Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lohan. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Off the Wagon? Partying Her Way Across Europe?

Well, that didn’t take long.

For a while there, it looked like Lindsay Lohan had really turned things around.

Or at the very least, she’d sworn off hoovering piles of cocaine in order to better focus on spying for the Turkish government.

Hey, it’s a step in the direction … we think.

If nothing else, Lindsay pulled a serious role model upgrade in recent months.

there was a brief period where instead of trying to be the next Courtney Love, she set her sights on being the next Angelina Jolie.

Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done, and it looks like LiLo may be backsliding into her own ways.

It seems part of the problem is that one of Lindsay’s most high-profile international “philanthropic” endeavors was the opening of Lohan nightclub in Athens.

Yes, she opened a nightclub and named it after herself, and yes, she claimed all the profits would go to charity.

For all we know, maybe she has donated all the profits.

If the past year has taught us anything, it’s that orange-colored throwback celebs who seem to suffer from constant allergy symptoms aren’t always forthcoming with their tax returns.

Anyway, to the utter shock of absolutely no one, Lindsay has been partying at Lohan nightclub.

Sources say she’s been spotted hanging out in the VIP with the “business partner” who helped her purchase the place.

You may remember him as the dude Lindsay claimed to be “just friends” with in the video where she debuted her weird new fake accent:

According to Radar Online, she’s off the wagon, they’re hooking up, and the whole is being kept on the ultra down-low for fear that it’ll mess up Lindsay’s last ditch effort to salvage what’s left of her reputation through good works.

In case you haven’t been keeping up on the personal affairs of an actress who hasn’t appeared in a hit movie in 13 years (Jeez, what have you been doing with your life?!), Lindsay appeared to have put the partying life behind her in recent months.

First, she deleted all of her Instagram photos and left only a traditional Muslim greeting in their place.

When she reappeared on social media, it was with a bunch of Jolie-esque photos in which she’s seen posing with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdorgan.

Erdogan’s a pretty problematic dude, what with having just suppressed a coup last year, but hey, at least Lohan was briefly taking an interest in things that don’t go up her nose, right?

Of course, given the fact that she was getting involved with some pretty shady characters, it might be a good thing that Lindsay has rediscovered her passion for blow and publicly sucking face.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Back on Instagram, Still Trying to Be Angelina Jolie

We’re used to unpredictable behavior from Lindsay Lohan, but it seems that more than a decade into her career as a professional trainwreck, the actress-turned-professional-world-traveler still has the ability to surprise us.

The good news is, she’s doing so by dialing down the partying and calling attention to important human rights issues.

The bad news is, there’s considerable reason to question her motives.

Last week, Lindsay deleted all her Instagram photos and left an Arabic greeting commonly used by Muslims in their place.

The move prompted speculation that Lohan converted to Islam, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Or if it is, she’s one of those Secret Muslims that your racist brother-in-law is always ranting about on Facebook.

Lindsay says she finds comfort and wisdom in the Quran, but has not converted and doesn’t have any immediate plans to.

But while she remains a free agent in terms of her spirituality, Linds is making some firm commitments with regard to her politics – and many believe she’s forged some questionable alliances.

That’s Lindsay with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, his wife, and a Syrian girl named Bana Alabed.

We’ve told you about Bana before.

She’s the 7-year-old who’s devastating tweets about life in war-torn Aleppo have gained her millions of followers.

Any effort to bring more attention to her cause is laudable, and Lindsay deserves credit where it’s due.

Her relationship with Erdogan, however, is not so black-and-white.

There’s substantial reason to believe that Lindsay is on Erdogan’s payroll (her sudden interest in Turkey’s standing in the global community, her frequent parroting of his “the world is bigger than five” slogan, etc.).

It’s even been rumored that Lindsay is spying for the Turkish government, but we doubt she’s gone quite that far.

(Of course, the evening news drops our jaws on a nightly basis these days, so we wouldn’t rule anything out.)

Lindsay might be under the impression that because Erdogan isn’t one of the bad guys in the Syria situation (Assad, Putin, etc.) he must be one of the good guys.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Erdogan’s own people attempted to overthrow him over the summer, and he wears the label of dictator with pride.

These days, he’s working on patching up his relationship with Putin, and has been described as the Russian president’s puppet.

Not the kind of guy that Hollywood actresses with image problems usually align themselves with.

Of course, Lindsay probably doesn’t know all this – or she’s being paid so much that she doesn’t care.

Lindsay’s social media profiles are entirely devoted to expressing her allegiance to Erdogan and Turkey (which is strange, to say the least), and she uploaded this photo of a meeting with the Turkish president and his staff over the weekend:

“This. Now. This moment. A moment in time. Is to forever exist,” Lindsay captioned the photo.

She added:

“#peace #2017 #theworldisbiggerthan5 hashtag yourself to help the Turkish people and what they do everyday. #theyearoflindsaylohan #sevenwonders @rterdogan #lohanclub is a form of making others happy

Yes, Lindsay has apparently taken to using the hashtag “#theyearoflindsaylohan.”

She also managed to slip in a plug for her Greek nightclub.

And then she wonders why so many believe that she’s more concerned with saving her career than with saving refugees.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Did She Convert to Islam?

Over the past couple years Lindsay Lohan has taken her career to a place that everyone saw coming (the gutter), and her persona in a direction that very few anticipated.

Casting aside the washed-up trainwreck image that she’s worked so hard to cultivate, Lindsay has adopted a sort of Carmen San Diego-meets-Angelina-Jolie persona, wherein she talks with a fake foreign accent and pretends to understand international politics.

We may never know for sure if Lindsay is a Turkish spy (Yes, that’s a legitimate theory.), but we do know that she’s very serious about cutting ties with Hollywood, and seeking deeper meaning abroad.

Last week, Lindsay made waves when she deleted all the photos from her Instagram and replaced with a brief message written in Arabic.

Lindsay’s bio now reads simply, “Alaikum salam,” which translates to “peace be with you,” and is a traditional greeting in Muslim communities.

Lindsay has been lying low for the past week, but Islamic fans the world over have been taking to social media to welcome her to their faith.

“I’m so happy that Lindsay Lohan found Islam. may Allah guide her and bless her,” tweeted one Muslim follower yesterday.

“I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Islam? If its true, alhamdulillah. God has shown her the right path to now follow,” added another.

Rumors about Lindsay’s interest in Islam date back to 2015, when she was spotted carrying a Koran while performing community service work following one of her many legal scrapes.

On Monday, Page Six reported that the rumors about Lindsay’s conversion seem to be true.

Interestingly, the tabloid section of the New York Post claims that Lohan’s reps declined to comment on their story.

Generally, that’s a pretty good indication that there’s at least a modicum of truth to whatever is being reported.

The weird thing is, there shouldn’t be anything scandalous about Lindsay converting to Islam, which makes it all the more baffling that her team seems to be in damage control.

Our guess is they’re concerned about the impact such an unexpected move would have on Lindsay’s career.

Sadly, the Islamic community faces considerable prejudice in the US, and the most popular of actors would likely find themselves embroiled in controversy if they publicly converted.

Lindsay’s star hasn’t been on the rise for a long time, and there are probably concerns in her camp that associating with a religion that’s regarded with skepticism by so many Americans could be the nail in the coffin of her career.


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Deletes All Instagram Pics, Posts Arabic Message

Over the years, we’ve grown quite accustomed to erratic behavior from Lindsay Lohan.

But even having spent the past decade or so marveling at the new and interesting places that LiLo’s been able to take her career as a former actress and professional trainwreck, we still never saw her latest reinvention coming.

You see, Lindsay recently decided she wants to stop being young Courtney Love and start being young Angelina Jolie … with a little bit of James Bond villain mixed in.

It all started with the reports that Lohan might be a Turkish spy.

That sounds like a joke, but there’s actually legitimate reason to believe that Lohan is in league with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

We’ve already spent much of the day contemplating our president-elect receiving golden showers from Russian hookers, and we’re feeling pretty drained, so just click the link above if you’re curious as to why so many believe Linds is also in the pocket of a foreign government.

Anyway, it may seem impossible, but things only got weirder from there.

First, Lohan adopted an accent that can only be described as “Carmen San Diego meets freshman year drama student.”

Shortly thereafter, she composed a poem about ISIS and posted it on her Instagram page, because apparently her years of hard drug use haven’t done enough to shorten her life expectancy.

Now, in what may are taking as a sign that Lindsay is putting the washed-up celebrity life behind her in favor of a more spiritual existence, the actress has deleted every photo from her IG page and left only a message:

“Alaikum salam,” it reads.

The words mean “peace be unto you” in Arabic, and while Lindsay has been slammed for only showing the most superficial interest in Middle Eastern culture, we say, if she’s serious about bettering herself through involvement in a religious community, then that’s just what she should do.

Of course, this is still Lindsay Lohan were talking about, so most signs point to her not being remotely serious and just indulging in the sort of “phase” behavior most people outgrow in high school.

A statement from her publicist (and what serious spiritual acetic doesn’t have a publicist?) explains that Lindsay deleted her photos because she’s in a “period of renewal.”

We might be more willing to give that more credence, were it not for the fact that Lindsay is once again making red carpet appearances.

To her credit, the party she worked last night was to benefit the Andrea Bocelli Foundation, but it still feels strange to start making public appearances again after an eight-month absence, the same week that you delete your social media accounts.

We believe Lindsay is newly interested in renewal these days, but we think it’s her career that she wants to hit the reset button on.


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Lindsay Lohan Wrote a Poem to ISIS Because of Course She Did

Ya know, if we’d been forced to guess a theme for 2017, it almost certainly wouldn’t have been “orange semi-literate throwbacks to bygone decades undermining our national security goals,” and yet, here we are.

First, Donald Trump chooses to take the word of a guy who’s spent the past three years living in the UK’s Ecuadorian embassy over the findings of 17 intelligence agencies.

Now, Lindsay Lohan is jumping into the geopolitical fray as only she can:

As an ISIS-sympathizing poet and possible Turkish spy!

The first indication that LiLo’s Manchurian Candidate chip has been activated came when she basically pledged her loyalty to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a bizarre television interview.

When she started talking in a bizarre fake accent, we knew there was more in store.

Now, Lindsay’s transformation into the Austin Powers to Angelina Jolie’s James Bond is complete, thanks to this weird ass poem to ISIS that she posted to Instagram today:

Lindsay Lohan Poem

The line that everyone has been seizing on today (and with good reason), is the one about “idle ISIS minds.”

For one thing, now that Lindsay Lohan has called ISIS lazy you may want to keep a good several-hundred mile distance from her for the rest of her days, as she’s now a marked woman for life.

We’re guessing someone warned her about that, and she thought they were talking about freckles.

Lindsay says she wants to “fix” ISIS which sounds like the worst idea ever, but we say give her a shot.

In all likelihood, the mission would result in her first film role that would actually be seen by a wide audience in over a decade.

Yes, that was a beheading joke.

We were under the impression that Trump had buried anything that could be described as PC in a shallow grave next to the Bill of Rights.

Oh, that’s not til Jan 20?

Our mistake!

We’ll have further updates on this story, including Lindsay’s inevitable pro-ISIS statement at gunpoint, which she be uploaded some time in the next 48 hours.

Their crucial mistake was believing she could act. 


Monday, November 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan SLAMS Ariana Grande: You Wear Too Much Makeup!

Lindsay Lohan is one of those celebrities who has no compunction with trashing another celebrity to get in the spotlight. 

It’s pretty desperate, but it’s kind of what she does. 

Her latest target is Ariana Grande and she decided to shade the singer in the most pathetic way

Ariana shared a picture of herself and a gal pal posing. The pair looked great, but there’s always that one person who causes drama for nothing. 

“Too much makeup,” Lohan commented on the picture. 

This is a bit rich coming from the likes of Lindsay, who could have fooled us for a comic book character with the amount she has caked on her face over the years. 

Calling people out for the way look also kind of shows that kind of person Lohan is. 

It would be completely different if she said something about Grande looking better without makeup, but the fact she left a cryptic response trashing her was a bad move.

