Showing posts with label Bump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bump. Show all posts

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian Goes Overboard to Hide Baby Bump

Hey, Khloe … Tristan Thompson called and he wants his trench coat back. Khloe was out in Santa Monica Wednesday for a doctor’s appointment and it just seems like she’s wearing her 6-foot-9 BF’s drab to hide what the…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Khloe Kardashian Hides Baby Bump Behind Purse and Under Loose Sweater

Khloe Kardashian was doing her best Monday to hide her growing baby bump. Paps got Khloe leaving the studio where the Kardashians film their confessionals for their show, and she made sure to keep her purse well in front of her belly on the way out.…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Miranda Kerr Shows Off Baby Bump After Announcing Pregnancy with Evan Spiegel

Miranda Kerr’s pregnant again — only this time it’s with her hubby and Snapchat co-founder Evan Spiegel … and her baby bump is looking mighty rich. Miranda was seen out Sunday in Santa Monica to promote her beauty line, and her pregnant belly…


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Gwen Stefani: Showing Off Baby Bump in Thanksgiving Photo?!

Can you believe that it’s been two whole years since Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton first got together?!

That means that it’s also been two whole years since the entire internet insisted that they were completely consumed with the idea of having children together!

Gwen and Blake are cute together and everything, but rarely does a celebrity couple inspire so, so many pregnancy rumors.

You can barely check out a tabloid without reading about how they’re expecting twins, or how she’s preparing her body for pregnancy, or how he’s willing to begin sacrificing woodland creatures to the fertility gods.

Like, we love a good rumor as much as anyone, but this is all getting to be a bit much.

Still, as long as Gwen and Blake are content with all the attention their relationship gets — and at this point, they’re definitely still very content with it — the rumors will keep coming.

For instance, earlier this month, Blake was asked by a fan if he and Gwen were planning on having children of their own (Gwen already has three sons with Gavin Rossdale), and his response?

“I hope. We will see.”

It’s not exactly a statement designed to quiet the rumors, that’s for sure.

Another subtle little thing these two crazy kids do to keep us talking?

They share photos like this:

Gwen slapped that picture up on her Instagram yesterday with the caption “Had the best Thanksgiving,” and that’s sweet, it really is.

She and Blake posed with some of Blake’s family members — they went out to Oklahoma to celebrate the holiday.

But instead of paying attention to those amazing sweaters or the cute poses, Gwen’s followers zoomed right in on her midsection.

“Is that a baby bump?!?” one person asked — or, well, actually dozens of people asked that.

“Why is everyone getting pregnant this time of the year?!?!?!” another person wondered.

One of her followers came through with a more direct line of questioning, writing “Uhh is that a baby baby or a food baby?”

And then some people just went ahead and assumed that this was a pregnancy announcement: one of those commented “You’re preggers! Yay! Beautiful photo!”

“I know you’re pregnant, Gwen!!” another follower said. “I know it.”

These are just a small sample of the kinds of comments this photo inspired — so very many people are positive they see a baby bump here.

Unfortunately — or fortunately, depending on your outlook — it really does seem like this “baby bump” that people are seeing really may have just been a food baby.

After celebrating Thanksgiving, Gwen came back to L.A. for an event, and her clothes were quite a bit tighter. You can see that look in the photo above.

Her stomach doesn’t look anything like it did in the other picture, does it?

But still, some people are convinced that there’s still a fetus in there!

On the newer photo, the one with the tight miniskirt and the gingerbread man, one person commented “Sometimes it looks like a baby bump, sometimes it doesn’t. This time it does lol. Please say it’s so!!!!”

So what is it?! Is she pregnant? Does she look pregnant? At 48 years old, is it even possible for her to get pregnant?

So many questions, so little answers.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Khloe Kardashian"s Baby Bump Magically Reappears

Khloe Kardashian is like the David Copperfield of pregnancy … now you see her baby bump, other times you don’t. A dressed-down Khloe pulled up to an L.A. studio Tuesday, and her growing baby bump was visible … even through a pretty hefty…


Monday, November 13, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Baby Bump Revealed?!

Reports of Khloe Kardashian’s pregnancy have been so widely circulated that, at this point, her conspicuous refusal to comment has largely been taken as an admission.

Like her pregnant baby sister Kylie Jenner, Khloe has been extremely shy about showing off her baby bump. 

But a new photo of Khlie is changing all of that.

Congratulations are totally in order.

This is a woman who struggled to conceive for years during her marriage and will now get to transition into motherhood.

By all accounts, Khloe and Tristan have a wonderful relationship.

She really must love the guy if she’s willing to not only spend so much time in Cleveland, but also pretend that she enjoys the place.

(That’s way above and beyond pretending to like a guy’s terrible music, because you’re literally uprooting your life for sizable chunks out of the year)

But, as we mentioned, Khloe has been shy about sharing her good news despite it now being common knowledge and confirmed by multiple reliable news sources.

We can only imagine that Kris Jenner has some big reveal planned for Kylie and Khloe and has urged them to hold off on any official confirmations until then.

But … Khloe’s still gotta sell her clothes, folks.

Khloe Kardashian posted the photo below without any of the pomp and circumstance that you’d associate with the first hint of a Kardashian baby bump.

“You guys are going to love our new @goodamerican velour sweats and velvet bodysuits!!”

That’s right, folks — she’s selling velour and velvet, which (for better or for worse) is in right now.

“You can mix and match colors (I’m obsessed with the burgundy!!) or team a bodysuit with matching sweats for a super cute look.”

Burgundy is a great color. We don’t know how many occasions really call for velvet bodysuits, but some people get cold during the winter months and don’t mind looking they’re wearing a one-piece bathing suit made out of the drapes from over a vampire’s bed.

Khloe has specific ideas about when people should wear these, too:

“These are SO comfy for the holidays. Available now on”

Translation: you can buy them for yourself or you can buy them for someone as a gift. Mentioning “for the holidays” is always code for “buy it as a gift!”

But Khloe has a gift of her own on the way, and in hawking her very fashionable velour, Khloe’s giving us all our first glimpse of the resulting baby bump:

So, this isn’t a classic “baby bump” photo, in that she’s not standing to emphasize what’s going on.

But look at her lower abdomen. There is a curve there, folks.

We’re definitely not body-shaming Khloe; this is woman who voluntarily wakes up at 6am every day in order to exercise.

(Most of us, were we millionaires, would never again see sunlight before 2pm)

Nobody thinks that this is Khloe being out of shape, because … the world has already heard that she’s pregnant.

This pose was clearly designed to minimize that baby bump, but they didn’t photoshop the curve of her lower abdomen out.

Which … could mean a couple of things.

This might mean that Khloe is just about ready to tell the world her good news. Maybe … after Thanksgiving?

(Honestly, how long is Tristan Thompson willing to put up with Kris Jenner’s publicity games?)

More likely, though, Khloe is using this bump to bring even more attention to the velvet and velour outfits that she’s hawking.

And … it’s not a bad strategy.

We’re talking about it, for sure.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Shocks Fans With HUGE Baby Bump!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

And the question of exactly when she conceived has unexpectedly developed into the latest Duggar scandal.

According to her family’s official timeline, Joy got pregnant during the early days of her honeymoon, immediately after she married Austin Forsyth back in late May.

That would put her at roughly five months pregnant.

Based on her latest photo, however, many fans now believe that Joy is either carrying multiples, or she’s much further along than five months.

We don’t have much to go on, as while her sisters posted regular Instagram updates during their pregnancies, Joy-Anna has surprisingly taken a hiatus from social media in recent months.

Fans believe it’s part of an attempt to conceal the fact that Joy got pregnant much earlier than her family claims, but thus far those efforts have proven unsuccessful.

That’s the first photo of Joy’s baby bump to emerge in the past month.

Interestingly, the image didn’t appear on one of the Duggars’ social media pages, but on the Instagram page of a family friend named Ashley Salyer.

The Duggars still seem to be doing their best to prevent new photos of Joy’s belly from going public.

Prior to Salyer’s post, the only recent photos of Joy were a close up that showed only her face, and a candid baby bump photo that appeared on a Facebook fan page.

Of course, all the secrecy is lending credence to what had, until recently, seemed a wild rumor.

Joy’s efforts to keep her distance from social media is causing once skeptical fans to reexamine the evidence and concede that there’s a good chance Joy may have gotten pregnant before marriage.

For one thing, Joy and Austin admitted to breaking courtship rules prior to their engagement.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean they engaged in premarital sex.

Joy-Anna’s family is so strict that unmarried couples can violate the rules of courtship simply by holding hands for too long or spending time together without a chaperone.

Still, the fact that Joy and Austin alluded to breaking the rules but didn’t go into specifics might point to a premarital moment of weakness.

Also suspicious is the fact that Joy and Austin rescheduled their wedding, deciding to exchange vows in May of this year, rather than October.

Could it be that Joy broke the news to her parents, and they scrambled to make new arrangements in hopes of hiding the fact that she’d gotten pregnant out of wedlock?

If so, you can be sure the Duggars will continue to try and keep that secret buried.

But based on the latest photo of Joy, they may not be able to for much longer.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family. 


Monday, November 6, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Huh? I Don"t Have a Baby Bump!!!

Kylie Jenner may have gotten pregnant by accident…

… but the 20-year old now has a very clear purpose:

To break the actual news of this pregnancy on her own terms.

We’re way beyond this being an achievable goal, of course.

Nearly every website on the Internet has written about Kylie being pregnant, with word already leaking about the gender of her impending baby (a girl), along with its due date (early spring).

Still. Kylie has not confirmed the development. Nor has anyone in her family.

And the reason why is obvious:

They want to sell the story either to the highest tabloid bidder… or make the announcement on Keeping Up with the Kardashians or maybe even Life of Kylie Season 2.

The family wants to maximize ratings, money and exposure.

However, The Daily Mail published photos on Sunday morning of Kylie boarding a private plane, wearing some baggy clothing and appearing larger than usual.

There’s a pretty clear baby bump in these snapshots.

But not according to Kylie!

Peeved over the outing of her expecting stomach by this British newspaper, Jenner took to Instagram in response and alleged the Daily Mail pictures were edited.

“First of all if you’re going to photoshop my photos blogs/paps!! Check for the crooked lines in the background.2nd photo is clearly altered,” she wrote.

As some kind of evidence (we guess?) that she doesn’t actually have a baby bump at the moment, Kylie then shared a photo of herself in this same baggy outfit, apparently hanging out at a convenience story with half-sister Khloe.

The images in question were taken by a photographer from X17Online.

The photo agency has responded to Kylie’s accusations of Photoshop as follows:

“100% REAL! No Photoshop, #nofilter, no additives, no preservatives—all organic and all REAL!”

And then The Daily Mail has written the following:

“ can confirm the pictures have not been digitally altered.”

Folks are welcome to believe either side in this debate, of course.

But most Internet users appear to be on to Jenner.

Based on the comments below, they understand that Kylie is just trying to delay the baby bump/pregnancy reveal until it works best for her financially…

Assuming she really is expecting, this will be Kylie Jenner’s first child.

The father is Travis Scott, a rapper Kylie only first started dating a few months ago.

We’re pretty sure the couple is still an item, but they actually haven’t been seen in public very much since the major news broke.

And Scott hasn’t confirmed it, either.

So we’re stuck playing this very silly waiting game, with the entire free world well aware that Kylie Jenner is pregnant, yet Kylie and her family trying to pretend otherwise until the perfect moment.

Whatever, though.

Click below to learn various facts that the Kardashians and Jenners won’t tell you:


Friday, October 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Spotted With Travis Scott, Baby Bump!

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott have been spotted on a trip to Houston.

Ever since the news broke of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy, and even before, the reality star and millionaire makeup mogul has been careful to keep her famous baby bump out of the public eye.

But it looks like she’s finally slipped up, as she was caught on camera not once — but twice.

We totally understand Kylie’s desire to keep her pregnancy a secret for as long as she did.

After all, she got pregnant at 19.

Math tells us that she was probably seeing her baby daddy, Travis Scott, for only about a month when she got knocked up.

And, of course, Travis Scott was a rebound after her breakup with Tyga after two years of Kyga. That’s … well, that’s common knowledge.

But ever since the news broke more than a month ago, Kylie has refused to confirm the news — even though it’s no idle rumor and has been confirmed by multiple reliable outlets.

That hasn’t stopped Kylie from teasing her fans, flaunting her pregnancy curves … all the while refusing to show off her baby bump.

It’s strange behavior for a young woman who has historically been anything but camera-shy.

One might call her camera-gregarious.

Still, Kylie is still living her life.

She and Travis Scott double-dated with Kendall Jenner and Blake Griffin, which meant going out into a relatively public space.

But even then, Kylie reportedly wore a huge hoodie so that random witnesses couldn’t see her baby bump.

Is Kylie repulsed by her baby bump, we wonder? Or is she waiting until it reaches just the right degree of visibility before she makes her big debut?

Maybe she’s planning on using the first official photos of her baby bump to promote something huge for her show or for Kylie Cosmetics.

Or … maybe this is all some elaborate scheme to stick it to her nosy fans? We don’t know.

What we do know is that Kylie’s trip to Houston hasn’t exactly been flying under the radar, because she got caught on camera.

More than once.

