Showing posts with label Cabello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabello. Show all posts

Monday, December 25, 2017

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Liam Payne and Camila Cabello

Liam Payne and Camila Cabello


Liam Payne and Camila Cabello

Liam Payne and Camila Cabello


Monday, August 28, 2017

Fifth Harmony Hurls "Camila Cabello" Off Stage at VMAs

Heading into the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, many fans were wondering whether Taylor Swift would show up and bury the hatchet with host Katy Perry.

The answer in the end was no, she did not.

But it was actually a different rivalry that captured the attention of viewers of this event on Sunday night, as Fifth Harmony took to the stage at one point and most definitely did NOT bury the hatchet with Camila Cabello, either.

The singer announced her decision to leave Fifth Harmony back in December.

She claimed at the time that she had given her colleagues the proper heads-up regarding this choice, but remaining members Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen, Lauren Jauregui and Normani Hamilton have said otherwise.

They alleged Cabello just up and walked away with basically no warning… and that she did so via a note from her representative.

And it"s clear they remain angry over this move.

At the very beginning of the quartet"s performance of “Down” yesterday, the artists appeared with five members – before one appeared to be thrown off the stage.

The gasp-inducing shocker was considered by many to the highlight of the broadcast.

It certainly has left the Internet abuzz.

These reactions basically sum up Twitter"s feelings on what went down:

“We’re extremely excited,” Jauregui said prior to the show, adding:

"This is definitely one of the biggest moments of our careers – something we’ve worked so hard for to get to a place where people would want us on the stage, so we’re excited as heck for it… there are so many surprises.”

Check out the performance (and don"t blink through the beginning) below!

Fifth harmony hurls camila cabello off stage at mtv vmas

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Fifth Harmony Perform for the First Time Without Camila Cabello

Fifth Harmony may have lost Camila Cabello, but they are still up there as one of the hottest groups on the planet. 

The group took to the stage at the People"s Choice Awards for their first performance since the sensational departure of Cabello. 

Dinah Jane, Normani Kordei, Ally Brooke Hernandez and Lauren Jauregui performed "Work from Home."

You could definitely notice the lack of Camila"s high pitched vocals throughout. 

That"s not to say the performance was bad. In fact, it was pretty great. 

Losing a member must have been tough on the other girls, but at least they are still able to continue on as a band. 

All of the girls are super talented in the vocal department. 

That"s probably why they took home the People’s Choice Award trophy for Favorite Group.

Ever since Camila quit last month, fans have wondered what would become of the group. 

Her departure was hardly amicable when you consider the fact that she pretty much just disappeared from the group overnight. 

Have a look at the full video of the performance below!


Fifth harmony perform for the first time without camilla cabello

Fifth Harmony Performs for First Time Without Camila Cabello (VIDEO)

The girls in Fifth Harmony kicked off the post-Camila Cabello era with their first performance since her contentious exit from the group … and no one challenged her chops. The foursome performed their song “Work from Home” at Wednesdays People’s…


Fifth Harmony Performs for First Time Without Camila Cabello (VIDEO)

The girls in Fifth Harmony kicked off the post-Camila Cabello era with their first performance since her contentious exit from the group … and no one challenged her chops. The foursome performed their song “Work from Home” at Wednesdays People’s…


Friday, January 6, 2017

Fifth Harmony Taunts Camila Cabello, Releases New Group Photo

New year. New Fifth Harmony.

About a month after the group got rocked by the news that long-time member Camila Cabello was busting out on her own, the four remaining women have made it very clear that they’re ready to move on.

Via Twitter, Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui have unveiled a brand new group photo.

They captioned the following image “Twenty Seventeen.” But let’s be honest:

They might as well have captioned it “Eff you, Camila!”

Just look at the expressions on those faces above, with one tongue being stuck nearly all the way out.

In mid-December, Cabello left Fifth Harmony under dubious and controversial circumstances.

The group made it sound as if she took them by complete surprise when she announced her departure, confirming the news in a statement that read:

“After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well.”

Short and not very sweet, right?

The women were making it very clear that Cabello was not even professional or mature enough to tell her colleagues that she was departing in person.

Or even to do it herself.

The statement continue:

You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you’ve supported us, and with your love and support, we will continue on.

That being said, we are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us- Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans.

We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony as well as our solo endeavors.

We are excited for our future, and we can’t wait for what the new year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our heart.

But the situation then devolved into into a They Said/She Said when Cabello fired back with her own statement.

She said that the group was absolutely aware she was leaving.

