Farrah was back in full force herself.

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Friday, February 2, 2018

Maci Bookout: New Evidence of Fake Custody Battle Emerges

Earlier this week, Teen Mom OG star Maci Bookout was accused of lying to fans of the show in order to create a more dramatic storyline for herself for the show’s current season.

Eagle-eyed viewers claimed that the custody battle between Maci and Ryan Edwards had been faked for the cameras, and the exes had actually reached an amicable co-parenting arrangement.

Now, new evidence has emerged indicating that Ryan and Maci have, in fact, been sharing custody of their son Bentley for several months, all the while pretending to be at one another’s throats over the question of who will raise the boy.

According to the show, the timeline of Ryan and Maci’s custody battle goes something like this:

Back in June Ryan checked into rehab immediately after marrying Mackenzie Standifer.

He left treatment three weeks later, and immediately attacked Maci on social media with a vulgar meme.

Thus began one of the ugliest fights for custody in the illustrious history of the Teen Mom franchise.

Or so viewers have been led to believe…

Maci Conspiracy

The above image was posted in a Teen Mom message board on Reddit earlier this week.

The poster claims it offers conclusive evidence that Ryan and Maci are lying about the severity of their feud.

On the show, Maci and Bentley visited Ryan on Father’s Day at his parents’ house.

Ryan and Maci got into a fight; she left, and he supposedly didn’t see Bentley for several months afterward.

“Maci’s storyline this season is total BS,” the viewer wrote on Reddit.

“Go figure lol. Here are some pictures with dates proving that Bentley has been able to see his dad and grandparents regularly since July. Tomorrow’s episode takes place at the end of October where Ryan supposedly hasn’t seen him since Father’s Day.”

Yes, it does seem that either Ryan is posting old photos of himself with Bentley, or he’s lying about going several months without seeing his son.

The same viewer claimed that changes were made to Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra’s storyline in post-production.

Meanwhile, Maci has moved on to a dramatic storyline.

On a recent episode of the show Bookout revealed that she suffered a miscarriage, and thus, has concerns about getting pregnant again.

While the miscarriage took place several months ago, fans were not made aware of it until recently.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Maci’s many struggles.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Maci Bookout Accused of Lying to Fans on Teen Mom OG

If you watch a lot of reality television, then you’re probably aware that the genre is somewhat ironically named.

There’s no question that it qualifies as “television,” but the “reality” part is a bit more dubious.

Take Maci Bookout’s storyline on the latest season of Teen Mom OG, for example:

Much of Maci’s recent drama on the show has revolved around her continuing conflict with Ryan Edwards, the father of her oldest son, Bentley.

If you’re a fan of the series, then you’re likely aware that Ryan has struggled with heroin addiction.

Edwards checked into rehab immediately after marrying Mackenzie Standifer last summer, and though he’s reportedly been sober ever since, his co-parenting relationship with Maci has continued to suffer.

Or so MTV producers would have us believe.

According to the show, Maci and Ryan are locked in a custody battle that’s tearing both of their families apart.

But eagle-eyed viewers believe the whole thing has been orchestrated for the sake of bringing some additional drama to the show’s current season.

At one point the audience was led to believe that Ryan went several weeks without seeing Bentley following a Father’s Day fight with Maci.

Those who have studied the show closely and cross-referenced its version events with the posts on Ryan’s Instagram page claim that that’s quite clearly not the case.

“Maci’s storyline this season is total BS,” one fan wrote.

“Go figure lol. Here are some pictures with dates proving that Bentley has been able to see his dad and grandparents regularly since July. Tomorrow’s episode takes place at the end of October where Ryan supposedly hasn’t seen him since Father’s Day.”

And it seems that’s not the only instance of dishonesty on the part of the show’s cast and producers.

“The show also plays fast and loose with timelines,” wrote one commenter before citing several examples from the most recent season.

“There were several scenes with Cate and Tyler that made it appear it was the same day or same week but the color of their house went back and forth several times from blue to white back to blue so it was clear that the scenes were out of order and done further apart than what the storyline suggested.”

