Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kendra. Show all posts

Friday, July 14, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Slammed For Seeking Wedding Gifts From Fans!

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the Duggar family is in the midst of what folks in the business world call aggressive expansion.

It’s a full-blown flurry of births, pregnancies, and weddings, and things are progressing so rapidly that the big events are starting to overlap.

In fact, Joy-Anna Duggar’s recent wedding was the scene of a major milestone for one of her siblings:

Joseph Duggar proposed to Kendra Caldwell during the reception and, as is customary for members of the Duggar clan, only a few months will pass between the proposal and the exchange of vows.

Last week, we learned the date of Joseph and Kendra’s wedding, and to the surprise of no one, it’s coming right up.

The couple will say “I do” on October 7, in Rogers, Arkansas.

It’s unsual for Duggar couples to be so forward about the date and location of their nuptials, but Joseph and Kendra might have ulterior motives for sharing their 

Several members of the Duggar family, including Joy-Anna, have taken to social media to confirm the date of the wedding.

Presumably, Joseph and Kendra would’ve posted the news, too, were it not for the fact that the Duggars frown on the idea of their children posting on social media prior to marriage.

So what’s wrong with sharing wedding details online?

Well, nothing, per se.

The problem in this case, is that Joy-Anna and others also decided to share the couple’s wedding registry online, and to many fans, the move seems like a desperate cash grab.

There’s nothing unusual about the items on Joseph and Kendra’s registry.

It’s mostly common household items and gift certificate to chain restaurants.

The problem is that posting the wish list publicly seems like away to solicit gifts from fans.

Not surprisingly, some fans expressed their disapproval on Joy-Anna’s Instagram page:

“Very, very uncool. There are ways to circulate this info to the guests. This a gift solicitation for the FANS,” wrote one follower.

“Why would complete strangers who aren’t even invited to the wedding purchase wedding gifts for them?” commented another.

Some were so surprised by the move that they assumed Joy-Anna had been hacked:

“Were you hacked, cause this would be a great scam for someone trying to take advantage of the couple and get their gifts. Also, if not hacked, still a scam. Maybe ask people to donate to a charity in honor of your wedding? Ridiculous,” wrote one fan.

The post hasn’t been deleted, so a hack seems unlikely.

This isn’t the first time that a controversy has erupted aroung the Duggars asking for money from fans, and as in previous cases, the family seems unapologetic in their desire for more stuff.

But hey, we’re sure they can point to a Bible verse that they’ve interpreted as a paraphrasing of Michael Douglas’ “greed is good” speech from Wall Street


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell: We"re Getting Married! Buy Us Stuff!

So, we all know that Kendra Caldwell is slated to be the latest sacrificial virgin offered up to the Duggar family altar.

That is, Kendra Caldwell and Joseph Duggar are getting married and they’ve set the date for October 7th, which we’ve noted is a short engagement even by this patriarchal fertility cult’s standards.

If you’re feeling sorry for Kendra for being destined to spend the rest of her life as effectively a personal possession of one of the Duggars, fans can always buy them wedding gifts — and we’ll tell you what’s on their list.

So, Kendra sealed her fate a few months ago when Joseph Duggar proposed to Kendra at Joy-Anna’s wedding, which was a wild move.

First of all, proposing at a wedding is intensely emotionally manipulative, especially when you’re dealing with a super religious (Christian, specifically) young woman.

Also, there’s that one social media post about wedding proposals that vows revenge on anyone who would do something so obnoxious:

“If you propose at my wedding, I’ll renew my vows at your wedding, go into labor at your baby shower, and die at your funeral.”

That’s a beautifully petty sentiment.

It may be that these two were encouraged to do something outrageous like that, maybe for ratings reasons.

But maybe also because Kendra courted Jedidiah before courting Joseph, which makes her the Duggar equivalent of some sort of scarlet woman, and they wanted to get that marriage taken care of ASAP.

(Maybe she was forced to switch … or maybe she just liked that Joseph has a real name)

But their wedding registry, via Amazon, yields a little insight into the life that these two have planned.

Some stuff is almost normal, like a $ 65 vacuum cleaner, a $ 200 water filtration system, a $ 279 KitchenAid mixer, and a $ 22 iron.