“I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing,” Cabello wrote, adding in further detail:

“The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. Saying they were just informed through my representatives that I was ‘leaving the group’ is simply not true…

“As sad as it is to see this chapter ending this way, I will continue to root them all on as individuals and as a group, I wish nothing but the best for them, all the success in the world and true happiness.”

Cabello then confirmed her plans to go solo in the near future.

Finally, Fifth Harmony did acknowledge that Cabelo had approached them about leaving back in November.

They even said they tried to convince her to stay.

But she never responded in any kind of attentive manner.

“After months of rejection from her and her team, these supposed lengthy conversations in fact never happened, although we pleaded,” the group’s follow-up statement read.

“We have tried with exhausted efforts and hearts to keep this group alive as the five of us, and we want it to be very clear that unfortunately those efforts were not mutual.”

This breakup is making the Brangelina divorce seem amicable.

We look forward to new music from both sides in 2017.


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Camila Cabello Fires Back at Fifth Harmony: Read Her Statement

As previously reported, the professional relationship between Camila Cabello and Fifth Harmony is over.

But the tension is clearly just beginning.

On Sunday, mere hours after performing in Florida with the group, Cabello decided to walk away. This much is not up for dispute.

She is no longer a member of the popular band.

But Fifth Harmony claimed over the weekend that Cabello never actually spoke to them about her departure.

Lauren Jauregui, Ally Brooke Hernandez, Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane said that Cabello has a representative inform them of her career move, prompting a rather pointed statement in response.

It read as follows:

After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well.

You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you’ve supported us, you’ve rejoiced and cried with us, you’ve grown with us, and with your love and support, we will continue on.

We are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us – Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans. We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony, as well as our solo endeavors

We are excited for our future, and we can’t wait for what the new year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our hearts. Love Ally, Normani, Dinah and Lauren.

Not that bad, right?

No real shots are taken against Cabello here.

But the women are clearly miffed and a bit angry over her allegedly prompt choice to leave.

Cabello, however, broke her silence on the issue a day later.

Having read the above statement, this artist fired back on Instagram, sharing a lengthy statement of her own that took issue with how her former collaborators were portraying her in the media.

“I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing,” Cabello wrote.

“The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. Saying they were just informed through my representatives that I was ‘leaving the group’ is simply not true.”

She continued:

“Just like the other girls said in their statement about their plans, I had also planned to continue with my own solo endeavors in the new year, but I did not intend to end things with Fifth Harmony this way.

“As sad as it is to see this chapter ending this way, I will continue to root them all on as individuals and as a group, I wish nothing but the best for them, all the success in the world and true happiness.”

Cabello then went on to confirm future work on a solo album in 2017 and concluded:

“As scary as it is to take the leap, I am excited and full of joy because I know that no matter what happens, I am following my heart. I hope to see you on my journey.”

Read her full statement below:

Camila Cabello statement

In turn, Fifth Harmony then went ahead and responded to this response!

On Monday night, Jauregui, Hernandez, Jane and Kordei followed up their initial statement with another that reads:

To our Harmonizers – We know you are hurt and confused, we are too. We know you want answers. And you deserve them, as you are just as much a part of this group as the four of us are.

“The last thing we want to do is engage in a battle of we said, she said, but we’ve let our story play out in press and on social media for too long. So, to our Harmonizers, who we care so deeply about, we want you to hear everything from us, unedited, not manipulated, just us, to you.”

The remaining quartet went on to press the feud further, saying Cabello never had the sort of open conversation she impled in the message above.

Over the past several months, we have consistently made every effort to sit down and discuss the future of Fifth Harmony with Camila. After months of rejection from her and her team, these supposed lengthy conversations in fact never happened, although we pleaded.

We have tried with exhausted efforts and hearts to keep this group alive as the five of us, and we want it to be very clear that unfortunately those efforts were not mutual.

The group also wrote that they had hoped to record one final record together. But Cabello’s manager told them last month that the show in Florida on December 18 would be his client’s last as a member.

We were truly hurt. We’ve been together for almost five years, been through ups and downs…

To watch Camila walk away from this special world we’ve built with you is tough but we will move forward together. We are excited to continue to put positivity into the world and light into people’s lives.

The four of us recognize that we would be NOTHING without Fifth Harmony and we will continue to honor that.