Like we said, every reality show manipulates the events of its subjects’ lives in order to craft coherent storylines, but it seems Teen Mom OG producers have been rather sloppy about it this season.

And the show’s producers appear to have committed a cardinal sin by underestimating the intelligence of their viewers.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to join the search for glaring continuity errors.


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Maci Bookout Reveals Miscarriage Heartbreak

When it comes to shows like Teen Mom OG, there’s good drama, and there’s bad drama

Good drama is stuff like the feud between Farrah Abraham and Amber Portwood–entertaining fluff of no real consequence.

Sadly, it seems that on this week’s episode, viewers will see Maci Bookout endure drama that goes beyond “bad” and into the realm of tragic.

A preview clip from the episode shows Maci and husband Taylor McKinney at dinner, discussing the possibility of expanding their family.

It seems they had previously talked about the possibility of adopting, and both agreed that they wrould prefer to adopt a child in the “4 to 6 age range” rather than an infant.

After the adoption discussion, Maci reluctantly revealed that she would be open to the idea of getting pregnant again,

“If you seriously want to have another baby, then I’ll do it, but I still want to adopt, too,” she told Taylor.

“But if we want to do it naturally, I want to do it, like, now.”

“If we want it to happen, it’s gonna happen like that,” Taylor replied, with a snap of his fingers.

At that point, the tone of the conversation changed abruptly, and a downcast Maci remarked, “You’re forgetting something.”

Taylor sat silent for a moment before meekly excusing himself from the table.

When one of the show’s producers came over to see if Maci was okay, she made a tragic revelation:

“I had a miscarriage,” Bookout said. “Her name is Dande. Dandelion.”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” McKinney interjected.

“I think it’s important for people that are watching that we talk about it,” Maci said.

“I would like to talk to our parents about it first,” Taylor replied.

There’s obviously no rule book for dealing with something like a miscarriage, and both parties make valid points about discussing the matter publicly.

Other women who have suffered miscarriages may find solace in learning that Maci shares their heartbreak, but at the same time, even reality stars are entitled to a modicum of privacy.

It’s terrible that Maci had to endure such a loss, but she’s no doubt serving a needed source of support for those who have suffered in the same way.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on Maci and Taylor.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Maci Bookout on Mackenzie Standifer: She is SO SHADY!

You"ll never believe this, but we have another not-so-flattering story about Mackenzie Standifer to share today.

Except you"ll definitely believe it, because out of all the many, many stories of Mackenzie we"ve shared in the past several months, literally none of them have been flattering.

It"s just that she"s so … what"s the word … snake-like? Manipulative? Untrustworthy? Terrible?

It"s hard to say, but the point is that Mackenzie is Teen Mom OG"s biggest villain right now, and that point is proven yet again in this sneak peek for next week"s episode.

In this clip, Maci is driving around town with a couple of friends, and she tells them that she just got an invitation to Ryan and Mackenzie"s wedding in the mail.

"I thought that already happened," one friend says — and we can"t help but detect a little bit of shade at the reference to the parking lot wedding of the century.

Maci says that while they are already married, they"re planning on having an actual wedding, which was the one that took place in November.

But that"s not exactly what she wanted to discuss with her pals.

"The wedding invitation is only addressed for myself and Bentley," she says. "Like it says Maci Bookout, not Maci McKinney, and Bentley."

And that"s not cool.

We use Maci"s maiden name because that"s how people know her — like, nobody is out there Googling "Maci McKinney."

But obviously Mackenzie has a close relationship with Maci as the stepmother of her son, so there"s no chance she wouldn"t know the proper way to address her.

And to leave out her husband and her two other children on the invitation?

Come on, Mackenzie. Come on.

Her friend asks who she thinks addressed the invitations, and she points out that it"s definitely "a girl"s handwriting."

But instead of making a big deal about the slight, Maci says that she"s just going to RSVP to the invitation with her married name and her actual number of guests.

Her friend suggests that she respond to the invitation with "not attending," and she laughs and admits that she wishes she could do that.

Who could blame her for not looking forward to that mess?

The clip ends with Maci"s friend saying "shame on" Ryan and Mackenzie for this petty little move — and if it wasn"t a petty move, then it certainly was a thoughtless one.

Check out the drama in the video below:

Maci bookout on mackenzie standifer she is so shady

Monday, December 18, 2017

Maci Bookout: I"m GLAD I Dumped Ryan Edwards!

There was a time when Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards were among the most civil former couples in the entire Teen Mom franchise.

We think it"s safe to say those days are done.

Maci and Ryan are feuding over custody of their son, Bentley, and it looks as though the conflict is doomed to get uglier before it (hopefully) gets resolved.

As is so often the case in public custody disputes, a fair amount of shade-throwing is going on, and the latest comes from Maci, who says she"s very happy that she decided to cut Ryan loose so many years ago.


1. The Beginning

Maci bookout ryan edwards and bentley

There was a time when Ryan and Maci actually seemed like a stable couple by Teen Mom standards. That era didn’t last very long.

2. A Bitter Breakup

Ryan edwards maci bookout photo

Ryan and Maci have gone through periods of relatively amicable co-parenting, but they’ve also experienced plenty of rough patches. The one they’re in now being a prime example…

3. "See You in Court!"

Maci and bentley

A recent episode of Teen Mom saw Mackenzie and Bentley visiting Ryan on Father’s Day. He vaguely threatened his ex with legal action.

4. Safety Concerns

Ryan edwards wedding photo

Maci is reportedly concerned about Ryan’s ability to create a safe and stable environment for Bentley. Given his struggles in recent months, it’s not hard to see why she might feel that way.

5. Ryan at Rock Bottom

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Ryan’s drug addiction was so severe at one point that he passed out while driving to his own wedding. These days, he’s six months sober, but he’s had a difficult time earning Maci’s trust back.

6. Opening Up

Maci tells it like it is

Maci spoke candidly about her feelings toward Ryan in a recent TM:OG promo. He might not like what she had to say…

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Friday, November 17, 2017

Maci Bookout: Will She Attend Ryan Edwards" Wedding?!

Tomorrow’s the big day, friends!

Sometime on Saturday, Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer will promise to leave each other for always, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death (or another Tinder scandal) do them part.

Yep, Ryan and Mackenzie are having their second wedding ceremony tomorrow — and from what we know so far, this one will be quite a bit different than their first.

Just in case you forgot — LOL, just kidding, the Teen Mom OG footage of their wedding will stay with you until the day you die — the first wedding took place in a parking lot by the aquarium in Chattanooga.

The only guests were Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry, and also Ryan’s dog. Jen cried throughout most of it.

Ryan admitted that his son, Bentley, didn’t know about the wedding, and it’s probably safe to say that Mackenzie’s son didn’t know about it either.

As if all of that wasn’t depressing enough, we also saw Ryan drive himself and Mackenzie to their parking lot location while super, super high, and he seemed to be nodding off during the ceremony, too.

They wanted to get married quick to help in their custody case for Bentley, which … OK, sure, that makes sense.

But as we saw in previous Teen Mom episodes, they’d been planning a much more traditional church wedding for this November.

And now that it is November, we know they’re actually going through with this thing, too!

Mackenzie confirmed the news earlier this week, explaining that this wedding will take place “in this little cathedral-type church and it’s just absolutely beautiful.”

“We went for a rustic-chic theme so there are elements that are super formal and elements that are just very laid-back,” she said. “But it’s gorgeous.”

“There’s a reception afterwards that’s in this old warehouse-type space that’s been redone. The ceremony is me: super urban, super chic. The reception is Ryan, where it’s rustic.”

We don’t know that we’d describe Mackenzie as “super urban” OR “super chic,” but if that’s how she sees herself, then bless her.

