Showing posts with label Diaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diaries. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 22 Recap: Double Vault

Remember back in the day on Seinfeld?

When Elaine would refer to “The Vault” as the place in which she stored all the important secrets anyone told her?

The term was often used as a punchline on that iconic sitcom. But the same can’t exactly be said for how it came into significant play on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 22.

Not unless the joke is something along the lines of the following:

Knock! Knock!

Who’s there?

Enzo and Damon?

Enzo and Damon who?

Enzo and Damon, we’re now cold-blooded, ruthless killers who slit the throats of our victims and hang them upside down by their feet in some random warehouse… that’s who!

Not very funny, is it? Yet that is how The Vampire Diaries Season 7 came to an end.

We went into the finale with Bonnie as a vampire slayer, still under the control of Rayna’s final mortal life and still out to take down all her friends.

But Enzo lured her away to the cabin for long enough to allow Damon and Stefan to enter the Armory and burn the body that would free Bonnie from this curse.

Check that: make it only Damon who went into the Armory, as he amended for many of his past sins by telling Stefan to step outside and reconcile with Caroline… just in case some serious sh-t was about to take place.

Stefan obeyed.

He and Caroline made out (after Alaric nobly let her go, acknowledging that they and the twins would always be a family, but, come on, she clearly still loved Stefan) and then they waited.

Viewers watched as Damon successfully freed Bonnie from Rayna’s curse, actually doing the right, selfless thing for once.

So everything ended on a happy note, right? Not exactly.

That darn Darkness thing lured Damon into the vault by making him think Elena was calling for him.

After his friends failed to hear from him, Enzo went in to make the save… only to come across an especially wicked Damon and only to be grabbed/infected by the same unknown evil presence that had apparently stuck its claws into Damon.

Eventually, Caroline, Stefan and Bonnie broke into the vault, but it was too late. Damon and Enzo had somehow escaped.

And Bonnie was unable to track them because she never regained her powers.

Three months went by, with Stefan and company trying to discover the whereabouts of their friends and writing to Elena about what happened in their journals.

We then learned of various people around the country who went missing and we were then taken to the most disturbing scene of all:

Damon dragging a body over to Enzo. Enzo stringing the body up by its feet. And Damon slitting its throat.

“It never gets old, does it?” Enzo asked his partner in heinous crime.

“It sure as Hell hasn’t yet,” Damon replied, as the camera faded away to reveal an endless number of corpses, all strung up in the same scary manner.

What did you think of The Vampire Diaries season finale? A suspenseful cliffhanger? Or have we seen far too much already of characters acting out of character due to some kind of outside force?

Heck, isn’t that what we just got done seeing in Bonnie?

Sounds off in the Comments section below…

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 21

How did The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 21 build momentum toward next Friday night’s finale?

How did it leave us wanting a whole lot more?

Damon’s risky attempt to save Bonnie took an unexpected turn on The CW drama this week, as the consequences forced everyone to band together in order to help her pull through.

Were they successful in doing so?

Meanwhile, Stefan and Caroline finally faced the fallout from their relationship… and Matt took matters into his own hands to save one of his closest friends after the devastating news he learned last week.

Go ahead and click on the video above to watch The Vampire Diaries online and learn more now.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 20

Did Bonnie die on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 20?

No, of course not.

But Damon and Enzo were afraid for the health and well-being of their loved one this week, as her condition continued to worsen.

Elsewhere during an intense hour of television, Stefan reluctantly teamed up with Matt, also for Bonnie’s sake, uncovering the scary truth behind Matt’s anger towards him.

Also, Caroline joined Alaric on an important mission and quickly realized how much she’s missed her former supernatural lifestyle.

Did she go back to it? What about her twins?

Click on the above video to watch The Vampire Diaries online and find out every answer now.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Who Will Make the Ultimate Sacrifice?

The clock is ticking down on The Vampire Diaries Season 6.

And the same can be said for the life of Bonnie Bennett.

As loyal viewers of this long-time CW drama know all too well, this beloved witch seemingly only has a few days left to live.

That is, unless she agrees to help The Armory open its vault and accept the help this shady organization is supposedly willing to give her in return.

Where is all this headed?

Viewers will fine out on Friday, May 13 when The Vampire Diaries bids farewell for the summer with its Season 6 finale.

To whet our collective appetites for what’s on tap, however, The CW has released the following synopsis, which brings Caroline’s kids into the picture in very unexpected fashion:

Despite their best efforts to help Bonnie (Kat Graham) through the harrowing predicament she now faces, Damon (Ian Somerhalder), Enzo (Michael Malarkey) and Caroline (Candice King) realize their options are running out and drastic measures need to be taken.

With their only chance of saving their friend lying inside the Armory, Stefan (Paul Wesley) breaks the news to Caroline that they may need help from an unlikely source – her and Alaric’s twin daughters.

Elsewhere, Enzo (Michael Malarkey) keeps Bonnie preoccupied by bringing her back to their cabin but when his plan takes an unexpected turn, it’ll be up to Damon to make the ultimate sacrifice to save his closest friends.

The CW has already renewed The Vampire Diaries for Season 8, though there’s a strong possibility that the series will conclude next year.

Kat Graham has already said she’ll leave the series afterward and Ian Somerhalder has had to walk back his own comment that said Season 8 would be the drama’s swan song.

The network is yet to make an official announcement.

But the show was moved to Friday nights this spring. Its ratings have dropped considerably. Graham will soon leave. Nina Dobrev is already gone.

We still watch The Vampire Diaries online or on television sometimes, but its best days are clearly behind it.

Give us 13 episodes in 2016-2017 and give us a proper chance to say goodbye, CW. That’s all we ask. 


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 19

We’re inching closer and closer to the season finale of The Vampire Diaries.

So, how did The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 19 set the table for the dramatic events to come?

On this installment of The CW drama, Enzo’s efforts to protect Bonnie placed her life in jeopardy, as we discovered that Rayna may actually hold the key to Bonnie’s survival. 

Elsewhere, during a rather intense hour, Stefan headed to Dallas where he and Alaric were forced to confront the fallout from the former’s absence in Caroline’s life.

Finally, Enzo learned all about the Armory’s actual motives behind its search for Bonnie.

Click on the video above to watch The Vampire Diaries online and learn it for yourself now.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 18!


On The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 18, Damon headed to Memphis with Alaric in order to capture an escaped vampire who could be the key to getting Stefan back in one safe piece.

However, it had been three years… and Alaric was reluctant to step back into his former vampire-hunting ways.

He ended up revealing the truth about the past three Damon-less years of his life in the process.

Meanwhile, elsewhere during the hour, Bonnie came across a young woman in the psych ward who provided her with some valuable information regarding why the Armory could be after her.

Also, Enzo took matters into his own hands when he learned some big news from Rayna.

What was it? How did he react? Use the video above to watch The Vampire Diaries online and find out now.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Ian Somerhalder: WAIT! The Vampire Diaries Is Not Coming to an End!

Ian Somerhalder would like a do-over.

Last week, the beloved actor appeared at Nashville’s Walker Stalker Con and told the crowd that The Vampire Diaries would conclude after Season 8.

“We have decided to do one last season to really do the story justice,” he said.

It makes sense, right? The show has faltered so badly in the ratings that The CW has moved The Vampire Diaries Season 7 from Thursday nights to Friday nights.

But Somerhalder jumped on Twitter yesterday to clarify his comments, making it clear that his whole “last season” reference was not based on any sort of empirical information.

“Hey all, so… Last weekend I talked to an audience at a Q&A about the end of #TVD and how excited I was to make what I believe – my last year – be as great as possible,” he wrote.

“Somehow in my infinite wisdom and end-of-season foggy brain, I managed to make it sound like the show was coming to an end. Cut-to the press running stories that the show would be done after Season 8.”

So this is not the case, Ian?

“Thing is, the people who actually make that decision (the CW and WB) haven’t made it yet!

“So let’s take things one step at a time: Season 7 wrap, vacation, lots of sleep, let the writers get started on Season 8, and then we’ll all see where we go from there. Until then, much love.”

Fair enough.

But Kat Graham is on record as saying The Vampire Diaries Season 8 WILL be her final season. That’s for sure.

And the ratings are still poor and there are clearly very few storylines remaining to be told.

So all signs do point to the series calling it quits next year, following a terrific run.

It just isn’t official yet.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Nina Dobrev WILL Return For The Vampire Diaries Series Finale

First, Ian Somerhalder declared that season eight of the CW series will be its last (though the network wouldn’t confirm).

Then, ideas about how The Vampire Diaries would end had some whispering that Nina Dobrev, who left after season six, would return for the finale.  

Since Dobrev’s character, Elena was put under a sleeping spell which linked her to Bonnie (played by Kat Graham, who announced she wouldn’t return after next season), fans wondered if they would ever seen Elena again, as she’s one of the show’s pivotal characters.

According to Hollywood Life, Dobrev is deffo returning for the finale.

“When the show ends Nina will be a part of it some way shape or form,” a source told the site.

“She is 10,000 percent coming back.”

The source wouldn’t elaborate on what role Dobrev will play.

Somerhalder broke the news about TVD‘s last season at WalkerStalkerCon in Nashville on April 10th.

“We have decided to do one last season to really do the story justice,” Somerhalder said, according to the convention’s Twitter account.

In 2015, Dobrev told People that her departure from the show wasn’t a surprise to the cast and crew.  However, fans were heartbroken to learn that such a significant character was leaving.

“Nobody was really surprised because we’ve known about this for a long time,” Dobrev said of her co-stars and crew members.

“Everyone knew in our family, in the Vampire world, knew that this was my last season for a couple of years now.

“It was just the fans [who were surprised], but the fans are very much our family, as well. That’s why we wanted to include them and why we told them in advance – we didn’t want to make anyone angry, we wanted to include them in the last little journey, this awesome ride that we’re going on together.”

The Vampire Diaries season finale airs May 13th at 8pm on The CW.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Ian Somerhalder Confirms The Vampire Diaries to End After Season 8

Well, those vamps had a good run.

Ian Somerhalder has just announced that The Vampire Diaries will be calling it quits after season eight.

“We have decided to do one last season to really do the story justice,” the star revealed during an appearance at the WalkerStalkerCon in Nashville, Tenn.

It’s hardly a shock, as the show’s popularity has been waning for some time now, which was made especially evident when the network moved the program to the highly undesirable Friday night time slot.

However, it sounds as though the final decision was made fairly recently.

Last week, Kat Graham announced that she would be jumping ship after next season.

“Season 8 will be my last season,” Graham told Us Weekly.

Perhaps she was unaware at the time that it would be everyone’s last season.

“I just hope that whatever I do after, the crew can come with me,” she added. “If the crew can come with me, then we’ll be good. The crew is going to be the hardest thing to let go, because we are a family.”

Well, she just may get her wish, because it looks like all of the crew members will be in need of new jobs.

Back in March, Somerhalder blamed the TVD ratings dip on his ex-girlfriend Nina Dobrev, who played Elena. He may have been partially correct, as she was one of the show’s most popular characters.

Regardless of the reason, it’s now official: the show will be no more after 2017. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 17!

Oh boy. Stefan is in a great deal of trouble.

That much was made evident on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 17.

On the latest installment of this CW hit, Stefan faced a life-or-death situation and only had his most basic instincts to rely on.

As a result, this brother Salvatore was forced to confront a lifetime ofthe  irreversible damage that Damon has done to their relationship.

And what about Damon?

He followed an unusual lead in order to try and help his sibling.

Elsewhere, Matt send Valerie to Dallas to enlist Alaric’s assistance in the search for Stefan; while Rayna discovered a new threat, setting off on her own mission to find Stefan before the others do.

For what reason? Use the video above to watch The Vampire Diaries online and find out now!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Kat Graham Announces Departure from The Vampire Diaries

Mystic Falls is about to lose another resident.

A few months after Nina Dobrev announced her departure from The Vampire Diaries, exiting the beloved CW series after six seasons as Elena Gilbert, co-star Kat Graham has confirmed her plans to move on from the show.

But not any time too soon, at least.

In an exclusive chat with Us Weekly at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Sunday, Graham said that Season 8 will mark her final run as Bonnie Bennett.

She has starred as the young witch for the duration of the drama.

“Season 8 will be my last season,” Graham told the magazine, adding:

“I just hope that whatever I do after, the crew can come with me. If the crew can come with me, then we’ll be good. The crew is going to be the hardest thing to let go, because we are a family.”

Toward the end of last year, The CW moved The Vampire Diaries Season 7 to Friday nights, prompting many to believe it was burying the once-popular series until canceling it this spring.

Instead, however, the network surprised fans by renewing the program for the 2016-2017 season.

