Showing posts with label Catelynn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catelynn. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tyler Baltierra to Catelynn Lowell: I"m NOT Happy in Our Marriage

On the new trailer for Teen Mom OG, we were so preoccupied with the faces of the new castmembers and one disgraced ex-governor that we almost overlooked a source of conflict.

It looks like Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell have hit a major rough patch.

Let’s take a look at exactly what they said, and whether this means that they’re finally headed for divorce.

There was much more in the Teen Mom OG trailer than Bristol Palin filling our hearts with dread.

It looks like there is serious trouble in … we won’t call it paradise … for Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell.

“If someone asked me, ‘Are you happy in your marriage?’” Tyler’s emotional confession begins.

He provides an answer: “I would say, ‘Absolutely not.’”

Those are some crushing, but honest, words for him to utter.

As powerful as Tyler’s upsetting admission was, Catelynn had a very important question for him.

Catelynn asks Tyler: “Do you think I’m lying to you at all?”

We don’t know what this is about, exactly.

Obviously, both Tyler and Catelynn have really worked on both their mental and physical health over the past year.

But it sounds an awful lot like Catelynn worries that Tyler thinks that she’s lying. Is there suspicion that someone is cheating?

There is so much about the context that we won’t know — can’t know — until we see the episode.

We know that Catelynn received treatment in rehab late last year to deal with suicidal ideation, and then early this year to address childhood trauma.

PTSD can derail your entire life. It’s good that she took action when she did.

Tyler has also been forthright about his struggles with depression, which began when he was only a child.

We’ve also heard about Tyler’s bipolar disorder, which he discusses through poetry.

Many fans had hoped that tackling these issues head-on would help the two of them to beat the odds and stay together.

Of course, some so-called “fans” have been joking that Tyler and Catelynn are going to break up precisely because they’ve been making strides in their health.

Remember when Tyler Baltierra flaunted his weight loss with a new thirst trap? The guy has some serious abs now. He’s turned his torso into a work of art.

But some folks just had to pipe up with their theory that, once he got hot, he was going to cheat on Catelynn or just leave her.

Some even questioned why he would care about having a hot body unless he plans on getting a divorce — as if he and Catelynn can’t both enjoy it.

People made the same kind of joke after Anna Faris and Chris Pratt separated. People can be cruel.

In real life, we know that Tyler and Catelynn celebrated their anniversary just last month.

The couple has only been married for a few years, but they’ve been together since they were kids.

We don’t think that the two of them gushing over each other on social media just weeks ago was an elaborate cover for a secret separation or divorce.

So no, we don’t think that their turmoil in the trailer spells doom for their relationship.

Sometimes, some painful honesty is exactly what people need to express in order to grow and heal as a couple.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Really PREGNANT?!

Over the summer, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra worked to save their marriage. And it paid off!

The couple, who have been together since childhood, celebrated their third wedding anniversary on Wednesday, August 22.

But as the couple celebrated each other on social media, Catelynn could not resist teasing that she has some exciting news.

Fans believe that she and Tyler are expecting another child.

Take a look and see why fans are getting hyped for a big announcement:

1. Are Catelynn and Tyler expecting?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra 2018 selfie

Here is why some fans believe that Novalee Reign is getting a younger sibling. …

2. Nova would be overjoyed!

The baltierras

And so, of course, would her parents.

3. Especially after their recent heartbreak

Catelynn baltierra

It wasn’t even a year ago when we learned that Catelynn had suffered a miscarriage

4. The two of them worked through it

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell at the vmas

In fact, they’ve both been very honest about their coping strategies and mental health struggles in the aftermath of their tragic loss

5. So, why do fans think that Catelynn is preggo?

Cate lowell photo

Because she’s teasing some major good news

6. Catelynn stirred up this speculation

Catelynn lowell teases big news

There’s not much to go on here. This could be news about their reality careers or their children’s clothing line … or about their family.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Tyler Baltierra Pens Candid, Heartfelt, Awe-Inspiring Tribute to Catelynn Lowell

Tyler Baltierra recently shared the story of his epic weight loss.

And it’s very impressive, don’t get us wrong.

But the Teen Mom OG veteran has impressed us even more with a tribute to wife Catelynn that makes it clear: He never, ever, ever wants to lose her.