Kylie Jenner at a Houston Stoplight

The person who tweeted this also included captions:

“I was just casually driving down Louetta on my way to work and stopped at the stoplight next to @KylieJenner and @trvisXX

That had to be a surreal moment.

Kylie’s lower body isn’t visible in this photo, but Kylie and Travis also stopped by for some food.

Pregnancy cravings?

We wish that the photographer had managed to capture a shot of her from her side, but here’s a long-distance look at Kylie.

Kylie Jenner Just Ordered a Sandwich

We get it — you’re an employee, so you don’t snap a photo while she’s in the restaurant. You wait until she goes out the door.

Perez Hilton provides some context on Kylie and Travis’ lunch visit to MOD Pizza in Houston.

“Kylie and Travis came in right after the lunch rush. There were only about eight people total in the restaurant. They came in at the perfect time because no one was in here.”

We wonder if they had someone scout the place, first.

“They both came in together and Kylie ordered a pepperoni pizza and then her and Travis walked back to the car with their guards. Their guards then came back in and paid for the pizza and picked it up.”

Apparently, Kylie accidentally left her phone behind, but Travis retrieved it.

We’re glad that nobody violated her phone, but wow that would be a terrible thing to leave behind for anyone, but especially for Kylie.

This apparently wasn’t Kylie’s only stop for food, as one person tweeted:

“My friend made her a sandwich at jj and said she looks pregnant af!”

That’s not surprising — but we wish that their friend had snapped a photo. A good photo.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Baby Bump Revealed?

We were so distracted by David Eason pulling out a knife during the Teen Mom 2 Reunion that we almost missed this. Almost.

As much as we"d normally be excited at this new possibility … we"re talking about Jenelle Evans. And David Eason. So this might be something to dread instead of celebrate.

But, for better or for worse, it looks like Jenelle Evans may have been sporting a baby bump. Yes, there"s a video.

Jenelle Evans and David Eason made quite the splash and no, we don"t mean Jenelle"s mermaid photoshoot.

At the Teen Mom 2 reunion, Jenelle got into a fight with Nathan, and not for the first time.

She had become enraged, you see, at the sight of Nathan"s girlfriend hugging her mother, Barbara Evans.

So Nathan"s girlfriend and Barbara were also in the mix.

And, naturally, Jenelle called in David Eason.

Mind you, this isn"t just a set for filming — this is also a location with children, including children like Kaiser whose entire family, basically, was arguing with each other.

(Far be it from Jenelle to control herself for the sake of her children, right?)

And then David Eason pulled a knife, but Jenelle insists that it was just to blow off steam by popping some balloons … as if that explains anything.

One, who the hell just has a knife with them. He"s not going camping or to a cookout or walking a dimly lit street — he was going to film for Teen Mom 2. Whom would he need to stab there, exactly?

Two, the fact that he needed to vent his anger by popping balloons is a huge red flag. He"s not an angsty teen, he"s a grown-ass adult.

Though, considering David Eason"s violent criminal history, we suppose that we"re not surprised.

What does it say about Jenelle that she thinks that this is okay? Nothing good.

But … we understand why David Eason makes Barbara so afraid for her grandchildren — and for her daughter.

And, unfortunately, this story might get worse.

Because Jenelle might be bringing a new innocent person into the chaotic nightmare that is her family.

In this still from the video below, we see Jenelle hold her hand to her belly, just like you would if you were pregnant and subconsciously cupping your baby bump.

What makes this even more suspicious is that she immediately jerks her hand back, as if burned, and places it on her hip.

(As you"ll see in the next photo)

Now, we"re often leery of pointing at a random shot of a woman and going "ah, yes, a baby bump!" Surely she might just have a soft belly. She"s a mom and she"s married, and that just happens.

But most reality stars, when going to an event like this where they"re dressing up and going to be filmed, would at least consider wearing spanx.

(One year, a relative of mine wore some to Thanksgiving — but wearing them when you"re actually on camera is pretty standard)

But you might not wear spanx if you"re pregnant.

Here she is without her hand covering her belly:

Regardless of what you or I might think about this, a number of fans quickly commented that Jenelle appears to be pregnant:

"She is pregnant. Look at her belly, and she held it too! Then she moved her arms."

Holding her belly seems indicative, but the quick movement of her arm? That"s a huge clue, as many see it.

"Bet the way she keeps grabbing her belly means she["s got] another kiddo on the way."

Maybe so.

"She touches her belly and then quickly moves her hand. I bet another pregnancy announcement will be soon."

No child deserves to be born into the Evans-Eason household, so let"s hope not.