It’s also weird that she keeps referring to Ryan’s aesthetic as “rustic” — is it because literally the only things we’ve ever seen him enjoy have been four wheelers and killing cats?

Surprisingly, Mackenzie also revealed that Maci Bookout, Ryan’s ex and the mother of his son, was invited to the wedding.

“She invited us to her wedding,” she said. “Everything is just kind of at a resting place right now. It’s about our boys. This is a day about us, yes. But it’s also about us becoming a family.”

What she said is true, but it’s a little shocking to hear, considering that just a few months ago, she basically blamed Maci for Ryan’s drug use.

On the Teen Mom OG reunion special for the last season, Mackenzie read a letter to Maci in which she accused her of “exploiting Ryan’s addiction on the show.”

She claimed that the incident on the way to the wedding, the one where Ryan was nodding off behind the wheel, was the very first time she ever noticed that he might be on drugs, and if Maci knew before then and didn’t tell her, well, then if anything happened to him it would be her fault.

After that, Maci hit Mackenzie with “You’re so full of sh-t that your eyes are brown,” Mackenzie stormed off the stage … it wasn’t great.

But it seems like things have improved since then — because Maci is actually going to the wedding!

A source close to Mackenzie spoke to Radar Online, explaining that “Mackenzie received Maci’s response card. Yes, she will be there. They are getting along.”

She’ll bring along her husband, Taylor McKinney, and of course Bentley will be there, but no one else from the Teen Mom crew will be there.

Well, except for the actual Teen Mom crew, because they’re filming the event for the show.

And we thought we couldn’t get more excited for this trainwreck of a wedding!


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Maci Bookout Reacts to Ryan Edwards Tinder Scandal: He Can"t Be Trusted!

Ryan Edwards was recently busted hitting on women on Tinder, and Maci Bookout believes this reinforces how untrustworthy he is.

The Teen Mom: OG stars share one son, Bentley, who Maci says is her only concern regarding Ryan’s alleged cheating on wife Mackenzie.

Reports of Edwards sexting on Tinder surfaced last week, as the reality star was apparently caught sending lewd messages and images.

This scandal involving the troubled MTV star comes just a few short months after his bizarre parking lot wedding to Mackenzie Standifer.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you remember the rushed, controversial nuptials on the most bizarre season finale in show history.

You also know the deluge of questions this raised:

Why was he high at the time? Why was she allowing him to drive in such a state, and shutting off the dash cam en route to the ceremony?

More significantly, why were the two hastily marrying in such fashion, without his own son (or anyone but his parents) present for it?

In any event, the way that played out made a lot of people skeptical about the couple’s future prospects … and then came last week.

A Tennessee woman claimed that Ryan sent her suggestive messages and pics on the app, talking about getting him hard and the like.

Ryan asked if she was “DTF,” she said that she was, depending on who was asking, and they began arranging a time and place to “chill.”

It’s not clear if said in-person meetup actually happened.

We’re guessing not, because she said “I want to see more of you” first, and he later admitted who he was and that he is in fact married.

Just looking to have some fun, he said. And show off his d–k, evidently. Not something a wife wants to find out about her new spouse.

She stood by him, though, flaunting her engagement and wedding rings (below) and changing her Instagram name to Mackenzie Edwards.

Still, she was clearly very rattled by what happened.

Privately, Mackenzie confronted the Tinder girl and begged her to stop. The unnamed woman appeared unapologetic and blamed Ryan.

This response prompted Standifer to threaten to deal with her “the hard way,” though it’s unclear what that specifically entails.

As for Maci’s response – especially in light of Ryan’s recent issues with addiction and the custody disputes that caused in the last year?

Let’s just say she wasn’t shocked, which says a lot.

“Maci wasn’t surprised at all about the allegations that Ryan was sexting some chick on Tinder,” a source close to Bookout revealed.

Implying he’s been unfaithful before, she “can’t help thinking … a leopard never changes its spots, and once a cheater always a cheater.”

“What really worries her though is his sobriety.”