With rumors of a divorce constantly swirling around Tyler and Catelynn, the former took to Instagram this week and poured his svelte heart out for all to see and swoon over.

“Life is really simple if you think about it,” wrote Tyler to kick off a lengthy caption, which he attached to the photo above, prior to adding in far more detail:

“If you love something … fight for it. Sacrifice for it. Love it so much that it makes you want to love yourself in a way you never knew you were even capable of loving.

Continued Baltierra, who fans were convinced as recently last month was going to leave Catelynn:

“It’s been 13 years together & that’s not because of luck or us not arguing or not getting upset with one another …

“That’s because everyday, we choose to love each other unconditionally, with all the flaws & all the baggage our past lives has given us.”

We love that perspective.

As they said, it’s not about finding someone who is perfect, right? It’s about finding someone who is perfect for YOU.

For his part, Tyler has always been very open about his struggles with mental health, specifically his bipolar order diagnosis.

Anyway. He wasn’t done here gushing over his wife.

“We choose to listen to one another & be heard by one another,” the MTV personality wrote, adding:

“We choose to confront our issues head on & fix them together. We choose to nurture our spiritual bond together & share lives ups and downs with one another.

“We are lovers in this life, so we can be soulmates in our afterlife.”

Wow. That’s some profound stuff right there, Ty.

Baltierra and Lowell got married in August of 2015.

They are the parents to two kids, one of whom they gave up for adoption back when they were stars on 16 & Pregnant.

Overall, the couple’s ups and downs have been documented at length on Teen Mom OG over the years, most notably Lowell’s miscarriage last year that led her to enter a treatment facility due to sucidal thoughts.

“You Are Beautiful. You Are Worthy,” Tyler wrote to Catelynn in this mini online essay.

“You Are Strong. You Are Safe … & I love you more than this realm will allow me to express in all my desired ways.”

Despite all the negative chatter surrounding her and her husband, Catelynn has always insisted than their relationship was stable.

“Tyler and I are not getting a divorce. Couples go through ups and downs. That’s normal life,” Lowell told Us Weekly in May, concluding at the time:

“We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us.”

As of this writing, Tyler’s tribute to Catelynn has been Liked over 186,000 times. People are clearly affected by his candor.

Which is great and everything.

But we’re guessing there’s only one person out there he cares about reading it and believing every word of it. 


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Check Into Rehab to Save Marriage (Report)

It looks like more hard times are ahead for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

According to Radar Online, the Baltierras have checked into an in-patient couple-oriented therapy program in a last-ditch effort to save their marriage.

Catelynn has been to rehab several times over the course of the past two years, and while she"s made progress with her mental health, insiders say she and Tyler both continue to struggle daily.

Now, it seems they"ve decided that in order to make their marriage work, they"ll both need to address their mental health issues with the help of professionals.

Here"s what we know about the situation thus far:

1. Better Days

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

For years, Tyler and Catelynn were the most stable couple in all of the Teen Mom franchise.

2. Hard Times

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

Sadly, a combination of difficult times, past trauma, and latent mental health issues all combined to put the Baltierras’ marriage to the test in a major way.

3. The Domino Effect

The baltierras

Both Tyler and Catelynn have been diagnosed with various mental illnesses that are at least partially the result of their traumatic upbringings.

4. Tragedy Strikes

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

When Catelynn suffered a miscarriage, the tragedy triggered a downward spiral that prompted her to check into rehab multiple times.

5. A Double-Edged Sword

Tyler with catelynn

Tyler did his best to be a supportive spouse, but as is so often the case with this sort of thing, Catelynn’s illness and frequent absences eventually began to take a toll.

6. Stepping Up

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Tyler took care of the couple’s daughter and visited Catelynn in Arizona as often as possible. But eventually, it all became too much …

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Friday, July 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: On the Brink of Divorce AGAIN?!

If you"re a Teen Mom OG viewer, you know that the past year has been tremendously difficult for Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra.

Both individually and as a couple, Catelynn and Tyler have faced a number of obstacles that might have driven a weaker marriage to collapse.

So it perhaps it should come as no surprise that they recently came to the brink of calling it quits.

Fans will recall the episode in which Catelynn first talked about divorce as a possibility.

Now, the Baltierras are speaking out about that particular rough patch, and while they were able to persevere, they say the situatin was every bit as painful as it looked:

1. Opening Up

Opening up

Catelynn and Tyler recently sat down with Dr. Oz and gave what’s been touted as the most honest interview of their careers.

2. Telling It All


It’s tough to imagine that the Baltierras could have anything to hide after all these years in the spotlight, but apparently, they spilled unprecedented quantities of tea while speaking with the good doctor.

3. A Painful Recap

A painful recap

“When the series first launched, you guys were 16. It’s almost 10 years,” Oz says in a preview released today.

4. Tyler with Catelynn

Tyler with catelynn

“We’ve followed them through battles with depression and most recently, a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Oz adds.

5. Their Darkest Hour

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Fans will recall the tremendous emotional toll that Catelynn’s miscarriage took on both her and Tyler.

6. Put to the Test

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Catelynn checked into rehab to be treated for PTSD and other mental health issues in the wake of her miscarriage. In the months that followed, her marriage was nearly driven to its breaking point.

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Monday, July 9, 2018

Catelynn Lowell Shares Troubling Message: Is She Going Back to Rehab?

There"s no denying that Catelynn Lowell has had a rough go at it, right?

She grew up with an extremely dysfunctional family– like, she started dating Tyler Baltierra in middle school and then his father married her mother, making them stepsiblings.

She"s been through quite a bit.

Because of all the trauma she"s experienced, she"s spent some time in treatment centers, working on her mental health.

Most recently, she spent six weeks at a rehab facility in Arizona back in the winter, and then another six weeks shortly after that.

But judging by some concerning new posts she"s made to social media recently, it looks like she could be headed back for another go.

1. Poor Catelynn

Cate lowell picture

How much is too much for one 26-year-old woman to go through? Ask Catelynn, she’d probably tell you.

2. Seriously

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Does she have the worst backstory out of all the Teen Mom crew? Yeah, maybe. She grew up with an alcoholic mother who, when she wasn’t being emotionally abusive herself, allowed boyfriends to abuse her. Throw in the obvious trauma she experienced after Carly’s adoption, it’s a wonder she held it together as long as she did.

3. The Beginning

Catelynn lowell and baby

Although she had such a difficult childhood, Catelynn’s big mental health struggles began after she gave birth to Nova in 2015. She had postpartum depression, and as we saw on Teen Mom OG, it was tough for her to even get out of bed some days.

4. So Sad

Catelynn lowell interview pic

She stopped taking care of herself, we saw her wearing the same clothes in several different scenes, and it seemed like a chore for her to do anything besides lie in bed or sit on the couch. Because depression is rude like that.

5. All Because of a Pig

Catelynn with a pet

Over a year after she had Nova, she was still dealing with all of this, and at one point, she decided to get a pet pig, but apparently she didn’t think it through, because caring for the animal was way too much for her. Something about the way she felt then was enough to make her realize that she needed help, and that’s when she went off to rehab for the first time.

6. Making Progress?

Catelynn lowell instagram photo

She spent roughly a month at the treatment center in Arizona before returning home, but unfortunately, her stay there wasn’t a total fix — as we saw on the show, she was still very obviously depressed afterwards.

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Tyler Baltierra: Why Fans Are Convinced He"s Leaving Catelynn Lowell!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have always been and will always be THE Teen Mom couple.

Obviously, right?

They’ve been together since they were 12 years old, and they’re the only couple from the 16 and Pregnant days who are still together.

Sure, there’s been some ups and downs, and there were a few times it seemed like they weren’t going to make it, but they’ve managed to pull through.

They’re celebrating 14 years together this year, and since they’re both only 26 … it’s just pretty wild, you know?

But as difficult as this may be to believe, there are some people in the world who don’t want other people to be happy.

And that’s why there are several Teen Mom fans who are just absolutely certain that a Baltierra divorce is on the horizon.

See, both Catelynn and Tyler have had a rough, rough time lately.

After Catelynn gave birth to their daughter, Nova, back in 2015, she developed some pretty intense postpartum depression, and she’s been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since.

She’s had a hard time dealing with it, but when she got pregnant last fall only to suffer a miscarriage, things got so bad that she began contemplating suicide.

She checked into a treatment center to get some help, which was absolutely the right thing to do, but it did leave Tyler in a position of taking care of everything at home by himself.

And at the time, he had a whole lot to take care of.

There was little Nova, obviously, and his new children’s clothing business, but on top of that, he felt the need to keep an eye on his sister and her children since his father had just gone to rehab.

His sister ended up going to rehab a few months later, so it’s understandable that he felt that need.

And then, on top of all of that, he was dealing with the grief from the miscarriage, as well as his own mental health problems — it was around this time when he was diagnosed as bipolar.

Honestly, it’s amazing they made it throught that rough patch at all, especially since there was talk from both of them that maybe they weren’t right for each other anymore.

But they’re still together, because “in sickness and health” and all that, and although Tyler’s been making some questionable comments about how unhappy he’s been, it does seem like they’re going strong.

Tyler’s been going strong himself in a different way — after losing weight a few months ago, he’s been working on bulking up.

He’s shared shirtless selfies to document his progress, and over the weekend, he shared a before and after pic: the left photo is what he looked like a month ago, and on the right is what he looks like now.

So he looks really, really great, right?

But more important, he feels great, too.

“Finally making some progress on this goal of mine,” he wrote in his caption for the photo. “I think it’s important to document your journey, even if you don’t ever decide to share it.”

“Because the days you don’t feel like putting in the work because you don’t feel like you’re seeing results or you’re just feeling lazy as hell, those are the days those pics come in handy to motivate & prove to yourself what you are doing & why!”

He explained that this new photo is the result of “40 lbs down & only 2 months of working out.”

He also added that “For once in my life I’m actually pumped & pretty proud of myself!”

So what does any of that have to do with his marriage?

According to several of Tyler’s followers, the issue is that Catelynn doesn’t seem to be getting into fitness like he is. And that, of course, is grounds for divorce.

“Why do I feel like he’s gonna get his body riiiight & leave Catelynn…..” one person asked.

“Amid all these divorce rumors you think that you’d be posting tons of you and your wife still in love!” another person told him. “Sadly we’ll most likely see in a few months that you guys are indeed separating. That’s usually how it runs.”

One of his followers speculated that “Soon he will find himself someone that loves themselves and will actually be happy in a relationship that doesn’t keep dragging him down.”

Another put that sentiment in much simpler terms with “Tyler gonna be picking up a new hottie soon.”

Some people were especially cruel about it, like this jackass that wrote “Now GET A HOT mentally stable awesome new girlfriend, man you’re wasting your life with this chick.”

And that’s not even touching all the people who insisted that Catelynn is a “fat cow” who should be the one working out instead of Tyler.

OK, look, all the divorce rumors aside, is it honestly so hard to believe that maybe he just actually loves her?

That regardless of the changes he makes to his own body, he can still appreciate hers, and perhaps even be attracted to it?

Maybe they will get divorced, and if they do, it would probably be more about them growing apart and less about his new muscles.

Either way … can we maybe focus a little more on Tyler’s accomplishment here and a little less on Catelynn’s weight?


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Going Back to Rehab AGAIN?!

Catelynn Lowell has been having a really, really tough time lately.

If you keep up with Teen Mom even the tiniest bit, you know that much.

Catelynn’s struggles began many, many years ago, technically, with an alcoholic mother and a somewhat absent father, and things only got worse for her when she got pregnant as a teenager and placed her daughter for adoption.

She made the best choice for the child, but as we’ve seen over the years, it’s been an extremely difficult thing for her to carry.

But that’s all background stuff — things got extra bad last fall, when she and husband Tyler Baltierra got pregnant with their third child only to have a miscarriage.

The miscarriage was documented on Teen Mom OG, and it was tough to watch, to say the least.

She and Tyler both said that they felt like they were grieving a child, and while he was clearly having trouble dealing with his emotions, Catelynn actually began contemplating suicide.

Fortunately she was able to to realize how serious things were before she acted on any of those thoughts, and she checked into a treatment center in Arizona, the same one she visited in 2016 for postpartum depression.

That time, she checked out early so she could spend Christmas with her family, but she quickly realized that she wasn’t ready to be home yet.

She checked back in to complete her six-week program, then went home just before New Year’s.

A few weeks later, she shocked fans when she announced that she’d be returning for yet another six weeks of treatment, this time to get her medications sorted and to start working through some childhood trauma.

When we saw it all play out on the show, the situation was even worse than we thought, because it was clear Tyler didn’t fully support her decision to leave their daughter for another long, out-of-state stay.

The topic of divorce came up more than once then.

But off she went again, and in March, she came back home for good.

Since then, it’s seemed like she’s been doing a lot better.

She’s been staying off of Twitter for the past couple of months, something that was reccommended for her during rehab, and she’s been spending a lot of time bonding with her daughter.

However, yesterday she made a new post on Instagram that’s got a whole, whole lot of people concerned.

The image she shared is a quote, one that reads “I’m scared of the future. I’m scared of the past. I’m nervous at the moment.”

For her caption, she wrote “I’m so scared right now… but I know that everything that is supposed to happen will happen… whatever my destiny is will be…. I got this….. I’m strong….”

And that doesn’t sound too great.

It actually sounds a lot like the kinds of things she said immediately before checking into rehab last time — remember, on the show, we heard her mantra of “I’m beautiful, I’m smart, I’m strong”?

Judging by the comments on her post, her followers are pretty sure that one of two things is happening.

One, she’s checking into treatment again.

Or two, she’s pregnant.

Honestly, both options are pretty believable.

She’s struggled with her mental health for several years now, and so it wouldn’t be too surprising if at any point she felt the need to do some intensive work on that front.

And it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to believe that she’s pregnant, since she and Tyler have been open about how they still plan on expanding their family.

It would also make sense that she’d be scared if she was pregnant, considering how traumatizing each of her three pregnancies were for her.

Thankfully, the vast majority of her followers were very supportive of her in the comments.

And whatever it is that’s going on with her, it’s obvious that she is strong, regardless of how scared she may be right now.

As always, best wishes, Catelynn!


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Open Adoption is a Terrible Weight on My Heart

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra gave up their firstborn for adoption.

But it’s an open adoption, so they still have a small amount of contact with Carly — who is nine years old.

Catelynn is opening up to fans about how challenging it can be to maintain this very limited relationship with the child you brought into the world. See her heartfelt note below:

Catelynn shared a quote to Instagram.

“Open adoption is like a marriage,” the post’s image begins, written tidily in chalk.

If you’re wondering how this simile works, don’t worry, the quote explains it.

The chalk writing says: “It requires hard work, acceptance, patience, forgiveness, respect, trust, understanding, and quality time.”

In contrast, a closed adoption won’t feature any quality time.

“You stay in it not only for the child,” the quote concludes. “But because you genuinely love each other.”

The quote is attributed to Jenna Cooper.

Catelynn Lowell Open Adoption IG Post

Catelynn shared this image, and included a caption with some thoughts of her own.

“Some days adoption is really hard…” Catelynn begins, making liberal use of elipses.

Catelynn gave up her firstborn daughter, Carly, for adoption. Carly is now nine years old.

“I know,” Catelynn continues. “She will understand one day…”

But it can be difficult.

“I don’t regret it at all..” Catelynn makes clear.

Good. She was a teenager and not prepared for motherhood.

Catelynn admits: “Just some days are harder than others”

Catelynn has been brutally honest about her personal struggles before. It makes sense that she’s open and honest about this.

Last month, Catelynn honored Carly on her birthday.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARLY,” Catelynn began in all caps.

Birthdays are a big deal, even in complicated families. Especially in complicated families.

“Today,” Catelynn continued. “You are 9 years old! NINE!!!”

Anyone who remembers when Catelynn was a pregnant teenager didn’t really appreciate the reminder of how old they are.

Catelynn expresses her astonishment, writing: “That is insane to me!!!”

Children really do grow up so unbelievably quickly.

“Today at 10:39am,” Catelynn said. “You took your very first breath and brought so much joy to this world!!!”

So it’s just a universal mom thing that they remind you what time of day you were born.

“We love you so much, “Catelynn concludes. “And will talk with you later.”

