Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

DeMario Jackson: I"m Not a Rapist! Corinne Isn"t a Slut!

For the second time in two nights, DeMario Jackson sat down with E! News on Tuesday and shared his side of the Bachelor in Paradise story.

In previous interview segments, the reality star broke down at one point over the reaction of his mother to the news that he was being investigated for sexual misconduct.

He also explained in explicit detail how Corinne Olympios had shoved her vagina in her face during their notorious hook-up.

This hook-up, as you must know by now, resulted in production getting shut down on Season 4 of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette spinoff.

Warner Bros. conducted an internal investigation amidst claims that Olympios never gave her consent for things to get hot and heavy between her and Jackson in a pool, following many drinks the two downed prior to taking their clothes off.

Upon reviewing tape of the incident, the production company announced last week that filming on Season 4 would resume; that no misconduct took place; and that both Jackson and Olympios were welcome back in Mexico for the series.

Neither is expected to accept this invitation, however.

When asked by E! News yesterday about being publicly associated with a rumored sexual assault,” Jackson responded as follows:

“It’s every man’s biggest fear. No man wants to be attached to that. That ruins you for life. That’s something that sticks with you.”

Corinne has never come out and leveled this exact allegation.

She carefully avoided using Jackson’s name when stating two weeks ago that she had been “victimized” during her time on the show.

It’s believed her beef is with the producers who did not step in to stop the drunken shenanigans, not with Jackson himself.

“When I have children they are going to Google their dad’s name and this is going to appear,” Jackson told E! of the fallout from the scandal, adding:

“That’s my biggest fear.”

It’s an understandable one.

Still, despite his frustrations, Jackson actually came to Corinne’s defense in this interview.

He says he was appalled by the labels viewers put on himself after news of the controversy broke, along with what they said about Olympios both now and after she appeared on The Bachelor this past spring.

“Before either of us commented on it, I was already a ‘rapist’…and [Corinne’s] a ‘whore’ and she’s a ‘slut,"” Jackson said.

“They were slut-shaming her because of what she did last season with Nick [Viall]. For me, it goes back to the human race. We failed.”

Does Jackson think there was some kind of conspiracy against him?

How did things spiral so far out of control, to the point where his name got dragged through the mud is almost the dirtiest way possible?

I got played…not by her but I got played in general,” is all he says on the matter. “I am not sure by who, but I got played.”

He’s not angry at Olympios, DeMario concludes. He’s just “mad at the situation.

The same can be said for critics of Bachelor in Paradise, many of whom can’t believe ABC will air Season 4 as scheduled this summer, not after everything that has transpired over the past few weeks.

Okay, fine, they say, no sexual assault took place.

But should the network maybe reconsider the premise of a show that seems wholly based on getting contestants to drink a lot and then have sex with each other?

In response to the resumption of filming, an attorney for Olympios has said his client still plans to pursue a legal case.

“It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BiP producers and crew members on the set,” says Marty Singer, adding:

“It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone.”

TMZ, meanwhile, reports that the show will not implement a two-drink-per-hour maximum for contestants, with bartenders being told to keep an especially close eye on anyone who seems especially drunk.

We’re sure this will solve every problem.


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

DeMario Jackson Details Corinne Olympios Hook-Up: "We Went For It"

WARNING: The following article contains a few details that may rated NC-17.

Proceed with caution and/or only read after putting all children to bed.

Okay? Ready? Here we go…

On Monday night, DeMario Jackson sat down for his first extended interview since being involved in a controversy that halted production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

As you no doubt have read all about by now, the former Bachelorette contestant was at the center of an investigation by Warner Bros. after a drunken sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios.

Due to allegations of misconduct that stemmed from whether or not Corinne had given consent for these naked actions, filming was shut down and all contestants sent home from Mexico just a few days into shooting.

Late last week, the production company announced that video evidence did NOT back up any allegations of inappropriate behavior.

No charges will be filmed. Jackson’s named has been cleared. And Season 4 will even continue filming and air as scheduled this summer.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said in an excerpt from his Q&A with E! News that leaked yesterday, adding:

“It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

That’s the clean part of the interview.

Revealing more sordid details, however, Jackson spoke at length with E! about the hook-up itself.

“That night was probably one of the wildest nights of my entire life,” Jackson told Melanie Bromley first night of filming. “Like, we went for it.”