“Maci has had reservations about Ryan being able to stay sober, and this latest scandal just reinforces her belief that he’s not to be trusted.”

As for potential backlash from Standifer, Edwards’ young wife whom Bookout has clashed with before, Maci is nonplussed.

“Maci couldn’t care less about Mackenzie and her feelings. She’s is super worried about Ryan being around their son right now.”

Ouch. Obviously, this is an ugly situation.

Just because Ryan allegedly tried to cheat on Mackenzie doesn’t necessarily mean he’s not sober, though one can’t help but wonder.

It’s safe to assume that a man who just got married, yet is asking Tinder girls to “show me how pink it is” is not in a good place mentally.

The danger is that Bookout is caught in a tough situation, wanting to protect her son above all else, but not rankle Ryan and his wife.

Maci questioning Ryan’s sobriety or ability to parent Bentley is not something that’s gone over well in the past, to say the absolute least.

A separate source said that the two are sick of Maci’s “drama,” just want her to “move on” and not be totally “obsessed with him relapsing.”

That would be fair, but Edwards’ behavior isn’t giving him much of a leg to stand on, as you have to think he’s a little unstable right now.

Meanwhile, two more women have come forward with claims that he contacted them on the dating app, Radar Online is reporting today.

This isn’t altogether stunner, as Tinder matches can be stockpiled rather easily (if you’re swiping at all, you’re likely doing it a lot).

More shockers could be coming, however.

If these new claims are confirmed and more raunchy messages are revealed, it won’t exactly help his marriage … or custody arguments.


Friday, August 11, 2017

Maci Bookout: Pregnant With Baby #4?!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know that Maci Bookout has a lot on her plate these days.

With three kids, a new husband, and constant drama created by her ex Ryan Edwards, Maci probably hasn’t seen anything resembling downtime since her pre-16 and Pregnant days.

And many fans believe her home life is soon to become even more hectic.

That’s a selfie that Maci posted to Instagram last week.

According to the caption, the pic was snapped during a family vacation.

“Beachin’ it with my boys! #familyvacation #thingsthatmatter #bennybaby #mrmaverick,” Maci wrote.

The image seems straightforward enough, but Teen Mom obsessives who take a magnifying glass to Bookout’s every social media post believe something is afoot.

Many of the folks who commented on the post believe that Maci is subtly showing off a burgeoning baby bump.

“That’s a baby bump right?!?!” commented one follower.

“Is there another baby on the way?” queried another.

And then there was the crude SOB who asked:

“Baby bump? Beer gut? Food Baby? Which is it?”

Yes, the Internet brings out the worst in people, but it also … leaves us struggling for a way to finish this sentence in an optimistic fashion.

Anyway, we don’t know what Maci’s followers are seeing, but there’s definitely no conclusive evidence of a baby bump here.

Maybe an odd angle, or a shirt ruffled by a passing breeze, but we don’t think it’s time to start picking out names just yet.

But who knows?

Maybe Maci really is pregnant.

Even if that’s the case, however, it’s hard to believe that scores of people who call themselves fans would see fit to so rudely offer their two cents about her physique.

Maci seems like the type to take that sort of thing in stride, but it can’t feel good to open up your notifications and find a slew of comments about your stomach.

She’s never been one of the more secretive Teen Moms, so if she is expecting, we’re probably in for an announcement in the very near future.

And if she’s not, here’s hoping she tears she has some harsh words for some of the ruder commenters.

She’s no Jenelle Evans, but Maci can unleash quite a temper when she sees fit.

It can be a joy to behold.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Maci Bookout Defends Keeping Son Away From Ryan Edwards: I WILL Protect Bentley!

Now that Ryan Edwards has completed a stint in rehab, Maci Bookout is opening up about her struggle with his well-documented addiction.

Specifically, with regard to co-parenting their son.

If you watch Teen Mom OG online, you were privy to one of the more surprising and disturbing storylines in recent memory this season.

