Showing posts with label Ember. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ember. Show all posts

Friday, November 10, 2017

Iggy Azalea Performs at Launch Party for Ember Mugs, Which Keep Your Drink at Perfect Temperature

Iggy Azalea may have worn a tank top about raising hell, but the occasion was to celebrate a new era of drinks that are never too hot or cold … but just right. The pop star performed at the Hollywood launch event Wednesday night for Ember, a…


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Ember Roloff: What"s Her Favorite Song?

Audrey Roloff has given Little People, Big World some fun insight into her daughter.

First, the beloved TLC star shared a new photo of her baby girl.

And, what can we say, it’s downright adorable…

Second, Roloff has written something interesting about Ember Jean, who is just over six weeks old.

Following a general status update on Ember upon the occasion of her one-month birthday, Audrey is now here to tell us what song her child likes to hear most often.

Along with what change Audrey has made to the lyrics.

“I sure do spend a lot of time in bed, but never actually sleeping of course,” Audrey wrote as a caption to the photo above.

And it’s true:

She and Jeremy Roloff have mentioned on multiple occasions that Ember isn’t exactly a great sleeper. Not yet, at least.

But Audrey wasn’t trying to criticize her child with this post. Quite the opposite, really.

“How could you not want to just cuddle in bed all day with a face like that?!” she continued, adding:

“Ember likes it when I sing to her – and she’s probably the only person on the planet that does – but for some reason I can never think of any other songs to sing except amazing grace!”

That is a classic.

And it’s appropriate for someone as dedicated to her faith as Audrey Roloff.

Added the mother of one:

“They other day I was singing it to her on repeat and I suddenly had an urge to replace the “me’s” with “you’s.”

“This verse became particularly encouraging as I sang it over her instead of myself, “The Lord has promised good to YOU His word YOUR hope secures; He will YOUR sheild and portion be…

“As long as life endures, Yet when YOUR flesh and heart shall fail, And mortal life shall cease, YOU shall possess, within the veil, A life of joy and peace.”

It’s been so nice to see Audrey open up a lot more of late when it comes to Ember.

For a little while there, the reality star admitted that the adjustment to parenthood was a struggle, but she’s been sharing more and more photos recently of her bundle of joy.

And Ember has even gotten out of the house to enjoy some special trips.

We’re grateful to Audrey and Jeremy for opening up their lives in this kind of manner to their fans and we continue to wish their family health and happiness.

Check out some precious photos of Ember below:


Friday, October 20, 2017

Audrey Roloff: Mom-Shamed for Doing THIS to Ember Jean!

Of all of the not-so-great parents in the world and even on reality television, why do people waste their time going after the Roloffs?

Once again, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are getting parent-shamed after posting a photo of Audrey and Ember. Yes, there are people who see precious photos of Ember Jean and go looking for a reason to get angry.

And this time, Jeremy is clapping back!

There are some well-and-truly awful parents in this world, it’s true. Reckless, vicious, violent.

But until Audrey and Jeremy start acting like they attended parenting classes with Jim Bob Duggar, Kate Gosselin, and Ariel Winter’s mom, maybe we should all put down our torches and pitchforks, okay?

Because Auj and Jer are good parents who absolutely treasure their baby.

And just like how Tori Roloff did not “endanger” baby Jackson by having a lone and almost certainly secured stuffed animal in the corner of his crib, Audrey and Jeremy don’t deserve the kind of responses that their innocuous photos engender from parent-shamers.

Even in the few weeks since Ember Jean was born, Audrey’s been targeted by other shamers.

In fact, Audrey Roloff was just mom-shamed for the way that she dresses Ember. Her “crime?” Putting her daughter in baby leggings instead of a baby dress.

What is it about maternity that makes people’s “fans” offer up their unsolicited advice and terrible opinions?

What is it about babies that make people forget that different children develop at different rates?

Anyway, are you ready to see the photo — posted to Facebook by Jeremy Roloff — that ruffled so many feathers?

We’ve actually shown you this pic before:

Obviously, you saw this image and immediately reached for your pitchfork, which everyone keeps around and handy just in case the Roloffs post another baby photo.

Oh, you didn’t because you’re not quite sure what’s “wrong” with this photo?

Allow internet commenters to explain why this evokes their ire.

One hater wrote: “How could she? She’s in a straightjacket!”

The “how could she” refers to Auj, while the “she’s in a straightjacket” refers to Ember Jean, who is not, in fact, in a straightjacket.

Another wrote:

“That looks incredibly uncomfortable for her.”

Yeah; there’s nothing that newborns hate more than laying on their backs while nestled up to their mother’s torso.

Other commenters came to the defense of the Roloffs.

“No idea what type of carrier that is or what position the kid is in but it doesn’t look right but it’s probably just the angle of the photo … I was criticized horribly by my own Facebook friends when I wore my little lady facing forward at two months even though my kid was just fine so I’m not going to say they’re doing anything wrong. It’s the angle of the photo.”

And others attacked these trolls.

“What a bunch of judgmental people on this post. Mommy and daddy know best! Baby Ember is happy and comfy. Didn’t your parents ever teach you that if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all?”

That same commenter repeats a warning that Tori Roloff made recently after her own mom-shaming.

“This is why Zack and Tori said they’d stop posting pics of Jackson. Such rudeness from total strangers. smh”

That’s the specific equivalent of “this is why we can’t have nice things.”

(SMH, of course, means “smacking my head,” a common expression of frustration or frustrated disbelief)

Another added “why do people feel the need to comment on position of baby,” which is most enjoyable when read with a Russian accent but is nonetheless a good point.

And, as we mentioned, Jeremy Roloff added his own comment, to assuage any fears that they were playing fast and loose with Ember’s life.

“Babies looooove it,” Jer wrote.

That’s short and sweet and non-confrontational, but apparently it needed to be said.

Like, has no one ever heard of swaddling?

The parent who commented about having been shamed over wearing their baby in a forward-facing babybjorn … different babies develop at different rates.

(I, for example, was apparently able to support my own head and neck on the day of my birth)

Some newborns need to be on their backs with plenty of head support and neck support.

Oh, and some parents are just more comfortable holding their babies that way.

Some people really, truly just need to get a grip.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Ember Roloff Visits the Farm, Hangs with Cousin, Is Living the Life

We’re very happy to see that Ember Roloff isn’t letting recent criticism of her outfit get her down.

Quite the opposite, in fact, as the five-week old appears in a new trio of social media photos that makes it clear she’s simply having a tremendous time these days.

Parents Jeremy and Audrey Roloff just took their daughter to their family’s farm for the first time, posting a couple photos from the adventure on Instagram and Facebook.

“We’re showing Ember around the farm. I don’t think she’s paying attention though…” the proud father wrote as a funny caption to the image down below, while Audrey got a tad more profound in her caption.

“October is my favorite color,” Audrey penned to open a lengthy message she attached to the picture above.

The Little People, Big World star went on to explain what she means:

“It’s always been such a beautiful, exciting, nostalgic, time of the year for Jer and I – it’s when I said “I love you” for the first time, it meant I got to see Jer every weekend when we were long distance, and we have so many sweet memories working in the pumpkin patch together.

“It always amazes me how the farm comes alive during pumpkin season, and it’s so fun to meet people who come out from all over the world!

“I’ve been missing working in the pumpkin patch this year, but I can’t wait for Ember to experience all the joys of pumpkin season next year!

“For now, we are just popping in every now and then to say hi.”

We’re just glad Audrey is out and about with her little one.

We know she’s been struggling a bit as a new mother, which is totally understandable.

It can take a long time to adjust to parenthood, and that’s without even considering the unfortunate health concern of Audrey’s; she’s been diagnosed with mastitis, which means it hurts (A LOT) when she breastfeeds.

When you then think about how little sleep she must be getting, it’s a miracle she’s even up and around, able to take a stroll through the farm.

Fortunately, Audrey has a supportive husband at home and Ember has a precious fellow baby in the family with whom she can snuggle:

“The cousins are getting along just fine…” Jeremy captioned this Facebook photo of Ember and Jackson, the latter of whom was born to Tori and Zach Roloff in May.

This is the second time we’ve cooed and smiled over a snapshot of the youngest Roloffs.

All members of this popular family will be featured on new episodes of Little People, Big World, which are expected to air prior to the calendar flipping to 2018.

But TLC is yet to announce a premiere date.

We’ll let fans know as soon as this happens.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Audrey Roloff Shares New Ember Jean Pictures! Awww!

As new parents, Audrey and Jeremy Roloff don’t have the kind of free time that they used to. Having a newborn consumes your entire life, but they’re getting by.

Thankfully, they’re not too busy to bring us little updates on social media. And by “updates,” we of coure mean photos.

New photos of the new parents and their precious Ember Jean.

While nothing is going to top seeing Ember Jean and Jackson Roloff hold hands, we’ve accepted that.

They’re both babies and they’re cousins and the preciousness of the two of them combines is overpowering.

But these new photos are also touching.

In addition to a couple of pics that we’d seen before, Audrey Roloff shared some new pictures of herself, Ember Jean, and Jeremy Roloff.