(We hope that Carly doesn’t actually have free reign to explore Instagram — there are butts and a lot of lewd text on that app)

Tyler Baltierra, who has clapped back at questions over whether his mental health makes him a bad parent, also gave Carly a shoutout in May for her birthday.

“Happy Birthday to my beautiful first born!” Tyler’s message began. “I can’t believe Carly is 9 years old today.”


“I’m just so blessed,” Tyler admits. “Because I may not have the luxury of seeing her every day.”

That can be so emotionally challenging.

Despite that, he writes: “but I have the peace of mind knowing I will see her one day a year (sometimes 2).”

You cherish the time that you have.

“I have learned a lot throughout this adoption journey,” Tyler admits. “& I have made mistakes in the past regarding that relationship.”

“But I feel like I have grown up & matured through all of that,” Tyler says. “& I now realize that I need to count my blessings.”

“I am proud to say,” Tyler continues. “That I have 9 blessings,”

To be clear, Tyler does not mean that he has nine children.

Tyler explains: “9 years of seeing her grow through visits & pictures, 9 birthday cakes, & ONE child to forever impact my life in so many ways.”

“I love you Carly,” Tyler writes. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your birth daddy loves you SO MUCH!”

That is so sweet.

It’s good that Tyler and Catelynn feel comfortable opening up about their open adoption with fans.

You know that there are Teen Mom viewers who are going through similarly difficult situations with their own families.

It’s good to see that you’re not alone.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: Divorce Isn"t So Bad!

Last week, rumors that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were headed for divorce made their way across the social media landscape with surprising speed.

Typically, when such reports surface but are not confirmed by either half of the couple in question, it’s easy to dismiss them as unfounded gossip.

But in this case, there was real reason to believe Catelynn and Tyler may have called it quits.

Fans began to talk after noticing that Catelynn had unfollowed Tyler on Instagram.

(There was also much chatter about the fact that she had changed her name to “Catelynn Lowell” on Instagram, but in fact, that had always been her display name.)

And while that may have been the most recent indication of trouble in paradise, it certainly wasn’t the only one.

On top of the suspicious social media activity, the fact that Tyler and Catelynn spent Mother’s Day weekend in separate states had fans on high alert.

All of this came on the heels of a very public rough patch that was documented on the latest Teen Mom OG season finale.

In the episode, Catelynn – who was fresh from a 6-week stint in Arizona rehab center – told Tyler that she feels she may need to return to the facility for further treatment.

Tyler encouraged his wife to seek out a facility closer to home for the sake of their daughter, prompting Lowell to reply, “She’ll manage.”

Later in the episode, Tyler confessed to his sister that he had begun to grapple with fears that Catelynn might not be the right partner for him.

Fans were stunned, and many pointed out that it was not the first time that season that Tyler and Catelynn had broached the subject of divorce. 

Needless to say, it’s not hard to see why fans were so quick to buy into the latest round of breakup rumors.

But against tough odds, it seems the Baltierras are determined to make their relationship work:

Tyler posted the above photo to Instagram earlier this week.

“Damn! I think divorce looks pretty good on us,” he captioned the pic.

“But we are getting a divorce #nothingcanstopus,” Catelynn added.

It’s important to note, of course, that Tyler and Catelynn both seem to have posted those comments sarcastically.

Catelynn even added a series of cry-laughing emojis to drive the point home.

And fans who are rooting for the beloved couple have found further encouragement in recent comments from Catelynn’s father, David Lowell:

“Tyler is in Texas visiting his dad Butch and Catelynn is in Florida with Nova visiting her older sister,” David said of the couple’s weekend apart.

“Everything is good as far as I know. I don’t know about the Instagram name change. I didn’t notice.”

Catelynn also addressed the rumors with a candid social media post:

“[Tyler Baltierra] and I are not getting a divorce,” she wrote.

“Couples go through ups and downs that’s normal life. We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us!” 

So we guess it’s safe to say Tyler and Catelynn won’t be calling it quits anytime soon.

It’s a refreshing change of pace, as TMOG couples don’t have the greatest success rate.

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on one the Baltierras’ many ups and downs.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Catelynn Lowell-Tyler Baltierra Divorce: Is It Really Happening?!

Last week, Teen Mom OG fans were stunned by news that Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were divorcing after three years of marriage and nearly 13 years as a couple.