Like Joseph’s siblings, this new couple is asking for gift cards for food:

-$ 50 gift card to P.F. Chang’s

-$ 25 gift card to Texas Roadhouse

-$ 25 gift card to The Cheesecake Factory

-$ 25 gift card to Papa John’s

-$ 20 card to Domino’s

Honestly, some of those sound a little low, but maybe they’re doing that “food-sharing” thing where couples eat part of the same order.

Fans have already started buying them appliances, because yes, the Duggars still have fans.

We have to say that it’s sort of odd to see a celebrity family ask for gift cards, but it sort of makes sense.

The Duggars don’t have a massive cultural influence like some reality stars.

They have more limited cultural influence.

(Obviously, we hope that whatever influence they have diminishes into nothing, because they are a frightening bunch)

What the Duggars do have is a strong, if thankfully small, fundamentalist following.

These folks see any dip in ratings for the Duggars and every scandal as an “attack” on the family.

(In some cases, an “attack” in the sense of spiritual warfare, that kind of thing)

So they feel like this celebrity family somehow might need their literal financial support.

And the Duggars seem all too happy to reap the benefits.

Amazon registries aren’t that unusual.

Sometimes Instagram models and YouTubers (and, let’s be real, some porn stars) put them up.

Some random fan can buy you an end table or a new lamp or a new dress without ever knowing where you live.

Some people do it for internet friends whom they’ve never met, and it’s sweet.

It’s kind of sad to see the Duggars preying upon people who might feel a sense of religious obligation to send them cash and support their imagined battle with Western civilization or with society or women’s rights or whatever.

But, in this case, they’re just wedding gifts.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard’s controversy sounds a lot more serious.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson Confronts Mother: Stop Talking About Me!

Doesn’t it seem like it would be completely exhausting to be Kendra Wilkinson?

To have all that dumb stuff floating around in your head constantly … it just seems like it would be rough.

On top of the unrelenting ignorance, Kendra has to deal with her marriage to Hank Baskett, which, to be fair, seems really solid at times.

Other times, he cheats on her with a transgender model and she flushes her wedding ring down the toilet.

And then, on top of that, she’s also got her truly terrible mother, Patti Wilkinson, constantly trying to ruin her life.

Kendra and Patti are no strangers to sharing their troubled relationship with the world: Patti appeared on Kendra’s season of Marriage Boot Camp with Hank Baskett.

You remember, that’s when Kendra theorized that the devil had eaten her mother’s soul.

We’ve seen Patti make an appearance here and there on Kendra’s own show, Kendra on Top, and they both appeared on the most recent season of Marriage Boot Camp, the Reality Stars Family Edition.

And now the brand new season of Kendra on Top seems to focus largely on their issues.

See what we mean about how exhausting it would be to be Kendra Wilkinson?

As we’ve seen from the trailers for Kendra on Top, the big problem right now is that Patti is considering writing a tell-all about her daughter.

It’s something that Kendra is really, really not cool with, which is totally fair.

But in tonight’s new episode, the ladies are sitting down for a therapy session to try and come to terms with some of their issues.

And, in typical Wilkinson fashion, it’s hard to watch.

During the session, the therapist sits Kendra and Patti down in a couple of chairs facing each other, which makes Patti “feel like I’m going to the electric chair.”

Great start, right?

After sitting down and grabbing each other’s hands, the therapist asks Kendra to complete the sentence “The thing that you did that hurt me the most was …”

Understandably, Kendra tells her mother that what hurt her the most was “going to social media with our issues.”

“I really didn’t see a way to come back from that because I didn’t know what would be used against me in the future,” she admits.

Later, in that customary reality show interview, Kendra tells the camera that “Being this upfront and honest with my mom is really, really uncomfortable and scary for me to do.”

“But I have to be honest. When my mom goes public and goes on social media, sells me out, it feels like a straight-up knife in the back. It hurts.”

Back in the therapy session, Patti is asked about her true motivation for writing a tell-all about Kendra … and Kendra looks really interested in her response.

“The reason that I really want to write this book,” she claims, “is I’ve gotten a lot of messages from people saying ‘Oh my gosh, I’m going through this with my daughter, how did you get through it?"”

And that, she says, is the only reason she’d write such a book.

Kendra says that she could be supportive of her mother writing a book with the intent to help others, but “at the end of the day, there’s just so many questions that would haunt me.”

Questions like “Why did I buy that lame excuse?” and “Why would I believe my mother has good intentions after all these years?”, probably.

Kendra tells Patti that she’s just scared that a book would set their relationship back after putting so much work into it, then, in an interview of her own, Patti says she’s already got a meeting with a publisher.

So much for being open and honest.

All this nonsense makes for good drama, but man, it sure is heartbreaking to see.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson is REALLY Bad at Handjobs

Everybody has their “off days,” whether it’s at work or school or in the bedroom.

Most people don’t screw up a simple handjob so badly that they and their partner end up spending their anniversary in the hospital.

But most people aren’t Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett.

So, Kendra Wilkinson is in the Vegas show, Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man.

That sounds like an incredible name for a reality series. …

(Picture it: Like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, but with sex instructors giving advice to women in every episode)

(There could even be a celebrity spin-off with guests like Chrissy Teigen — and we know that Chrissy Teigen has some sexual hang-ups)

But it isn’t. It’s a play, and yes, there are multiple semi-famous “handjob” scenes in it that involve a lot of exaggerated motion.

And apparently Kendra Wilkinson threw out her neck in the process.

Leading to her going to the ER.

On her anniversary with Hank Baskett.

Now, she got injected with benzodiazepines and she seems to be okay now, but let’s talk about this is kind of funny.

On the most superficial level, it’s funny that the starring couple on Kendra on Top didn’t get some sort of penile injury from that exact position.

Because that can absolutely happen.

“Broke dick,” as some people refer to it, is a real thing.

So, you know, that would have been awful but made for some spectacular headlines.

But the real, obvious source of humor stems from Hank’s history of having allegedly cheated on Kendra.

Because that alleged cheating was in the form of a handjob.

So, the story goes, Hank Baskett got a handjob from Ava London, a model on whom he’s said to have developed a crush. 

The fallout included a lot of tension in Hank and Kendra’s marriage, for obvious reasons.

It was all over Kendra on Top but also all over Marriage Bootcamp.

There was also some gross discourse as a result, because there always is.

A few bigots suggested that maybe Hank was gay because Ava London is trans.

(Newsflash: trans women are women; hooking up with a trans woman is only gay if you are also a woman)

Hank has claimed that the encounter it was a set-up to extort money from him and also claimed that he was fondled over his shorts against his will.



Anyway, Kendra and Hank are in a much better place, now.

Despite Kendra’s mom threatening to make more trouble.

We don’t really think that Kendra really bought Hank’s excuses.

But while handjobs can be just as big of a deal as, like, venereal intercourse or whatever in terms of cheating, it makes sense that they’ve moved past it.

That whole situation, though, makes an injury related even to a fake handjob all kinds of hilarious.

Though, let’s be honest — it would be at least a little funny if it happened to anyone.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Joseph Duggar & Kendra Caldwell: Wedding Date Revealed!

If you watch Counting On online, you know that yet another Duggar wedding is in the offing.

And this time, in a change of pace, it’s one of the Duggar men who will be taking the leap from side-hugs to compulsory procreation.

Yes, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got engaged during the most recent season premiere of his family’s reality series, Counting On.

The Duggar wedding schedule is getting so packed these days that the nuptials are beginning to overlap.

Joseph popped the question during Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s wedding

Usually, that’s considered something of a jerk move, stealing the thunder from the couple who’s getting hitched, and alll.

But Joy-Anna and Austin were totally on board with the move, and they helped Joseph plan his proposal with the obsessive, borderline psychotic meticulousness one would expect from a family of people who believe God actually cares if women wear pants instead of skirts. 

Anyway, Kendra said yes, and soon she’ll be the proud recipient of the Duggar last name and the complimentary lobotomy that comes wth it.

(We kid, Duggar gals!)

And when exactly will Joseph and Kendra be getting hitched?

Well, it seems they’re trying to keep that detail under wraps, but in 2017, there are no secrets. 

Fans have already unearthed an Amazon wedding registry attributed to Joe and Kendra that reveals the couple’s wedding date as … October 7, 2017.

