Showing posts with label Foster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foster. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2015

David Foster: Yolanda is "Exaggerating" Illness (Report)

Let’s leave the woman battling Lyme disease alone.

True, by making her illness public, Yolanda Foster is inviting criticism.  However, I have a hard time believing that she’s milking the attention for all it’s worth.

Sources tell Us Weekly that Foster’s estranged husband, David and his family believe the former model “just loves the attention of being sick.

“They believe she’s exaggerating her condition.”


“And they point out that she’s never gotten a legit diagnosis or a second or third opinion,” the source added.  “He didn’t understand why Yolanda wouldn’t leave the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills if she’s in so much pain and so tired.”

David has immense wealth and is a private person despite his fame, according to the source, “so it was frustrating Yolanda wanted to do this show so badly.”

It’s also been claimed that the music producer has, to date, spent $ 5 million on Yolanda’s treatments.

A friend of Yolanda’s refutes any claims that she is seeking attention.

“The sickness is very real and not fake,” says the insider. “She’s being brave, and she’s a fighter. She did this season only to promote awareness of the disease.”

Yolanda defended her decision to be so candid with her health, after Taylor Armstrong boldly questioned it on this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“Maybe it should anger me, but instead it makes me want to fight harder and speak louder for those whose voices can’t be heard,” Yolanda wrote.

“Those of you who have experienced chronic illness, you know what I’m talking about.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

David Foster: STILL Paying Yolanda Foster"s Medical Bills?!

It’s been over two weeks since we first learned that Yolanda and David Foster are getting divorced, and sources say that even though Yolanda is the one who decided to call it quits, she’s still milking David for everything he’s worth.

According to TMZ, the couple signed a prenup when they married in 2011, but David is giving Yolanda much more cash than he’s required to.

In fact, the website claims that David is still paying for Yolanda’s medical bills, which is odd for a few reasons:

For one thing, Yolanda’s bills are astronomical, as she frequently travels internationally to receive expensive stem cell treatments that aren’t legal in the US.

But what makes the situation even more surprising is the fact that friends say David doesn’t even believe Yolanda has Lyme disease!

“David is telling friends he believes she was cured of it long ago, but she’s been playing up ongoing symptoms because she enjoys the attention,” one insider recently told Radar Online.

Sources say Yolanda decided to end the marriage over a year ago, but David has continued to provide emotional and financial support.

When David sold his $ 27 million Malibu home, he reportedly gave Yolanda “a big chunk” of the money, and she recently purchased a $ 5 million home in the upscale Wilshire Corridor section of Los Angeles.

Yolanda may or may not be sick, but from the sound of things, her bank account has never been healthier.

Yolanda Foster: Taylor Armstrong is IGNORANT!!!

We knew that last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was going to be a doozy, but this one especially stunk of OC‘s cancer storyline.

In other words, it was a little disgusting.

For some reason, Vanderpump invited Taylor Armstrong to Ken’s 70th birthday.  There, Taylor decided that half a cocktail was enough liquid courage to allow her to speak about Yolanda’s “happy selfie, sickie selfie” Instagrams.

Oh, gurl.  

“Happy selfie, sick selfie…that’s exactly right,” Yolanda wrote on her Bravo blog.  “Every day is different, and I will not use my social media to convey anything but my truth.

“Bad days do exist in Beverly Hills, even though no one seems to dare share.”

Yolanda has to sit and watch these women cast doubt on her health, making the search for a cure that much harder. 

It’s all well and good to say “ignore the haters,” but negativity affects one’s health more than any of us realize.

What I saw on the show tonight was just that: IGNORANCE,” Yolanda continued.

“Maybe it should anger me, but instead it makes me want to fight harder and speak louder for those whose voices can’t be heard. Those of you who have experienced chronic illness, you know what I’m talking about.

“What defines suffering? You will never hear someone who’s walked in my shoes speak the way Taylor spoke on tonight’s episode. I truly hope she never has to experience the journey she questions me for sharing.”

Taylor defended herself after the fact.

“It’s normal when you are catching up with friends to ask how other friends are doing, especially when someone has been ill,” Taylor told Bravo.

“I was surprised to learn that she wasn’t feeling better after all this time and all the intensive treatments she has gone through.

“When I started asking about her health, the ladies acted as if it was taboo to talk about it, which I found odd considering Yolanda has been very public about her health issues. 

“Learning that she was still suffering badly made me think again that perhaps she should get another opinion. I was asking if she had done so or if she was only focused on the Lyme disease path.

“I know that she is ill. I was not questioning that, and I wasn’t questioning Yolanda. I was merely suggesting that since all the Lyme disease treatments were not helping her, maybe she and her doctors should consider other possibilities.”

And there you have it.  Another country heard from.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Yolanda Foster Getting Back Together with Mohamed Hadid?

It’s only two weeks since Yolanda and David Foster announced their split.  Though they seemed happy on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, the couple are calling it quits after nine years of  marriage.

In the official announcement they stated, “We’ve shared 9 beautiful and joyous years together. During that time we experienced love, friendship and the inevitable challenges that come with managing a marriage, careers, blended families and health issues.”

But just because things are over with David doesn’t mean Yolanda will be alone for the holidays. In fact, according to rumors the former model and reality star is reuniting with her ex, Mohamed Hadid!!

According to sources, Yolanda will be reuniting with Mohamed–the father of her three children– for Christmas.  Yolanda and Mohammed had three children together: Gigi, 20, Bella, 19, Anwar, 16.

Things aren’t going so well for Yolanda as of late.  Not only has she and two of her children been diagnosed with Lyme disease, her home life is crumbling.

“Christmas will be bittersweet for Yolanda this year because of the impending divorce from David,” a source told Radar Online. “Plus, she is no longer living in her Malibu dream house.”

“But Mohamed has a huge party on Christmas Eve, and Yolanda will be going,” the source dished. 

However, this doesn’t mean Yolanda and Mohammed will rekindle things romantically.

The source explained, “Christmas this year will be a much more low-key affair. However, Yolanda has been feeling stronger, and there is talk about them even going away for a few weeks with the kids.” 

Mohamed is engaged to model Shiva Safai.  On an episode of RHOBH, Yolanda explained that she very much likes Shiva and considers her family. So this will be an intimate family holiday rather than a home wrecking one.

Most likely, Yolanda is in desperate need of a Christmas vacation.  As the source stated, “Living in the small condo that David owns has been very depressing for Yolanda, but she doesn’t have anywhere else to go.”

“The money Yolanda had invested in the Malibu mansion with David is sitting in an escrow account, and until their lawyers agree to terms of splitting it up, she can’t touch it.”

Meanwhile, David will be celebrating Christmas with his children.   An insider revealed he “will be with his family and kids.”

“He is just happy to be single and on his own again. Yolanda required so much attention that he just couldn’t give her. It was never enough,” the source added.

Things between the estranged couple are intensifying as they work out their divorce settlements.  David wants Yolanda to pay him back for her medical bills, citing that she is faking the illness.

Monday, December 14, 2015

David Foster to Yolanda Foster: I Want My Money Back For Your FAKE Lyme Disease Treatments!

When we first learned that Yolanda and David Foster were getting divorced, their reps assured fans that the split was mutual and the process would be an amicable one.

What a difference a couple weeks and a few million dollars in experimental medical treatments make!

As we reported earlier, David has joined the list of people who believe Yolanda is faking her Lyme disease, and he feels that his soon-to-be-ex owes him big time for all the money that he shelled out helping to treat the symptoms of her imaginary illness.

According to Radar Online, Yolanda and David are close to settling the terms of their divorce, but David is adamant that Yolanda reimburse her for the millions he spent flying her to Europe for expensive stem cell treatments that aren’t legal in the US.

“[David] spent a fortune on medical treatments for Yolanda’s Lyme disease that weren’t covered by medical insurance,” the source said.

“As the expensive alternative medical treatments progressed and David wasn’t seeing her get any better, he urged Yolanda to stop going overseas.

“She absolutely refused, and David was stuck paying the bills. Now with David’s record label shutting down, he needs that money.”

Apparently, Yolanda’s not having it, as she feels paying him back would amount to admitting that she was lying about her illness.

Several of Yolanda’s cast mates thinks she’s not really sick, and David reportedly believes she was cured several years ago. 

If the Fosters don’t work something out soon, Yolanda may be forced to answer questions about her health under oath. We can only hope they’ll allow a Bravo camera crew in the courtroom.

Friday, December 11, 2015

David Foster: Yolanda Foster Does NOT Have Lyme Disease!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and her health has deteriorated steadily in the years since.

Earlier this week, the reality star’s world unraveled further when it was announced that Yolanda and David Foster are divorcing after four years of marriage.

Now, those two seemingly unrelated challenges are colliding in unexpected fashion, as Radar Online reports that David has joined the ranks of those who believe that Yolanda is faking her illness

“David is telling friends he believes she was cured of it long ago, but she’s been playing up ongoing symptoms because she enjoys the attention,” says one insider.

Unlike some Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast members who think Yolanda was never sick, David believes his wife was very ill at one point, but hasn’t been experiencing severe symptoms like the ones she describes for several years.

There was no doubt Yolanda was struggling and David was there to support her,” the source said. “In the beginning, David went with her to all of her doctor’s appointments, including the overseas trips for other treatment.”

David tells friends, however, that as time went on “Yolanda just seemed to really enjoy all of the attention she was getting.”

He reportedly claims the problem got worse after Yolanda’s daughter, Gigi Hadid, began to gain international fame.

“Her oldest daughter, Gigi was becoming a very successful model, and it seemed hard for Yolanda, a former model herself, to watch her child get so much attention,” says the source.

“Getting older seems to have been very hard for Yolanda. Now, it looks like she isn’t ready to give up the role of sick patient.”

Is it possible that Yolanda’s “illness” is simply a symptom of a severe mid-life crisis.

If so, the beloved Housewife may soon fall out of favor with many of her fans.

Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online to decide for yourself if Yolanda is really sick – or really good at faking it.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Divorce From David Helped Her Heal

It’s a continuous battle, but one that has recently become easier to fight.

After Yolanda and David Foster announced their separation on December 1st,  story upon story about the cause of their split has plagued the former couple.  

From jealousy over careers, to Foster’s search for a cure for Lyme disease, the couple of four years struggled to make their marriage work.

Sources tell TMZ that Yolanda was convinced that problems with David only made her Lyme disease worse.

“Yolanda constantly leaned on David during their marriage, but toward the end he was traveling a lot and she couldn’t handle the change and got really sick as a result,” the source said.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has “no expectation of David being around,” which has allegedly done wonders for her recovery.

“Yolanda’s still struggling with Lyme disease, but she’s mobile again and feels she’s on the mend.”

Yolanda, for her part, touched briefly on the matter on her BravoTV blog.

“I can say that the sale of our Malibu home, financial matters, nor infidelity played a role in our decision,” she wrote, making no mention of her disease.

Lisa Rinna spoke about the split on Heather Dubrow’s podcast, mentioning that the announcement was made the same day as RHOBH’s season six premiere.

“I think it’s a real interesting choice, to be honest, that you would announce this on the day we premiere,” Rinna said. “I was really thrown for a loop [last Tuesday], as I’m sure everyone was.”


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Yolanda Foster Finally Addresses Divorces Rumors


There are certain celebrity marriages you just don’t want to end, and this is one of them.

Fans have watched Yolanda Foster gush on-camera about her now-estranged husband, David, and news of their divorce came as a shock.

Tabloids claim that a number of reasons, including her battle with Lyme disease and his need for fame, were to blame for their split, and truth be told, it’s sad to read.

The latest report comes from Radar Online, which spoke to a source on the latest from the Yolanda vs David battle.

“David wants her out so he can move back in,” a source told the publication, referring to the LA condo Yolanda is currently receiving treatment in.

“He is spending a lot of money he doesn’t have staying at a hotel in Beverly Hills. Yolanda is refusing to move out and is claiming she doesn’t have anywhere else to go.”

David, who made his money producing music, has a “favorite piano” in the condo that he wants to work on, but Yolanda reportedly “won’t allow him access.”

The couple are “no longer speaking, and only communicating through lawyers.” 

David would prefer any news pertaining to their divorce to remain out of the press, but Yolanda allegedly doesn’t “care what David wants, and has nothing to hide.”

Last night, Yolanda updated fans on her Bravo blog in order to take back some control and quash speculation.

“It’s important to me that I share some words about the news of my separation,” Yolanda wrote.

It is true that David and I have chosen to go our separate ways. There is nothing easy about this process as it is a loss no matter how you look at it.

“We should all know by now that rumors and what might seem like ‘sensational drama’ will always trail behind news like this,” she continued.

“I can say that the sale of our Malibu home, financial matters, nor infidelity played a role in our decision. I accept that speculation is part of what comes with the public lifestyle I have chosen, but I am human just like the rest of you.

“My wish is to get through this time with the great respect we’ve always had for each other. I want to honor the joy we’ve shared and focus my strength on my children and my well being.”

Monday, December 7, 2015

Yolanda Foster Claims She"s "Broke," Hates New Condo

My love, you musn’t feel so down!

Yolanda and David Foster are newly separated, having announced their decision on December 1st.

Now, Radar Online reports, Yolanda is complaining to friends that she’s “broke” and needs to generating an income.

To make matters worse, Yolanda hates David’s condo, despite it being a luxury high-rise and closer to medical facilities than their Malibu home.  

“Yolanda has been holed up in the condo and is very unhappy,” a source told the publication. “David hasn’t lived there for weeks, and she is absolutely miserable.

“The condo is in a luxury building, but Yolanda hates it.

“David has owned the condo for years and it was his bachelor pad,” the source added. “It’s not large and luxurious as their Malibu mansion was.”

The former couple sold their Malibu home for over $ 19 million, which boasted six bedrooms, a custom glass refrigerator, a recording studio and breathtaking views of the Pacific ocean.

Yolanda is a former model, but has allegedly been living off both David, and her ex-husband, Mohamed Hadid, with whom she has three children.

“The only income Yolanda currently has is from her ex-husband, and he is no longer obligated to give her any support,” the source pointed out. 

“Out of the goodness of Mohammad’s heart, he is helping out the mother of his three children.”

Yolando intends to make the most of her opportunity with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

“She is vowing to get as healthy as possible, and quickly,” the source said.

“She needs the paycheck because of the impending divorce.”

Friday, December 4, 2015

Justin Bieber, Yolanda Foster & More: Star Sightings 12.04.15

As we wind down yet another week in the 2015 calendar, some celebrities are popping in and out of Christmas parties, as others dragged themselves out of bed (Yay Yolanda!) to let fans know they"re doing ok.

Chris Martin, who popped by BBC Radio 2 studios in London today, told fans that performing live at the Superbowl will be "the greatest moment" in his career.  Good on ya, Chris.

Happy Weekend, peeps.

1. Justin Beiber Spotted in Harajuku, Toyko

Justin beiber spotted in harajuku toyko

Justin Bieber out and about in Harajuku,Tokyo on December 4th, 2105.

2. Amal Clooney at Charlotte Tilbury’s Naughty Christmas Party

Amal clooney at charlotte tilburys naughty christmas party

Amal Clooney at Charlotte Tilbury’s naughty Christmas party celebrating the launch of Charlotte’s new flagship beauty boutique in Covent Garden on December 3, 2015 in London, England. Tilbury did Clooney’s makeup for her September 27th, 2014 wedding to George Clooney.

3. Jill Zarin and Allyson Shapiro: Domingo Zapata’s ‘WANTED’ Exhibition

Jill zarin and allyson shapiro domingo zapatas wanted exhibition

Former ‘Real Housewives of New York’ star Jill Zarin and her daughter, Allyson Shapiro at Domingo Zapata’s ‘WANTED’ exhibition at Lulu Laboratorium in Miami, Florida on December 2nd, 2015.

4. Eva Longoria: Global Gift Foundation Dinner

Eva longoria global gift foundation dinner

Eva Longoria attends the Global Gift Foundation Dinner at Auberge Residences & Spa sales office on December 3, 2015 in Miami, Florida.

5. Jessica Alba and Cash Warren at a UCLA Basketball game

Jessica alba and cash warren at a ucla basketball game

Jessica Alba and husband Cash Warren watched the UCLA Bruins defeat the Kentucky Wildcats 87-77 at Pauley Pavilion in Los Angeles on December 3rd, 2015.

6. ‘Downton Abbey’ Star Laura Carmichael at Charlotte Tilbury’s Christmas Party

Downton abbey star laura carmichael at charlotte tilburys christ

Laura Carmichael, who plays Lady Edith on ‘Downton Abbey’ attended makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury’s naughty Christmas Party in London on December 3rd, 2015.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Yolanda Foster: I"m Really Sick, You B----es

“Becoming chronically ill has definitely given me a greater understanding of human nature, and I’ve learned to accept people’s lack of long-term compassion for others while they live their busy lives.”

These are the words of a woman stricken with Lyme disease defending herself against the Hellcats of Beverly Hills.

Yolanda Foster had her work cut out for her on December 1st.  Season six of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills premiered, and just a few hours before that, she and husband David Foster announced they were divorcing.

The latter has not yet been mentioned in Foster’s Bravo blog, which each Housewife is responsible for following every episode

However, the Dutch model was not going to sit idly by while others questioned her illness.

I have gone from being an outspoken multi-tasking social butterfly to a hostage of my debilitating disease,” Foster wrote, according to Radar Online.  

“I might only be a shell of the woman I used to be, but my heart is still the same, and even though I can only do life one day at a time, I am at peace and have surrendered to my new normal — for now.”

Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle Richards were unsympathetic to Foster’s plight; when she showed up to Lisa Rinna’s dinner party, both women wondered why TF she didn’t put on some undereye concealer.

“Bless the hearts of my fellow Housewives!” Foster wrote.  “May neither they, nor their families, ever have to face such illness, because it is at that time when we learn and realize what really matters.

“Its’ almost like you have to show scars and broken bones in order to be warranted understanding.  Does it count that even though we don’t ‘look’ great, that we show up? It’s tempting to be distracted by negativity, but I choose to stay focused on the light at the end of the tunnel and not let anything interrupt my healing process.”

Welp.  I guess reality TV is now a medical witch hunt.  Who better than two washed-up actresses to investigate a diagnosis?

“I wish my message was more fun and glamorous than this, but I accept that these are the cards life has dealt me,” she added.

“I’m extremely fortunate and grateful to have had the opportunity to travel to 11 countries, five states, and see 100+doctors, but the truth is that even though I have made great strides in the past six months, I have not found a cure yet.”

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Illness Drove Her and Husband David Apart (Report)

Last night, Yolanda and David Foster announced their plans to divorce after four years of marriage.

It was news that surprised almost everyone who watches The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  

In 2012, Yolanda was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and has since traveled the world in search of a cure.  David has been by her side for much of the time, as the former model’s Instagrams have shown.

Cracks began to show, however, as Yolanda’s health continued to deteriorate.

Things really changed in their relationship as Yolanda got sick, and then when her health worsened,” a source told People. “David travels all the time and they simply weren’t spending any time together.”

The couple sold their Malibu home for $ 19.45 million in October, according to Variety.  On last night’s RHOBH premiere, Yolanda explained that she and her husband had moved to a condo he owned for easier access to medical care.

“They just grew apart and the intense stress over her health and the disease was very hard on their marriage,” the source added.

On December 1st, Yolanda’s co-star, Kyle Richards spoke about the split on Watch What Happens Live.

“We didn’t know,” Richards told Andy Cohen.

“But I think they’ve been struggling, and Yolanda’s been so sick and I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything, but it’s just so sad.”

Yolanda and David were introduced through her ex-husband, Mohamed Hadid, with whom she has three children.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Yolanda Foster and David Foster: It"s Over!

Surprising news out of Beverly Hills today, as Yolanda and David Foster have announced that they’re calling it quits after four years of marriage.

The reality star and music producer broke the news in a statement issued to People magazine:

“Sadly we have decided to go our separate ways,” the statement reads.

“We’ve shared 9 beautiful and joyous years together. During that time we experienced love, friendship and the inevitable challenges that come with managing a marriage, careers, blended families and health issues.”

It’s the second marriage for Yolanda and the fourth for David.

The news comes just hours before the season six premiere of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, on which Yolanda has been a central cast member since 2012. 

Yolanda’s battle with Lyme disease has been a major part of her storyline on the popular Bravo series.

Last month, she revealed that her two of her children, Anwar and Bella Hadid, also suffer from the illness.

Even though the Fosters have no children together (Yolanda is also the mother of model Gigi Hadid.), David is already being accused by fans of abandoning his family in their time of need.

Reps for Yolanda say that’s not the case, and the decision to split was mutual and amicable. 

Yolanda Foster: I Will PROVE I Have Lyme Disease!

The sixth season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills premieres tonight on Bravo, and you can safely assume that once again, the ladies’ “friendships” and wine glass throwing abilities will both be put to the test.

Things may be a bit different this time, however, as in addition to the usual addiction and infidelity-fueled drama there’s a bizarre amount of controversy surrounding Yolanda Foster’s struggle with Lyme disease.

Foster was diagnosed with the illness in 2012, and her condition has steadily worsened in the years since.

Fans who have watched Yolanda’s health deteriorate were shocked when returning Housewife Taylor Armstrong mocked Foster and suggested that she was exaggerating her symptoms.

Astonishingly, Kyle Richards recently doubled-down on that claim and suggested in an interview that she believes Foster is faking it.

Yolanda has remained relatively quiet on the issue, but insiders say she’s plotting her revenge on Armstrong and Richards, and she hopes to make this season hell for those who betrayed her.

Production sources tell Radar Online that Foster will prove she has Lyme disease by sharing her medical records with those who doubt her. 

And of course, she won’t stop with just proving her fake friends wrong:

“She seems to be the center of all of the drama,” an insider tells the website. “The ladies have continued to question her Lyme disease diagnosis, all behind her back.

“Knowing the cattiness of the ladies, Yolanda isn’t surprised about the whispers, but just wishes it would have been expressed to her directly.”

“Yolanda watched how Bravo handled Brooks’ cancer scandal. She won’t tolerate this playing out as gossip fodder or allow the show to minimize the seriousness of what she has been through.”

The source adds that Yolanda discussed her intentions with producers but Taylor and Kyle were not warned in advance that they would be confronted.

If we weren’t already looking forward to tonight’s premiere, we certainly are now!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Going Broke Battling Lyme Disease?!

Back in 2012, Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease. While she’s shown remarkable determination in her battle to regain her health, Foster and her family have been forced to make certain sacrifices as the disease has taken its toll.

Foster has lost her ability to read and write, and she’s become increasingly reliant upon help from others in order to get out of bed and perform simple tasks.

In addition to the tremendous physical toll that she’s paid, Yolanda and her family have suffered financially, as well, as she’s been forced to travel internationally to receive stem cell treatments that are illegal in the United States. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Yolanda and her husband – famed music producer David Foster – have sold their Beverly Hills mansion and moved into a condo in a far less swanky neighborhood of Los Angeles. 

Fortunately, while the move is a cost saving measure, its reportedly only temporary, as sources close to the Fosters report that Yolanda and David are looking for a smaller mansion and hoping to return to Beverly Hills.

“While Yolanda wants to buy a house, David isn’t ready to put down a huge payment,” says one insider.

“David is hoping Yolanda will agree to lease something. The real estate market in Beverly Hills is just out of control, and David doesn’t want to overpay.”

The Fosters were reportedly in a hurry to sell (they accepted a $ 19 million offer, despite originally asking or $ 23.5 million), but that doesn’t mean Yolanda is willing to settle when it comes to her new home.

“Yolanda wants a house that has at least five bedrooms, a pool, and large gardens,” says the insider.

It’s nice to hear that the disease hasn’t sapped Yolanda’s spirit.

Yolanda recently revealed that her daughter Bella Hadid has been diagnosed with Lyme disease, but even though the illness has had an unfortunate effect on the entire family, the Fosters are also bringing up another generation of A-listers.

Yolanda’s daughters Bella and Gigi are both in demand models, and David’s daughters Sarah and Erin are actresses who star on the VH1 series Barely Famous.

Something tells us Yolanda can still afford all the gardens she wants.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Bella Hadid: Lyme Disease Diagnosis Revealed by Yolanda Foster

Yolanda Foster has been remarkably candid about her courageous battle with Lyme disease, and the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star has inspired millions in the process.

Foster’s Instagram diary offers hope and insight for the millions who have been affected by the tick-borne illness, directly or otherwise, and the 51-year-old model has been praised by research organizations and fellow patients alike.

Last night, Foster received an award at the Global Lyme Alliance, and she made surprising revelation about the ways in which the illness has impacted her family:

“God had different plans for me,” a tearful Foster said. “He changed my destiny when my two youngest children, Bella and Anwar, were diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in early 2012.

“Watching my babies struggle in silence in order to support me and my journey struck the deepest chord of hopelessness inside of me, and it’s because of them that I’m motivated to stand here in front of you today,”

Foster had not previously revealed that 18-year-old Bella and 16-year-old Anwar are also battling the illness.

There is no word on how they contracted the disease.

Like her older sister Gigi, Bella recently embarked on a modeling career and has already met with stunning success.

It was revealed last month that Bella is dating The Weeknd, and she is often spotted at the most exclusive Hollywood parties.

Both Bella and Anwar have yet to speak publicly about their mother’s surprising revelation.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Yolanda Foster: Planning Revenge on Kim & Kyle Richards?

Last week, we reported that Yolanda Foster was angry with her Real Housewives co-stars for their comments about her struggles with Lyme disease.

Specifically, returning castmate Taylor Armstrong accused Yolanda of faking it, and the other ladies reportedly said nothing in Foster’s defense.

Now, Yolanda is on the mend, and planning to return to the show in a part-time capacity. That’s good news for her many fans – bad news for the “friends” that failed to stick up for her.

Radar Online is reporting that Yolanda will be filming scenes in secret this week, and she’s going on the attack against Kim and Kyle Richards. 

As you probably know, Kim Richards’ drinking problem has landed her in both jail and rehab in the past few months. The ladies have reportedly agreed not to discuss her recent troubles on camera out of respect for the Richards family.

Yolanda, however, is so hurt that she now feels nothing is off limits:

“Yolanda is no longer going to abide by that,” says one insider. “She will accuse [Kyle] of being a terrible sister for not being more there for Kim during her struggles.”

Apparently, that’s the price Kyle will pay for standing idly by while Taylor accused

“Yolanda found out that Kyle didn’t tell Taylor that she had been struggling with Lyme disease when Taylor said she thinks Yolanda is faking the diagnosis for attention,” says the source.

Sounds like her illness certainly hasn’t taken any of the fight out of Yolanda! Watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online at TV Fanatic to relive all of her feistiest moments!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Yolanda Foster: PISSED at Co-Stars For Questioning Her Illness!

In the three years since Yolanda Foster was diagnosed with Lyme disease, friends and family have watched the former model’s condition to deteriorate to the point that she became unable to read, write or even walk on her own.

Now, thankfully, Yolanda’s condition is improving, but she still struggles daily and has been open about the difficulties brought about by her condition on her moving Instagram diary.

But while Yolanda has been an inspiration for those whose lives have been touched by Lyme disease, she may soon be a source of intimidation for a handful of Housewives who weren’t exactly loyal friends in her absence.

Remarkably, Yolanda plans to return to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in a limited role sometime in the near future. And according to Radar Online, the mother of Gigi and Bella Hadid has a score to settle with some of her castmates

“She was beyond hurt after finding out that some of the ladies were asking a lot of questions and even suggesting that she didn’t even have [the disease],” said one source.

“She was particularly upset with Kyle Richards and Lisa Rinna for not sticking up for her when she wasn’t around, and now she is ready to spill all of their dirty secrets!”

The insider says Yolanda is particularly angry with Taylor Armstrong, who openly mocked Foster’s Lyme disease in front of the other women.

“Yolanda plans on having heated words with Taylor Armstrong because she wasn’t even around at the height of her illness,” the source says. “Yolanda is now firing on all cylinders again,” said the source. “You don’t want to mess with her!”

RHOBH has always had plenty of villains, but now a true hero is coming in to set things straight? We seriously can’t wait.