Showing posts with label Glad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glad. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2016

13 Reasons to Be Glad You Never Slept With Brad Pitt

1. His hair looks like it smells like a frat house couch

Brad pitt wearing glasses and smiling

It’s greasy, it’s generally unkempt, and mostly slicked back with some kind of sticky substance. Also, it smells like pot, cigarettes, and booze. Basically, you’d be doing the dirty on – or worse, with – the old frat house sofa. Gross.

2. Alcohol has given him major face bloat

Brad pitt world war z set

He’s still cute, but we’re not talking Legends of the Fall cute, anymore. If rumors of alcohol abuse are as true – and as rampant – as Jolie persists, Brad’s got some serious alcohol bloat going on, and what’s scarier than wobby man jowls hovering over your face intently?

3. When he’s got a beard, IT’S A BEARD

Brad pitt and son photo 2

Beards are fun, beards are great, beards like Brad’s kill your ovulate. No, but really, there’s well-groomed, and then there’s flavor-savers. Anywhere in between is fine, but when he grows that goatee (or is that the entire goat?), the last thing we want to be thinking about is intercourse.

4. His mouth probably tastes like an ashtray

His mouth probably tastes like an ashtray

… Or a chimney. Whichever you prefer. And when you mix coffee and cigarettes, it’s a double-whammy. Trust us. It’s mega gross, unless you’re a coffee-drinking smoker, and then this one probably doesn’t apply to you anyway.

5. He slept with Jennifer Aniston

Brad pitt jennifer aniston picture

… And don’t you know, it’s not the cooties that are catching, it’s the crazy. And Aniston is the cream of the crazy crop, and do you really want to go there?

6. Gwyneth Paltrow probably put a hex on his dong

Brad pitt and gwyneth paltrow dating photo

Being as GOOPy as she is, Gwyneth Paltrow – who once said that Brad was “too good” for her – probably put some kind of magic spell on Brad where his penis consciously uncouples from the rest of his body, thusly making the encounter an astral experience. Or in GOOP’s case, ASStral.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Keonna Green: I"m Glad I Got Knocked Up By Nick Young!

Keonna Green has finally spoken out about her relationship with Nick Young. 

Green is now 22 weeks into her pregnancy and has revealed that she has been getting jiggy with Nick since September.

“It was last year, around September. We would take our son to Magic Mountain together. But sometimes Nick would say, “Oh, there’s too much traffic.”

“He’d just play with Nicholas in his room. We got caught up in the moment and it just happened,” Keonna revealed. 

This shows that the relationship was actually going on for considerably longer than what Young was telling Azalea. 

You’d think that taking somebody else’s man from them would at least warrant an apology, but Iggy is getting no such thing from Green. 

“It wasn’t a secret on my end. I didn’t feel guilty because I was in love with a man, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only woman.”

That’s not a good way to make yourself feel better, but it seems that it worked for Keonna. 

How many other women could there really have been? 

There was previously word that Azalea caught Young in the act with different women on their home security, but would he really be that sloppy?

If he was being that sloppy, then it would make one think that he wanted Iggy to find out about what he was up to. 

If that is the case, he’s an even bigger dirtbag than we first thought. 

It’s one thing to cheat on your fiance, but another to make them find out the hard way. 

The truth was always going to come out. 

Keonna also made it clear that she would marry Young in an instant. 

These two really seem like they’re made for one another. 

What do you think about the latest developments?

Hit the comments below!

Monday, May 9, 2016

13 Terrible Celebrity Moms You Can Be Glad Aren"t Yours

Hollywood has produced a long list of great mothers, to be sure.

These women are not on it, though. No sir, no ma"am. No way.

Think we"re being too harsh, or maybe not giving them a chance?

We beg to differ. Scroll through this slideshow of the worst this town has to offer and try to decide not whether everyone on it is a terrible mom …

… but who is the worst of the worst. The competition is stiff.

In honor of Mother"s Day, let"s look at the contenders!

1. Kate Gosselin

Photo of kate gosselin

Kate Gosselin has eight children. And given her non-stop string of questionable behavior and shameless antics, we feel sorry for each and every one of them. Sorry, we’re not buying the “working mom” bit … there are ways to work and put food on the table while still being a more tolerable human being who sets a better example. Jon is not exactly a prize himself but let’s be real.

2. Kris Jenner

Kris jenner with a smile

Kris Jenner is sort of evil. Okay, more than sort of. She likes using her kids to make a lot of money. There’s a reason they call her the Momager, and why she is trying to trademark the term Momager … and why the Kardashian and Jenner children act the way they do, with the priorities they seem to embody.

3. Dina Lohan

Dina lohan in sunglasses

Dina Lohan is responsible for Lindsay Lohan. What else needs to be said? Well, this: Dina Lohan is a wannabe Momager … sort of like a less shrewd, less intelligent, substance abuse-ravaged version of Kris Jenner.

4. Jenelle Evans

Jenelle evans kiss

Jenelle Evans, mother to two sons, only has custody of one of them because of her train wreck past, and while many young moms turn things around, she continues to rack up arrests – 15, at least, by our count – to this day, and remains as unstable as when she first burst onto the Teen Mom 2 scene. If not more so.

5. Farrah Abraham

Farrah abraham vivid

Farrah Abraham has starred in a sex tape AND brought a life into the world. Not many women can say that … well, actually a decent number of celebrities can these days. But Farrah has taken it to a new level, not just with her porn career, but with the associated lies she tells about it, and the way she conducts herself on a daily basis, including with regards to Sophia, her daughter. Her poor, innocent daughter.

6. Nadya Suleman

Octomom birthday party

Nadya Suleman is best known as the Octomom, because she had eight kids at one time. And boy do they look happy at this party. But it should be the SUCK-tomom, because she already had six children she couldn’t support before she had eight more implanted inside her clown car uterus by a shady doctor to a total of 14. Which she can’t support and occasionally commits welfare fraud on behalf of. While being an embarrassment to America and humanity as a whole. We could go on.

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Kim Kardashian: GLAD That Khloe Kardashian"s Talk Show Got Canceled?!

If you don’t really care that Khloe Kardashian’s FYI talk show Kocktails With Khloe got canceled earlier this month, well – you’re certainly not alone.

In fact, just about the only people who appear to have strong opinions about the network shouting last call on Khlo’s boozy chat-fest are Khloe herself and her sister Kim. Though it now seems the siblings have very different feelings on the matter:

You may have thought that Kim was a supporter of Khloe’s efforts to become the next Oprah, considering she appeared on the show’s last episode and even helped drum up ratings by discussing Kanye West’s masturbation habits.

But it turns out that all the while, Kim was hoping Khloe would be the next Kris Jenner – a total talk show failure.

“Kim was actually happy that it got pulled and made no effort to hide her joy in front of Khloe, even though she appeared on the final episode,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

The insider says at one point point Kim told Khloe flat-out that she thought Kocktails “sucked.”

The reason behind her harsh assessment is almost too hilariously ironic to believe.

According to the source, Kim “felt Khloe was spilling way too much stuff on the show.”

Yes, the same Kim Kardashian of “Kim Kardashian sex tape” fame felt that Khloe was exposing too much of herself.

The bizarre thing is that in a way she’s right:

Kocktails With Khloe did suck, and Khloe was pretty shameless in her efforts to grab ratings by revealing details of her family members’ private lives.

There was a time when the Kardashians needed to be totally transparent in order to pay the bills, but those days are long gone.

That said, Khloe is looking out for number one.

Kim did what she had to do to reach A-list status, and Khloe clearly feels that talking about her feelings on white penises is a small (no pun intended) price to pay for Kim levels of fame.

Fortunately, there’s no need for this debate to continue, because the show got axed after weeks of abysmally low ratings.