It remains unclear just how many episodes will comprise Season 8 and it will be a true shock if The Vampire Diaries is even around for a ninth season after Graham leaves.

“There’s some really intense stuff with my character this season,” Graham also teased.

“I think the biggest episodes I’ve ever had are 20 [airing April 29] and 21 [airing May 6]. It’s pretty major for the character – huge turns, a lot of stunts and cool sh-t!”

We’ll make a point to watch The Vampire Diaries online in order to see what’s on tap.

But it probably is about time for the series to get the axe, don’t you think? 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Watch The Vampire Diaries Online: Check Out Season 7 Episode 16!


The Vampire Diaries is back!

Following a lengthy hiatus, we caught up with the Salvatore brothers on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 16, soon after Stefan learned of the choice The Huntress had given him, courtesy of Damon.

Was he really about to transfer his fatal scar to his often-troubled sibling?

Elsewhere, after he was framed for breaking Rayna out of The Armory, Enzo did all he could in order to clear his name… but not before a particularly violent run-in with Nora prompted him to make an upsetting discovery.

What was it?

You can use the video above to watch The Vampire Diaries online and find out now!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Ian Somerhalder: It"s Nina Dobrev"s Fault The Vampire Diaries Faces Cancellation!

The Vampire Diaries has enjoyed a successful run thus far, but with the departure of a main character, that success is waning.

Season six saw the departure of one of the show’s main characters, Elena, played by Nina Dobrev.  Her reason for leaving was to pursue film opportunities.

“I always knew I wanted Elena’s story to be a six season adventure, and within those six years I got the journey of a lifetime,” Dobrev told fans via Instagram in 2015.

Season seven of the CW series was moved to Fridays, perhaps one of the worst days of the week for a show to air (with the exception of a few).  Since it’s season premiere, ratings have fallen, and rumor has it that Dobrev’s ex-boyfriend, Ian Somerhalder is not happy.

Celebrity Dirty Laundry reports that Somerhalder blames his ex for the dip in ratings, and it’s speculated that Dobrev left the show because she didn’t want to be around Somerhalder and his wife, Nikki Reed (the couple married last April).

Reed reportedly moved to Georgia while Somerhalder filmed TVD, which made for some awkward interactions on set (again, this is speculation).

Dobrev, however, addressed the rumors that she had bad blood with the couple last May.

“When I heard about the wedding, I thought it was beautiful,” Dobrev told E! News of her ex and Reed.

“They look happy and I am happy and so I don’t see why there should be a problem with that. The drama is in the media, it’s not with us. But of course, we’re on a teen drama show, everyone’s going to look for drama.

“If there’s no drama, there’s nothing to write about. I just ignore it.”

The show hasn’t commented anything in regards to ratings, a series finale and whether or not Dobrev will return to mark the end of the show that put her on the map.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 14 Recap: Big Trouble in The Big Easy

So… that was quite the disappointment, wasn’t it?

The CW hyped The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 14 as a major crossover event, with Stefan finding his way to New Orleans in order to avoid Rayna Cruz.

And this aspect of the hour was not a let down.

It made sense for Stefan to take shelter in Klaus’ favorite bar because its magical powers made it impossible for a locator spell to track him down there.

And it was fun to see these old friends (enemies? Let’s just call them frenemies…) banter back and forth.

It was also jarring: remember when Klaus first arrived on the scene in Mystic Falls? And he was billed as the most fearsome for our heroes would ever encounter?

Who ever could have guessed he’d end up anchor The Originals as a protagonist?

Talk about a character who has come a long way.

After learning that Stefan was on the run from The Huntress, Klaus initially went off on his drinking buddy, questioning why he dared to bring such a dangerous problem to New Orleans.

But after he tossed Stefan out on the street, he ended up on the phone with Caroline and realized that she really did care about Stefan.

So if Klaus really did care about Caroline, as we all know he does, he’ll go lend the marked vampire a hand.

That’s how we concluded this episode of The Vampire Diaries Season 7, with Klaus telling Stefan they were going to see a witch who could help with his Rayna Cruz problem.

It was the rest of the episode that pretty much sucked.

Caroline accompanied Alaric to Dallas with his twins, clearly taken by the kids she birthed and clearly interested in staying with them.

We know this is what happens due to the flash forwards, of course, which removes a great deal of the drama ahead.

Yes, it was cool to see awhile back that Caroline is engaged to Alaric and that they are raising daughters together.

But that shock has now worn off and we’re left with a storyline whose ending we already know.

The worst storyline this week, however, centered on Enzo.

It turns out that he’s been working with some mysterious group called The Armory because the woman in charge promised him information about his family in exchange for his help capturing Rayna Cruz.

That’s it. That’s all Enzo needed to hear in order to turn his back on his friends.

By sheer coincidence, the woman then told Enzo that his father founded The Armory and that she’s actually related to him.

It was all felt very forced and very random, as if the writers knew they needed to find an arc for Enzo and just invented this out of thin air.

Finally, we’ll supposedly see the last of Damon on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 15 because Bonnie nearly died saving his life and he’s sick of putting the lives of those close to him in jeopardy.

But we clearly know Damon isn’t going anywhere.

We’ll tune in next week just to see what Damon is talking about when it comes to disappearing forever, but if The Armory is really about to become a central focus of The Vampire Diaries, we may be tuning out after that.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 12 Recap: Hello, Huntress!

Damon took quite a few hits on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 12.

We mean this literally.

Totally distraught over what he did to Elena last week, Damon set out to punish himself.

When we first saw the destroyed hero, he was lying in the middle of the street, just as he was when he met Elena way back in the day.

He then killed the poor pedestrian who stopped to see if Damon was okay… before heading to Mystic Grill and slicing off the head of one of Julian’s cronies.

Just as Julian was about to drive a stake through Damon’s heart, though, he realized the sort of pain his nemesis was in and decided on a different course of action instead:

Apparently Julian has been running some kind of underground fight club and he offered Damon the chance to punish himself mentally by getting punished physically.

And Damon was all for it!

He disposed of his first couple foes, using a stake illegally tossed into the ring by a random hot waitress the second time, before it was time for him to take on Julian.

But just as Julian was about to kill Damon once and for all, Valerie swooped in with a spell that caused Julian a lot of pain and Stefan was able to drag Damon away to safety.

Once outside, though, Damon owned up to how he burned Elena alive and Stefan reacted by slugging his troubled brother a few times in the face. OUCH!

But this wasn’t it for either brother: 

Damon went home and was paid a visit by the aforementioned hot waitress. She brought tequila and a willingness to have sex.

Stefan, meanwhile, was finally sick and tired of Julian, blaming him for sending Damon into The Phoenix Stone and teaming with Valerie on a cloaking spell. She made him invisible to everyone else and then Stefan yanked out Julian’s heart.

Rest in peace, man. NOT!

Elsewhere this week:

  • The pretty cop who tossed Matt in jail last week followed him to Mystic Falls and nearly got herself killed in the process. She now knows all about vampires.

  • Caroline learned, the painful way, that her babies are syphoning her vampire power.

  • Bonnie, Mary-Louise and Nora tracked The Huntress to a mental institute in Ohio after receiving postcards with an X on them, the signal that she was coming after all who had been stabbed with her sword.

  • But they just found an old lady there, someone who at first lied about being the Huntress, but then told Bonnie the truth and was about to kill her…

  • … when Enzo randomly showed up.

  • After Bonnie left to find Mary-Louise and Nora, she returned to find that Enzo had stolen the Huntress away. To where?!?

  • To some kind of chamber, where he burned her old body and where a younger version then appeared, still stuck behind glass.

But she clearly becomes UNstuck at some point because we ended the episode by flashing three years into the future and getting a look at her at the news station building, holding both Stefan and Damon hostage.

Where will this all go on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 13? We can’t wait to find out!

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: What Did Damon Do?!?

Damon and Stefan may be out of The Phoenix Stone.

But viewers witnessed on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 11 just how these brothers are not of the dangerous woods just yet as a result of the time in their respective personal Hells.

Much to his surprise, Damon was actually forgiven almost immediately for his violent actions to close out The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 10, as Stefan said everyone understood.

Damon thought he was still inside the Stone and the Stone seriously effs with people’s minds. Simply enough.

How does Stefan know this so well?

Because we got a glimpse into his journey through Hell this week, which included the endless nightmare of Damon trying to kill Caroline.

Stefan still saw this image for many weeks after being awaken and he finally realized why. He finally realized the message the Stone was trying to tell him:

That he’ll never be happy until Damon is out of his life for good.

But, come on. This is Stefan Salvatore. He has Hero Hair. And he ended the hour by assuring Damon that he’ll never leave him, that the two are stuck together for life.

It was a very sweet sentiment, but Damon couldn’t exactly appreciate it in that moment.

And here’s why:

Still haunted himself by his experience in the Stone, Damon kept seeing his Civil War friend everywhere. The dude kept harassing Damon about how he’s truly a monster and how it was his job to bring the monster back out.

So, to rid himself of this pseudo stalker, Damon poured gasoline all over his body and set it afire.

But this was the problem with that plan: Damon actually set ELENA’s BODY on fire!

Tyler (randomly in town for Caroline’s baby shower) agreed to take Damon to visit his unconscious girlfriend, only for Damon to see his hallucination instead of Elena.

He then knocked Tyler out and set the body ablaze, only to later realize it was Elena all along.

He couldn’t bring himself to tell Stefan what happened and now we’re left to wonder: is Elena’s body really burned to a crisp?!?

Elsewhere this week:

  • Caroline learned that Alaric was planning to get a job in Texas and raise his twins there. Makes perfect sense as far as wanting to keep them safe, but this made Caroline very sad. She has grown attached to those twins.

  • Julian has turned Mystic Falls into one crazy, constant, violent party town, letting his Heretics run loose.

  • We learned about The Huntress: the Phoenix Stone sword belongs to her and she will stop at nothing to track down those who have been stabbed with it. And she’s on her way to Mystic Falls.

  • Might she be the cop who pulled over Matt for drunk driving and who found his collection of weapons in his truck?

  • We ask because the flash forward to three years from now featured Matt teaming up WITH The Huntress, letting Caroline go free but admitting that he’s helping The Huntress go after Stefan.

That’s a lot to digest.

Go watch The Vampire Diaries online if you need to catch up and sound off below on a great episode.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Vampire Diaries Will End When THIS Happens

As of January 29, The Vampire Diaries Season 7 is moving to Friday nights.

So this clearly means that the once-popular drama is on its way out, right? That The CW is essentially burning off the remaining episodes?

Not if creator Julie Plec has her way.

To be clear, the executive producer is prepared to wrap up The Vampire Diaries… but only on one condition.

“My end game needs to…  emotionally run parallel with the end game of [Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder] – more so than the network and the studio,” Plec told Variety this week of her show’s lead stars.

“When those boys decide that they’re done telling stories – which could be tomorrow and could be a year from now or two years from now or whatever – I need to be done. I feel like I owe them that and I owe the show that.

“It’s a collective decision. Right now, they’re in the driver’s seat of that and we’ll see how much longer they feel like they want to be doing this.”

Of course, it’s also a decision the network may make for Plec.

Ratings for The Vampire Diaries have plummeted over the last two seasons.

Will The CW actually give Plec (and Somerhalder… and Wesley) the chance to go out on their own terms?

Plec added that she was “sad” to see Nina Dobrev leave the series after Season 6 and that she would take the actress back in an “instant” if she wished to return as Elena Gilbert.

However, as those who watch The Vampire Diaries online or on television can confirm, the series has undergone somewhat of a creative renaissance her absence.

“It just feels good to be able to tell the story about two brothers who are more bonded and, as such, at odds more than ever before, and you’re writing this terrific relationship piece now about these two guys, and it’s just been so fun to write this year,” she says.

“The writers, we’re just enjoying the hell out of it… from a creative point of view, it’s been a real new infusion of creative fun [without Dobrev].”

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Preview: Where Am I?!?

So… here"s the bad news:

The Vampire Diaries is not only on hiatus, but The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 10 will not air until January 29, 2016.

Yes, that"s a Friday. 

The Vampire Diaries is moving to Fridays and that doesn"t give us a lot of hope that will see the show on The CW"s 2016-2017 schedule.

But that"s a concern for a later date. Because here"s the good news:

We"re at least very interested in seeing what happens when the show does return, considering it left off with both Damon and Stefan felled by Julian"s magic sword.

Both are now trapped in the Phoenix Stone, reliving their personal nightmares over and over and over again.

Will they wake up? Yes, according to the following trailer, many months later.

Will they be the same? Will they have a grasp on reality? Will they go a tad bit insane?

No, no and yes, also according to the following trailer.

Take a look at it now. visit TV Fanatic to watch The Vampire Diaries online during this hiatus; and then sound off:

Will you stick with the drama after it shifts to Fridays?

The vampire diaries season 7 episode 10 promo

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Drag Them to Hell

So much for sleeping in heavenly peace.

On The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 9, the brothers Salvatore found themselves on the losing end of a feud with Julian, ending their run on Thursday nights in a similar predicament.

Indeed, when The Vampire Diaries Season 7 returns on Friday (yes, Friday!), January 29, Damon and Stefan will each be living through their own personal versions of Hell.

The siblings tried to team up in order to take down their late mother’s lover and, simply put, they failed.

After tracking Julian to his hometown and then getting into a fight over whether they could defeat him and the small army he built up there, Stefan and Damon returned home.

The latter didn’t really care about avenging his mom’s death, but Stefan would not let the issue go.

He worked with Valerie to kidnap Mary-Louise in order to draw Julian out, but this just made him mad.

It all led to a showdown in Mystic Falls, one Julian won when he plunged the Phoenix Stone-infused sword into Damon’s gut.

He then ran away, leaving Stefan to wonder about all the terrible things Damon was living through again as a result of being trapped in that stone.

(The viewers got a look, for example, of Damon fighting in the Civil War.)

But just as Stefan was mourning his brother… BAM! Nora, angry over the Mary Louise abduction (and having knocked Bonnie out earlier because she believed she played a role in it, showed up out of nowhere.

She somehow had the sword and she plunged it into Stefan.

So that’s how The Vampire Diaries wrapped up 2015: with brothers brothers down, out and stuck in the Phoenix Stone.

While you ponder their fate and go watch The Vampire Diaries online in order to get your fill prior to the show’s return, here’s a look at what else went down this week:

  • THREE YEARS INTO THE FUTURE, we saw that Stefan was living with Valerie in Chicago. They are seemingly in love and happy, but he’s taking off to go save Caroline and Damon.

  • Caroline is not reacting well to being a pregnant vampire. Her hormones are a mess, which means she’s often lashing out in dangerous ways.

  • No Matt or Enzo sighting, so no update on who is helping the former round up vampires such as the latter.

What did you think of the winter finale?

Will you follow The Vampire Diaries when it moves to Fridays?

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8 Recap: May She Rest in Peace

Death came to Mystic Falls on The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8, as the latest installment of this CW hit was filled with major mama drama.

That’s because Lily Salvatore is dead.

She had been forced to throw Mary-Louise and Nora an anniversary party after Julian promised the shindig to his quasi daughters, though Lily was still working with her actual sons to break her bond with Julian and take him out for good.

Along those lines, Stefan and Damon showed up at the gathering and were able to subdue Julian, wrapping him up in chains.

Meanwhile, Valerie opened up to her family after how Julian beat the child out of her many years ago, garnering all of their sympathies… except those of Mary-Louise.

She didn’t believe Valerie. She couldn’t get past Valerie killing Oscar and she helped Julian escape from the brothers Salvatore as a result.

She also broke the bond between Julian and Lily, unbeknownst to the latter.

So when Julian tied up Damon and Valerie and told Lily she had to pick one to kill; she had to pick her real family once and for all… Lily chose Option 3 instead and staked herself through the heart.

But it didn’t kill Julian. She didn’t know their connection had been severed.

Instead, it merely served as a misguided (albeit noble!) suicide. At least Stefan got to bid an emotional goodbye to his mother, however, while Damon essentially just cursed her off as his final words. Ouch.

Julian ran away, told Mary-Louise what happened and seemed genuinely broken up about it.

Elsewhere this week:

  • Matt rounded of Enzo with the help of some mysterious friends. The blood sucker was left in the back of a truck, having been shot by many vervain-filled weapons, though we have no idea who is part of this alliance Matt has formed to seemingly bring down all vampires.

  • Stefan reacted to Caroline’s pregnancy news in shock, but later called to apologize… and also to say that he loved her! He’ll always be there for her! AWWWW!

  • Three years in the future, Damon was tied up at the news station. He hallucinated that his mother was the captor, the woman who is hunting down Stefan. 

  • We learned in the final scene that the hunger is NOT Lily. But we still have no idea about her identity.

So there you have it. Only The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 9 remains before the show takes a long hiatus and then shifts to Fridays.

Were you surprised by Lily’s death? Will you miss her? Do you want to watch The Vampire Diaries online and relive the sadness?

Do so now and then sound off below!