Showing posts with label Dash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dash. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Bro, No You Didn"t!

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 5 saw Taylor get a bit too close to her ex-boyfriend’s best friend, which led to the obligatory drama you might expect.

We’ve all been there, right? (In non-friend zone limbo, not on DASH Dolls.)

The latest installment of the E! reality series, DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 5 saw the Kardashian hangers-on heading down to Miami for some R&R.

LOL. Like even they know what rest and relaxation means are we right!?

It was there were Taylor and her former beau’s BFF started getting close, which turned into a dangerous and awkward thing for the both of them.

Meanwhile, Durrani came down with a full blown case of wedding fever after a question got popped and a fellow Dash Doll got engaged.

Who was it? How did she react? And what else went down on Sunday night?

The answers are just one click away. So don’t let us hold you back people.

Follow the link above to watch DASH Dolls online and find out what went down in the land of Mailka Haqq and her fellow Kardashian employees.

You will be very glad you did, and there may even be a Khloe sighting in it for you. This taped before she raced to Lamar’s bedside in Vegas, after all.

Friday, October 16, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 4 Recap: Mama Drama, Baby

It was hard not to feel for Malika Haqq on DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 4 … though suddenly, perhaps her DUI arrest last week makes more sense.

On DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 4, Malika wondered wondered why she so often finds herself in these kinds of unhealthy relationships.

What’s that saying about the definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Something like that … although driving drunk is a close second.

Hopefully, the Malika Haqq DUI is something she can learn from, and she doesn’t get fired by Kris Jenner before her career takes off.

It remains to be seen if DASH Dolls can retain enough of Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ audience to become a hit show in its own right.

Or, conversely, whether it will be a one-season flop.

Anyway, as you’ll see when you watch DASH Dolls online, Caroline had some unresolved issues to work through concerning her mother.

How did she go about trying to handle that situation? 

Click on the video above to find out, and scroll through a gallery of some other prominent, albeit secondary figures in Kardashian Land …

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Malika Haqq: FIRED From DASH Dolls By Kris Jenner?!

Khloe Kardashian‘s BFF Malika Haqq is on the chopping block thanks to her DUI arrest, as Kris Jenner reportedly wants her gone from DASH Dolls.

Following a car crash that ended in Malika Haqq arrested for DUI, she apologized for her “poor behavior” and took full responsibility for her actions.

Still, that doesn’t mean she’s off the hook with the law – or her boss.

“After Malika’s DUI, Kris got so much backlash because, not only did she drive drunk, but she also crashed her car on the 101,” an insider said.

No one was injured in the accident, but Kris is still furious.

Says the source close to the Momager: “Kris was more concerned with how this would affect the Kardashian brand and her new show DASH Dolls.”

Retribution was swift, in other words, and blunt.

“Kris told Malika that she has invested a lot of time and money into her, and that she either had to [apologize] for her actions” or get the chop.

Jenner made it clear she would be “forced to cut her from the show,” the source tells Radar. “Kris forced Malika into doing the apology.”

“Of course, Malika complied.”

That wasn’t the end of Jenner’s crackdown, either. Kris also told all of the girls, including Khloe, that from now on they all are to take private drivers.”

“Every single time they are going out,” she says, “whether they want to or not. Kris said that she would even be willing to pay for the drivers.”

Obviously, that’s a great rule and we respect Jenner a lot for instituting it … but one wonders why this wasn’t obvious to all of them before!?

Don’t drink and drive, people.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 3: BASHing of the Dolls

The dolls at the Dash boutique in West Hollywood received surprise visitor on DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 3, and it did not go over well. At all.

One guess as to who the party crasher was?

Khloe Kardashian, a.k.a. the HBIC, is well aware of the drama going down at DASH and see is ready to kick some ASH if the dolls don’t get in line.

Assembling her charges for “general meeting,” she reveals that she is basically an all-knowing, Orwellian figure with eyes and ears everywhere.

Her eyes and ears ain’t happy, either.

Khloe, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian receive updates and keep closer tabs on their boutiques than you might think, she informs the employees.

Cue awkward silence. And mortal fear.

“We get updates every single day of sales, who hit their goals for the day, we get weekly reports as to people’s behavior,” Khloe informed them.

“I think you guys need a wake up call.”

“Get your sh-together, everyone figure it out cause my sisters and I are disappointed. And if you don’t think that I don’t take our brand seriously?

“I will let someone go in two seconds.”

While this was just a warning shot, and likely a contrived one – you know you’re not gonna sack these people, it’s reality TV – the tension is real.

In the previous two weeks we’ve seen Malika Haqq nude, Malika and her sister fight, and Durrani try to set up Stephanie, which went over poorly.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that Taylor’s romance with her boyfriend is on the decline, she remains reluctant to end things for fear of hurting him.

So sweet. But likely not productive long-term.

What did she decide? And what else went down in the “Valley of the Dolls” Sunday night? Click to watch DASH Dolls online now and find out.

You will be very glad you did. Probably.

Monday, September 21, 2015

DASH Dolls Premiere Recap: The Worst Show Ever?

Yes, the unstoppable Kardashian family empire has expanded again … to include the people who WORK for the Kardashian family empire.

It was a television event we can barely believe actually aired on real TV, even in the days where there are more shows than we can count.

It’s not enough that the flagship Keeping Up with the Kardashians returned last night. They had to bring a new spinoff along with them.

On DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 1, E! set out to answer the question no one has ever wanted to know but we are now forced to find out:

What goes on in the exciting lives of the young women who sell all the overpriced crap inside the Kardashians’ DASH clothing boutique?

When they’re even open for business, that is? Which is pretty rare?

Personally, we always thought the DASH line was a bit of a joke, and not just because Kourtney gave her son that for a middle name.

For all the millions of dollars this family has made – and more power to them for it – so little has come from these widely-panned threads.

Not to mention, the stores seem to pop up only when Kim, Khloe and Kourtney are lacking for anything else to do on Keeping Up.

Whenever that happens, the employees look as expressionless as the mannequins in their retail locations and about as smart, too.

Are we right? Or is there more to DASH than we’re giving the Kards, and their lackeys, credit for? Well, Sunday night answered that.

You may be surprised. Follow the link to watch DASH Dolls online and see what all the fuss is about, or lament the decline of society.

Here’s a sneak peek too if you’re a real glutton for punishment: