Monday, November 16, 2015

Donald Trump Slams Ronda Rousey: I"m Glad She Lost!

As you may have heard, Ronda Rousey lost to Holly Holm in a stunning upset during Saturday night’s UFC 193 in Melbourne, Australia.

As though it wasn’t bad enough that Rousey was pummeled to the point she’ll likely need to undergo reconstructive surgery, her haters are now having a field day with her unexpected defeat.

Currently, the Justin Bieber-Ronda Rousey feud remains dormant (We’re sure Justin is well aware Ronda could still break him in half.), but the 28-year-old former champ’s other biggest critic has taken to Twitter to bask in her fall from grace:

“Glad to see that @RondaRousey lost her championship last night,” presidential candidate and human throbbing forehead vein Donald Trump tweeted yesterday.  “Was soundly beaten – not a nice person!”

The beef between these two dates back to August, when Rousey called Trump out for his lies in an interview. 

Obviously, she’s one of literally thousands of public figures to do so in recent months, but Trump has a thing about bleeding women, so he pounced on Rousey with his usual schoolyard bully routine.

Now, he’s glorying in the fact that she was beaten by a rival. Thankfully, we’re sure Ronda will get the chance to do the same once primary season gets into full swing.