But never let it be said that we"re showing you these photos out of context or whatever.

See for yourself how her hand automatically moves down to her belly and then how she quickly moves it to her hip, as if hoping that no one would notice.

Decide if you think that she"s pregnant.

Jenelle evans baby bump revealed

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Kate Middleton Flaunts Baby Bump In Surprise Appearance

Obviously, the internet has enriched all our lives in countless ways, but sadly, it’s also given a platform to some of the more inexplicably angry members of our society.

As a result, everyone has haters these days.

You no longer have to be famous to have strangers tell you they hate the way you look, and it’s also impossible to be so famous that strangers will shut the hell up about your appearance.

Just ask Kate Middleton.

Last week, Kate stepped out in public for the first time since confirming that she’s pregnant with her third child.

Based on the comments on the photos, however, the reaction from many of the Duchess’ subjects and foreign fans was not relief that Kate’s horrendous morning sickness had subsided, but rather this stunned outrage about her appearance.

The critiques online seem to mostly center around Kate’s baby bump and the fact that a surprisingly large number of folks believe it’s not big enough.

Fortunately, you can’t keep a good duchess down, and Kate showed the haters how a true royal brushes the dirt off her shoulders by making a surprise appearance yesterday.

Prince William and Prince Harry were already scheduled to attend an event celebrating Coach Core, a mentoring program designed to train the UK’s next generation of sports coaches.

Kate was a surprise bonus for the attendees, and naturally, she stole all of the focus away from her husband and brother-in-law.

As you can see, Kate isn’t letting a difficult pregnancy interfere with her famous sense of style.

According to People magazine, Kate rocked a blue blazer by Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini.

Once again, no bump was visible, but hopefully, the haters will keep their asinine remarks to themselves this time.

As for the attendees, many gushed about meeting the Duchess, with some boasting that their proximity to Kate would earn them extra cool points with their kids:

“I told my little girl, who’s only 8, that I was coming to meet the royals and she was so jealous,” says West Ham club captain Mark Noble.

“I can’t wait to show her photos. She’ll think I’m more of a great dad now than I was yesterday.”

Maybe Will and Kate’s next project should be a mentoring program that teaches comment board trolls how to act more like that guy and less like bitter jackasses.


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Kylie Jenner and Kendall Double-Date: Where"s Kylie"s Baby Bump?

It turns out that Kendall Jenner and Kylie Jenner like to take their respective boyfriends on double-dates. It’s Halloween season, so they went on an appropriately spooky double-date.

Kendall Jenner might be the supermodel in the family, but as you can imagine, people have some very specific questions about Kylie’s appearance now that she’s willing to go places in public.

We’ve waited a long time to see Kylie Jenner’s baby bump.

Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Travis Scott’s baby, and to be honest, that is still so bonkers to us.

In part because Kylie is only 20 — and became pregnant at 19. That’s just not something that we expect to happen to people with what are essentially unlimited resources and, you know, access to every form of birth control known to humankind.

But also in part because math is a thing, and based upon Kylie’s due date, it appears that Kylie got pregnant after only one month of dating Travis Scott.

And that was after two years of her off-and-on relationship with Tyga.

(Tyga is not taking it well, either)

Regardless of how you feel about Kylie personally contributing to the ever-growing Kardashian-Jenner brood at an age when most girls are in college and when Kylie isn’t even old enough to drink, you have to admit one thing:

You want to see Kylie Jenner’s baby bump.

Kylie has gone to bizarre lengths to hide her baby bump, but now that she’s going out in public, maybe she’s done with the secrecy.


Us Weekly’s insider describes Kylie and Kendall’s double-date with their respective boyfriends, Travis Scott and Blake Griffin.

“Kylie and Kendall were both really loving and cuddly with their boyfriends. Both couples were almost always holding hands or had their arms around each other.”

That’s what you’d expect, despite 

“Travis and Kylie were a little more cuddly than Kendall and Blake. They would kiss more and Kylie would be hanging on Travis.”

Well, Travis and Kylie have a lot to be affectionate amount, we suppose.

“Kendall and Kylie took their boyfriends through the haunted mazes and were always clinging to their mans’ arm during the maze.”

Well, there are people out there who will be relieved to hear that protective male, frightened female gender roles are still going strong with some young Millennials.

Obviously, everyone would very naturally be curious about what Kylie Jenner’s baby bump might look like.

And Us Weekly‘s eyes on the ground were able to report on that.

“Kylie was in a very large oversize hoodie so it was impossible to see a baby bump.”

Ugh, that is so frustrating.

Not that she wore a hoodie — she can dress any way she chooses.

But it’s weird that Kylie is being so secretive about a pregnancy that everyone knows about.

And, let’s be honest, a pregnancy that Kris Jenner almost certainly arranged to have leaked when it leaked.

Does Kylie think that she’s playing some sort of wink-and-a-nudge game with the media and with her fans?

Or is this, to her, some sort of revenge for people always prying into her life?

For what it’s worth, Us Weekly also reported about a few details about the date.

“Travis and Blake seemed to get along very well.”

That’s good. And, although Travis had famously compared Kendall and Kylie’s sexual skills — which is just super gross — it’s not surprising. They’re dating a pair of sisters. You want to get along.

“Kylie and Kendall also picked up some milkshakes on their way out.”

There’s no telling if Kylie’s having pregnancy cravings or not, but at least it sounds like she’s following the no dieting while pregnant rule.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner Hides Her Baby Bump!

It’s no secret that Kylie Jenner is pregnant, but even though the entire world (barring those who’ve spent the past few weeks in a coma) knows it, she refuses to comment.

But while questions linger over how long she could possibly avoid commenting on this non-secret, no one seriously doubts the reports of Kylie’s pregnancy.

Especially not now that she’s starting to tease fans and followers with new photos where she’s hiding her baby bump!

Kylie Jenner is going to become a mother at 20.

Travis Scott is going to become a father at 25.

While people have — and even still do — sometimes have children at even younger ages, that doesn’t mean that these two are necessarily at the optimal age to become parents.

Thankfully, Kylie did not plan to get pregnant with her rebound boyfriend so early in their relationship. It just happened.

(Based upon when she’s due, it looks like they were dating for maybe a month when Kylie got pregnant)

There’s a lot of responsibility involved in becoming a mother that Kylie, who was just 19 years old when she got pregnant late last spring, hasn’t ever experienced before.

Her maternal instincts are probably on point because, well, she’s the only one of the Kardashian clan who seems properly obsessed with her dogs. 

But instinct isn’t going to make you a great parent. Experience does. Patience does. And so does knowing when to ask for help.

We’ve heard a lot about how Kylie took all of those into account and will be relying a lot on her extended family for support, but until that Kylie pregnancy announcement officially comes, we still haven’t heard that in Kylie’s own words.

But Kylie isn’t leaving folks empty-handed, because she’s sharing a couple of new photos and they are … conspicuously dissimilar to her usual pics.

If we didn’t know that Kylie’s pregnant, we’d want to dismiss this as her being goofy — but we might wonder if she might be hiding something under that voluminous fabric.

That shirt probably isn’t even all that large, but on Kylie’s tiny frame, it’s a circus tent.

The perfect way to hide a baby bump while making absolutely certain that the entire world knows that you’re hiding a baby bump.

It looks like, even though Kylie is several months into her pregnancy, she’s really not accumulating much weight gain around her neck and face.

(And whatever pregnancy weight might be there, she’s concealing with angles and makeup and lighting — that’s kind of her area of expertise, or whatever)

Baby bumps aren’t so easy to hide, especially when you’ve built your brand upon wearing curve-hugging outfits while sporting a super flat tummy.

Honestly, this looks almost insanely comfortable.

A lot of Kylie’s outfits (not all of them — but a lot of them) look like they’re great for photographs and general sexiness but not much else.

This bigass shirt, though, looks all kinds of comfy.

And, as Kylie makes clear in both of these photos, she’s still keeping up her nail game.

We look forward to whenever Kylie shares her story about how this pregnancy is treating her and what her experience has been like.

But we can assume that it’s, at the very least, not one of those awful debilitating pregnancies where you can’t even get dressed.

It’s hard to see her going the extra mile to wear nails like these if she’s about to collapse back into bed or go running for the bathroom as soon as she’s done posing.

Even though we know so much about Kylie’s pregnancy, a lot of questions linger.

What we’re most eager to discover is what sort of ridiculous Kardashian name Kylie is going to choose, and if she’ll be starting a gimmick to follow with all of her children.

Is a wedding in the future for Kylie and Travis? We’ve heard rumors, but we want to hear all of this from Kylie.

For now, we guess, she’d rather just tease us all.

Which might mean that she has something major planned for the big reveal.


Monday, October 9, 2017

April Love Geary: Pregnant Fiancee of Robin Thicke Shows Off Baby Bump!

April Love Geary, Robin Thicke’s super young fiancee, is a gorgeous young, young woman.

Well, now April is pregnant with Robin Thicke’s baby, and she’s even showing off her baby bump.

