Showing posts with label Channing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Channing. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Channing Tatum Pens Heartfelt Tribute to Daughter, Puts All Men to Shame

There are plenty of reasons to love Channing Tatum.

There’s his chiseled jawline. And his abdominal muscles. And those biceps.

And the way he so clearly loves and respects his wife.

Above all, however, there’s Tatum’s view on fatherhood, his overwhelming love for his daughter and the valuable life lessons he wants to pass along to little Everly.

The 37-year old recently wrote an essay for Cosmopolitan in which he thought back to his first meeting with Jenna Dewan Tatum and how he hopes their daughter inherits her mother’s attitude.

“In honor of the launch of Magic Mike Live in Las Vegas, my friends at Cosmo generously invited me to write something for you,” the actor explains to open his post.

He then brings the subject immediately to his four-year old at home:

“The more I thought about this, the more I thought about my daughter reading this article someday. I pictured her in her late teens or early 20s, hoping to explore and discover her sexuality and dreaming about finding true love.”

Continues Tatum, making us adore him more and more with each word:

“I tried to imagine the things I’d want her to read that would help her understand men and sex and partnership better, and at that moment, I realized a strange thing.

“I don’t want her looking to the outside world for answers.

“My highest hope for her is just that she has the fearlessness to always be her authentic self, no matter what she thinks men want her to be.

Channing met Jenna on the set of the film Step Up.

They’ve been together for over a decade.

And you never read a single scandalous story about these two, do you?

“I knew our connection was really powerful, but I wasn’t sure what our relationship was going to be,” Tatum says of first encountering his wife.

“Then one day, Jenna just blurted out that she knew exactly what she wanted in life and she didn’t have to look for it anymore because it was me. She had no idea what I’d say or how I’d react, but that was her truth.

“I remember feeling this incredible rush – it was the sexiest thing she’d ever done for me. I felt strength, because in that moment, she had accepted every part of me, the good and the bad.

“And I knew she wasn’t auditioning me or hoping I’d meet some set of expectations.”

channing loves jenna

Taum goes on to say it was this quality that made him fall for Jenna (who looks great naked).

“That radical authenticity of hers was what made me fall head over heels in love. Before I experienced it, I wouldn’t have known how to ask for it. Now I know it’s what I was always craving.

“And that’s what I want for my daughter – to be expectation-less with her love and not allow preconceived standards to affect her, to ask herself what she wants and feel empowered enough to act on it.”

Are you crying yet?

Just you wait…

“If there’s one thing that I think men wish women knew, it’s just that they alone are enough,” Channing writes, adding:

“When more women start to truly feel this power in themselves, the world will become so magical, it makes my head hurt.”

Tatum concludes by saying he’s grateful that women “are realizing that they no longer have to conform to certain standards of social and sexual behavior, and this changes what they need from men and the role of men in general.”

Why did he turn Magic Mike into a live show?

“Because I wanted to create a space where we could really explore these themes in a fun, provocative way,” he shares.

“I want women to feel what it’s like to exist in a world where men really listen to them, where they treat them like goddesses, and where they can feel comfortable and proud to express the full force of their sexual energy together.

“I want them to experience a place where they are much more than enough.”

All that AND you get to see hot male strippers dance?!?

Excuse us while we go buy some tickets.


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Channing Tatum Grills Vegas "Magic Mike Live" Dancers (PHOTOS)

The “Magic Mike Live” cast doesn’t need more meat on their bones, but got some anyway … courtesy of Channing Tatum, who grilled for the guys on their day off. The live stage version of the movie is in previews in Sin City, and the guys have been…


Javi Marroquin: Why Did He DUMP Madison Channing Walls?

It was just last month that we first learned Javi Marroquin and Madison Channing Walls were dating, but within days of the news going public, cracks began to appear in the couple’s facade.

Just two weeks after they gleefully revealed their relationship on social media, Javi and Madison broke up, leaving a lot of fans with a lot of questions.

The earliest theories held that the decision to part ways had something to do with Madison’s checkered past.

(Walls is a former heroin addict, who opened up about her struggles with substance abuse during her time on The Real World: Skeletons.)

Now, however, it seems the end of the relationship had more to do with Walls’ vision for her future.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Javi became concerned when Walls went public with news of their relationship almost immediately after they made it official.

Marroquin became even more worried about her intentions when he learned that he was not the first of Madison’s boyfriends to be introduced to her 1-year-old daughter, Harper.