More shocking than the rumor itself, however, was the fact that it seemed to be rooted in reality.

Catelynn changed her name from Baltierra back to Lowell on Instagram, and fans were able to confirm that the couple spent Mother"s Day weekend in separate states.

All of this came on the heels of a difficult year for the Baltierras that saw Catelynn suffering a miscarriage and both parties battling mental illness.

Did it all get to be too much for one of the Teen Mom franchise"s most beloved couples?

Here"s what we know so far:


1. Happier Times

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Just a few weeks ago, Catelynn and Tyler were happily posing for photos together and commenting on one another’s social media posts. But some fans are convinced their relationship has deteriorated very rapidly…

2. Signs of Trouble

Catelynn lowell tyler baltierra on instagram

The most recent signs that Tyler and Catelynn might be in the midst of a rough patch came over the weekend. Fans picked up on two red flags that may indicate trouble in paradise.

3. A Subtle Message?

Catelynn baltierra

Catelynn recently changed her display name on Instagram to “Catelynn Lowell.” At one point, she also unfollowed Tyler on the site.

4. Trying Times

Catelynn lowell and tyler

Reports of the dissolution of Catelynn and Tyler’s marriage come at the end of a year that would have put even the strongest of relationships to the test.

5. A Tragic Setback

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

Catelynn suffered a miscarriage just as she and Tyler’s excitement about welcoming a new child had reached a fever pitch. The loss took a tremendous emotional toll on both Baltierras.

6. Catelynn’s Struggles

Catelynn lowell purple hair

In the months that followed, Catelynn checked into rehab twice to be treated for PTSD and other emotional issues. Tyler stood by her side, but Catelynn’s extended absences had an obvious impact on their marriage.

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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Actually Divorcing?!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have been together for a long time.

A really, really, really long time.

Forget being high school sweethearts — they’re actually middle school sweethearts, if you can believe it!

They got together when they were just twelve years old because, as Tyler explained in that book they released a few years back, Catelynn had “the biggest tits in seventh grade.”

But it doesn’t matter why they got together, because they’ve obviously formed a deep, loving relationship.

They’ve been through so much together, including but certainly not limited to the abusive, drug-fueled marriage of his father and her mother and the birth of Carly, the child they placed for adoption.

Things were rocky between them for a while during those teenage years, but they stayed together and now they’re married with a daughter, Nova, and they’ve been open about their plans to expand their family.

Unfortunately, it looks like they’ve entered a bit of a rough patch in the last few months.

Catelynn had a miscarriage back in the fall, and both she and Tyler had a hard time dealing with it, understandably.

She struggled so much that she contemplated suicide, and when she realized how bad things were, she decided to spend six weeks in a treatment center in Arizona.

Tyler was very supportive of that, but when she decided to go back for another six weeks shortly after coming home … well, that was a bit different.

All of this went down on the last Teen Mom OG season finale — about three weeks after coming back, Catelynn told Tyler that she was still struggling and thought another rehab stay would be the best thing for her.

He urged her to try dealing with things at home first, since Nova had a hard time going without her mom for so long during her first trip to rehab.

But she’d already made up her mind.

In a surprisingly candid chat with his sister, Tyler complained about Cate’s decision, and he even compared her leaving for multiple trips to rehab to his father being in and out of his life when he was a child.

He said that he’d told Catelynn that going back to Arizona might be the best thing for her, but that trying treatment at home would be the best thing for their daughter.

Her response to that, according to Tyler?

“She’ll manage.”

He honestly seemed a little disgusted by her attitude about Nova’s wellbeing, and many fans were as well.

He was so upset that during that conversation, he even told his sister that maybe he and Catelynn weren’t right for each other anymore.

It was the second reference to a possible divorce in that single episode — earlier. she’d told him that maybe he should just leave her, since she’d been having so many problems.

Not a great sign, honestly.

But the episode aired, and Catelynn and Tyler tried their best to prove that these days, they were doing a lot better.

There have still been some pretty concerning signs though.

One was a tweet Tyler wrote last month in which he wrote that even though he was lying in bed next to his wife and listening to his daughter sleeping on the baby monitor, he still felt “so empty and so alone.”

Another has been the poetry he’s been sharing on social media, which is all pretty dark and has honestly made it seem like he could perhaps be suicidal.

But a couple of days ago, he shared a new poem … and if we were Catelynn, we’d definitely be feeling a little upset.

In this poem, Tyler called himself “that pathetic f-ck up who got famous just for f-ckin his girlfriend & gettin her knocked up.”

“That motherf-cker ain’t sh-t,” he continued, “that motherf-cker’s gotta take a hint, he’s gotta get it together if he wants his life to fit.”

“That motherf-cker’s gotta get a job even though I doubt that he could, & he’s gotta leave that broad if he ever wants to be heard.”

So … that’s not great.

In the caption for this post, he explained that these were the kinds of things he hears from people — from his haters, if you will.

It sounds like he doesn’t actually believe these things, he’s just turning insults around because he thinks it’s “ironically motivating.”

Still, if you take this and add in the other developments from the past week, things aren’t looking too great for the Baltierras.

As you may have heard, there was a big fuss because fans noticed that on Catelynn’s Instagram, she lists her last name as Lowell instead of Baltierra, her married name.

The thing is that her name has always been Catelynn Lowell on Instagram, and the name thing got more attention than a much more interesting little tidbit, which was that for a little while, she actually unfollowed Tyler.

Besides that, they didn’t spend Mother’s Day together — she was in Florida and he was in Texas.

He didn’t even write a big gushy message about her for the holiday, which, if you’ve followed this couple for any length of time, you know is very, very strange.

There’s been so much going on to point to a possible split that Catelynn felt the need to address the rumors.

In a statement, she wrote that they aren’t getting a divorce, and that “couples go through ups and downs, that’s normal life.”

“We are a solid couple that will work through anything life throws at us!”

Which is even more suspicious, because while she did say they aren’t getting a divorce, she definitely implied they were going through some issues.

Come on, Baltierras, pull through!


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Catelynn Baltierra Changes Last Names, Sparks Divorce Chatter


Might there be trouble in romantic paradise for Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra?

Social media users now have reason to believe that the couple, who has battled through cheating rumors in the past, may be headed for a split as a result of Catelynn doing something drastic online:

She changed her last name.

The Teen Mom"s three million Instagram followers were recently surprised to see what Catelynn is now using "Lowell" on her official page, switching from "Baltierra" to her maiden name because…

… well. We don"t know why.

But it"s worth taking a look through the tandem"s recent history, online and off, to see if this means they"re headed for divorce court:

1. No Happy Wishes Here

Tyler and catelynn post therapy

Right around the time Catelynn made this switch, we learned that Tyler did NOT wish his wife a happy Mother’s Day. Heck, the two didn’t even spend the holiday together.

2. Where Was Tyler?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

The Teen Mom’s dad told Radar Online that his son-in-law was “in Texas visiting his [father]” for Mother’s Day. That can’t be a good sign.

3. And Where Was Catelynn?

Catelynn baltierra

Per her dad again: “In Florida with [daughter] Nova, visiting her older sister.” This is nice and all, but not ideal to spend Mother’s Day apart from your husband.

4. Might Personal Troubles Be Affecting the Relationship?

Tyler baltierra is mad

Tyler has admitted that he suffers from Bipolar Disorder, a serious condition that often has a negative effect on one’s relationships. “I’ve been doing non-stop research on the diagnosis, the different remedies to combat symptoms, & how to better understand it,” he wrote on Instagram toward the end of April 2018. “I did refuse medication, but only because I wanted to try all of the natural remedies first. It’s a journey.”

5. A Search for Happiness


“Laying in bed next to my peacefully sleeping wife. I can hear my daughter snoozing away through the monitoring her room. My dog is cuddled up on the floor next to to me… and yet Feel so empty and so alone,” wrote Tyler a few weeks ago, giving followers a glimpse into his sad mental state.

6. Concern All Around

Tyler baltierra and fancy jacket

Tyler Baltierra: Is He Suicidal? This was the title of an article we wrote on May 10 (click words above the photo to read), as it shed light on just how worried Teen Mom fans are about Tyler. His mental health comes first, of course, but it’s easy to see how his diagnosis could damage his marriage.

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