Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Girl Gets Stuck in Barney Costume, Lives All of Our Worst Nightmares

Barney may love you.

And you may love Barney.

But no one loves getting his or her head stuck inside a Barney costume. That’s just #RealTalk.


And it’s something Darby Risner now knows all too well.

This native of Trussville, Alabama found a Barney head at a friend’s house on Saturday night and thought she could have some fun by scaring her friends.

Just imagine how you’d react if you walked into a room and Barney was suddenly there, annoying theme song spewing from his lips.

We can understand where Darby was coming from.

Shortly after putting the Barney costume on, Risner told a local ABC affiliated that the head “wobbled and scooched down,” covering her shoulders just above her elbows making it look as if she had “short little Barney arms.”

She could not get it off.

“All the girls started trying to pull it off, but it wasn’t budging,” said Risner.

“I started getting a little claustrophobic and felt like it was kind of closing in.”

In the end, her friends even tried rubbing Vaseline all over her arms, but the attempt proved to be unsuccessful.

Fortunately for Risner, one of her pals had a boyfriend in the Trussville Fire department.

So they drove over to the fire station and asked some professionals for assistance.

“Soon enough, we saw a group of young girls waddling with one who had a Barney head stuck on her,” Trussville Fire Department Lt. Vince Bruno told ABC.

He added that this was a “first” in his 33 years on the job. To which we reply: d’uh.

After numerous failed attempts at pulling the Barney head directly off, Bruno explained how they began making “release cuts” into the head, which then allowed it to “slide right off” of Risner’s body.

And, after all of this effort and teamwork… FREEDOM!

Here is your look at a Barney-free Risney.

barney update

Girl Gets Stuck in Barney Costume, Lives All of Our Worst Nightmares

Barney may love you.

And you may love Barney.

But no one loves getting his or her head stuck inside a Barney costume. That’s just #RealTalk.


And it’s something Darby Risner now knows all too well.

This native of Trussville, Alabama found a Barney head at a friend’s house on Saturday night and thought she could have some fun by scaring her friends.

Just imagine how you’d react if you walked into a room and Barney was suddenly there, annoying theme song spewing from his lips.

We can understand where Darby was coming from.

Shortly after putting the Barney costume on, Risner told a local ABC affiliated that the head “wobbled and scooched down,” covering her shoulders just above her elbows making it look as if she had “short little Barney arms.”

She could not get it off.

“All the girls started trying to pull it off, but it wasn’t budging,” said Risner.

“I started getting a little claustrophobic and felt like it was kind of closing in.”

In the end, her friends even tried rubbing Vaseline all over her arms, but the attempt proved to be unsuccessful.

Fortunately for Risner, one of her pals had a boyfriend in the Trussville Fire department.

So they drove over to the fire station and asked some professionals for assistance.

“Soon enough, we saw a group of young girls waddling with one who had a Barney head stuck on her,” Trussville Fire Department Lt. Vince Bruno told ABC.

He added that this was a “first” in his 33 years on the job. To which we reply: d’uh.

After numerous failed attempts at pulling the Barney head directly off, Bruno explained how they began making “release cuts” into the head, which then allowed it to “slide right off” of Risner’s body.

And, after all of this effort and teamwork… FREEDOM!

Here is your look at a Barney-free Risney.

barney update

Monday, November 2, 2015

Courtney Stodden Halloween Costume: NOT What We Expected!

October 31 has come and gone, and as usual, this year’s celebrity Halloween costumes did not disappoint.

We had Heidi Klum as Jessica Rabbit. Emily Ratajkowski somehow managed to make Marge Simpson sexy. But perhaps our favorite getup of the year was from a woman who usually shows a lot of skin…and decided to go in the opposite direction for All Hallows’ Eve.

Believe it or not, that fella with the epic ‘stache and the obvious love of all things denim is Courtney Stodden.

Yes, Courtney Stodden and her giant boobs somehow managed to invoke the spirit of that dude who lives on your street who spends most days soaking his feet in the kiddie pool on his front lawn and griping about his disability check is late again.

We’re assuming the Drunk Uncle-sized tumbler of Scotch is really just iced tea.

Not because of the (probably BS) rumors that Courtney is pregnant, but because even when she’s in character as Jack Auf (seriously his name), we doubt Courtney can put away the hard stuff like this:

Yes, Courtney it seems attempting to prove that she’s more than just a fame-hungry young blonde with cartoonish curves and an elderly husband.

The girl’s got more personality than people give her credit for. And did we mention the giant boobs? That’s a plus, too. Hell, Heidi Klum needed about 18 pounds of molded plastic to approximate a body like Courtney’s.

Jessica Simpson Wins Halloween With Hilarious, Sexy Costume

We’ve seen Jessica Simpson post racy selfies on random Tuesdays, so it’s no great surprise that she donned a revealing getup for Halloween.

What is surprising, however, is how creative and amusing her couple’s costume with husband Eric Johnson is.

That’s Jess and Eric as Clark Griswold and Christie Brinkley’s character from the 1983 comedy classic National Lampoon’s Vacation.

Eric’s getup is impressive in its attention to detail (Where do you find a Member’s Only jacket these days?), but we’re sure all eyes were on Jessica.

We’re guessing the beer in her hand means there’s no truth to the rumors about Jessica going to rehab. Or maybe it’s just part of her costume. 

Perhaps at the last minute, she decided to go as Drunk Jessica Simpson Dressed as Christie Brinkley. We can dig it.

Whatever the case, Jessica is rocking that costume and we’re sure she and Eric were a big hit at their party.

Jess has some stiff competition in the best-costumed celeb department this year with Emily Ratajkoswki as Marge Simpson and Heidi Klum as Jessica Rabbit appearing to take the top spots in terms of social media popularity. 

But hey, Jessica clearly has nothing to be embarrassed about. Aside from that time she was wasted on the Home Shopping Network. She should probably be a little embarrassed about that. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Heidi Klum Halloween Costume: What Did She Go as Now?

Heidi Klum has done it once again.

The super model, who hosts a super Halloween party every year and who comes up with super creative costume ideas, left the jaws of every warm-blooded male hanging out on Saturday night.

Because she dressed as Jessica Rabbit.

The Project Runway host made a dramatic entrance into her own shindig over the weekend, emerging into a spotlight from the dark to reveal her incredible outfit, one complete with crazy prosthetic breasts… a giant butt … and amazing fake eyelids.

Earlier in the week, Klum had teased that she would get into costume as the “ultimate male fantasy.”

And transforming into the luscious cartoon vixen from Who Framed Rodger Rabbit? certainly fits that description.

(Also the Ultimate Male Fantasy: Heidi Klum nude. In case you’re looking for a more simple idea next year, Heidi.)

Klum posted multiple photos on Instagram of her getting made up to become Jessica, writing that the entire process took 10 hours. 

Now that’s what we call some serious dedication to Halloween!

In previous years, Klum gas gone as a psychedelic butterfly; an elderly woman; a gorilla; an over-the-top Cleopatra; a large apple; a Hindu goddess; and Lady Godiva.

She does not mess around when it comes to October 31, as you can see in the photo gallery above.

Compare her look this year and in other years to famous costumes worn by famous people below over the years.

Who has dressed best for Halloween?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Kim Kardashian Halloween Costume: Here"s How to Do It!

Over the years, Kim Kardashian has dressed up for Halloween as Catwoman, as a skeleton and as Jasmine, just to name a few.

But now Kim Kardashian is here to offer advice on how to come up with the most important Halloween costume of all… Kim Kardashian herself!

In a blog post on her official website, Kim goes into detail on how to nail her “signature look,” in case anyone wants to trick or treat this year as a woman who let Ray J bang her on video.

“My signature look has become so recognizable, that it could easily work as a last-minute Halloween costume!” Kardashian wrote, in what may be her most self-involved and pompous entry to date.

Seriously, who doles out advice on how to dress like themselves?!?

Kim Kardashian, that’s who. And here’s what she had to say about it:

“Mixing bodycon pieces with a long coat, strappy heels and dark sunglasses is the perfect combination for a cool Kim-inspired look!”

But… wait!

Just when you thought Kardashian couldn’t get more obnoxious about this, she went ahead and got all obnoxious about it.

Kardashian went ahead provided website subscribers with a shopping guide, offering up suggestions that:

  1. Cost far more than the average person wants to pay.

  2. Come from her catalog of sponsorships.

So, sure, you can follow Kim’s advice and go buy some Too Glam Sunglasses for $ 60 in order to look like her.

But just know that Kardashian gets paid to make that recommendation.

And also know that, we mean this as respectfully as possible, but: You would be a huge loser if you dressed, in any non-tongue-in-cheek fashion, as Kim Kardashian for Halloween.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Taylor Swift Shares Epic Throwback Photo of Teletubby Halloween Costume

These days, Taylor Swift can do no wrong. The woman makes a million dollars a day, and she other artists comparing her to Shakespeare.

But there was a time when Taylor was just a little girl who was down with the Teletubbies trend way before her classmates:

Swifty posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“When you dress as the yellow teletubby for Halloween, but it’s before Teletubbies got huge so all the kids at school ask you why you’re dressed as a yellow pregnant alien.”

Yes, as hard as it is to imagine now, there was a time when both Taylor and Teletubbies were unknown to the general public.

In case you were never on board with the T-Tubz, Taylor is dressed as Laa-Laa, who…looked and acted just like the rest of the Teletubbies but was yellow.

But hey, yellow pregnant alien is a cool costume too.

She could’ve laughed it off with a joke about giving birth to the weird baby-sun thing that loomed over Teletubbyland, but it totally would’ve gone over her classmates’ heads, because these freakin’ kids didn’t watch Teletubbies!  What, did they live in caves?!

We hope this incident more than any other inspired Taylor to go on to great things and that she occasionally calls one of the kids who laughed at her and is all like, “Hey, it’s me, the pregnant yellow alien. Anyway, I’m about to go on stage with Mick Jagger. Just thought you’d like to know.”

Sorry, we might be getting too worked up over this yellow Teletubby thing.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Ashley Benson Apologizes for Offensive Lion Costume

Ashley Benson learned an important lesson this week:

It’s one thing to make fun of Amanda Bynes. It’s another thing to make fun of a dead lion.

The Pretty Little Liars star came under major fire on Tuesday after sharing a photo of her proposed Halloween costume, which featured the young actress dressed as Cecil the Lion.

Yes, the same Cecil the Lion who was hunted down and killed by a dentist in Africa this summer, despite his status as a protected species.

Following backlash from those who don’t believe one ought to essentially wear an animal corpse as a costume, Benson wrote the following on Instagram yesterday:

“Yesterday’s post was in poor taste and I absolutely regret all of the hurt that photo caused.

“The caption that was posted was incorrect and my costume was not Cecil the Lion, when I saw that, I contacted my management who handled the post and had it immediately changed.

“I recognize that I am responsible for everything posted on my social accounts and this was an unfortunate oversight.

“I am a supporter of Animal conservation and I will be donating all the proceeds of this deal to the World Wildlife Fund. I love you all and I apologize if I let you down.”

We’re not sure if we’re buying the fact that Benson was not dressing as Cecil, but just as a regular lion.

But hey. She has no real history of controversy and, as you can see below, plenty of celebrities have donned far more offensive Halloween costumes over the years: