Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duggars. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Samuel Dillard: First Photos of Jill Duggar"s Baby Boy!

It"s been less than a week since Jill Duggar welcomed her second child, but little Samuel Dillard is already everywhere on the family"s social media pages. 

Clearly, the Duggars are in love with their newest addition, and who could blame them?

Check out the best pics from Baby Sam"s first week below, and make sure to watch Counting On online to keep up with the ever-expanding Duggar clan.

1. Samuel Dillard Photo

Samuel dillard phoro

The first photo of Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard’s new baby is here! Derick posted the pic of baby Damuel on his Instagram page.

2. Samuel Dillard Yawns

Samuel dillard yawns

Samuel Dillard letting out a yawn. Or maybe he’s screaming. Thankfully, there’s no audio on this pic.

3. Derick & Samuel Dillard Pic

Derick and samuel dillard pic

Clearly, Derick and Samuel already enjoy a close bond. Jill has posted multiple pics of the father and son together.

4. Samuel and Derick Dillard Image

Samuel and derick dillard image

Father and son enjoying a moment. By all accounts, Derick is one devoted dad.

5. Samuel Dillard Shoes

Samuel dillard shoes

The classic baby shoes photo. As you can see Sammy D appears to prefer rugged hiking boots.

6. Samuel Dillard in Repose

Samuel dillard in repose

Samuel Dillard seems like a pretty chill baby. Of course, his sleep-deprived parents would probably beg to differ.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Josh Duggar Lawsuit: DJ Claims People Called Him "Duggar’s Boy Toy," Seeks Damages

With the premiere of Season 4 of Counting On just two weeks away, this is probably last thing the Duggar family would like to focus on:

Josh Duggar is heading to court to face off with the man oddly caught up in his cheating ways – and the consequences could be severe.

The disgraced first-born of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 Kids and (hopefully not still) Counting is officially due in court Thursday, June 22.

There, he’ll face off with the L.A. man whose photo he ganked for secret dating and hookup accounts, exposed two summers prior.

Incredibly, Josh bogarting pics of DJ Matt McCarthy to hit on women on Ashley Madison, OK Cupid and Twitter is still dogging him.

McCarthy sued him in August 2016, claiming that this act hurt personal and professional reputation and that he is entitled to damages.

The idea that Josh Duggar using his photos to hit on women irreparably impacted a guy that no one had ever hurt of? Kind of absurd. 

Still, Josh has been unable to settle or dismiss the case. 

Where it gets interesting is that McCarthy’s attorney wants to know about everyone Josh communicated with using the stolen photos.

To “better understand the extent of his deception,” duh.

Put another way, there’s a real possibility that every woman Josh contacted while using OKCupid and Ashley Madison may be revealed.

Of course, it’s more than likely that those sites are complete scams and took his money while serving up fake profiles left and right.

How do we know? Danica Dillon, a dancer and sometime porn star, came forward almost immediately to allege an affair with Duggar.

No one else did so, and you can best believe that he did meet any women online, they would’ve come out of the woodwork immediately.

We’d love to see Josh file a lawsuit against Ashley Madison and company for fraud, alleging that its female users are actually all bots.

Wishful thinking.

More realistically, Josh’s counsel looking to dismiss the case by arguing that having the proceedings play out in California is improper.

McCarthy’s side is arguing that since he lives in California and the (alleged) damages to his career happened there, the state is appropriate.

In the complaint filed in LA Superior Court, McCarthy claimed that his high school teacher called to tell him that Josh had used his photos.

The teacher then supposedly inquired if McCarthy had engaged in a sexual relationship with Josh, which is absolutely hilarious if true.

McCarthy says he was subsequently flooded with calls, emails, and harassment family, friends, professional partners, and even strangers.

He also claimed in court documents that he has been called Duggar’s Boy Toy and DJ Duggar, among other epithets, since the scandal.

Again, hilarious, but again, we’re not buying the claim that being linked to Josh in this way caused him some kind of professional harm.

Yes, Josh is child molester and adulterer whose mere existence is highly offensive, but that doesn’t mean this lawsuit is not frivolous.

McCarthy is seeking damages in excess of $ 25,000, which is possibly the funniest detail of all, since his legal fees could easily surpass that.

This is L.A., after all.

After the world learned that Josh molested his sisters – the Duggar girls recently filed their own lawsuit over that – his fans were appalled.

Months later, when he was outed cheating on long-suffering wife Anna Duggar, fans were even more appalled by the act, and hypocrisy.

Yet she somehow stuck by him after he was shipped off to a Christian-based sex rehab clinic in 2015 and stayed for over six months.

Anna Duggar is pregnant with her fifth child and there’s even been talk of Josh returning to Counting On this season on TLC.

The Duggar brand may be in greater jeopardy, though, than Josh’s marriage if this lawsuit really ends up in court next month.

Barring a last-minute settlement, we could get a steady drip of Josh headlines for weeks … and none of them will be positive.


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Counting On Season 4 Preview: What Can We Expect From the Duggars Now?

As always, there"s an absurd amount of rumors and speculation surrounding the Duggar family in the lead-up to the Counting On Season 4 premiere.

Fans want to know if Jinger Duggar is pregnant with her first child.

They"re wondering when we"ll get to see Joy-Anna Duggar marry Austin Forsyth.

And of course, they"re curious as to how the family will keep Josh Duggar off camera this time around.

Check out the gallery below for a full rundown of what to expect when the show returns June 12, and watch Counting On online to get caught up in time for the Season 4 debut:


1. Jinger Loves Being Married

Jinger loves being married

“Married life is the best thing ever,” Jinger says when asked. We guess she’s a big fan of those front-hugs!

2. Austin Forsyth Gets Down on One Knee

Austin forsyth gets down on one knee

We already know how this turns out. But seeing the big moment is still certain to give Duggar fans a thrill.

3. Joy-Anna and Austin: Wedding Talk

Joy anna and austin wedding talk

Joy-Anna and Austin open up about their future together. But will they reveal when they plan to tie the knot?

4. Joy-Anna Gets Blindfolded

Joy anna gets blindfolded

Looks like Austin Forsyth went all out with his proposal to Joy-Anna. Like, really – whatever you or your significant other did is sure to look lame by comparison.

5. The Dillards: Headed Back to Central America!

The dillards headed back to central america

Sure, Jill is pregnant and Derick’s been having health problems, but that won’t stop the Dillards from heading back to Central America! Yes, it looks like this season will feature another tearful goodbye.

6. Joseph Goes a Courting

Joseph goes a courting

Joseph Duggar asks Kendra Caldwell’s father for permission to court her. It’s a major step in Duggar Land.

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Friday, April 21, 2017

The Duggars: What Religion Do They Practice?

In recent years, the name Duggar has gone from a synonym for a certain brand of squeaky-clean family-friendly entertainment to a byword for the sort of hypocrisies and scandals often found at the heart of the world’s most secretive cults.

It’s impossible to separate the family’s religious beliefs from their rise to the the near-top of the reality TV totem pole, as so many of the practices that have made the Duggars fascinating to millions of outsiders are rooted in their faith.

Of course, it wasn’t so long ago that those same controversial beliefs nearly brought the Duggar empire tumbling down like the walls of Jericho.

But for as much as we know about the specifics of the Duggar creed (sex is for procreation between man and wife only; women are forbidden to wear pants or hold jobs, etc.), a lot of the larger questions regarding their religion remain sources of debate and speculation.

For example, the biggest Duggar-related mystery of all may have more than one answer, as the family has been accused of giving misleading answers when asked what faith they belong to.

Remarkably, it’s a question that you’ll never hear the Duggar kids fielding publicly.

Instead, they defer to Jim Bob, who has stated (on the rare occasions he’s addressed the issue himself) that he and his family are Independent Baptists.

Despite their name, Independent Baptists are an ultra-conservative lot with little tolerance for personal freedom.

They exist on the fringes of American Christianity, and are not a recognized sect, so much as a loose network of individual congregations.

Ultra-conservative televangelist Jerry Falwell abandoned the Independent Baptist Church for the more moderate Southern Baptists, which should tell you all you need to know about how extreme the IB belief system is.

Amazingly, the Duggars fall far to the right of even the most conservative Independent Baptists on most issues, which has led many to the conclusion that Jim Bob is taking his cues from somewhere other than the leadership of the IB Church.

To answer the question of where the most extreme Duggar beliefs and practices originate, we need to turn our attention to the Quiverfull movement.

There’s debate as to who founded the movement, but it’s widely agreed that Quiverfull was popularized by the Reverend Bill Gothard in the late 1970s.

In 2015, Gothard resigned in disgrace from his post with the Quiverfull-centered Institute for Basic Life Principles amidst a flurry of sex assault and harassment allegations.

He and his organization have shelled out an undisclosed amount of cash to keep the accusers at bay, but dozens of new allegations have surfaced over the past two years.

For that reason, and because of the movement’s extreme right-wing beliefs, the Duggars have been hesitant to publicly associate with the Quiverfull movement, but there’s no question that they’re believers in many of Gothard’s teachings:

The Duggars use Quiverfull teaching materials in homeschooling their children.

When they sent Josh Duggar to rehab after his involvement in two consecutive sex scandals (one of which involved the molestation of five young girls) they chose a faith-based facility with the approval of Gothard’s IBLP.

The Duggars called Gothard a close family friend and “an inspiration” in 2014, but cut ties with him (publicly, at least) following allegations that he groped and assaulted dozens of young male and female employees.

The most telling sign that the Duggars are Quiverfull devotees, however, is the fact that it was Gothard who first espoused the notion that it is the duty of Christians to have as many children as physically possible:

“In the Quiverfull movement, your kids are blessings from God and they are also weapons in the culture war,” exlained USC assistant professor of religion Cavan Concannon.

“Some people in the movement would say that part of having a lot of kids is an attempt to birth more conservative Christians in a world that doesn’t have enough of them.” 

Some have wondered how the Duggars can reconcile their wealth and fame with their devotion to a religion that preaches the importance of poverty and humility.

Simply put, they see themselves as soldiers in an apocalyptic culture war, and they believe that TV is the most important weapon in their arsenal.

Jesus Christ said, “The meek shall inherit the earth,” but Bill Gothard said, There’s power in numbers, so help me expand my following through procreation and mass media.

The Duggars have left little mystery as to which message they value more. 


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Is Joseph Duggar"s Girlfriend a Homophobe?

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re no doubt aware that the Duggar family leans very far to the right in terms of their religious and political views.

That said, at least publicly, the Duggars make an effort to avoid alienating their non-white, non-ultra-conservative viewers (all four of them!).

But while they struggle to keep their more controversial beliefs under wraps the Duggar’s anti-gay views are no secret.

The family members aren’t as vocal about their more bigoted beliefs because they can scarcely afford to get wrapped up in another scandal in the wake of Josh Duggar’s sex crimes.

However, they’re soon to be tied to a family that’s just as homophobic, but far less afraid of sharing its views with the world.

As you may have heard, Joseph Duggar is courting Kendra Caldwell.

Naturally, the relationship has resulted in Duggar fan scrutiny directed at Kendra and her family.

Not surprisingly, Kendra’s father is a preacher.

What is surprising is that his views on homosexuality make the Duggars look downright enlightened by comparison.

Several media outlets have published excerpts from pamphlets that Paul Caldwell handed out to his conregation:

“Does God love Homosexuals?” one of the handouts read.

“This is a flawed question, there are no such things as Homosexuals.”

Yes, Paul believed there’s no such thing as homosexuality, a view that hasn’t exactly endeared him to the 

“If you read their literature you’ll see that they don’t actually believe that there are such thing as gay people, it’s almost a science-fiction idea that they have,” says local activist Joanna McCusker.

Of course, this is far from the first time that the Duggars have been criticized for their homophobic views.

Michelle Duggar has cut ties with her lesbian sister, Evelyn Ruark, allegedly because of her disapproval of Ruark’s lifestyle.

In 2014, Michelle campaigned on behalf of an aspiring Arkansas state senator, promising voters that the candidate would take a hard-line anti-LGBTQ stance.

So it’s unlikely that the Duggars see any problem with the Caldwell family’s close-minded stance.

However, some of their fans might feel very differently.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

Austin Forsyth: Joy-Anna Fiance, Family Even More Strict Than the Duggars?

If you’re a card-carrying member of Duggar Nation, you know that Joy-Anna just got engaged to Austin Forsyth after a whirlwind courtship.

And we mean whirlwind. Even by Duggar standards, Joy-Anna and Austin are moving this courtship thing along at a breakneck pace.

Those who watch Counting On online were introduced by the 19-year-old Joy-Anna to boyfriend “Austin” on the season finale last fall.

Incredibly, as more information about the Forsyth family comes to light, it appears that they may be even more strict than the Duggars.

His family runs the Fort Rock Family Camp in Arkansas, and has been acquainted with the Duggars and their church for many years.

(This appears to be a familiar pattern; As with Joseph Duggar courting Kendra Caldwell, her family attends the family’s church as well.)

“We are extremely happy to announce the courtship of our son, Austin,” parents Terry and Roxanne wrote on their Christian retreat’s page. 

“He and Joy have honored the Lord and will be a great testimony for his goodness and provision for a spouse. Congratulations to Austin & Joy!” 

After almost 15 years of friendship, it appears that Joy-Anna Duggar has already become a part of Austin’s family, or close to it.

A quick look at the retreat’s site shows Joy-Anna posing next to Austin, now believed to be 22, and his family in a “camp staff” photo.

Joy’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, are well aware of this, of course; They frequent the Forsyth’s family camp in St. Paul, Arkansas.

The Duggars last visited in October, speaking at the 5th annual fall marriage retreat (yes, Jim Bob and Michelle offer marriage advice).

“We’re so thankful for Austin,” Michelle gushed of her daughter’s new beau last fall. “He is a great guy and we’re excited about the future.”

Not only are the Forsyths’ members of the Duggars’ inner circle, they’re not new to the whole reality TV scene themselves.

It’s this fact that has some fans worried about Joy-Anna.

In 2009, when he was 15, he starred alongside his parents and sister Meagan on Season 1 of CMT’s World’s Strictest Parents.

No, we did not invent the existence of that show, as much as you might think so. It was actually a thing and they were on it.

The series, which was what it sounds like, united troubled teens with strict parents in hopes of helping them turn over a new leaf.

Whether it achieved that goal or not, it certainly gave viewers some insight into Austin’s family and their extremely rigid belief system.

The Forsyths place a heavy emphasis on modesty, homeschooling and staying “pure” until marriage, which likely sounds pretty familiar.

Not unlike the Duggars, that includes saving your first kiss for your wedding day (suffice it to say, premarital sex is out of the question).

In one particular scene, it was revealed to viewers that during a Sunday school lesson, the Forsyth’s guests were taught about dating.

Specifically, the dangers of dating, which “leads to divorce.”

To our knowledge, the Duggars have never used wording that strong.

However, we all know how seriously regimented they are, and how courtship has been called “dating with a purpose” or a pre-engagement.

In any event, it’s no wonder that we’ve heard talk of Joy-Anna’s courtship rules being the strictest ever enforced by the famous family.

Critics will likely talk about how unhealthy this all is. Maybe they’re right, or maybe it’s exactly what these two young people want and love.

All we can tell you is that they look happy as a pair of human beings can be, and that by all accounts that matter, it’s a match made in … 

… somewhere in Northwest Arkansas, nestled among the Ozarks.

God’s Country in more ways than one. Even a little slice of heaven.

At least if you can describe a pair of repressed, sheltered, virginal 20-somethings running around in layer upon layer of denim as heaven.

If anyone can, it would be Joy-Anna and Austin, and we are so excited for them as long as they’re happy in taking this next big step.

Ditto Joseph and Kendra, whose romance was announced today.

We just hope that they’re doing it for the right reasons, and chart their own course in life, rather than living wholly in their families’ shadows.

Having core beliefs and values and sticking by them is good, but so is getting out there and trying new things. Just some food for thought.


Jeremy Vuolo Net Worth: Does Jinger Duggar"s Husband Make ANY Money?

Before he rose to reality fame by courting Jinger Duggar, Jeremy Vuolo traveled a rather unique career path.

After getting his start as a pro soccer player, Vuolo pursued a career as a preacher.

However, there’s some disagreement as to how this change in professions came to pass.

Prior to Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding, the Duggars posted a bio of Vuolo on their official blog, and they’ve been accused of exaggerating his success in both of his career fields.

The official Duggar description holds that Jeremy was an all-star goalkeeper in the North American Soccer League, but he quit when he heard the call to join the ministry.

For obvious reasons, it’s a story that’s endeared him to the show’s pious fans base.

Unfortunately, it’s also largely fabricated.

It’s true that Jeremy was a soccer standout first at Hartwick College, then at Syracuse University.

After college he signed with the Finnish club AC Oulu, where he recorded 24 starts.

He eventually returned to the States, and won a spot on the roster of the Major League Soccer’s New York Red Bulls, but was released before playing a single game.

In tryouts, his play was impressive enough to earn him a spot in the eight-team NASL, which is no mean feat.

However, by all accounts he played consistently, but unremarkably, during his time with the the San Antonio Scorpions, where he served as a backup goalie.

Jeremy was released from the team in 2013, during which time he tried his hand at preaching for the first time.

In 2014, he was given another shot at soccer stardom, but was once again released before ever taking the field.

All of this is not to disparage Vuolo’s skills on the field, as going pro in any sport is an impressive accomplishment.

However, soccer isn’t quite as popular in the US as it is in other nations, and as a result, most players aren’t paid very well.

The largest contract Jeremy signed was for $ 44,000, but as he never completed a full season, he never received that full amount.

But what about Jeremy’s second career as a preacher?

Well, for obvious reasons, there are no definitive numbers on Jeremy’s earnings after he left the NASL, but we think it’s safe to say Jim Bob Duggar’s concerns about Vuolo’s ability to provide for Jinger were well-founded.

It seems that like the other men who have married into the Duggar family, Jeremy didn’t start earning the big bucks until he became a member of one of TV’s most famous (and infamous) clans.

While there’s obviously no shame in the fact that Jeremy didn’t get rich before marrying Jinger, it’s somewhat curious that the Duggars seemed intent on giving fans the impression that he had.

Watch Counting On online to watch the Duggars play humble while raking in the dough.


Duggars Congratulate Joseph Duggar, Kendra Caldwell on Courtship

It’s official, folks.

Yet another Duggar is courting.

We learned today that 22-year-old Joseph Duggar is courting Kendra Caldwell, and Joe’s famous family is understandably psyched.

After all, no male Duggar courtship has ended in marriage since Josh Duggar met his future wife Anna, and, well … we all know how that turned out.

Joseph and Kendra shared the news with fans in a statement issued to People magazine.

“We are so excited to share the news with others that we are courting,” the couple said.

“Our families are close friends through church and this has allowed Kendra and me to get to know each other. She’s the best!”

Caldwell added individually:

“I’m looking forward to getting to spend more time with Joseph as we take this exciting step toward a new season in life.

“It’s a really wonderful moment!”

Fortunately, it seems the feeling is mutual.

Several members of the Duggar clan publicly congratulated Joseph and Kendra today, beginning with Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald:

“Congrats Joe and Kendra,” Ben told the camera.

“We are super excited for you all. It’s been quite a while since we’ve had one of the brothers in a courtship,” added Jessa.

“So maybe some of the other guys will follow your lead now.”

Not to be outdone, newlyweds Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo also offered their congrats to Joe and Kendra via YouTube:

“Kendra, you’re a sweet girl,” Jeremy says.

“It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, and we’re excited about what the future has in store.”

Sounds like the Duggar clan is pretty excited about the courtship, and with good reason.

The last time a male Duggar sibling entered a relationship was when Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson back in 2015.

The romance ended abruptly for reasons that remain mysterious.

Sure, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and that should provide plenty of storyline material for next season, but it seems like another Duggar woman is courting every time you turn around.

If Joseph’s courtship turns out to be successful, it could revive fan interest and turn the show’s slumping ratings around.

That may sound cynical, but the family business is the familt business.

And no one understands that better than the Duggars.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Ben Seewald Net Worth: Is Jessa Duggar"s Husband Broke?

Ever since Jessa Duggar married Ben Seewald back in November of 2014, fans have openly speculated about what – if anything – Ben does to help support his young family.

The scrutiny intensified when Jessa gave birth to her second child last month. 

The Seewalds are now a family of four, and Jessa and Ben are still planning to adopt more kids, yet neither of them appear to have held down a full time job at any point in their adult lives.

Jessa’s unemployment is expected, as Duggar women are forbidden to perform any work that doesn’t fall under the umbrella of stay-at-home mom duties.

Many fans have justified Ben’s lack of work as one of the luxuries that accompanies reality TV stardom.

After all, the Duggars must be worth an outrageous amount of cash after all of their years on TLC, right?

Well … not so much.

Back in 2015, just before 19 Kids and Counting was canceled amidst the fallout from the Josh Duggar sex scandals, several media outlets reported that the Duggars net worth was roughly $ 3.5 million.

That’s a lot of cash, to be sure, but it’s important to bear in mind that that was split between the 21 original castmembers.

Since that time, the extended Duggar family has only expanded, adding four in-laws and multiple numerous third-generation offspring.

The family took a major financial hit when 19 Kids was canceled, but they rebounded nicely with the awkwardly-titled spinoff series Counting On.

But thus far, the show has failed to yield the sort of ratings that made 19 Kids such a hit.

Though it’s been on the bubble since its first episode, the show keeps getting renewed, and Jessa and Ben were paid a reported $ 400,000 for season three.

Again, not exactly chump change, but far from “never work again” cash.

With two mouths to feed, the Seewalds would find themselves in quite a tight spot as unemployed homeowners without a career history between them.

There was brief talk of Ben finally finding a job last month, but it turned out it was one-time gig speaking at a Texas evangelical convention.

The Duggars have stated that Ben is interested in becoming a preacher, but thus far, he has yet to take any steps toward what he hopes will be his future career.

Instead, Ben is reportedly doing his best to help around the house.

“He’s gotten so good he could do it with his eyes closed,” Jessa said of Ben’s diaper-changing skills.

It’s great that he’s breaking with his religious community’s views on gender roles and assisting with housekeeping and childcare duties, but eventually Ben may have to make himself useful in a way that involves a paycheck.

After all, with 18 siblings, Jessa’s not wanting in terms of free help around the house.

Watch Counting On online to see relive Jessa and Ben’s road to the altar.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Counting On Recap: Jinger Duggar"s Wedding FINALLY Arrives!

On TLC’s Counting On Monday night, Jinger Duggar’s wedding day finally arrived, but did everything go off without a hitch down in Arkansas?

You don’t typically think of them as a bickering bunch, but there was plenty of Duggar family drama as the big day drew closer for JinJer.

If you watch Counting On online regularly, you know that the buildup to Jinger’s wedding has been … well, almost interminable by now.

Some might even say anticlimactic or boring, considering that we know they’re married and have seen a deluge of photos and stories.

Anyway, on Counting On Season 2 Episode 19, the big day finally arrived and we got our TLC-produced behind-the-scenes look at last.

In a two-hour (!) special, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo diligently marched toward the altar, with Duggar fans along for every step of the journey.

We saw Jinger’s wedding dress, which she deemed “just right.”

We saw her sisters in their (floor-length) bridesmaid dresses.

We saw Jessa break down over Jinger’s move to Texas.

It was an emotional period for the family. Said Jessa:

“You and I have been super close ever since you were born. I was probably not the best influence on you when we were really young.”

“Even though you’re younger than me,” she told her little sibling, “I’ve always thought of you as one of my greatest role models.”

Jinger then broke down in tears herself.

“Give us a couple months, and then come visit us,” Jinger told her, before everyone gathered for the rehearsal – and unexpected drama.

Fortunately, the issues surrounding the flowers turned out to be moot, as they looked beautiful, and it was all about the couple anyway.

Or Jessa. It was also all about Jessa.

Jessa said in her speech that night:

“I don’t think we fully calculated all the ramifications of how it was going to play out that you were going take her 12 hours away from us.”

“I think it’s starting to sink in more and more how much we’re going to miss Jinger when she moves away,” added the mother of two.

Fortunately, she ended it on a high note with this: “We love you both, and we’re really excited for what God has in your future.”

As for Jinger Duggar breaking courtship rules, we may never know how that went down, but she and Jeremy did break from one tradition:

They saw each other pre-wedding.

Why? Jeremy said they prayed and did devotions together each day, so they did so here, before heading off to the church and separating.

As the wedding drew near, her father Jim Bob got especially emotional, crying before it was time to walk his daughter down the aisle.

When they did, beaming groom Jeremy began to cry.

“I’m was just overwhelmed with joy,” he said.

“I have never seen something so beautiful.”

The couple struggled to light their unity candle, but had no trouble enjoying their first kiss or telling each other “I love you” 476 times.

It was one very long and passionate kiss BTW. 

“It was incredible,” Jeremy said of that moment.

“The first kiss was out of this world,” Jinger said.

“It was as if her and I were in the room alone,” Jeremy added, while her little sister Joy-Anna noted that it was very much “on point.”

Indeed it was. Very much so. 

Several dozen more kisses followed, making us wonder how long it’ll take before we see Jinger Duggar pregnant with her first child.

A few months tops.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar"s Ex to Pen Tell-All Memoir?

The Duggar courting process always starts with one acceptable destination in mind: marriage.

Thus far, the Duggar children have been successful in that goal on their first efforts – with one notable exception.

Back in 2015, Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson, but the relationship quickly unraveled.

The former couple confirmed their courtship in April of that year, and by May they appeared to have gone their separate ways.

The Josiah and Marjorie breakup was confirmed by family sources in August.

The cause of the split remains unknown, but it’s widely believed to have had something to do with the Josh Duggar sex scandals, which at the time, were still the stuff of daily tabloid headlines.

Sources close to the couple insisted that the split was amicable and that Josiah and Marjorie planned to remain friends.

That didn’t appear to be the case, however, as Josiah deleted every photo of Marjorie from his Instagram page within days of the breakup.

Nearly two years later, we still don’t know exactly what caused these two to call it quits, but that may be soon to change.

Sources close to the young Christian blogger have confirmed that Marjorie Jackson will publish her first book in May.

The Duggars have reportedly lived in fear of a tell-all memoir from Jackson ever since she and Josiah parted ways.

Insiders tall Radar Online that the family is sweating bullets these days, terrified that Jackson’s book will contain damaging details about how the family went into crisis mode in the months after news of Josh’s sex crimes went public.

Fortunately for Jim Bob, Michelle and company, the official publisher’s description makes it sound as though they’re in the clear.

Marjorie’s people say the book, entitled Devoted, will focus primarily on Marjorie’s religious beliefs and crises of faith.

Of course there is one line from a press release touting the book that probably has Josiah’s parents and siblings concerned.