The group concluded their statement by clarifying that they wish Cabello the best, “although [we’re] saddened by the way she and her team handled the situation.”

fifth h statement

In the end, Fifth Harmony writes…

Now that we’ve said our peace, we are done engaging in this back and forth,” they added. “We know our truth, we know the hard work we’ve put in and how we’ve tried time and time again to make this work for the five of us. We also know the love and devotion we will continue to put into this group all with the support of you, the loyal Harmonizers. We wish only good things for all.

Onward and upward.

Do you have a side to choose in this feud?

Or are you just said that it’s come to this between Cabello and Fifth Harmony?


Camila Cabello Bailed On Fifth Harmony Long Ago

Camila Cabello made up her mind a long time ago that she was done with Fifth Harmony — but only officially gave notice a month ago … so say sources close to the band. Unlike Camila’s account, sources with Fifth Harmony tell TMZ she just dropped…


Monday, December 19, 2016

Camila Cabello Responds To Fifth Harmony"s Statement

Camila Cabello is calling BS on Fifth Harmony claiming to be blindsided by her leaving the group … and insists everyone’s known she’d be hittin’ the road for a while now. Camila posted a lengthy response to Fifth Harmony’s own brief statement…


Camila Cabello with Fifth Harmony: See the Final Performance!

Fifth Harmony will never be the same.

On Sunday, Camila Cabello announced that she was leaving the all-girls group, although apparently she did NOT pass along this piece of information herself.

A representative for the artist told Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen, Lauren Jauregi and Normani Kordei that they would now be part of a quartet, as opposed to a quintet.

In response, Fifth Harmony issued a pretty pointed statement to Cabello"s departure.

"We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony as well as our solo endeavors," the remaining singers said, adding:

"We are excited for our future, and we can"t wait for what the New Year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our heart."

Has Cabello hinted that she was unhappy with Fifth Harmony in the past? Yes.

But the timing of this decision was still pretty astounding, considering the group had just given an interview together hours early and then performed at a show in Miami.

Was there any hint of dissension during this concert?

You tell us!

Check out a video from Fifth Harmony"s time on stage at the Y100 Jingle Ball below and see Cabello sing with her now-former group for the final time:

Camila cabello with fifth harmony see the final performance

Fifth Harmony"s Camila Cabello Quits the Group

Fifth Harmony ain’t hung up on numbers — on the heels of Camila Cabello bagging out, the group is staying together … but it definitely seems like there are some hard feelings. The group announced Camila was leaving with a very brief statement,…


Camila Cabello Quits Fifth Harmony: What the Heck Happened?!?

Camila Cabello has pulled a Zayn Malik.

The singer shocked her fans and fans of all-girl group Fifth Harmony over the weekend when she just up and quit the popular band.

Unlike Malik, however, whose frustrations with One Direction were pretty well known by the time he left in early 2015, Cabello had given no indication of this move prior to making it.

The decision has left the music industry stunned and confused.

Heck, Fifth Harmony – with Cabello belting out man lyrics and dancing all around – performed in Sunrise, Florida at Y100’s Jingle Ball on Sunday.

Mere hours later, thought, via a statement released on Twitter, the remaining Fifth Harmony members confirmed the 19-year-old was leaving the band.

They said they’d heard about her departure through her spokesperson. Ouch!

That’s not exactly professional.

“After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well,” the group wrote on social media.

They proceeded to thank fans for their love and support, adding:

“You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you’ve supported us, you’ve rejoiced and cried with us, you’ve grown with us, and with your love and support, we will continue on.”

Fifth Harmony is now comprised of just four members: Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen, Lauren Jauregui and Normani Hamilton.

They concluded their statement as follows:

We are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us – Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans. We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony, as well as our solo endeavors.

We are excited for our future, and we can’t wait for what the new year brings. Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our hearts. Love Ally, Normani, Dinah and Lauren.

Fifth Statement

Back in September, Cabello departed a Fifth Harmony concert in St Louis early, citing “anxiety.”

“Hi Missouri, sorry I couldn’t finish the set last night,” the artist wrote on Snapchat after the show. “Was having too much anxiety and couldn’t finish it. I love u. I’m truly sorry.”

Prior to this anxious moment, Cabello had teamed up with music producer Benny Blanco for a solo song, prompting many to speculate about her musical future.

It’s fine if she wants to move on, of course. We understand wanting to spread her wings in order to see how high she can fly on her own.

But it doesn’t sound she handled her departure in a very classy or mature way.

Perhaps we should have seen this coming, though.

In April of last year, Cabello was asked about Malik quitting One Direction and commented:

‘I think it made people sad, but at the same time happiness and health [are] the most important thing. At the end of the day, he’s a person, and he’s a human being, and he needs to take care of himself.”