“This will be the third guy that Madison has introduced to Harper within a year,” Madison’s baby daddy, Tony Raines, told E! News prior to the breakup.

By contrast, Javi’s announced that he intended to hold off on introducing Madison to his son, Lincoln, so as not to emotionally confuse the boy with too many grownup “friends” parading in and out of his life.

Friends say Javi decided that the difference in parenting approaches combined with Madison’s desire to cash in on the relationship left him with little choice but to call it quits.

For her part, Madison was reportedly livid about the decision.

She’s taken to Twitter to express her frustrations passive-aggressively, a style that will likely be recognized by anyone who’s ever been pissed that a relationship ended, but it didn’t last long enough to justify a full-blown social media tirade:

“Our generation has lost the value of romance, the value of trust and the value of conversation. Sadly, small talk is the new deep.”

She later added simply, “Ouch.”

So it looks like Javison was never meant to be.

Although The Ashley points out that MTV is working on a new season of Are You the One that focuses on famous exes.

These two don’t have a ton going on career-wise, so a resurrection could be in the making.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tony Raines: Madison Channing Walls" Ex Jealous of Javi Marroquin?

Real World alum Tony Raines opened up about his ex-girlfriend, Madison Channing Walls, dating Teen Mom 2 cast member Javi Marroquin.

Is he concerned about it?

Tony says he wishes Madison, the mother of his child, only the best. He’s open about how the new romance gives him pause, though.

“For me, it was really sudden, but with Madison, we have a really, really good relationship,” Raines told E! News of Walls dating Marroquin.

“Things were rocky for a long time but we co-parent so well and she’s just awesome with [our daughter] Harper. I’m really thankful for that.”

I find it kind of interesting … I’m really happy for her.”

Hmm. “Interesting” is an … interesting word choice.

The Louisiana native was Madison’s roommate on The Real World: Skeletons and is familiar with the other members of the MTV family.

In other words, the Teen Mom 2 star is on his radar.

Their parallel lives offer both reassurances and red flags.

Marroquin’s personal life and relationship with ex-wife Kailyn Lowry, with whom he also shares a child, has played out on TV like his own.

“I’ve seen Javi a few times on the show and as far as I can tell, you know, he’s a military guy and that’s awesome,” Tony said of Javi.

“I see how he is with his children and that’s very commendable,” Raines adds, echoing a familiar sentiment about Marroquin.

“So, I’m pretty excited for Madison,” he reiterates. “I think she deserves a good guy and happiness and all that good stuff.”

“I think with this [relationship] the sky is the limit for them.”

If it sounds like there’s a “but” coming, though … 

Raines admits he thinks about how his kid will be impacted by this, and not all of his thoughts on the topic are positive or all that optimistic.

“If I have to see another guy potentially help raise my daughter and it’s on TV, it’s in the public eye, I don’t know how I’m going to feel about that.”

“This will be the third guy that Madison has introduced to Harper within a year,” he adds. “I’m her dad so we’ve got to talk about this.”

Tony continued, “They call it reality television for a reason!”

“It’s no make believe… He might come home from work and pick her up and it’s filmed, and he’s picking her up in the air and he goes to kiss her.”

“I’m like, ‘Whoa, man.’ I might jump through the screen!”

“That’s my only concern,” Raines said. “That’s my only worry. I don’t know if that’s childish or petty of me but that’s my only thing with it.”

Tony says he believes Javi would get it, 100 percent.

“Eventually if they do work out, I’m sure I’ll get to meet him and stuff,” he said. “I think he would side with me on that [regarding] his son.”

“If I was dating [Kailyn Lowry] or something and his son was going to be coming into my life I’m sure he would feel the same way I feel.”

“There’s no bitterness there toward that guy; it’s just the situation,” he reiterated. “It’s just a little tough when you have babies involved.”

Madison confirmed she is dating Javi earlier this month, saying, “Javi and I are definitely together. We are definitely boyfriend and girlfriend.”

The Real World: Skeletons alum made the first move, direct messaging Marroquin on Instagram after fans noted their similar life situations.

Walls and Raines share daughter Harper, 13 months, so his comment that this is already her third boyfriend since they split was eye-opening.

Javi is on at least his second new relationship since divorcing Kailyn, having dated (and introduced Lincoln, 3, to) Cassie Bucka last year.

While Kailyn is pissed about Javi dating her, according to reports, he says they’re doing their best to put the past behind them and go forward.

“We’ve put everything behind us to raise our son the right way,” Javi said after fans started dragging his ex, saying they should move on too.  

Wishful thinking or the first step of a long journey?


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Javi Marroquin Defends Madison Channing Walls: She"s NOT a Drug Addict!

Earlier this week, the world learned that Kailyn Lowry’s ex-husband, Javi Marroquin is dating Madison Channing Walls.

MTV fans didn’t have to do much digging with regard to Walls’ past, as the 26-year-old starred on MTV’s Real World: Skeletons, an iteration of the long-running reality series that mined its cast past secrets for drama.

In Madison’s case, producers didn’t have to delve very deep into her past to uncover some deeply troubling trauma.

Walls struggled with heroin addiction not long before being cast on Skeletons.

Her addiction led her down a dark path toward to petty crime, resulting in an arrest for larceny in 2013.

These days, Walls is clean, sober, and a mother to a 1-year-old daughter, but it’s not hard to see how her recent struggles might be a matter of concern for Lowry, who shares a 3-year-old son with Marroquin.

Javi has already been heavily criticized for his behavior on the most recent season of Teen Mom 2 (most notably when he entered Lowry’s house without permission), so it’s not surprising that fans have taken him to task for his decision to get involved with Walls.

But Javi is standing by his woman and encouraging fans to examine their own pasts before taking shots at others.

“Someone’s past isn’t who they are today if they’ve learned and become better,” Javi tweeted today in defense of Walls.

The remark may have been partially prompted by reports that Lowry is upset with Marroquin for dating Walls.

Marroquin’s words were met with both support and further derision from TM2 fans.

Obviously there’s no way of knowing what the future holds for Javi and Chelsea, but those closest to the 26-year-old mother of one say they have no reason to fear a relapse.

Speaking of her addiction on The Real World, Walls remarked:

“I’m a recovering heroin addict. I am scarred for life from it. I just feel grateful to be alive.”

She’s stated that she considers the process of getting clean a transformative one, and that she believes she’s a different person from when she first got involved with heroin.

Walls’ friends and family say that she’s fully devoted to being the best mother that she can be and has no intention of letting anything prevent her from achieveing that goal.


Kailyn Lowry: PISSED at Javi Marroquin For Dating Madison Channing Walls!

Earlier this week, we reported that Javi Marroquin is dating Madison Channing Walls.

The news drew a decidedly mixed reaction from fans, largely due to Walls’ checkered past.

The former Real World: Skeletons star has openly admitted to struggling with heroin addiction.

She now says she’s been sober for more two years, but apparently there are some in Javi’s inner-circle who don’t believe Walls is not an ideal mother figure for Marroquin’s son, Lincoln.

Not surprisingly, one of those skeptics is none other than Lincoln’s mother, Kailyn Lowry.

Sources tell Radar Online that Kailyn found out about her ex-husband’s new romance the same way the rest of the world did.

Lowry reportedly felt “blindsided” when Javi and Madison announced their relationship on social media.

“Kail doesn’t know anything about a new girlfriend,” an insider Radar on the day of the bog announcement.

Of course, that may not be entirely Javi’s fault.

Javi is forbidden to contact Kailyn due to a protection from abuse Lowry obtained in February.

Kailyn says it’s because Javi entered her home without permission.

Javi has a different story:

“She said it’s because I harassed her via text about all this divorce and guy stuff,” Marroquin told Radar at the time of the filing.

“I signed a consent PFA, which means there’s no evidence of abuse. I just can’t contact her unless it’s in regards to Lincoln for a year.”

We suppose finding out from Twitter that your ex is dating someone new is one of the downsides of protective order.

Anyway, now that she’s been informed of the relationship, Lowry is reportedly less than pleased.

And apparently it’s not only Madison’s past substance abuse issues that have Kailyn upset.

Madison has had at least one recent brush with the law, having been arrested for shoplifting from a CVS in 2013.

Walls claims the theft was one of many mistakes she made as a result of her addiction.

Walls insists that she’s completely turned her life around since welcoming a daughter last year.

Sources close to Kailyn say she’s not happy that Javi will have another child in his life, as she feels it may draw his attention away from son Lincoln.

Of course, Kailyn is pregnant with her third child at the moment, so she can’t really say much on that score.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all the ups and downs of Kailyn and Javi’s relationship.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Madison Channing Walls: Who is Javi"s New Squeeze?

Javi Marroquin has allegedly moved on from Kailyn Lowry.

Not entirely, of course, as he"s writing a hate-filled tell-all about his ex-lover and the mother of his child.

In the bedroom, however, insiders tell In Touch Weekly that Javi is now dating Madison Channing Walls, raising an important question for fans of this Teen Mom star:

Who is Madison Channing Walls?!?

Get to know her below…

1. The Photo That Prompted the Rumor

Madison channing walls and javi

Well, well, well, look right here! It sure looks like Javi Marroquin has found a new lover in Madison Channing Walls, doesn’t it?

2. She Has a Daughter

Madison channing walls daughter

Her name is Harper and Madison created her with ex-boyfriend Tony Raines, who also appeared on The Real World.

3. She Appeared on a Season of The Real World

She appeared on a season of the real world

The Real World: Skeletons, to be exact, which evidently really did air on MTV.

4. She Got Started Young

Madison channing walls

Walls was a child actress, prior to appearing on The Real World: Skeletons. You wouldn’t be familiar with her credits.

5. She Was Hooked on Heroin

Madison channing walls picture

When Walls was first introduced on The Real World, she was billed as a “recovering heroin addict looking for a fresh start.”

6. But…

Madison channing walls photo

… Walls has been clean and sober for over two years now. Good for her!

View Slideshow

Monday, March 20, 2017

Madison Channing Walls: Dating Javi Marroquin!

While the Teen Mom world is still unsure who is Kailyn Lowry’s baby daddy, Javi Marroquin appears to be focusing his attention elsewhere:

With his new girlfriend, Madison Channing Walls!

Javi, you may recall, previously made headlines after announcing his divorce from Kail by flaunting his relationship with Cassie Bucka.

That fizzled fast, but he’s landed a replacement.

Marroquin’s new squeeze is a fellow MTV reality star: Madison Channing Walls, for the unfamiliar, stars on The Real World: Skeletons.

About a week ago, the 24-year-old father of Lowry’s second son Lincoln cryptically told In Touch that he’d been “talking to someone.”

Now it looks like that someone has been revealed, and their budding romance is Instagram official – the true measuring stick of modern love.

To the surprise of no one, the fact that they were pictured together on Instagram, looking every bit the couple, got a lot of attention.

Javi kept the caption to their debut pic simple:

A fire emoji and that’s it. Says it all, right?

Who is Madison Channing Walls? A cougar, for one! Sort of. Madi turns 27 in September, so she’s a little more than two years his senior.

She’s also a single parent. Last year, Walls and her Real World co-star (and ex-boyfriend) Tony Raines welcomed a baby girl, Harper.

While that understandably complicates things, it also gives Madi and Javi a chance to bond over the most important thing in their lives.

A former child star, Walls has been through a lot. She was billed on The Real World as a “recovering heroin addict looking for a fresh start.”

Looks like she’s made the most of it.

“Bubbles,” her nickname given to her because of her personality (bubbly, obviously), has been clean more than two years at this point.

Her MTV bio emphasized that she puts a lot of stock in her close female friendships, so Javi can expect to be subjected to some scrutiny.

The way things ended with Kail, that’d be cause for concern if we were Marroquin, but hopefully he’s moved on at least a little bit since.

To say that the Teen Mom 2 twosome’s marriage ended tumultuously, or relations remain icy between them, would be an understatement.

Dueling understatements, really.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, Javi hasn’t been doing himself many favors in the PR department, especially in recent installments.

In a clip from tonight’s episode, Javi comes over to apologize for acting a little unhinged lately, but within 30 seconds, he loses it again.

His qualified, half-assed apology quickly gave way to accusations of her banging other dudes and defending how he broke into her house.

Marroquin now only admitted he entered Lowry’s home through the basement, he said he can and would do it again if he felt like it.

Despite her son being confused and scared, no less.

“You have to understand how crazy you’ve made me for six months,” Javi says, as if that somehow justifies anything he says or does next.

Kailyn tells him not to call her a ho and defends her own actions, denying that she “slept with all these dudes” as Marroquin worded it.

How does this impact Javi’s new romance?

Hopefully not at all, but one has to wonder if he’s really in a good enough place mentally where he can begin a new, healthy relationship.

Is this one destined to flame out as well?

Fingers crossed that Madi has her s–t together, and she and Tony are on amicable, positive terms regarding their child and themselves.

Maybe that maturity will rub off on Javi.


Madison Channing Walls: Who is Javi Marroquin"s New Squeeze?

Javi Marroquin has allegedly moved on from Kailyn Lowry.

Not entirely, of course, as he"s writing a hate-filled tell-all about his ex-lover and the mother of his child.

In the bedroom, however, insiders tell In Touch Weekly that Javi is now dating Madison Channing Walls, raising an important question for fans of this Teen Mom star:

Who is Madison Channing Walls?!?

Get to know her below…

1. The Photo That Prompted the Rumor

Madison channing walls and javi

Well, well, well, look right here! It sure looks like Javi Marroquin has found a new lover in Madison Channing Walls, doesn’t it?

2. She Appeared on a Season of The Real World

She appeared on a season of the real world

The Real World: Skeletons, to be exact, which evidently really did air on MTV.

3. She Has a Daughter


Her name is Harper and Madison created her with ex-boyfriend Tony Raines, who also appeared on The Real World.

4. She Got Started Young

Madison channing walls

Walls was a child actress, prior to appearing on The Real World: Skeletons. You wouldn’t be familiar with her credits.

5. She Was Hooked on Heroin

Madison channing walls picture

When Walls was first introduced on The Real World, she was billed as a “recovering heroin addict looking for a fresh start.”

6. But…

Madison channing walls photo

… Walls has been clean and sober for over two years now. Good for her!

View Slideshow

Monday, January 9, 2017

Channing Tatum: Look at My Sleeping Naked Wife!

Give Channing Tatum credit.

For having a tight body, incredible dance moves and a winning personality?

Well, yes.

But mostly for being able to steal some attention for himself on Sunday night, despite not being nominated for a single Golden Globe Award.

Indeed, while Meryl Streep was roasting Donald Trump and Tom Hiddleston was making a self-righteous fool out of himself, Tatum was seemingly just hanging out at home.

But don’t feel too terrible for the guy.

He was hanging out at home with wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum.

And she was NAKED!

Tatum decided to have a bit of naughty fun with his sleeping/gorgeous/nude wife, snapping a picture of her in her birthday suit and actually sharing it on Instagram.

For real!

“Nap time = The Best Time,” Channing wrote as a caption to the sultry image, including with those words a couple hands-clapping emojis and a smiley face with a halo over its head. 

It’s unclear whether or not Jenna knew Channing was taking the photo.

Or if she knew that he shared it with his more than 13.2 million followers.

(As of this writing, the image has received 421,899 Likes, which actually seems like a smaller number than it should be, don’t you think?)

Jenna Dewan-Tatum, of course, is not shy about her body.

Remember that Jenna Dewan-Tatum nude photo from Allure magazine in 2014? Who could ever forget, right?!?

Moreover, Channing and Jenna actually have one of the sweetest, most underrated relationships in Hollywood.

They celebrated 10 amazing years together in August… by recreating a dance move from the movie Step Up, which is where they met back in 2006.

How awesome is that?!?

So we’re guessing Jenna was well aware of this nude picture and gave its posting her enthusiastic thumbs-up.

Otherwise, Channing would be a pretty huge idiot.

He’d be making his wife angry, which would likely mean he wouldn’t get to have sex with his wife any time soon, and have you seen his wife?!?

Scroll up and take a close look once again if need be.

Yeah. She’s a looker. Tatum would be wise to remain on her good side (which is every side, if you know what we mean!).

Of course, Jenna would be wise to do the same.

There’s a lot to like about her husband, which is probably why this marriage has worked as well as it has.

There are no Channing Tatum naked pictures here (sorry, ladies), but still. Peruse away and salivate!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jeff Timmons -- "Men of the Strip" is Back ... We"re Coming for You, Channing!

Jeff Timmons will challenge Channing Tatum for the title … hottest male strippers in Sin City. We’re told Jeff locked down a deal to relaunch “Men of the Strip” in March … which will become a TV show on a new network that…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Channing Tatum & Jenna Tatum: 10 Amazing Years Later...

Channing Tatum and Jenna Tatum may be the most underrated couple in all of Hollywood.

Meaning what, exactly?

Well… how often do you hear about these two when folks list their favorite tandems in Tinseltown? Not often, right?