Though, as Audrey makes certain to clarify in the captions, the pictures are only “new” to the rest of the world.

As they were taken when Ember Jean was only one week old.

Audrey captioned the series of photos:

“So much LOVE!!! God blessed me beyond measure with these two.”

Of course, her devout Christian faith is a huge and integral part of Audrey’s brand, so that’s exactly how anyone familiar with Audrey would expect for her to frame her happiness.

“I just love them both more and more each day.”


“Our girl @dawn_photo took these precious photos for us when Ember was only a week old!”

That was, you guessed it, four weeks ago.

“How can she already be 5 weeks?! Ah!”

Weird to think that it was only 5 weeks ago when Ember Jean Roloff was born. Time flies!

Audrey finishes up her caption by promising that there is more to come:

“More photos of Ember’s nursery coming to the blog this week! #journeyofjerandauj #emberjean”

We’ll be excited to see those! Every nursery set-up is a little different.

It’s only been a little over two weeks since we first saw Ember Jean’s face

Or since we first saw it closely, anyway.

But now we just can’t get enough of her cute little self. We can’t wait to watch her develop a personality of her own and grow up as the first Roloff granddaughter.

Oh, and here’s a photo of this little cutie in a classic photo pose for fathers and newborn babies.

Precious beyond words!

You know, as much as we love the name “Ember,” something occurred to us just the other day.

Is Ember going to hear the singsong phrase “liar liar, pants on fire” at some point her life and have a sudden epiphany?

Because “Ember Jean” is, well, a name that could be translated to mean “fire pants.” If you had a character in a short story who lies a lot, an editor would tell you that you shouldn’t name them “Ember Jean.”

We know that Audrey and Jeremy have been agonizing over how to raise their baby as she gets older, so we imagine that they’ll come up with some ways to prepare her for some name-based teasing.

(Kids can be cruel, even if they don’t mean anything cruel by it, you know?)

We’re so glad that, despite being very busy and with good reason, Auj and Jer are finding the time to share their lives with the world.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Jackson and Ember Roloff: See the Cousins Holding Hands!

Yesterday, when we showed you that photo of Jackson Roloff posing with his grandfather’s children’s book, we mentioned how nice it would be to see a photo of Jackson alongside his cousin, Ember Jean.

Because really, what’s better than one baby? Two babies.

That’s right, folks — you can see both babies in the same photo. And then again, you’ll see them together in another photo. Prepare for a cuteness overload!

To be clear, we don’t claim credit for this photo happening — we’re hardly the inventors of the idea of “hey why don’t we put these babies side-by-side?”

Great trains run along the same tracks, is all.

Jackson is a few months older than Ember Jean, and while they both look like tiny babies, you can really see the difference between a baby like Jackson and a newborn like Ember.

(Because he’s definitely bigger — babies grow up so quickly, you guys!)

Tori Roloff shared the pair of images, and we’re so glad:

Look at them!

Ember Jean is just trying to sleep and do her whole “newborn baby thing.”

As precious as she is, she’s too new to really have much in the way of a personality.

Jackson, ont he other hand, looks a little puzzled by this creature beside him and he’s looking at the camera, possibly hoping for some sort of reassurance.

But there’s also what looks like a sparkle of enthusiasm or excitement in his eyes.

He’s holding his cousin’s hand, which is all kinds of adorable.

Tori Roloff captioned both photos:

“No worries cousin Ember… Baby J will always be there to hold your hand. [heart emoji] we love you little girl! #babyjroloff #roloffcousins”

And here is the second:

Isn’t that every bit as precious as the photo that we described wanting to see yesterday/

Ember Jean’s parents also saw and appreciated the photos, because of course they did.

Jeremy and Audrey will probably be captivated by every photo of their daughter for a long, long time — if not for life.

Audrey commented on the sweet pictures:

“The sweetest of friends! Obsessed with them.”

We are, too.

Jackson isn’t the only one costarring in photos of Ember Jean.

Family matriarch Amy Roloff, the proudest of grandmas, shared this photo of herself with her first-ever granddaughter.

As we’ve mentioned, Amy Roloff got some hate when some fans thought that she was “distant” or “withholding” from Ember Jean in comparison to Jackson.

Obviously, that was not the case. And Amy Roloff set the record straight.

Now that that’s settled (at least, we hope that it is — she love her grandbabies, folks), Amy Roloff has shared this photo of herself and Ember Jean on Facebook, with the caption:

“Fall- always reminds me how so much I’m thankful for. These two – Jackson and Ember top the list…These two remind me God never leaves us, never lets us go and always [loves us].”

Great to consider the things for which you are thankful, whether it’s in a religious or non-religious context.

Autumn is a great time for it, with Thanksgiving on its way and the very dramatic changing of the seasons.


Jeremy and Audrey Roloff: Agonizing Over How to Raise Ember Jean!

On September 10th, not even a month ago, baby Ember Jean was born to Audrey and Jeremy Roloff.

Jer and Auj are losing sleep and overwhelmed, but they’re making it work. And they’re looking ahead to the future.

Like all good, first-time parents, it sounds like these two are agonizing over how to raise their kid. Being a parent is the toughest job in the world.

Recently, Jeremy Roloff shared the first close-up photo of Ember Jean’s face.

Along with it, he shared a little about his experience so far with being a parent.

“Ember Jean is two and a half weeks old already!”

Now she’s closer to a month — she’ll soon be growing up before our very eyes.

“She’s doing great, loving life and practicing her singing whenever she’s hungry or needs to poo… Auj has had a tough few weeks, (more on that over on her profile) but that’s not to negate the fact that she’s having fun and enjoying being a first time mother!”

Audrey Roloff’s postpartum symptoms are absolutely zero fun, but she has a support network and she’s going to be okay.

And so will their cat.

“Pine, Pine is wondering why we brought this “thing” home.”

Cats can actually develop beautiful bonds with their humans, but right now the cat has to be like “this is the most useless, noisiest hairless cat in this entire colony of hairless cats.” Because, to cats, we’re all just huge, dumb cats.

“And me, I’m a Dad – loving the perspective shifts and late night cuddles while I read my book.”

With the exhaustion and stress comes a sense of satisfaction. Having kids is a milestone for a lot of people.

The new parents spoke to Us Weekly about their anxieties about raising Ember Jean.

“Just balancing life while being a mom, like work and marriage and other family members and friendships and all of that, just trying to find a rhythm.”

We all know what work-life balance is like.

Being a parent means always putting your child first, but if you forget to take time for yourself, you’ll completely lose your mind.

What’s eating at Jer? Questions of how to raise Ember.

““For me, specifically, just parenting in the sense of discipline when they start getting older and that just makes me nervous because you can do it really, really right and you can also do it really, really wrong.”

Our first comment is, of course, don’t panic.

While it’s true that a lot of child-abusers use “discipline” as a euphemism for their abuse, there are non-abusive parents who use the term.

It looks like Jer is very conscious of how awful some parenting can be, what with is “you can also do it really, really wrong,” line.

Obviously, abuse is in the “really, really wrong” category. But it’s possible to develop an adversarial relationship with your children even without, you know, causing them pain.

If a parent is obsessed with consequences, or always winning (and never picking their battles), you’re probably going to see a child who grows up full of resentment, literally counting down the months and weeks and days until they escape off to college.

You might get a rebellious rule-breaker even before that, too — depending upon the child. And if you do, that’s 100% on you.

The key is to, well, find a balance — don’t be an authoritarian parent, but also don’t be automatically permissive of everything.

The general advice is to be authoritative — that is, you know that you’re in charge and they do to — without feeling the need to assert your authority at all times.

The couple mentions that Audrey was brought up in a very strict environment, while Jeremy had a lot more freedom.

We’d say that the Roloff kids turned out pretty well, so taking advice from Matt and Amy sounds like a good idea.

Jeremy says that everyone has one idea or another.

“Ultimately, like, everyone is gonna tell you all these different things to do and try.”

Yeah, some people’s ideas will horrify you, but others might be helpful.

“There are so many different ways to parent and raise a baby and all that, but ultimately just kind of trusting your gut I guess and doing what you think is best.”

Depends on your gut, to be honest.

“I feel like we feel confident in it.”

He’s confident, but he’s honest.

“I think we’re ready for this journey, but are we prepared? No. I don’t think you can be prepared. Similarly to marriage, you just do it and it happens and then you kind of catch up to it.”

He’s right — no one is ever 100% prepared for their first child.

Because each child is different, we’d say that no one is 100% prepared for their second or third children, either.

But the fact that they’re thinking and worrying about how to do things the right way is a great sign.

Not thinking about what’s right, not worrying, is how you become a bad parent.


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Ember Jean Roloff: All Her Precious Pictures!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are first-time parents.

In September of 2017, the Little People, Big World stars welcomed a daughter named Ember Jean into the world.


The reality stars have taken to social media to share special photos of their adorable child, helping makes fans of their TLC program feel as though everyone is part of this big, loving family.

Check out the memorable images below:

1. Audrey Roloff, Baby Photo

Audrey roloff baby photo

Audrey Roloff has given birth to her first child with Jeremy Roloff. Here they are with their bundle of joy … Ember Jean Roloff!

2. Audrey Roloff Baby Picture

Audrey roloff baby picture

Simply gorgeous, right?!? Look at this photo of Audrey Roloff, Jeremy Roloff and their daughter, Ember Jean.

3. A New Family

A new family

Now THIS is an adorable photo! It was snapped on the first day Audrey and Jeremy Roloff became parents.

4. Ember Jean in the Arms of Audrey Roloff

Ember jean in the arms of audrey roloff

Audrey Roloff is suffering a number of complications following chidlbirth, but baby Ember Jean is so precious.

5. Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff

Audrey ember and jeremy roloff

Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff are the cutest little family.

6. Jeremy, Ember and Audrey Roloff Pic

Jeremy ember and audrey roloff pic

Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff are the sweetest family unit.

View Slideshow

Ember Jean Roloff: All Her Precious Pictures!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are first-time parents.

In September of 2017, the Little People, Big World stars welcomed a daughter named Ember Jean into the world.


The reality stars have taken to social media to share special photos of their adorable child, helping makes fans of their TLC program feel as though everyone is part of this big, loving family.

Check out the memorable images below:

1. Audrey Roloff, Baby Photo

Audrey roloff baby photo

Audrey Roloff has given birth to her first child with Jeremy Roloff. Here they are with their bundle of joy … Ember Jean Roloff!

2. Audrey Roloff Baby Picture

Audrey roloff baby picture

Simply gorgeous, right?!? Look at this photo of Audrey Roloff, Jeremy Roloff and their daughter, Ember Jean.

3. A New Family

A new family

Now THIS is an adorable photo! It was snapped on the first day Audrey and Jeremy Roloff became parents.

4. Ember Jean in the Arms of Audrey Roloff

Ember jean in the arms of audrey roloff

Audrey Roloff is suffering a number of complications following chidlbirth, but baby Ember Jean is so precious.

5. Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff

Audrey ember and jeremy roloff

Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff are the cutest little family.

6. Jeremy, Ember and Audrey Roloff Pic

Jeremy ember and audrey roloff pic

Audrey, Ember and Jeremy Roloff are the sweetest family unit.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Jeremy & Audrey Roloff Introduce Ember Jean, Talk Parenting

Little People, Big World"s Jeremy and Audrey Roloff show off their daughter Ember Jean and talk parenting in a brand new TLC video.

A brand new, adorable TLC video.

The clip shows Jeremy and Audrey introducing baby Ember and also discussing their first days parents, which were obviously eventful.

Jeremy, 27, and Audrey, 26, explain how they picked out the name for their first child, which is both unique and special to them specifically.

According to Audrey, she fell in love with Jeremy by a campfire, and “campfires and embers have a lot of significance” in their relationship.

“We just love the name. It was beautiful, short, clean, unique,” Jeremy added, noting that the “little fiery one” already lives up to it too.

Jeremy called Ember’s birth and holding her for the first time “truly remarkable experience," something any first-time parent can relate to. 

Audrey, who Jeremy said gave birth to Ember on her hands and knees, called her birth a "relief," but also, an event of "so much joy.”

Jeremy and Audrey were “bawling” and say they felt they were “holding a miracle” when Ember came into the world September 10.

The first month, as expected, has been full of mental and physical fatigue, or as Jeremy put it, “right now, it’s an exhausting experience.”

Audrey"s health concerns (follow the link for more on Roloff"s postpartum symptoms) are no joke, but she says it"s 100 percent worth it.

He said they are already “wiped out and totally tired” but the “joy we are going to get from her” far exceeds any sacrifice they"re making.

Despite the duo"s description of the newborn as “rambunctious” and “active,” precious little Ember was asleep during most of the video.

Guess even the wild ones have to sometimes.

She"s “a kicker” and “a cuddler,” according to her parents, though he noted, “right now she’s sleeping, which doesn’t happen very often.”

Jeremy thanked Little People, Big World fans for their support and for following and their lives in general throughout this amazing journey.

Fans, undoubtedly, are excited to see baby Ember and baby Jackson, her cousin and the son of Zach and Tori Roloff, on TLC soon.

With a new generation of Roloffs coming into the world, not to mention Molly Roloff"s wedding, there"s a great deal of material for sure.

It"s not clear when the popular Little People, Big World will return to the network, but we know new episodes are planned for some point.

A new video on Matt Roloff’s Facebook page indicates that filming is currently underway, so we"d have to guess sometime next spring.

We can"t wait.

Jeremy and audrey roloff introduce ember jean talk parenting in