Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DeMario. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Bachelor in Paradise" Star DeMario Jackson Out with Friends Amid Controversy

“Bachelor in Paradise” star DeMario Jackson certainly doesn’t look like a man in the middle of a serious reality TV controversy. DeMario was out with a bunch of his friends Tuesday night as the group hit up Saint & Second in Long Beach. He…


DeMario Jackson on Corinne Olympios: She"s Awesome!

DeMario Jackson has broken his silence on Bachelor in Paradise and the disturbing allegations surrounding his role in the recent scandal that caused production to be shut down.

Has he spoken to Corinne Olympios since both were sent home from Mexico?

Is he afraid of charges being brought against him?

The former Bachelorette contestant, who was eliminated by Rachel Lindsay this month because she learned he had a girlfriend during shooting, was stopped outside a Starbucks in Los Angeles on Tuesday and asked about the ongoing scandal.

“No comment,” Jackson initially told reporters on the scene.

He was asked by TMZ whether he’s concerned that some now think of him as a “sexual predator,” to which DeMario replied “No sir.”

In a video exclusive to Entertainment Tonight, however, the reality star did finally elaborate a bit when asked about Corinne specifically.

“I have nothing to say. You know, Corinne’s an awesome girl and that’s all I have to say,” Jackson said, concluding with a message for his fans:

“Love you all, thank you for the support.”

Early in the filming of Bachelor in Paradise Season 4, Jackson and Olympios started to hook up in a pool.

According to witnesses, both parties were very drunk at the time and things turned very hot and very heavy almost immediately.

An insider close to DeMario describes the “rubbing, touching and fingering” that took place, stating that Olympios was the aggressor.

But a producer quickly took issue with what transpired between DeMario and Corinne, alerting executives to a situation she described as possible sexual misconduct.

Production was then shut down, an investigation was launched and all cast members sent home.

In the days since, sources have confirmed that the issue at stake is whether or not Olympios gave Jackson consent for his actions.

Corinne has reportedly hired an attorney, but insiders say her beef is with producers, who failed to step in despite her heavily intoxicated state, and NOT with Jackson.

Host Chris Harrison has warned the public from overreacting to the “misinformation” floating around the Internet, but Bachelor in Paradise is likely to get canceled.

There may be lawsuits filed.

This incident raises many questions about the prominence of alcohol and sex on reality television.

It’s only natural for folks to wonder what happened.

“Nobody truly enjoys having their character questioned, but he is certainly classier than how he is being portrayed,” a source tells Us Weekly of Jackson, adding:

“There are three sides to every story: his, hers and the truth. 

“He is in high spirits and positive because he knows without a doubt he didn’t do what he’s being accused of.”

Jackson has told multiple people that he’ll be exonerated of any wrongdoing once footage of his interaction with Corinne is made public.

Entertainment Tonight has even obtained the following text message from Jackson in which he emphasizes this point:

It’s hard to image footage will actually be released to the public.

But cameras were rolling during Corinne and DeMario’s hook-up.

At some point, whatever was captured on film should shed some light on what happened and where things go from there.

Until then, all we can do is try not to overly speculate.

“Warner Bros. is handling the details of that investigation,” Harrison said in his statement, concluding:

“They’re moving quickly to gather all the facts, and once that’s done a clear concise decision can be made about where we go from here.

“It is my sincere hope that we can come to a quick resolution on this and get back to work very soon.”


"Bachelor in Paradise" Star DeMario Jackson Wants Corinne Pool Sex Footage Released

“Bachelor in Paradise” star DeMario Jackson desperately wants the tape of his sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios to be released so he can clear his name. Sources close to DeMario tell TMZ … he’s hell-bent on getting a copy of the…


DeMario Jackson from "Bachelor in Paradise" Says He"s Still Cool with Corinne

DeMario Jackson came out of hiding, but remained tight-lipped about the sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios that shut down “Bachelor in Paradise” … but did answer one question. The ‘BIP’ star was leaving Caffe Primo in West Hollywood…


DeMario Jackson from "Bachelor in Paradise" Says He"s Still Cool with Corinne

DeMario Jackson came out of hiding, but remained tight-lipped about the sexual encounter with Corinne Olympios that shut down “Bachelor in Paradise” … but did answer one question. The ‘BIP’ star was leaving Caffe Primo in West Hollywood…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

DeMario Jackson Responds to Bachelor in Paradise Allegations: The Footage Will Set Me Free!

Two weeks ago, DeMario Jackson got eliminated from The Bachelorette after Rachel Lindsay learned he had a girlfriend.

It seemed like a big scandal at the time.

Then, DeMario flew down to Mexico and started filming scenes for Bachelor in Paradise Season 4…

… and ended up at the center of a far bigger controversy.

As previously reported, Jackson and fellow contestant Corinne Olympios allegedly got wasted together last Tuesday and then started to make out in a pool.

One drunken thing led to another, with a source close to DeMario claiming lots of “rubbing” and “touching” took place between the reality stars.

At one point, this same source says, Corinne stuck her vagina in front of Jackson’s face and he started to lick the body part.

After a few minutes, however, DeMario’s level of drunkenness made it impossible for him to maintain an erection and the hook-up concluded.

However, a producer either witnessed what transpired or heard from a third party about what transpired (it’s unclear) and told executives that some kind of sexual misconduct took place.

The rumor is that Corinne did not give DeMario consent for his actions.

In response to these allegations, the production company halted filming on Season 4 and started an investigation into what went down between the contestants.

The network also sent all contestants home.

“We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ in Mexico,” Warner Bros. studio said in a statement on Monday morning.

“We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations.

“Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.”

Olympios has reportedly hired a lawyer and is allegedly assigning blame to producers for allowing the sexual encounter with Jackson to progress despite her level of inebriation.

Insiders have said she and DeMario are on strong terms and have even exchanged emails over the past few days.

Corinne claims she was in a blackout state at the time she got into the pool with DeMario and was unaware of what was going on.

Jackson, meanwhile, has replied to a question (it’s unclear from whom) regarding the scandal via text message… and The New York Post has obtained his response.

“You holdin up okay?” DeMario is asked in the exchange.

Yes, Jackson says in return, citing “footage” of his interactions with Olympios and how this footage will make it clear “what happened.”

DeMario texts

There probably is footage. 

But this isn’t a criminal investigation, as far as we know. Law enforcement officials have not been contacted about the incident.

Instead, what transpired shines a light on the sort of situations into which these types of reality shows place their contestants.

Practically the entire point of Bachelor in Paradise is to get people drunk and have them hook up, which is sort of funny at first and clearly appealing, based on the ratings.

But it’s easy to see the danger of such scenarios.

We’re seeing it play out right here.

What sort of responsibility does a producer have to step in when it seems as if a contestant is no longer in control of his or her own actions?

When does good television because a moral quagmire?

For the record, Bachelor in Paradise Season 4 will not air this summer.

For the unofficial record, it’s impossible to imagine Bachelor in Paradise will ever air an episode ever again.

That’s probably for the best.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Corinne Olympios: I Did Not Consent to Sex with DeMario Jackson!

Corinne Olympios reportedly says she did not consent to any pool sex with DeMario Jackson on Bachelor in Paradise … and has lawyered up.

What does she say happened on that night in question?

CO and DJ

She has no idea. Which is the issue here, of course.

The infamous Bachelor and Bachelorette alumni hooked up on the set of the ABC show, and production has been shut down in the aftermath. 

According to TMZ, citing sources close to Corinne, she was in a blackout state of drunkenness when she got sexual with DeMario Jackson.

She blames producers for not pulling the kibosh on the Bachelor in Paradise sex scandal before it started and protecting her that night.

However, other sources quoted by the celebrity news insist there is footage of Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson floating around.

Those sources say Corinne looks lucid and fully “engaged” in … well, the intense sexual acts she and DJ were performing on each other.

Regardless, there seems to be consensus that Corinne was drinking the entire day of filming before she ended up naked in the pool.

While DeMario remembers everything, including “rubbing, touching and fingering” to “licking her genitals,” Olympios reportedly doesn’t.

At all.

The day after the graphic pool sex incident, she claims that fellow cast members began regaling her with stories about herself and Jackson.

She says several cast members told her they had voiced concern to producers that she was in no position to consent to sexual activity.

The crew did not heed their warnings, apparently – at least at first. Bachelor in Paradise has since been suspended, as we reported.

Olympios and Jackson were sent home after this, while the entire cast of The Bachelor and Bachelorette spinoff was dismissed soon after.

Production sources refute this, claiming that no cast members complained about Corinne being too drunk, so it’s a little confusing here.

Still, clearly Corinne is feeling bad about this.

She’s reportedly told her friends she has a boyfriend and wouldn’t have done what she did – with cameras rolling no less – to risk that.

All that being said, Corrine doesn’t fully blame DeMario for his behavior that night because he too was drunk, according to TMZ.

Rather, she blames producers for not intervening and has retained counsel. The show has been shut down until further notice.

DJ and CO

DeMario’s side of the story is reportedly that the two were both drinking at the bar and started to make out before taking it to the pool.

Some “intense rubbing” followed, TMZ writes.

Cameras rolling and inhibitions long gone, they began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another with reckless abandon.

At that point, Corinne allegedly thrust her genitals into DeMario’s face and her co-star started to tongue her sacred area.

This is where accounts begin to differ.

Jackson reportedly said he was not able to engage in intercourse with her because of all the alcohol he consumed beforehand.

In any case, Tuesday, despite Jackson and Olympios getting along perfectly well on set, producers got wind of this and booted them.

bip cast pic

They were told that another producer was “uncomfortable” with the how they had acted – even if they were reportedly fine with it afterward.

The producer filed a formal complaint with Warner Bros., prompting the company to immediately shut things down and launch an investigation.

An Instagram photo shared last weekend (above) features the Bachelor in Paradise cast, sans Jackson and Olympios, in the Houston airport.

If they weren’t sure what was going on then, they obviously are now, as we have to imagine this marks the end of the show as we know it.

It’s hard to see a scenario in which this s–tshow ends – even if Jackson and Olympios are fully exonerated – with the status quo resuming.

Stay tuned for more as the situation unfolds.


"Bachelor in Paradise" Star Corinne Olympios Says She Didn"t Consent to Sexual Contact with DeMario Jackson

Corinne Olympios claims she was in a blackout state when she got sexual with fellow “Bachelor in Paradise” star DeMario Jackson … and she blames producers for not pulling the plug and protecting her, although our sources say people who…


Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Pool Sex Prompts Sexual Assault Probe

Earlier today, we learned that Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down after a producer filed a complaint over on-set sex. 

Specifically, Corinne Olympios’ pool sex with DeMario Jackson … which seems like exactly what producers would WANT to see.

It is Bachelor in Paradise, after all. But here’s why their antics sparked so much concern that the whole cast was sent home …

DJ and CO

DeMario, from this season of The Bachelorette, and Corinne, from last season of The Bachelor, both came to Paradise with notorious reputations.

It didn’t take them long to hook up, though the exact events that led to the show being shut down remain unclear and in dispute.

According to the producer who filed the complaint, Corinne Olympios was so drunk on day one of filming that she had no ability to consent.

Corinne and DeMario Jackson’s sexual moves in a swimming pool nonetheless were allowed to play out on film by the people in charge.

Was that a mistake? The producer in question clearly believes so, raising concerns that Corinne may have been sexually assaulted.

Not so fast, says the other party involved …

DeMario Jackson claims the naked pool encounter with Olympios was not only consensual, but that Corinne was the instigator. 