Yes, that’s a mighty short engagement even by Duggar standards, but Kendra did say she wants to get married in the fall, so the story checks out.

And there are several reasons that Joe and Kendra might be in a rush to get to the altar.

Last week, The Hollywood Gossip reported exclusively that Kendra courted Jedidiah Duggar before she became romantically involved with Joe.

It’s an odd story that threatens to peel back the layers of wholesomeness that serve as the Duggars’ protective coating and reveal the cultish weirdness beneath,

One hopes that the decision was Kendra’s and that she wasn’t forced to switch her affections to Joe simple because he’s the older brother.

In any case, it’s an odd situation that the family is no doubt eager to put behind them.

Watch Counting On online to remind yourself of just how unsusual this family truly is.


Monday, June 26, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Of Course My 4-Year Old Daughter Can Pose in Playboy!

Kendra Wilkinson takes pride in being a hands-off mother.

Which is why the former Playmate says she’d have no problem at all with her daughter one day taking her clothes off for Playboy.

The mother of a seven-year old boy named Hank and a four-year old girl named Alijah, Kendra was asked by Entertainment Tonight whether she’d be okay with the latter posing on the cover of the men’s magazine that made her famous.

And here’s how Wilkinson replied:

“I won’t sit here and say that I would like that, but if she made a healthy decision and a healthy choice with a healthy mind to want to pose for Playboy….

“We are a free home, we are a free spirit.

“If that’s your way of wanting to express yourself and who you are, then go ahead and be exactly who you want to be.”

Wilkinson went on to explain that she’s always going to support her kids at all, no matter what they choose to do with their lives.

“I’m not a person to hold my kids back,” she told the outlet, elaborating as follows:

“If they need to get whatever they need out of it, then go. I’m here to love them and support them and guide them as best as I can, but I’m not going to put any limits to their lives.

“And if that’s the way they’re going to be happy and express who they are, then they can do whatever they want.

“I’m not here to stop their lives or interfere.”

Heck, Kendra doesn’t comprehend why parents EVER tell children what to do or how to act.

“Why are we putting rules on everyone? It doesn’t even make sense,” she says, wondering:

“For who? What are the rules for? For society? What the hell? To impress other people? Where do we live?”

Slow your roll there, K Dubs.

This is one of those quotes that sounds great in theory, but is utter nonsense in practice.

Why do we put rules on kids? Gee, we don’t know… for their health? Their safety? Their well-being?

Because sometimes young people don’t know what’s best for them and it’s up to a more educated and experienced person to arrive at some important life decisions?

We’d be more willing to take family advice from Kendra if she actually had a solid relationship with members of her own family.

But the entire new season of Kendra on Top will focus on Wilkinson’s effed up relationship with her mother.

And Kendra’s husband has admitted to getting a hand job from a transgender model back in the day.

So it’s possible that she may not be the best authority for managing relationships between spouses or parents or children.

This is not to say that someone who strips down for a magazine is automatically a bad person or doomed to fail in life or anything of that nature.

To some extent, we agree with Kendra that it’s helpful to give kids a long rope and to support their choices.

But there’s a middle ground between ensuring your kids are self-confident and self-assured… and just letting them run around all free and crazy and aimless.

We do also agree with Kendra when it comes to trolls and haters.

Many people out there judge her family a lot harsher than we just did above, and here’s what she told ET about those individuals:

“That’s their problem. Honestly, we’re doing just fine. We’re a happy family. We don’t care about that stuff.

“We’re doing what we’re doing. That gets into bullying and I’m not teaching my kids to give into bullying like that. If you stop what you’re doing because someone says something mean, then come on.

“Then you’re the one who loses. You’ve gotta rise up and you’ve gotta stay in the game.”


Friday, June 23, 2017

Kendra Wilkinson: Farrah Abraham is Going DOWN After Racist Insults!

Admittedly, conflict on Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars – Family Edition between Farrah Abraham and Kendra Wilkinson gets into, like, Alien vs Predator territory — because no matter which one of them wins, the rest of us lose.

Except for the show’s producers, because that kind of feud makes great television.

So naturally, even with Farrah Abraham under fire for yelling vile, racist things on the show, the aftermath of that conflict is going to be back on tonight’s episode.