Kim Kardashian: GLAD That Khloe Kardashian"s Talk Show Got Canceled?!

If you don’t really care that Khloe Kardashian’s FYI talk show Kocktails With Khloe got canceled earlier this month, well – you’re certainly not alone.

In fact, just about the only people who appear to have strong opinions about the network shouting last call on Khlo’s boozy chat-fest are Khloe herself and her sister Kim. Though it now seems the siblings have very different feelings on the matter:

You may have thought that Kim was a supporter of Khloe’s efforts to become the next Oprah, considering she appeared on the show’s last episode and even helped drum up ratings by discussing Kanye West’s masturbation habits.

But it turns out that all the while, Kim was hoping Khloe would be the next Kris Jenner – a total talk show failure.

“Kim was actually happy that it got pulled and made no effort to hide her joy in front of Khloe, even though she appeared on the final episode,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

The insider says at one point point Kim told Khloe flat-out that she thought Kocktails “sucked.”

The reason behind her harsh assessment is almost too hilariously ironic to believe.

According to the source, Kim “felt Khloe was spilling way too much stuff on the show.”

Yes, the same Kim Kardashian of “Kim Kardashian sex tape” fame felt that Khloe was exposing too much of herself.

The bizarre thing is that in a way she’s right:

Kocktails With Khloe did suck, and Khloe was pretty shameless in her efforts to grab ratings by revealing details of her family members’ private lives.

There was a time when the Kardashians needed to be totally transparent in order to pay the bills, but those days are long gone.

That said, Khloe is looking out for number one.

Kim did what she had to do to reach A-list status, and Khloe clearly feels that talking about her feelings on white penises is a small (no pun intended) price to pay for Kim levels of fame.

Fortunately, there’s no need for this debate to continue, because the show got axed after weeks of abysmally low ratings.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Donald Trump Slams Ronda Rousey: I"m Glad She Lost!

As you may have heard, Ronda Rousey lost to Holly Holm in a stunning upset during Saturday night’s UFC 193 in Melbourne, Australia.

As though it wasn’t bad enough that Rousey was pummeled to the point she’ll likely need to undergo reconstructive surgery, her haters are now having a field day with her unexpected defeat.

Currently, the Justin Bieber-Ronda Rousey feud remains dormant (We’re sure Justin is well aware Ronda could still break him in half.), but the 28-year-old former champ’s other biggest critic has taken to Twitter to bask in her fall from grace:

“Glad to see that @RondaRousey lost her championship last night,” presidential candidate and human throbbing forehead vein Donald Trump tweeted yesterday.  “Was soundly beaten – not a nice person!”

The beef between these two dates back to August, when Rousey called Trump out for his lies in an interview. 

Obviously, she’s one of literally thousands of public figures to do so in recent months, but Trump has a thing about bleeding women, so he pounced on Rousey with his usual schoolyard bully routine.

Now, he’s glorying in the fact that she was beaten by a rival. Thankfully, we’re sure Ronda will get the chance to do the same once primary season gets into full swing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Taraji P. Henson Is Glad Viola Davis Beat Her At The Emmys! Watch Her Tell Ellen Why She "Would Have Felt Weird" If She"d Won!

We absolutely LOVE Taraji P. Henson!

On Sunday Emmys, both Taraji and Viola Davis were up for for Outstanding Lead Actress In A Drama Series — Henson for Empire and Davis for How To Get Away With Murder!

Viola ended up winning which was HUGE because she became the FIRST black woman to do so!

Related: Lea Michele Proves She’s A Real Scream Queen When Scares The Sh*t Out Of Her!!

Well Miss Cookie herself stopped by to chat it up with Ellen DeGeneres, who of course brought up the Emmys!

It was at this point that the 45-year-old actress praised the HTGAWM star while revealing that she “would have felt weird” if she won the Emmy over Miz Davis!

Ch-ch-check out the interview (below) to find out why — and what it was like having her mom at the award show!

[Image via NBC/YouTube.]