How did he and Olympios get to that point?

Did producers set them up? How well did they even know each other before their private parts started flying all around in a pool together?

“Our first real conversation was at the bar,” he says below, explaining:

“We were hanging out. We kind of were just complimenting each other on being villains. I was like, ‘Look, I’ve accepted this role.’ We were kind of just laughing, like, ‘Oh, we’re about to dominate Paradise!’

“Like homie stuff, like really, really like friends. And then, you know, we started having a little bit more fun…and had a few drinks.”

Olympios earned a reputation for promiscuity and shamelessness due to her often-topless behavior on The Bachelor this spring.

Jackson, meanwhile, was sent home by Rachel Lindsay after The Bachelorette learned he had a girlfriend while appearing on the show.

“From the bar scene, it got a little hot and heavy,” DeMario says of his interactions with Corinne. “She got in my arms, and we started making out at the bar.”

Did Olympios seem unaware of what was happening?

Was she in control of her decisions?

“She’s like, ‘Let’s go to the pool, let’s go hang out,"” he said, emphasizing that Olympios was the aggressor and adding:

“It’s crazy because when you’re a man – mostly African American man – no matter where you’re at, you always look for things that can help you out. And at that moment, I made sure the cameras followed us.

“It just seemed too perfect in a sense for me, and at the point, that’s when my spidey senses got up.”

Olympios continued from there to push the sexual envelope, according to Jackson.

“[We were] kissing, rubbing, touching. It’s nothing too sexual yet,” he says. “Things got wild because it was more her being the aggressor, which was sexy…

“When you have a very attractive girl telling you what she wants, it’s like a very, like, ‘Wow, OK! This is hot. This is very…I like it."”

Both reality stars were naked at this point, DeMario says.

And Corinne made it clear she wanted some oral sex from her partner at the time.

“I get out of the pool, and I have my legs in the pool, and I’m just hanging out,” he says, referring to his penis and continuing:

“This is when she gets up out of the pool and puts her lady parts right on my face.”

This is similar to the initial accounts of the encounter, as witnesses said soon afterward that Corinne put her vagina right up to Jackson’s mouth and made her desires clear.

Jackson says he saw Corinne the next day, the two hugged, went to breakfast and everything seemed fine.

“She wasn’t mad. We were hanging out. Actually, I offered her a shot, and she said that the production had cut her off from drinking for the day.”

And that’s when he sensed something was wrong.

Two days later, a producer tried to convince Jackson to leave, hinting that something “bad” would happen if he stuck around for the rest of Season 4.

Olympios is still threatening legal action and says her legal team will be conducting its own investigation.

To hear more from Jackson, tune in to E! tonight at 7 p.m. EST.


Monday, June 26, 2017

DeMario Jackson Spills His Side, Gives First Bachelor in Paradise Interview

DeMario Jackson has sat down for his first interview since all Bachelor in Paradise Hell broke loose a few weeks ago.

As nearly every celebrity gossip follower knows by now, ABC and Warner Bros. announced this month that they had suspended filming on Season 4 of this reality show spinoff amidst rather disturbing allegations.

After witnessing Jackson and fellow contestant Corinne Olympios get drunk and then get naked together in a pool, a producer told executive that she feared “sexual misconduct” took place.

This producer said it wasn’t clear whether Olympios was sober enough to consent to the actions that took place between her and DeMario.

At one point, Corinne issued a statement that said she had been victimized on the show…

… and although she never specified whether Jackson had taken advantage of her or whether she believed producers should have stepped in to stop the hook-up, the word “victim” being used in association with the words “sexual misconduct” forced Jackson to respond.

He desperately wanted to clear his name.

In his reply to Corinne, Jackson stated that his character was being assassinated as a result of this ongoing scandal.

Now, just under a week after Warner Bros. completed its investigation and cleared Jackson of any misconduct, the reality star has spoken out in depth.

In a three-part, two-night interview with E! News’ Melanie Bromley, DeMario talks openly about truly happened in Mexico with his co-stars, most notably Corinne.

You’ll need to tune in on Monday and Tuesday nights to see the full interview, but excerpts that have been released that focus on how this controversy has affected Jackson’s loved ones.

“It was stressful. For me, mostly for my mother,” DeMario said. “It’s hard to see your mom cry every single day. It was very difficult.”

Added the spurned Bachelorette suitor, choking back tears:

“My dad, he kept me extremely strong and kept me grounded and humble but having your mom cry every day for something that you know you didn’t do.”

As you might expect, based on his reaction to how everything was handled, Jackson has chosen NOT to return for Season 4 of Bachelor in Paradise, which actually will still air as scheduled this summer.

Wrote Warner Bros. in its statement last week:

Our internal investigation, conducted with the assistance of an outside law firm, has now been completed.

“Out of respect for the privacy interests of those involved, we do not intend to release the videotape of the incident.

“We can say, however, that the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member. Nor does the tape show, contrary to many press reports, that the safety of any cast member was ever in jeopardy.”

Olympios, however, is not going away quietly.

She won’t return to Mexico for further filming, either, while her attorney has said the following:

It needs to be made crystal clear that production of Bachelor in Paradise was shut down because of multiple complaints received from BIP producers and crew members on the set.

It was not shut down due to any complaint filed by Corinne against anyone.

It comes as no surprise that Warner Bros., as a result of its own internal investigation, would state that no wrongdoing had occurred.

Our own investigation will continue based on multiple new witnesses coming forward revealing what they saw and heard


DeMario Jackson: Corinne Olympios and I Need to Talk!

DeMario Jackson might be feeling vindicated after Warner Bros determined that there was no assault, but he’s not quite satisfied.

But what he wants now might be a little harder, for complicated legal reasons and maybe even for personal ones.


TMZ reports that DeMario Jackson wants to meet face-to-face with Corinne Olympios to clear the air.

For everything going on with the Bachelor in Paradise pool sex scandal that got production abruptly shut down, there hasn’t been all that much he-said, she-said.

Probably because of the possibility of legal action.

And also probably because not everyone involved remembers all of the details of the poolside romp heard ‘round the world.

See, from DeMario’s perspective, he thought that everything was fine with Corinne and that a producer had been upset by what happened, getting everyone sent home.

So he was “blindsided and confused” to hear that Corinne was unhappy.

And even though she didn’t come out and place blame at his feet, he feels like they need to talk to each other, in person, to move past this.

While that would undoubtedly make for great television — if possibly not for the most genuine and heartfelt talk — there’s almost zero chance that it’ll take place on Bachelor in Paradise.

DeMario’s desire to talk to Corinne isn’t so great that he’s willing to make the first move, however.

Apparently, he wants her to approach him for their talk.

Her legal team may advise her against it, as any statements that either of them make could be used against them.

So … he may be stuck waiting for a while.

The way that we see it, here’s what may be going on.

Bear in mind that this is speculation.

Speculation after keeping up with this story way too much, but still.

So, whatever exactly happened in the pool or lead up to it, Corinne doesn’t seem to remember but DeMario does.

A producer saw what happened and was freaked out, believing — correctly or otherwise — that a sexual assault had taken place.

Corinne got wind of this and, correctly or otherwise, came to believe that she’d been a victim based upon what she was told.

(Presumably a victim of sexual assault, but Corinne hasn’t said all that much except to announce that she is a “victim”)

So, horrified by this secondhand account of what happened, Corinne spoke out, reportedly blaming producers without pointing the finger at DeMario Jackson.

DeMario Jackson, however, hears Corinne’s words and worries that she’s accusing him of being the perpetrator behind the alleged assault.

At the very least, he must have been concerned that some fans would accuse him of being some sort of predator in the situation.

(Even though he was reportedly so intoxicated at the time that he couldn’t get it up)

If this was some scheme cooked up by producers in a misguided attempt to get better ratings, then he and Corinne would both be “victims” in the scenario.

So, basically, it sounds like a producer, Corinne, and DeMario have all been assuming the worst about this situation.

We’re glad to hear that he wants to clear the air with Corinne so that DeMario, at least, can probably put his assumptions to rest.

But we’d understand if, legal caution aside, Corinne is feeling traumatized by all of this and doesn’t feel ready to see anyone associated with it just yet.

Honestly, with there being almost no chance that DeMario and Corinne will be on this season of Bachelor in Paradise, that’s kind of a blow to the season.

But we think that it’s fair to say that a lot of viewers will be interested to see how much others on the show do or do not discuss what happened.

Other contestants were there on the set, even if they weren’t poolside.

And, if we know nothing else about what happened, it’s that almost everyone from the show seems to have an opinion.

But the loss of Corinne is going to be a blow to the show independently of the pool sex scandal.

Because she’s Corinne.

She’s wild, she’s impulsive, and she’s aggressively inappropriate.

Those qualities make her a fantastic reality show personality.

Even if they’ve earned her the “villain” label in the past.

Though, as with Disney movies and most superhero media, “villains” like Corinne tend to be so much more interesting than their costars.

The fact that DeMario’s wishes have leaked to TMZ tells us at least one of three things:

-DeMario Jackson needs better, more trustworthy friends

-DeMario Jackson or someone close to him wanted Corinne to know that he wants a meeting and to sprinkle a little public pressure into the mix

-DeMario Jackson or someone close to him wants to float the idea for this talk to various television outlets

Like … Dr. Phil hosts all sorts of “heartfelt confrontations” because, for whatever reason, he has his own show.

Plenty of shows would be happy to air something like this. Guaranteed ratings, you know?

Though anything on ABC or owned by Warner Bros might be a little hesitant, because of legal complexities.

Honestly, this whole situation is such an unfair mess.

Not just unfair to viewers who are missing out on what Season 4 could have been.

(Though that, too)

Also unfair to Corinne and DeMario.

If they were both intoxicated beyond the point of consent, then it’s wildly unfair that their poolside sex romp happened at all, and worse that it was filmed.

That kind of sketchiness harkens back to the gross days of Girls Gone Wild.

There really are no winners in this story.


DeMario Jackson Wants to Talk Privately with Corinne Olympios About "Bachelor in Paradise" Incident

DeMario Jackson is looking for answers, and thinks a 1-on-1 with Corinne Olympios could help him finally get some peace of mind … but she’s gotta make the first move. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise” outcast tell TMZ … he wants to…


DeMario Jackson Wants to Talk Privately with Corinne Olympios About "Bachelor in Paradise" Incident

DeMario Jackson is looking for answers, and thinks a 1-on-1 with Corinne Olympios could help him finally get some peace of mind … but she’s gotta make the first move. Sources close to the “Bachelor in Paradise” outcast tell TMZ … he wants to…


Saturday, June 24, 2017

DeMario Jackson Parties with Hot Chicks After Being Cleared in Sexual Assault Investigation

DeMario Jackson’s livin’ easy now that Warner Bros. cleared him of sexual assault on “Bachelor in Paradise” … and the handful of hot women with him probably helps too. DeMario hit up Avenue in L.A. for a night out with several ladies Friday…


"Bachelor" Alum AshLee Frazier Thinks Corinne and DeMario Should Hook Up

Former “Bachelor” contestant AshLee Frazier thinks nothing untoward happened between Corinne and DeMario on “Bachelor in Paradise” and strongly believes they should come back and hook up. We got the Season 17 alum at LAX Friday, and she thinks the…


"Bachelor" Alum AshLee Frazier Thinks Corinne and DeMario Should Hook Up

Former “Bachelor” contestant AshLee Frazier thinks nothing untoward happened between Corinne and DeMario on “Bachelor in Paradise” and strongly believes they should come back and hook up. We got the Season 17 alum at LAX Friday, and she thinks the…


Thursday, June 22, 2017

DeMario Jackson to Bachelor in Paradise: SEE YA!

DeMario Jackson may be in the clear, but that doesn’t mean he wishes to return to the scene of the alleged crime.

According to TMZ insiders, the controversial reality star has turned down an invitation from ABC to appear again on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4.

He’s done with the show forever.

And the same may very well apply to television in general.

Jackson, of course, has been embroiled in scandal for several weeks now.

It actually started during his appearance on The Bachelorette, as Rachel Lindsay learned this suitor was on the show despite having a girlfriend at the time.

She understandably told DeMario off on camera and then gave him the boot at that episode’s Rose Ceremony.

Just a couple weeks later, it was confirmed that Jackson would be flown to Mexico for The Bachelorette-The Bachelor spinoff…

… and that’s when the problems really began for DeMario.

A few days into filming, witnesses say Jackson and Corinne Olympios got drunk and then got into a pool together.

It didn’t take long for things to get very hot and extremely heavy between the Z-Listers, as clothes came flying off and “rubbing, touching and fingering” commenced, as one source described it.

However, a producer told executives shortly after the hook-up ended that she wasn’t certain Corinne was sober enough to consent to Jackson’s actions.

Once such an allegation was leveled, the production company shut down shooting due to possible “sexual misconduct” and all cast members were sent home.

Olympios eventually released a statement in which she claimed to have been victimized, while DeMario responded by saying his character was under attack.

Both sides threatened legal action.

Then, on Monday, Warner Bros. announced it had completed its investigation, saying it had looked at a video of the interactions between Corinne and DeMario and determined that no misconduct had taken place.

Yes, new contestant safety protocol would be established moving forward, but that was about it.

No charges were to be be filed and no further action taken.

Heck, in a stunning decision, the company even said Bachelor in Paradise would resume filming.

However, we now know it will do so without either of the parties at the center of its latest scandal.

Corinne was reportedly NOT invited back, which doesn’t come as a surprise.

We doubt she’d have accepted the offer anyway, not when her lawyer said he plans on conducting his own investigation into what transpired.

But at least one insider tells TMZ that Jackson was, indeed, asked back for the remainder of Season 4, which apparently will still air this summer on ABC.

He has declined the opportunity, though, because he’s angry that his name will forever be linked to a sex scandal.

He’s even started to see a therapist to deal with the aftermath of these crazy couple weeks.

The insider goes on to say that Jackson is likely done with reality television in general and is now seeking to become an “on-air personality.”

We’re guessing this is a reference to the role or a radio host. Or something along those lines.

What do you think of ABC’s decision to basically pretend as if this scandal never happened?

Should it really be inviting cast members back down to Mexico go get drunk and get naked, in light of these allegations?

Or should it perhaps take a few weeks to re-evaluate the premise for these types of shows and whether or not it’s a good idea to base entire programs on the concepts of random people getting drunk and hooking up?

Seems like a recipe for disaster at some point, doesn’t it?


DeMario Jackson Says He"s Not Going Back to "Bachelor in Paradise"

DeMario Jackson – the guy who had oral sex with Corinne Olympios during filming of “Bachelor in Paradise” — is done with the show.  Sources close to DeMario tell TMZ he’s suffered from anxiety over the scandal after living under a cloud…


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Cleared of Sexual Assault! Bachelor in Paradise to Resume Filming!

An investigation into an alleged sexual assault on the set of ABC’s Bachelor in Paradise earlier this month is over, and the verdict is …

… that there was none. The show will go on!

DJ and CO

You likely know the pretense well by now:

The trashy summer spinoff of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette was shelved after a controversial pool sex incident during filming.

A producer claimed that Corinne Olympios was so wasted that she was not capable of consenting to oral sex with DeMario Jackson.

Warner Bros. then shut down Bachelor in Paradise indefinitely and sent the ENTIRE cast home while it conducted an investigation.

Meanwhile, DeMario Jackson reportedly maintained that he did nothing wrong, while Corinne claimed to be the victim in the situation.

In the end of that, though, the powers that be concluded that there was no sexual assault – and not only that, but filming will continue.

TMZ, which reported the news of the investigation’s conclusion today, cited sources claiming that Corinne was “fully engaged” in sex.

At the same time its sources said she was lucid throughout the encounter with Jackson, the site released her side of the story as well.

In any case, DeMario’s lawyer met with Warner Bros. attorneys, reviewed the tapes of the incident and assured him he was in the clear.

We were hearing whispers that Jackson said the footage would set him free, so to speak, and that turned out to be exactly what happened.

Neither he nor Corinne have commented on the decision personally, but filming will reportedly resume in the same location in Mexico.

The show will air this summer as planned.

From the get-go, people called BS on Corinne, who was reportedly on good terms with her co-star after the drunken pool sex occurred.

Just the same, she said in a statement that “I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened June 4.”

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place,” the reality star said, carefully not blaming DeMario.

“Which I understand is why production has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.”

Corinne then continued her scathing indictment, saying that “as a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.”

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals.”

That includes “an attorney to obtain justice” and “therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.” 

All very disturbing comments to make, and all the more bizarre given the vagueness and the decision by executives to continue the show.

What exactly happened that night in Mexico?

We can’t say, and it’s likely we will never know, as we don’t imagine either party pursuing this any further … though you never know.

As for the infamous swimming pool incident, it will not be aired for obvious reasons, regardless of whether DeMario and Corinne appear.

It’s not clear whether Corinne and DeMario, two infamous former Bachelor and Bachelorette castoffs, respectively, will be on the show.


Monday, June 19, 2017

DeMario Jackson Wouldn"t Have Hooked Up with Corinne If He Knew She Had a Boyfriend

DeMario Jackson says he wouldn’t have hooked up with Corinne Olympios if he knew she had a BF … this from the guy who got kicked off “The Bachelorette” for having a GF. DeMario was out Sunday in L.A. when a pap asked if he would have…


Sunday, June 18, 2017

DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios Resurface in Wake of "Bachelor in Paradise" Sexual Assault Claims

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ star DeMario Jackson resurfaced Saturday night after his co-star Corinne Olympios accused him of sexual assault. Jackson chowed down at Sista Mary’s in Glendale.  TMZ broke the story, DeMario insists Corinne was…


DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios Resurface in Wake of "Bachelor in Paradise" Sexual Assault Claims

‘Bachelor in Paradise’ star DeMario Jackson resurfaced Saturday night after his co-star Corinne Olympios accused him of sexual assault. Jackson chowed down at Sista Mary’s in Glendale.  TMZ broke the story, DeMario insists Corinne was…


Friday, June 16, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Fired Over Bachelor in Paradise Scandal!

DeMario Jackson continues to say the truth will set him free.

Until it comes out, however, Jackson suddenly has a lot more free time on his hands.

The reality star spoke to Inside Edition for a segment that aired on Thursday night, telling the program that he’s no longer employed as a result of the ongoing Bachelor in Paradise scandal.

He says he’s lost his job as an executive recruiter.

“My character has been assassinated, my family name has been drug through the mud,” Jackson told Inside Edition, adding:

“The only thing I want is for the truth to come out. I feel like the truth will be able to come out in those videos.”

Jackson had emphasized both of these sentiments before.

In his first extended statement since production on Bachelor in Paradise was shut down over allegations of sexual misconduct that stemmed from his interactions with Corinne Olympios, Jackson said it’s “unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated.”

He said in this same statement that he was hiring an attorney.

Jackson has also stated on multiple occasions that a cameraman filmed his alleged hook-up with Corinne on the ABC series.

He believes this footage will clear his name.

DeMario is currently crashing at a family’s member house in Southern California.

Despite Corinne implying in a recent statement of her own that she was victimized by Jackson, the former Bachelorette suitor says he harbors no ill will toward her.

“I don’t blame anyone right now, all I want [are] the tapes,” he told Inside Edition.

As has been reported in detail over the past several days, Jackson and Olympios got drunk while filming an episode of Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 last week.

They started kissing and doing other sexual stuff in a pool, only for Jackson to reportedly go flaccid as a result of too much alcohol.

This ended their hook-up, but the scandal was only just beginning.

A producer told network executives that she didn’t think Olympios was sober enough to give Jackson consent for what transpired, prompting an investigation to be launched by the production company and all cast members to be sent home.

ABC is yet to make an announcement, but the show is almost definitely canceled as a result of this controversy.

It remains unclear, however, whether the main target of investigation and of Corinne’s blame is Jackson for his actions…

… or producers for their lack of taking action once it became clear the state Corinne was in during her reported “touching” and “rubbing” with DeMario.

“I am a victim,” Olympios said in a statement earlier this week, adding at the time:

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place. As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.”

Olympios has also hired a lawyer to represent her interests in this case.

Meanwhile, Lexi Thexton – who actually appeared on an episode of The Bachelorette this month to call out DeMario for being on the series despite the two of them being in a relationship – just spoke to TMZ.

She described her now-ex-boyfriend as a “30-year-old man child,” but said he would never take advantage of a drunk woman.

Thexton had previously slammed Jackson as a “sh-tty guy” during her Bachelorette cameo.

So we’re left to continue waiting to learn more information about what happened between Corinne and DeMario.

Warner Bros. says it is conducting an investigation and it “will take appropriate responsive action” once this investigation is complete.


DeMario Jackson"s Ex-Girlfriend Hates Him But Swears He"d Never Take Advantage of Drunk Corinne

DeMario Jackson’s ex-gf — the woman who exposed him as a villain on national TV – is actually coming to his defense in the Corinne Olympios scandal … but she has a strange way of doing it. Lexi Thexton claims DeMario is nothing more than a…


Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Contract Says Producers Not Responsible for Corinne Olympios, DeMario Jackson"s Sexual Encounter

Now that Corinne Olympios appears headed for a legal showdown with producers of “Bachelor in Paradise” … the contract she signed becomes extrememly relevant, and problematic. The contract contestants sign, obtained by TMZ, says in part all…


"Bachelor in Paradise" Star DeMario Jackson More Worried About Corinne"s Rep Than His

DeMario Jackson doesn’t want anyone hating on Corinne Olympios for what went down in the pool between them … leading to “Bachelor in Paradise” production shutting down. Jackson was leaving a gym in L.A. when he was asked if he was…


DeMario Jackson Fires Back at Corinne Olympios, Threatens Legal Action

DeMario Jackson has broken his silence.

The former Bachelorette contestant – who was given the boot by Rachel Lindsay just a couple weeks ago and who was flown to Mexico to be a part of the Bachelor in Paradise cast soon afterward – is sick of all the recent headlines.

He’s not about to let others soil his reputation.

On Wednesday night, not long after Corinne Olympios issued a statement in which she claimed to have been victimized while filming Bachelor in Paradise, Jackson came out with a few strong words of his own.

And they certainly appear to be directed at Olympios.

“It’s unfortunate that my character and family name has been assassinated this past week with false claims and malicious allegations,” the 30-year-old said in a statement via his publicist.

Added DeMario:

“I will be taking swift and appropriate legal action until my name is cleared and, per the advice of legal counsel, will be seeking all available remedies entitled to me under the laws.”

This statement is a departure from what Jackson had previously told TMZ and Entertainment Tonight.

Following confirmation from Warner Bros. on June 11 that production on Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 had been shut down due to an incident of “sexual misconduct,” word has leaked out that Jackson and Olympios were the contestants at the center of this controversy.

The reality stars allegedly got drunk and hooked up in a pool, but serious questions remain over whether or not Corinne gave her consent at the time.

A producer told executives that she seemed far too wasted to know what was going on.

Initial reports made it appear as if Corinne’s beef was with the ABC employees on hand who did not step in and put an end to the “touching” and “fingering” (as one insider described it), with sources claiming she and Jackson were on good terms.

Asked about the scandal by the aforementioned outlets this week, DeMario said Corinne was awesome.

So, why does it now sound as if she’s the target of his wrath?

Why does it now sound as if Jackson has an issue with the “false claims and malicious allegations” leveled at him by Olympios?

Because Olympios released the following statement a couple hours prior to Jackson speaking out yesterday:

“I am a victim and have spent the last week trying to make sense of what happened the night of June 4.

“Although I have little memory of that night, something bad obviously took place, which I understand is why production on the show has now been suspended and a producer on the show has filed a complaint against the production.

“As a woman, this is my worst nightmare and it has now become my reality.

“As I pursue the details and facts surrounding that night and the immediate days after, I have retained a group of professionals to ensure that what happened on June 4 comes to light and I can continue my life, including hiring an attorney to obtain justice and seeking therapy to begin dealing with the physical and emotional trauma stemming from that evening.”

Corinne does not mention DeMario by name here.

Her statement does not shed any light on what actually transpired between her and Jackson.

Is she claiming to have been victimized by her fellow contestant? Or by the producers who sat idly by while both parties got blackout drunk and then nearly had sex?

Jackson has said that Bachelor in Paradise footage will exonerate him of any kind of assault or misconduct allegations.

But it’s unclear whether cameras were actually rolling during his hook-up or whether the public will ever have a chance to view the tape; the latter scenario is very unlikely.

“Warner Bros. is handling the investigation,” Chris Harrison said on Good Morning America on Tuesday, adding:

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done a clear concise decision can be made about where we go from here.”

Bachelor in Paradise had been scheduled to premiere Season 4 on August 8. No official word has been given, but there’s simply no way this will happen.

It seems highly doubtful the show will air a new episode ever again.

But you can stay tuned to The Hollywood Gossip for more details and further news as it breaks.