2016 was a cursed year (let’s all agree on that and just move on), but Farrah and Marriage Boot Camp costar Paula (Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson’s mom) were apparently determined to let it go out with a bang at what was supposed to be the show’s New Years celebration.

And by bang, we definitely mean a huge explosive conflict.

At first, it just looked like Paula being all kinds of obnoxious and ranting for the “benefit” of her fellow costars.

You could see Kendra, like, staying very still and refusing to move or make eye contact.

Sorry, but Jurassic Park was wrong — deranged ranting moms can still see you even if you don’t move.

And that would have been that … if Farrah hadn’t exploded right back at Paula.

Complete with calling her a “f-cking disgusting black piece of sh-t.”

And while that kind of vicious racist attack might not lose you too many voters in Trump’s America, it sure got a rise out of Kendra Wilkinson.

In general, white people should stand up to other white people when they’re being racist.

But that’s obviously even more of a big deal for Kendra.

Hank Baskett is black, and so is their son.

“This b-tch didn’t just offend Paula,” Kendra says in tonight’s episode. “She offended my husband, and my kid, me — you’re going f-ckin’ down, dude.”

So it’s personal (though, again, combating bigotry should be personal for everyone).

When one of the show’s psychiatrists talks about how they “shut things down” — sending Paula to cool off in a hotel for the night — he talks about how the situation had grown unsafe.

He also talks about how one of the things that the show doesn’t tolerate is “racially insensitive or intolerant comments.”

Farrah gets wildly defensive — because he’s clearly talking about her — and starts flipping the frick-frack out.

And then Kendra moves up to speak and is allowed to address the whole group.

That’s when the preview ends, so we don’t know what Kendra will say.

We do know that Kendra has a history of getting super mad super fast.

Sure, the world isn’t surprised that Farrah said something racist.

Farrah Abraham has a history of racism, after all.

And it’s not just one incident of racism, either.

But it seems clear that Kendra wasn’t expecting it.

She looks about as cool and collected as Kendra can be.

(So, not very much — Kendra Wilkinson is generally just mad at the world)

But there’s a decent chance that she might fly off the handle and damage her message in the process.

What’s even more likely is that Farrah Abraham will have a response that will make her come across even worse.

It’s gonna be a mess, is what we’re saying.

It looks like, in terms of public opinion, Kendra’s winning.

You might even say that Kendra’s coming out on top.


But based on Farrah’s recent retweets, it doesn’t sound like she’s learned her lesson or even realizes that she was in the wrong.

Like, Paula seems more than a little nuts, but you don’t fight fire with fire.

(Unless we’re talking literally and you’re a firefighter who knows what you’re doing).

And you certainly don’t inflame the situation by taking an already nasty conflict and sprinkling some racism into the mix.

It’ll be interesting to see how that gets addressed fully on tonight’s episode.

And, honestly, even more interesting to see how the conflict between Kendra and Farrah develops.

Because it’s already a little nuts.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kendra Caldwell: Courting Jedidiah Duggar BEFORE Joseph Duggar! (Exclusive)

Last month, Duggar family fans learned that Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got engaged after just a few short months of courting.

Joseph proposed to Kendra at the reception following the wedding of his sister, Joy-Anna Duggar, and her new husband, Austin Forsyth.

Joy assisted in an elaborate proposal that was captured by TLC cameras, and the whole family seemed overjoyed when Kendra said yes.

But as with so many things involving the Duggar family and the way they present themselves on television, all was not quite as it seemed.

While the Duggar daughters courtships have all yielded successful marriages, the Duggar sons have not been so successful.

For obvious reasons, Josh Duggar’s marriage has endured one rough patch after another for at least the past two years.

Josiah Duggar’s courtship with Marjorie Jackson didn’t even reach the engagement stage, and it ended abruptly just weeks after the young couple made news of their relationship public.

Now, it looks as though Kendra and Joseph have already endured some difficulties of their own.

In an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Gossip, a former employee of the Duggars revealed that prior to courting Joseph, Kendra was romantically involved with someone else:

His brother, Jedidiah Duggar.

The business associate, who asked to remain anonymous, informed us that Joe moved in and “bumped [Jedidiah] out” during the early stages of the younger brother’s courtship with Kendra.

Understandably, there was a period of hostility between the brothers that ended only when Jed wrote a letter granting his blessing for Joe to pursue a relationship with Kendra.

Our source offered no information with regard to why the younger brother decided to quash the conflict and move on.

It’s possible that only Jed knows the real reason behind his change of heart.

But it’s also possible that this was yet another effort by Jim Bob to keep conflicts within the family out of the tabloid headlines.

“There’s a whole world that goes on that really isn’t so,” the insider told us about life on the Duggar compound.

“When the cameras aren’t rolling, it’s a whole different life.”

At 18, Jed is four years younger than Joseph, and that may have entered into Jim Bob’s thinking when it came time to help settle the conflict between brothers.

Or perhaps Jed decided to simply be the bigger man and prioritize his relationship with his brother over his relationship with Kendra, also 18.

It may sound as though Kendra Caldwell didn’t have much say in the matter herself, and in all likelihood, she didn’t.

According to the rules of the patriarchal society in which the Duggars live, women are by and large subservient to the men in their lives.

The decision of whom she should court was likely decided by her father (seen in the above trailer, with Joe asking his permission to court Kendra) and Jim Bob.

Of course, it’s unlikely that we’ll ever find out exactly what transpired behind the scenes between Kendra, Joe, and Jed.

Jim Bob has worked hard to create an illusory world that’s to the liking of millions of fans over the years.

And he’s not about to let the facade crumble any time soon.

As always, you can follow the link to watch Counting On online for more from one of TV’s most controversial families, and comment below.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Patti Wilkinson to Kendra: Ava London Gave Hank Hand Relief & I"m Gonna Tell the World!

Just when Kendra Wilkinson thought that her husband’s cheating scandal was finally behind them, her own mother is stirring the pot. 

Hardcore. Nothing soft about this.

Threatening to blow the lid off his affair in a bombshell tell-all, Patti Wilkinson is out to set the record straight … for reasons unknown.

In the upcoming season of Kendra On Top, which is apparently still a show that is on the air, the mother-daughter feud begins anew.

The older Wilkinson rips the wound open again, as seen in the trailer above, by declaring that she is GOING TO EXPOSE her daughter.

K-Dubs is not happy.

“You would have to write about Hank and the scandal and me,” Kendra screams. “You can have your family back or you can write this book!”

Patti is undeterred by this threat, defiantly telling the reality star that, “First of all, I don’t give a s–t what [Hank] thinks! The truth hurts!”

“The truth hurts!”

Those familiar with Kendra and Patti Wilkinson know that they’ve had a strained relationship through the years, to say the very least

But this?

Again, it’s unclear why Patti is hung up on Hank Baskett, Ava London and whatever happened between them, but it looks ugly. Ugly.

The celebrity couple survived a brief separation, and three years later, remain together as a family … at least until Patti has her say.

This is not the kind of scandal that you move on from easily, assuming what’s reported by celebrity gossip outlets is even half accurate.

On Kendra On Top and Marriage Boot Camp, this played out in epic fashion in 2014-15, and Hank could barely hold himself together.

There was one memorable (televised, obviously) exchange in whichKendra asked him once and for all to confess his infidelity sins.

In graphic, cringe-worthy detail.

Did her spouse really receive a hand job from Ava London, a transgender model he discovered and became infatuated with on YouTube?

Did Hank try to pay her off afterward, making ATM withdrawals and dropping off cash (which obviously wasn’t enough to make her zip it)?

Or, was he looking to smoke some weed with a friend, only to end up being briefly fondled over his shorts by London against his will?

In an excruciating scene, Kendra made him describe whether or not London’s hand made his way over or under his shorts at that moment.

Baskett’s non-committal answers made the whole thing even weirder, while Ava London claimed, in no uncertain terms, that she got him off.

And vice versa. Talking mutual orgasms here.

London has made this affair sound very much like … well, an affair in which bodily fluids were excreted after energetic manual stimulation.

Hank has tried to dance around this with varying degrees of effectiveness, clearly feeling guilty about … whatever the hell he achieved.

Bottom line: Hank and Ava had some sort of interaction, because if he didn’t know her or never touched her, he would just state this.

He never stated this.