Maci worried repeatedly about Ryan’s drug use, causing tension between herself, his fiance Mackenzie Standifer, and Edwards’ parents.

Then, on the finale, Ryan married Mackenzie in a makeshift, parking lot wedding attended only by its officiant and Ryan’s mom and dad.

Oh, and Ryan drove high to the wedding

So high, in fact, that he appeared to nod off behind the wheel, resulting in widespread fan criticism of both Mackenzie and MTV itself.

A Teen Mom crew member defended this with an interesting explanation, but regardless, no one came away from this looking good.

Fortunately, the dust has settled a bit since.

Ryan is out of rehab, and while Mackenzie and Maci are still feuding over the finale, Bookout offered a positive update on his condition.

“Yeah I knew there was an issue in the past,” Bookout said after watching the disturbing scenes play out like the rest of us this summer.

“I didn’t know it was anything like it was.”

Also like the rest of us, when Maci learned that the father of her first-born child would be going to rehab, she felt a strong sense of relief.

“I felt like a completely different person right away,” she said, adding that he is “where he needs to be” these days after receiving treatment.

“I knew the cloud over me, and all of us, was big, dark and heavy, but I just didn’t know how big, dark and heavy it was until it was gone.”

Throughout the season, Bookout admits that she received advice from an addiction counselor who advised her to use Bentley as leverage.

Surely, she would prefer not to use those words, but if he refused to get help for his obvious drug problem, she felt she had zero choice.

As for whether she’s still playing that card?

“I’m going to do my best to not discourage him, but also keep my child safe,” Maci said, implying that she’s leaving all options on the table.

Clearly, there are unresolved issues between the ex-couple (and his current wife), as this isn’t a situation that can be swept under a rug.

On the Teen Mom OG reunion, Mackenzie came out swinging against Bookout, accusing her of being an exploitative enabler basically:

“Maci you told me to my face merely days after I had informed you that Ryan was seeking help that you have known about his problem.”

Not only did she know, Mackenzie said, but she knew “since November… that was 186 days he could’ve died and still you said nothing.”

“You let everyone know that you feared for his life while concurrently exploiting Ryan’s addiction on the show,” Standifer said pointedly.

She continued, “Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive.”

A good partner or co-parent would refrain from “kicking someone down,” she says, and “respect the privacy we all so graciously deserve.”

Bookout called that “ridiculous” and told Standifer she shouldn’t have signed up for a reality show if she wanted more privacy than this.

Hopefully, cooler heads prevail going forward and Ryan sticks with his out-patient treatment, for Bentley’s sake and all of theirs as well.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Mackenzie Standifer to Maci Bookout: You Almost Killed Ryan Edwards!

If you watch Teen Mom: OG online, you know this most recent season concluded with a bang.

Many fans were shocked to learn that Maci Bookout’s baby daddy, Ryan Edwards, suffered from a painkiller addiction so severe that it nearly claimed his life.

Edwards drove to his own wedding while high in the show’s scandalous season finale, and it seems one of the many people who was unaware of his addiction was his bride-to-be, Mackenzie Standifer.

Standifer took flak from fans of the show for allowing Edwards to drive while intoxicated, but on Monday night’s reunion show, she offered a compelling explanation:

She was ill-equipped to handle the situation because she had only found out about Edwards’ addiction one day prior.

And she blames her ignorance on Bookout, whom she claims knew about Ryan’s addiction, but failed to tell her about it.

Shockingly, Maci didn’t deny the accusation:

“I didn’t want to say anything that would make her feel like she couldn’t trust Ryan or their relationship wasn’t real,” she said, by way of explanation.

“I didn’t want to hurt her.”

Standifer replied with a scathing letter she’d written to Maci, which she read aloud on the show:

“Maci, you told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you about Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November,” Mackenzie read.

“That was 186 days; 400,464 hours; and 267,840 minutes that he could’ve died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know that you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show.”

Standifer claimed the situation was so severe that Edwards cound have lost his life, a death, she says, for which Bookout would have been responsible:

“I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. Instead of solving the problem or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan,” she said.

She went on to accuse Maci of exploiting Ryan’s condition to make for more compelling television:

“Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive. Not kicking someone down and respecting the privacy we all so graciously deserve,” she added.

Maci, of course, was having none of the accusations:

“You’re so full of sh-t your eyes are brown!” Bookout fired back.

She explained that she was deeply concerned for Edwards, but decided to take the issue up with him, not his then-girlfriend:

“I told him I loved him, but I couldn’t sit by and watch him kill himself,” Mackenzie explained.

“I told him when he was ready to get help to please let me know.”

It’s a case of she said-she said, and it’s up to Teen Mom fans to decide whether or not Maci did the right thing.

But we think even her biggest defenders would concede that she didn’t come off looking great on Monday’s reunion.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Maci Bookout: I Want to Adopt a Fourth Kid!

Maci Bookout has made a lot of tabloid headlines in recent weeks, but most of them have had to do with her troubled ex and original baby daddy, Ryan Edwards.

Edwards checked into rehab to be treated for substance abuse issues shortly after getting married to Mackenzie Standifer last month.

His first order of business after leaving treatment was to slam Bookout in an Instagram rant, so we think it’s safe to say she has more than enough on her plate these days.

Bookout says she’s committed to helping her ex remain sober and be the father that her eldest child needs.

But just because she’s up to her eyeballs in Ryan drama these days, that doesn’t mean Maci isn’t ready to take on even more responsibility.

The mother of three sat down for a surprisingly candid interview recently and revealed that she and husband Taylor McKinney may be open to the idea of further expanding their family:

“I don’t want to be pregnant again, but Taylor and I are both definitely interested in adoption,” Maci told E! News.

Knowing that that’s the sort of quote that makes the rounds on social media and prompts a tidal wave of premature congratulations from fans, Maci immediately clarified that she’s talking about the distant future:

“If it does happen, it will not be anytime soon,” she told the interviewer.

That’s probably for the best.

Like we said, Maci has a whole lot going on these days, and the most recent season of Teen Mom: OG was one of her mst emotional to date.

In addition to the drama surrounding Ryan, Maci revealed that she often fights with McKinney at night, when both of them have been drinking. 

Bookout was criticized by fans following that bombshell, but those who know her best rushed to her defense, insisting that they’ve never met a more capable or competent mother.

In the past, Maci has enjoyed one of the more stable lives of any of the Teen Moms.

(Some fans have gone so far as to describe her storylines as “boring.”)

But this season proved that on a long enough timeline, the stresses of adulthood find us all.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the rocky road that brought Maci to where she is today.


Maci Bookout: Terrified Ryan Edwards Will Go Back on Drugs!

It’s been an eventful couple months in the life of Ryan Edwards.

Not only did Ryan marry Mackenzie Standifer in a quickie wedding attended only be his parents, he also took drastic action to save his own life.

Ryan checked into rehab shortly after his wedding, a move fans have been pressuring him to make for several months.

These days, Edwards is out of treatment and claims he’s “happier than ever,” but there’s still considerable cause for concern.

For one thing, Ryan only stayed in treatment about a month, which is usually considered the bare minimum length for an in-patient course of care.

On top of that, when Edwards left rehab, his first course of action was to pick a fight with Maci Bookout online.

Ryan saw it as defending himself, but fans took it as an indication that he’s still caught up in the negative emotions of the recent past.

Whatever the case, Bookout refused to engage, and in public statements, she’s said she’s just glad her troubled ex is trying to get back on the right path.

“Maci is terrified that Ryan is going to relapse again,” an insider close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“She really cannot go through that hell again. Yes, he went to rehab and he got sober, but she’s worried that he’s not keeping up with his meetings and she’s really scared he’s going to start spiraling again.”

Maci and Ryan are both married to different people these days, but they’re forever bound together by their son, Bentley, and Bookout is clearly focused on ensuring that her child has two positive male role models in his life:

“They may not be together anymore, and both have moved on, but they still share a kid together, so Maci is obviously concerned that Ryan stays sober, for Bentley’s sake and his,” says the source.