Perhaps that will now change.

Yesterday marked the 10-year anniversary of the film Step Up hitting theaters, an event especially memorable for Channing and Jenna because the met and fell in love on its set.

In honor of the occasion, Jenna shared the above (amazing!) throwback photo of the couple.

She wrote as a caption to the image:

“#tbt to on set of Step Up I cannot believe it"s the 10 year anniversary of the release today!! Ahhhh where does the time go??

"Love you all and thanks for all the love all these years."

The actor and actress got married July 2009, years after meeting on the set of the dance flick.

During an interview with GQ in July 2015, Channing thoughts back rewatching the movie with his wife.

"Me and Jenna just saw Step Up on TV, and we watched it for two seconds," he said.

"We made that 10 years ago or something. It was hard because you"re like, "Wow, I remember it being so much better." Then other times you"re like, "I remember it being worse."

The parents of a three-year old daughter also shared their first kiss in the movie.

"We were basically together on the movie," Tatum told Redbook in October 2014.

"It’s interesting now, because we can watch it and see; we can go, "Oh, wow, that was actually our first real kiss." As soon as the movie wrapped, we went back to L.A. and were together, and together ever since – never broken up."

Pretty awesome.

Also awesome? The fact that the Tatums recreated the most famous scene from Step Up as a tribute to the movie.

Watch their life, 10 years after the original, below.

How great are these two?!?

Channing tatum and jenna tatum recreate iconic step up dance

Monday, July 18, 2016

13 Times Channing Tatum Was Basically Perfect

From his roles on films such as Step Up and She"s the Man to Dear John and Magic Mike, Channing Tatum has won the hearts of many.

He"s got the smile, the dance moves, and everything in between.

We put together a list of times Channing Tatum was pretty much perfect, both on screen and off. Check them out below!

1. That Time He Held His Baby Girl

Channing tatum baby

How sweet is this? Channing Tatum celebrates his first father’s day with his wife and his baby girl, and it’s adorable.

2. That Time He Showed Off His Best Vogue Moves

That time he showed off his best vogue moves

This guy pulled off seven classic dance movies in 30 seconds, from Vogue and the robot to the funky chicken. Because why not?

3. That Time He Was a Mama’s Boy

Channing tatum and his mom

This is a guy who loves his mom, and isn’t afraid to show it. He posted this pic on Instragram for Mother’s Day, with a quote from Abraham Lincoln: “All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” He followed that with, “She has put up with a lot over the years. Wow. Don’t know how we got to be here mama. But I know it’s cause of you. I be lovin you.”

4. That Time He Supported National Puppy Day

Channing tatum with a puppy

Channing Tatum joined other celebrities to help promote adoption for National Puppy Day by posing with this adorable puppy. Talk about cuteness overload.

5. That Time He Admitted How Much He Loves Stripping

That time he admitted how much he loves stripping

Was there anything better than the time Channing Tatum went on Saturday Night Live and admitted he loved stripping in the opening monologue?

6. That Time He Danced Like This:

That time he danced like this

I mean, seriously. Was Channing Tatum ever more perfect than when he was on Magic Mike? Yeah, we didn’t think so either.

View Slideshow

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Channing Tatum: Magic Mike LIVE Is Coming to Vegas!!

Ladies, call up your girlfriends and grab your dollar bills, because Channing Tatum just made the most glorious announcement we"ve heard this year.

A totally LIVE version of Magic Mike is coming to Las Vegas!

"We are going to be doing Magic Mike live in Vegas at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino coming March next year!" the star revealed in his first-ever Facebook live video.

He went on to introduce the hunks who will be "working really hard" (snicker, snicker) and showing off their thongs in the show.

Trust me, they do not disappoint.

Tatum will co-direct the project, which is based on the wildly popular movie franchise of the same name, but alas, he will not be a regular performer in the production.

"Magic Mike has been a special and very personal project for me, and this show is a natural extension of that," he said.

"So while I won"t be on stage as Mike, Magic Mike Live Las Vegas is my vision and I"m looking forward to spending a lot of time in Las Vegas creating something that will give women what they really want."

Nevertheless, Tatum said that if he happens to be in town, he would be more than happy to jump on stage for a cameo.

So… he"s saying there"s a chance.

The actor also assures us that Magic Mike Live will be different from your run-of-the-mill male strip shows, and welcomes input from fans.