Jackson says that he and Corinne were drinking heavily and making out at the bar when she suggested they take things to the pool.

There, they took their clothes off and began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another … all while cameras were potentially rolling.

He also claims Corinne put her genitals in his face and he began licking … but was unable consummate things because he was wasted.

TMZ says the producer in question was assigned to shadow Corinne, and began hearing stories from people on set that were alarming.

The producer may or may not have viewed the incident, according to the celebrity news site, but she has NOT watched the footage.

What actually happened? Will we ever know?

People familiar with the footage say Olympios was “fully engaged,” but regardless, there will be no filming until this matter is resolved. 

After the complaint was filed, Warner Bros. immediately kicked out DeMario and Corinne and launched an investigation into “misconduct.”

Production was then suspended until the investigation is completed, though it appears unlikely any criminal conduct will be uncovered.

At least not if earlier reports that Corinne and DeMario are on good terms with one another after the infamous encounter are accurate.

Still, both infamous contestants pushed the envelope too far, and “the truth came to light,” according to one of DeMario’s former co-stars.

CO and DJ

Eric Bigger, one of the favorites on The Bachelorette (see The Bachelorette spoilers for more on that), chimed in Sunday about this. 

He believes Corrine and DeMario probably were just having fun in Paradise that night, until things got out of hand for everyone.

Now it’s become a thing bigger (pun not intended) than either of them imagined, and it remains to be seen how it will play out.

Obviously, if there was even a possibility of assault or non-consensual activity involved, a serious investigation should proceed.

We’re just not sure that Jackson should be accused of taking advantage of Olympios without evidence to support that claim.

If there’s anything we know about Paradise, it’s that booze and hot people looking for and consensual sex are abundant. 

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.


"Bachelor in Paradise" Suspended After Sex Acts in Pool, Contestant DeMario Jackson Says

“Bachelor in Paradise” was shut down after a producer complained about 2 contestants getting extremely sexual in a swimming pool … this according to sources connected to contestant DeMario Jackson, but there are different versions and Warner Bros.…


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Busted By Girlfriend, ROASTED By Rachel Lindsay on The Bachelorette!

As predicted by The Bachelorette spoilers every season, a contestant came on the ABC dating show for … wait … the wrong reasons.

This is not surprising after 30-plus seasons, but DeMario Jackson upped the ante with the brazen nature of his motives and deception.

DeMario, a 30-year-old executive recruiter from Century City, Calif., had just finished impressing The Bachelorette star with his balling.

On the court, that is. Turns out he was balling a girl back home, though … for seven months … until days before he went on the show!

Oh yes. And Lexi, the scorned girlfriend DeMario apparently ghosted before wooing Rachel, showed up on The Bachelorette to tell him off.

It was pretty much awesome.

In an incredible scene (above, in all its glory), Lexi told Rachel that she’s dating DeMario – or was, right up until he mysteriously bailed.

There was no breakup, either. This was ghosting at its finest … dude abruptly cut off communication, then went on a reality TV show!!

Lexi says she got wind of this only when DeMario appeared on The Bachelor: After the Final Rose special following Nick Viall’s season.

In a franchise first, Rachel got to meet some of the men from her season before the premiere taped; DeMario was one of those chosen.

Suffice it to say, Lexi was pissed.

Having coordinated this with the producers ahead of time, they made sure cameras were rolling for one of the all-time Bachelor scandals.

A scorned Lexi promptly called DeMario “trash” and “a piece of s–t” … as Jackson awkwardly pretended not to know his own girlfriend.

When that lie didn’t work, he pivoted to calling her “crazy and “psycho” and alleged that it was just an on-again, off-again fling a while ago.

That didn’t pass muster either.

Lexi showed Rachel Lindsay some text messages on her phone that proved DeMario was indeed with Lexi right before filming began.