Nevertheless, whatever he told Kendra on camera and behind closed doors, she found it in her heart (or self interest) to forgive him.

She Tweeted that she loves Baskett, she forgives Baskett and that critics should f–k with her and her definition of love at their peril.

Deep stuff right there.

We’ll see if Patti’s forthcoming memoir threatens that marital tranquility once more, as she seems determined to get her hands dirty (sorry).


Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell: When Will They Get Married?

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell have been engaged for like a week and a half now … so naturally we’re wondering when the next step is.

They’re going to get hitched and start having kids any day now, right? These are the Duggars after all. Well, pump the brakes … a little.

Ever since their courtship was announced months ago, fans have wondered how quickly the two would officially be together forever.

Joseph Duggar got engaged to Kendra at Joy-Anna’s wedding last month (a move that has earned him considerable backlash online).

Whether proposing to Caldwell at the wedding of a sibling was bad form or not, they are over the moon, and both families are elated.

According to one report, this event was planned in advance with Joy-Anna giving her blessing to Joseph, so she wasn’t feeling upstaged.

Also, according to People, Duggar and Caldwell are planning a fall wedding – it’s not clear exactly when, but sometime after the summer.

It’s gonna be exciting stuff for all!

Not unlike Joy-Anna and her husband Austin Forsyth (above, with Joe and Kendra), the two met through the church they attend.

Duggar insiders say they were getting to know one another several months before he asked her dad if he could could Kendra.

(Obviously, he got the green light.)

Since Kendra was a part of the recent wedding, she can’t help but thinking about and starting to plan her special day as well.

In addition to the fall nuptials, Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell have confirmed that they will stay in Arkansas afterward.

Jinger Duggar left the Arkansas nest when she married Jeremy Vuolo and relocated to Texas, but that looks like an exception.

An exciting season awaits the entire Duggar family, and fans, as Counting On is set to return to TLC next Monday night, June 12.

Just within the last year, two daughters have been married, and Joseph looks to join Jill, Jessa, Jinger and Joy-Anna in that club.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is also married of course … somewhat surprisingly, but Anna might feel she has nowhere else to go.

Depressing tangents aside, Joseph’s wedding will be the first of its kind in that Kendra Caldwell and her family will be planning it.

That should make for a fun change of pace, though whether we’ll see his road to the altar this season or next remains to be seen.

What we do know is that Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s wedding will be shown as one of the focal points of the season.

Aside from Joy and Austin’s nuptials, and the planning of Joseph and Kendra’s, two new Duggar grandchildren will be born as well.

Jill Duggar is due next month with her second, and the pariah’s long-suffering wife is also expecting a boy this summer (her fifth child).

It has been a whirlwind for the entire family since Jinger got engaged last year, but that doesn’t mean there’s any end in sight.

Somewhat surprisingly, Jana and John-David Duggar, the 27-year-old twins, have maintained their single status all this time.

Fans were none too thrilled by a photo of Jana at Joy-Anna’s wedding, either (see gallery below for a further explanation of why).

Beyond that, Josiah is rumored to be courting Kendra’s sister, which could be addressed in the new season as well. Stay tuned!


Monday, June 5, 2017

Kendra on Top Season 6 Trailer: ALL the Mama Drama!

Back in May, we learned that the new season of Kendra on Top would focus on Kendra’s feud with her attention-starved mother.

The initial teaser for Season 6 of this WE TV reality series made it clear that Kendra"s sort of evil parent, Patti, was about to go public with a tell-all that would expose every detail of Kendra"s ongoing marital drama with Hank Baskett.

And we were right. 

We just didn"t know just how right.

The network has unveiled the first extended trailer for upcoming episodes… and sh-t is about to go down, people!

It"s about to hit the fan!

For real!

In the following preview, the drama escalates as Patti meets with a book publisher and then with some of her friends, talking about her plans to make lots of money off her daughter"s many issues.

The main topic at stake, once again, appears to be Hank Baskett"s alleged affair with a transgender model, the same topic this same show has managed to mine for multiple seasons now.

It"s really pretty impressive.

Will Patti, who recently appeared opposite her daughter on Marriage Boot Camp, really go there? Will she really write a book that brings up this taboo subject?

And that embarrasses both her child and her son-in-law?

All to make a little bit of cash?

This is the question the show wants us to ponder while we anticipate its return on Friday, June 23 at 10/9c.

Here is the official network synopsis:

After Kendra and Patti arrive home from Boot Camp, Patti gets serious about writing a tell-all book placing their tense relationship at risk.

Meanwhile, Kendra’s offered a racy starring role in Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man in Las Vegas, and when Hank’s not on board, she must decide whether to prioritize career or family.

Can Kendra find a common ground with her mom, who is also at odds with Hank, her dad, Eric, and his new wife, Amy? Will Patti reunite with her grandkids?

And here is the first official trailer:

Kendra on top season 6 trailer so much mama drama

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell: Engaged!!

Right on the heels of news that Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth married last weekend after all comes another cause for celebration:

Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell got engaged!

The 22-year-old and his 18-year-old fiancee announced their courtship just a few months ago, and just made things even more official.

When he proposed … at Joy-Anna Duggar’s wedding!

People magazine was the first publication to confirm that he popped the question last weekend as his little sister walked down the aisle.

The pair, who met through their church, confirmed it.

“We are super excited. It’s great to not be courting anymore, now we’re engaged!” Joseph Duggar and his beaming bride-to-be shared.

“I’m so happy and so shocked. There’s so many words I want to say, but just shocked,” says Kendra, while Joseph revealed:

“I was definitely nervous going into it, but I wasn’t afraid that she was going to say no, because she has said, ‘I’m just waiting on you!’”

Not a lot of marriage proposals get turned down in Duggar Nation, it’s true. A courtship, after all, is basically a precursor to an engagement.

When news of Joseph Duggar and Kendra Caldwell courting first surfaced in March, few expected they would not get engaged soon.

We just weren’t expecting quite this soon!

“We are so excited to share the news with others that we are courting,” Joseph said then. “Our families are close friends through church.”

“This has allowed Kendra and me to get to know each other. She’s the best!” Duggar added, and obviously, the feeling was quite mutual.

“I’m looking forward to getting to spend more time with Joseph as we take this exciting step toward a new season in life,” Kendra added.

“It’s a really wonderful moment!”

Counting On Season 4, featuring Joy-Anna and Austin’s wedding, and Joseph asking Kendra’s dad’s permission to court, begins June 12.

Not much of a spoiler to say that the scene teased in the Counting On Season 4 trailer ends up with a positive result for Joe in the end.

As for talk that Joseph got Kendra Caldwell pregnant before marriage and that’s why this is being fast-tracked even by Duggar standards?

It makes for great gossip … but that’s likely all it is. The Duggars stick to their guns when it comes to their dating and courtship rules.

Much as we’d all love a great rebellion story along those lines, we’ll have to be content with mini-scandals like Jinger wearing shorts

Probably for the best.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Kendra on Top: New Season to Focus on Nasty Mama Drama!

Great news for people who love Kendra Wilkinson and/or people who love trashy reality shows full of shocking drama and scandal!

Kendra"s incredible reality show, Kendra on Top, is coming back for a brand new season next month!

And, much like the earlier seasons, this new one seems to have a specific theme: and that is the completely terrible relationship Kendra has with her mother, Patti.

We know, we know, Kendra is doing another show right now, Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars: Family edition, in which she"s working on things with Patti.

But there are clearly enough issues to go around.

In the first trailer for the new season, we learn that Patti, who is always so desperate for attention and so devoid of any maternal instincts, is trying to release a tell-all.

And since Patti"s own story isn"t one that many people would care to hear, she"d actually be telling all about Kendra.

We see someone, perhaps a publisher, ask Patti if she knows any stories that would "devastate" Kendra, and Patti gives a great big twisted smile in response.

We see that Patti plans on writing about the cheating scandal that rocked Kendra"s marriage to Hank Baskett — and we also see Hank take it pretty hard.

"You should have told me!" he yells at Kendra. "I had to find out from someone else!"

And finally, we see Patti having a drink with friends, saying "Do you know how much money I could make?" as they all laugh with glee.

It"s all pretty tough to see, and we can"t imagine the full season will be any easier.

Check out the trailer in the video below:

Kendra on top new season to focus on nasty mama drama