According to the description, her essays will cover topics related to “relationships, decisions, standards, convictions, priorities…everything,”

We’re guessing the Duggars don’t like the sound of that “everything.”

Josiah may be one of the lesser-known Duggars, and his courtship may not have lasted very long, but the potential for disaster remains huge.

And Marjorie likely knows that a few juicy details could help sell a lot of books.


Friday, January 27, 2017

Duggars Try to Predict Jessa"s Baby"s Gender! Watch!

As fans of her family know, Jessa Duggar is currently pregnant with her second child.

As with her first pregnancy, Jessa and husband Ben Seewald have decided to keep the baby"s gender a secret – even from their own families.

“Ben and I actually know the gender of our baby but we haven’t told anybody,” Jessa says in the clip below.

“We did the same thing with our last baby. We kept it a secret. My family doesn’t really care for it… But we have fun keeping it a surprise.”

Of course, that won"t stop her family from taking their best guesses.

It seems Jessa"s siblings and in-laws are almost universally convinced that she"s having a girl. 

“I’ve said from the beginning I think it’s a girl,” Jana Duggar offers with surprising confidence.

Equally assured is Jinger Duggar"s husband, Jeremy Vuolo, who also believes Jessa is expecting a girl, and points out that he correctly called the gender of her first child, Spurgeon Seewald.

(Although we"re guessing he didn"t predict that name!)

These days, Joy-Anna Duggar is courting, and the man in her life, Austin Forsyth, played things safe with his own prognostication:

“It’s definitely either a boy or a girl,” he tells the interviewer.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard also hedged their bets with Jill saying girl and Derick saying so that they"re "right either way."

Check out all the predictions in the video below:

Duggars try to predict jessas babys gender watch

Friday, November 18, 2016

Austin Forsyth: Does Joy-Anna Duggar"s New Man Know About the Josh Sex Scandals?

Earlier this week, we reported that Joy-Anna Duggar is courting Austin Forsyth.

If you’re familiar with the Duggar way of doing things, you know that courting is like dating on steroids.

The Duggars describe it as a sort of “pre-engagement” in which new couples spend a chaste, chaperoned few weeks together (virtually all physical contact is forbidden) in order to decide if they should take the next step.

Most of the time, the arrangement results in a proposal, as in the cases of Jill, Jessa and Jinger Duggar.

On rare occasions, one or both parties decide to call the whole thing off, as in the case of Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson.

Either way, courting never goes on for very long, so Duggar fans take an intense interest when it’s announced (and it’s always announced) that one of the Duggar kids has entered a courtship.

Of course, these days there’s a shadow hanging over all new Duggar relationships in the form of the Josh Duggar sex scandals.

It’s been rumored that it was the allegations against Josh – and his family’s attempts to hide his crimes – from authorities that led to the dissolution of Marjorie and Josiah’s relationship.

Details are scarce, but it’s widely believed that Marjorie’s family only had vague notions about Josiah’s disgraced older brother and insisted that their daughter end her association with the Duggars upon learning that they sheltered a child molester for several years.

One would think the Duggars would have learned their lesson, but insiders claim they’re repeating the same mistakes with the Forsyth family by attempting to keep Austin and his parents in the dark about Josh’s shameful past.

While Austin’s immediate family has kept mum, Radar Online recently spoke with several relatives of Austin’s, all of whom claimed to have no knowledge of the Josh scandals.

“I don’t know anything about any of that,” said Austin’s grandfather when asked about Josh’s past.

“I don’t know anything,” Austin’s great-grandmother echoed.

It’s hard to imagine that anyone who takes even a passing interest in the lives of the Duggars could be unaware of Josh’s sexual misconduct, but the family is part of an isolated community that avoids most forms of media.

So while it seems unlikely, it is possible that Austin’s family, and perhaps even Austin himself, are unaware of the shocking controversy that led to the cancelation of 19 Kids and Counting – the show that made the Duggars famous.

And if that’s the case, the situation could result in heartbreak for another Duggar.

We’ll have further details on this story as more information becomes available.