Like pretty much everyone else on the cast, Maci has been somewhat of a divisive figure over the years.

She’s taken her fair share of criticism, but it’s hard not to be appreciative of the lengths she’s gone to to ensure Edwards gets the help he needs, especially since her ex has been less than grateful in return.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the Ryan and Maci’s tumultuous parenting relationship.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Maci Bookout: LEAVING Teen Mom OG?

Maci Bookout may have had a less-than-easy adolescence, but she’s really come into her own as an adult, as a wife, as a mother, and as a reality TV personality.

But fans of Maci and of the show worry that her life is too good now, and are terrified that she might leave Teen Mom OG.

Maci’s speaking out about the factors that impact her decision to leave or stay, and even fans who want to keep her on the show into perpetuity have to admit that she makes a lot of sense. …

“25-year-old teen mom” might sound like a weird thing to call someone.

But it’s an accurate description of Maci Bookout.

Once you become a mother as a teenager, you’re a teen mom for life.

Especially when you’re part of the Teen Mom franchise, but that’s a whole other layer.

But what she’s known for, by fans of the show and of her personally, is for having an endearingly sarcastic wit while somehow also coming across as fairly grounded.

Some Teen Mom cast members don’t manage to be charming or down-to-earth.

As if we needed Farrah Abraham’s coming under fire for racism as to remind us.

While Maci Bookout’s ex Ryan Edwards isn’t crazy about her these days, a lot of fans adore her and don’t think that Teen Mom OG would be the same without her.

So Maci leaving would be a real loss for the show and for the viewers.

But, in a way, it might make sense for Maci.

Her net worth is estimated to be somewhere around $ 2 million, which isn’t necessarily nobody-has-to-work money these days.

Especially when three children are involved.

Maci and Taylor decide on a “season by season” basis whether to stay on the show or leave, she says, doing little to reassure fans that she’s in for the long haul.

And that’s not all that she had to say.

And at least what she says next will reassure fans … mostly.

“From our standpoint, and definitely mine, I feel like, just because the girls are getting older it doesn’t necessarily mean the struggles of being a teen mom at one point go away.”

That absolutely makes sense. Having a kid when you’re a teen means having a child who enters puberty when most of your peers are only just giving birth.

Actually, for Millennials, that means when only a minority of your peers have given birth and most haven’t had kids yet.

That’s so different, and you’re going to be a good decade younger than most of your oldest child’s friends’ parents.

And that’s only one of the problems. You also didn’t get to have a complete childhood and so much more.

Eventually, her relative youth might feel like an advantage, and could make for some fantastic mother-child photos for prom and stuff.

But right now, Maci’s challenges should still appeal to audiences.

Almost as much as she herself does.

Then she speaks about her plans for the near future.

“As long as we can keep relating to [viewers] and give them something to learn from, then I definitely want to do that.”

That’s great news for the show and for fans.

But she cautions that this won’t last forever, but for the best of reasons.

“There will come a time when the kids are just too old and not really into being on TV because they want to have a normal life.”


Bentley turns 9 this year, but he’s probably not going to want cameras to follow him around in a few years when he starts dating.

That means cameras for the show but also cameras from people who watch the show.

Honestly, there’s always a risk that the they-will-want-a-normal-life ship has sailed.

But there’s a difference between “my fender-bender made the news” and “every single detail of my life is documented for a massive audience.”

We hate to remind people of Jim Carrey movies, but watching The Truman Show must be extra weird for kids who grow up on reality shows.

Just because they know where the cameras are doesn’t mean that they didn’t have their childhoods broadcast to the world.

But, overall, this is good news for fans.

Maci’s being realistic about her plans to leave one day for the sake of her children.

But it looks like she sees that departure as being years away.

Though, as she says, she and Taylor make that decision every single year.

And we never know what’s on the horizon for her family or for the show.