Pressed to explain the nature of their relationship, he asked to talk about this off camera (request denied) then squirmed … and squirmed.

It was cringe-worthy to watch.

Eventually, he conceded that he had “sexual intercourse” with Lexi, after which Rachel kicked him to the curb in demonstrative fashion.

“You don’t make sense right now,” The Bachelorette star told DeMario. “I don’t know her, but to be honest, I don’t know you either.”

When he said he wanted to be there, she responded, “I believe you want to be here … I just don’t think you want to be here for me.” 

“So let me tell you something.”

“I’m not here to be played,” she said. “I’m not here to be made a joke of, which is what I feel like you’re doing right now with me.”

“So I’m really going to need you to get the f–k out. I don’t like being f–king embarrassed, like, I can’t even look at you right now.” 


DeMario got the message and sheepishly departed, only to return to the mansion and ask security to speak with her later that night.

The other men recoiled at this.

Upset that anyone would pull such a stunt on two women, and take away screen time from them for that matter, they were all livid.

Jackson, one Bachelorette suitor said, is about to “get his ass whooped” if he tries to show his face in the Bachelor house again.

Will that happen, though?

Next week, we’ll witness the resumption of this incident and see exactly what he had to say, but expect a lot of chest-puffing and bleeping.


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

DeMario Jackson: Dating Girlfriend Back Home While on The Bachelorette!

It wouldn’t be The Bachelorette without one of the guys joining the show for … wait … wait for it … THE WRONG REASONS.

It also wouldn’t feel right without Bachelorette spoilers outing him before the unsuspecting star of the show, and here we are!

DeMario Jackson, one of Rachel Lindsay’s 25 remaining suitors this year, reportedly has a girlfriend back home that she’s unaware of.

Rachel is unaware of, that is.

It’s unclear if DeMario’s girl is also in the dark about where he jetted off to for a few weeks, possibly months, but that would be something.

Going on ABC to woo The Bachelorette on national TV while not telling your girl at home, or The Bachelorette herself, a thing?

That would be taking two-timing to the next level, to a degree where you would almost have to admire the aspiring cheater’s gumption.


As for how a man could possibly pull off such a thing – morals aside, how could he slip through the application process – in this era?

Well, according to The Bachelorette spoilers god known across the nation as Reality Steve, he wasn’t as forthcoming as most.

And there may be a reason for that. Life & Style reports that while most people go through a long application process … he did not.

DeMario, the tabloid reports, citing a friend of DeMario, was discovered in a Chipotle. Yes, “discovered” like real entertainment talent.

“He didn’t apply. It came out of nowhere for him,” the friend explained. “He was like, ‘Cool. Sounds like a great opportunity."”

“I’m sure they’d be a great fit!”

He also met Rachel before the show, making the alleged double-crossing even more brazen, on Nick Viall’s After the Final Rose special.

If you recall, Rachel met some of the men from her season early, and DeMario brought fake tickets to Las Vegas for them to elope.

That left a lasting impression on Rachel, which was the idea obviously, but if these girlfriend reports are to be believed … really man?!

Jackson also loves attention, which probably should have been something of a red flag. Seriously, just ask him. In his own words.

“I won’t lie, I love attention,” DeMario actually explained, “not like ’07 B. Spears attention or 2011 Sheen. Natural attention.”

As for what the heck that means? 

Don’t worry, DeMario will tell you the kind of attention he craves: “Like when Justin and Brit wore those incredible denim outfits.”

Words fail us at this point.

It’s possible that he was sort of seeing someone, and the term “girlfriend” is loosely defined. Maybe they were dating, but not exclusive.

Another possibility is that he told the girl he was going on the show, for a career boost and not love perhaps, and she was okay with this.

All we can say is that we really, really hope this comes to a head with the cameras rolling in the coming weeks, because drama.

No idea what he ordered when he was discovered at Chipotle … or whether he’ll be eating a knuckle sandwich from Rachel.