This couple is controversial, with good reason, but that doesn’t mean that you want to miss April Love Geary’s bikini baby bump selfie.

April Love Geary is due March 1st, and while that’s obviously a very tentative date — due dates for babies don’t work like due dates for essays, folks — it’s the birthday of Robin Thicke’s late father.

That’s a very sweet coincidence, right? April thinks so.

April Love Geary is a very slender young woman, but people can carry their pregnancies in very different ways.

She still has another six months to go, but she’s already showing off that baby bump for her Instagram followers to see.

Just look at that bump!

Let’s be honest, folks:

There are valid reasons to be less than excited about Robin Thicke and his fiancee, as a couple and as expecting parents.

For one thing, there’s their 18-year age gap.

Robin Thicke is 40, while April Love Geary is but 22 years old.

Then there’s the overwhelming sleaziness of Robin Thicke’s only well-known song, “Blurred Lines.”

(Though Robin Thicke lost the lawsuit over “Blurred Lines” to Marvin Gaye’s lawyers, so it’s effectively no longer his hit, right?)

Most of that just amounts to Robin Thicke having done a creepy song and being a creep so people are happy to pick on him for dating a girl young enough that their age gap can vote.

Unfortunately, it gets a bit more serious than that.

Because Robin Thicke has been accused of beating his ex-wife and abusing their son.

Paula Patton’s allegations, that Robin has punched her and that he on at least one occasion responded to his son’s request for a nighttime hug with violence, explain the end of their marriage but also make the idea of him having a new wife and a new child … nauseating, at best.

Paula Patton’s accusations mention that Robin Thicke’s drug use exacerbates this behavior, which … is the opposite of an excuse.

As a general rule, it’s rare for abusers to change their behavior. What appears to be a recovery and a pledge to do better can sometimes be the product of age or fear of once again being exposed rather than a genuine desire to change and be a better person.

If the accusations against Robin Thicke are true, sure, it’s possible that April and her unborn child won’t see that side of him … but we’d never risk it, for ourselves or our children.

Would you?

But maybe Robin Thicke is one of those rare people who commits to make a change and he’s totally turned himself around.

While we still wouldn’t blame anyone for refusing to touch him with a ten-foot-pole, the people who do choose to spend time around him despite the accusations against him might be happy with the man they see.

April Love Geary certainly seems happy with her fiance and with her baby bump.

We can’t wait to see how much that belly grows!


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Posting Old Baby Bump Pics to Fool Due Date Skeptics?!

Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth are expecting … but the time frame in which they’re expecting continues to spark great speculation.

While it’s plausible – albeit unlikely – for her to have conceived since (or on) her wedding day, a lot of fans aren’t buying that scenario.

Austin and Joy stunned Duggar Nation three months after their May 26 wedding by announcing that she’s expecting their first child.

The sheer size of Joy-Anna Duggar’s baby bump – not to mention preexisting rumors of broken courtship rules – raised eyebrows.

Could they have engaged in premarital sex and rushed to the altar, shotgun wedding style, as a means of covering their tracks?

Since the big reveal, the couple obviously hasn’t addressed rumors that the future Baby Forsyth was conceived out of wedlock.

This week, however, Joy-Anna Duggar and her husband posted an update on her pregnancy on their joint Instagram account.

(No, Joy doesn’t have her own account, a minor but still intriguing point of contention worthy of its own article sometime soon.)

The 19-year-old Duggar and her new husband posted the above image of her bump while segueing into their anti-abortion views.

“Can’t wait to meet our baby! I got to feel it kick for the first time a few days ago,” she wrote as her caption, adding controversially:

“Soooooo amazing!!! It’s already about the size of a bell pepper and weighs around half a pound!!! #childrenareagiftfromGod #westandforlife.”

Pro-life discussion aside, the real controversy has once again become the bump photo, which some fans are certain is an older image.

One passed off subtly but intentionally, they say.

“This is an old picture,” one Duggar fan stated.

“It was the first picture they used to announce her pregnancy. Unless she is having twins, she is way too big for her dates to match.”

Some also felt that on top of the (allegedly) old photo, Joy’s quote about the baby being bell-pepper-sized and kicking was more subterfuge.

This would put the unborn child around 18 weeks, according to experts, when it begins to flex its arms and legs and increase movement.

The 18-week range would be consistent with wedding night conception (18 weeks and four days ago) and a late February due date.

Obviously, whether she conceived earlier than their wedding night wouldn’t be as big a deal with many couples as it is in their families.

There, it is a huge deal.

It’s unclear if they put as much thought into this as we’re theorizing, but if it was their way of subtly trying to quash rumors, well played.

If you watch Counting On Online, you know recent episodes have focused on Joy-Anna’s wedding planning and pre-wedding activities.

In one installment, the soon-to-be-spouses were perusing a property that was to become their first home together after the ceremony.

In turn, some fans felt the baggy clothing Joy-Anna wore for the occasion was purposely chosen with the goal of hiding a baby bump.

Not the kind of thing we can prove, and definitely not the kind of thing the Duggars would ever address directly, but fans had a field day.

That small bump, after all, gave way to Joy-Anna’s huge baby bump – and the controversy that came with it – just a couple of weeks later

Are we looking at Joy-Anna’s trickery exposed?

Maybe, maybe not, but we’ll tell you this:

No bell-pepper style hints are going to quell the rumors or cease the chatter … especially not if she keeps trying to re-use old pics.

Come on, Joy. Armchair Duggar investigators are pretty sophisticated in this day and age with their Zapruder-film level analysis.


Saturday, September 30, 2017

Kardashians About To Pop -- Guess Whose Baby Bump!

Put your pregnant Kardashian knowledge to the test with these bustin’ out bellies … see if you can labor up the skill to guess who’s about to pop! Make womb for more Kardashians! 


Monday, September 25, 2017

Kylie Jenner Posts New Photos; Is That a Baby Bump?!

Kylie Jenner is pregnant, and between that and the 10 Year Anniversary Special of Keeping Up With The Kardashians that aired last night, that’s more or less dominated Kardashian news over the weekend.

But Kylie did more this weekend than just being the subject of endless questions and speculation. She also threw a birthday party for her bestie.

And there were pictures — meaning that we now have the most recent photos of Kylie Jenner. How much is she showing?

When we first heard that Kylie Jenner is reportedly pregnant, we heard that Kylie has been posting older photos of herself, or simply keeping her abdomen out of the frame, in her most recent photos.

(It doesn’t matter how many reputable news sources say it — we gotta remind you that it’s reportedly the case until Kylie herself is like “btw guys I’m 20 and pregnant”)

That makes sense.

For all of her curves, Kylie is still a very skinny girl when you’re talking about any part of her save her boobs and butt.

Even if pregnancy doesn’t cause her to put on weight throughout her body (though Kim’s pregnancies did), Kylie would have one hell of a time hiding a baby bump.

Especially given her usual wardrobe.

But if all of the Kylie photos that we’ve seen recently have been months old to hide her baby bump, what about the new pictures from the weekend?

Jordyn Woods is Kylie’s bestie, and she wasn’t going to let Jordyn turn 20 without celebrating the occasion.

Kylie shared the photo above and the photo below on Sunday (though both images are likely from Saturday, which was the day of Jordyn’s birthday).

First, there’s the pic with Jordyn Woods and the giraffe.

Jordyn looks so good, you guys. But that’s not the point.

Kylie is lifting up her shirt a little, casually, and touching her abdomen.

Which … more than anything, feels like she’s just teasing people pretty deliberately.

(We know that the celebrity bubble is a real thing, but not even Kylie could manage to totally ignore the news that she’s preggo — true or not)

But, from what we see of her belly, there, it looks like her regular ol’ flat tummy, right?

Then there’s this pic:

She’s not exactly in a bikini there, but Kylie’s posing from the side — as if flaunting how flat her tummy still is.

Maybe we’re reading too much into this, here — maybe this is just how she stood to fit in the photo with her friends.

The focus of the day was, we’re sure, on Jordyn Woods since she was the birthday girl.

As with the zoo photo, though, Kylie isn’t exactly baring her midriff.

Both photos can be read as innocuous, both can be read as nods to the pregnancy news.

And even if it’s about the news, you have to wonder:

Is Kylie flaunting how small her tummy is because she’s proud of staying so slim through being pregnancy, like Sarah Stage’s pregnancies?

is Kylie showing off how she looks because she’s laughing at the people who think that she’s pregnant?

Looking at those pics, though, it’s really no wonder that some fans don’t think that Kylie Jenner is pregnant.

Disbelief can come from genuine suspicion.

it can also come from a place of wanting to believe that someone didn’t make such a poor life choice.

Resources aside, Kylie is 20 years old and has her whole life ahead of her.

Getting pregnant with her rebound guy after dating for just a few months … well, you can see why plenty of people would be relieved to hear that this was all a very elaborate joke, actually.

But … don’t count on it.