"We really, really need to hear what it is that you want," he said in the video.

"We want to change what male entertainment has been for years… we want to make it better," he continued.

"It should be woman-empowering, instead of just about the guys going and getting naked."

Hey, either way, we"re not complaining.



Channing tatum magic mike live is coming to vegas

Monday, January 18, 2016

Channing Tatum GUSHES Over "Magical Creature" of a Wife

Look, Channing Tatum.

We need to talk.

Can’t it be enough that you’re a pretty good actor?

Or a very funny guy?

Or that you’ve got abs that look like they’ve been permanently Photoshopped on your body?

Can’t that be enough, so that the rest of us mortals don’t feel completely inept and inferior in your presence?

Apparently not, considering Tatum just went ahead and proved he’s the best husband out there, not just the best looking one.

First, Channing shared the following photo of his famous wife:

Next, he wrote the following as a caption:

“It’s not hard to take a beautiful picture of this magical creature. But I thought this one was special.”

And then, just to prove his all-out awesomeness, Tatum went ahead and added a second photo:

This time, the beloved actor penned as an affilated message:

“If it wasn’t for her I would have never even found the path much less stayed on it and not flown off in flaming truck of dynamite singing devil went down to Georgia. Hahahaha. To my light. I love you.”

So… yeah. Channing Tatum is the best.

He can even get Beyonce to dance with him on stage:

Channing and Jenna have been married since 2009. They are parents to daughter Everly Tatum, 2.

We love them a lot.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Channing Tatum and VERY Special Guest: They Run the World!

Lip Sync Battle kicked off its second season on Thursday night with a very special matchup.

Husband took on wife, as Channing Tatum went head-to-head (or, really, pelvic thrust to pelvic thrust) with wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum.

And it certainly seemed as if Jenna would take home the title after she channeled Channing"s Magic Mike XXL routine to Ginuwine"s "Pony" as her opening salvo.

She donned fake abdominal muscles. She wore a backwards cap. She pretended to have a penis at one point. She gave Channing a lap dance.

It was both impressive and very sexy.

But then Channing came out, rocking a scantily-clad outfit and a blonde wig and dancing around to Beyonce"s "Run The World (Girls)."

It was already an epic performance until the unthinkable happened:


Seriously. For real. We"re not making this up.

We have no idea what sort of sway Channing has, but this is simply not the kind of thing Beyonce typically does. And you can imagine just how insane the crowd went.

Actually… you don"t have to imagine.

Check out the footage now and then go compare it to other memorable Lip Sync Battle routines

This may be our favorite of all-time.

Channing tatum and very special guest run the world on lip sync

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Emily Blunt, Channing Tatum & More: Star Sightings 1.06.2016

As award season goes into full gear, Emily Blunt, Kristen Stewart and Brie Larson were just a handful of stars at the 2015 National Board Review Gala in New York City.

Meanwhile, Channing Tatum attended director Quentin Tarantino"s hand & footprint ceremony in front of the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

See what else your favorite celebs were up to in today"s star sightings.

1. Emily Blunt: 2015 National Board of Review Gala

Emily blunt 2015 national board of review gala

Emily Blunt (in Elie Saab) attends the 2015 National Board of Review Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on January 5, 2016 in New York City.

2. Dominic West leaves The Donmar Warehouse

Dominic west leaves the donmar warehouse

Dominic West leaves The Donmar Warehouse after performing in ‘Les Liaisons Dangereuses’ in London on January 6th, 2015.

3. Carmen Electra Visits The Lowdown Show with Diana Madison

Carmen electra visits the lowdown show with diana madison

Carmen Electra Visits The Lowdown Show with Diana Madison for on January 5th, 2016.

4. Emma Thompson: Guys and Dolls Press Night

Emma thompson guys and dolls press night

Emma Thompson attends press night for the West End production of Guys and Dolls in London on January 6th, 2015.

5. Brie Larson: 2015 National Board of Review Gala

Brie larson 2015 national board of review gala

Brie Larson (in Giambattista Valli) attends the 2015 National Board of Review Gala at Cipriani 42nd Street on January 5, 2016 in New York City.

6. Eva Longoria Stops by Huffington Post

Eva longoria stops by huffington post

Eva Longoria stopped by Huffington Post’s offices to promote her new NBC show, ‘Telenovela’ on January 5th, 2016.

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