Have a look at the picture and the comment below:

There’s no denying that Lindsay is acting pretty pathetic, but it does not seem like Ariana even cares to comment back to the blatant trolling. 

However, Grande’s fans were quick to jump to her defense and sent some digs back Lohan’s way. 

“Why are u so mean to her?! What did she ever do wrong to u?!?! She is soooo kind with a pretty heart,” one fan said. 

“Too much drugs, too much makeup, too much Botox, too much stupid.” 

Lindsay has had a tough time of it recently.

She’s slowed down on the partying, but she seems to be turning to trashing other celebrities to pass time. 

She was fired and slammed by her publicist earlier this month due to her erratic behavior and just generally being a diva. 

It was only ever a matter of time before it happened, so it was hardly surprising. 

No matter how many times the star tries to stage a comeback, something always happens to screw it up. 

It’s getting more difficult for her by the day. The longer she’s away from hit movies, the less chance she’ll ever be in one again. 

She really needs to take a long look at herself in the mirror and get herself together before it’s too late. 

Maybe staying away from the public eye for some time would help, but it seems like she’s grasping at anything and everything she can to be talked about. 

She probably thinks being dropped by her publicist was good publicity, or something. 

We’ll keep you updated on whether Grande responds, but the chances of that happening are pretty slim. 

Ariana has some shiny new awards to look at.

Meanwhile, Lindsay will be sitting refreshing her email, hoping for an email confirming a Mean Girls sequel. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, November 14, 2016

Lindsay Lohan -- Roped Into Vegas Hotel Battery Case

Lindsay Lohan got dragged into a brutal mess allegedly involving 2 Russians and a major ass whooping in one of the most outlandish Las Vegas tales we’ve ever heard. A 24-year-old man told Vegas Metro cops … 2 men came into his room at the…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Fired and SLAMMED By Publicist!

Lindsay Lohan has been in rare form lately.

Actually, she’s been in the exact form we’ve come to expect, but it would be rare for anyone else on the planet.

To her credit, Linds has slowed down on the partying, but that doesn’t mean she’s any less batsh-t these days.

If anything, sober Lindsay might actually be more of a handful now that she’s “settled down.”

The rumors about her personal life have gone from “I heard she sleeps face-down in a pile of cocaine” to “she might actually be a spy for the Turkish government,”  and it seems her inner circle is becoming more and more fed up.

Page Six is reporting today that Lohan’s longtime publicist Hunter Frederick has cut ties with the actress after growing weary of her increasingly erratic behavior.

“You never know what Lindsay you’re going to get,” a source says of Lindsay.

“One second she’s in a great mood and wanting to get things back together, and the next you can’t say anything to make her happy,”

Apparently, a big part of the reason that so many former Lohan loyalists are jumping ship these days is that she recently went from being a wealthy psychopath to a relatively poor one.

“She’s going to have a really hard time finding a new publicist not only because she’s radioactive and no one wants to represent her, but the monthly retainer alone would render her bankrupt,” says the insider.

Plus, there’s that problem of the fact talking to someone who insists on using a fake, made-up accent can get pretty irritating.

It seems that of particular annoyance to Frederick was the fact that despite her financial difficulties, Lindsay habitually turns down lucrative job offers.

“[She] just doesn’t want to take them for whatever reason,” says the insider.

We imagine that’s quite frustrating for the folks whose job it is to ensure that these offers continue to roll in.

The source says Lindsay can still command up to $ 15,000 for a sponsored Instagram post, and the ease of making enough money to get by through social media and non-entertainment-related business ventures has basically turned her off of acting.

The fact that she’s no longer bringing in enough cash to pay her staff doesn’t seem to concern her.

Of course, in recent months, Lindsay’s efforts to keep the cash rolling in have become increasingly desperate, leading her into the aforementioned business partnership with the Turkish government, as well as a gig promoting a Greek nightclub called – what else? – Lohan.

It’s not hard to see why continuing to try and breathe new life into the career of an” actress turned club promoter and part-time social media ambassador for Turkey” doesn’t hold much appeal for Frederick.


Lindsay Lohan: My Mom Thinks I"m Special!

In case you missed it, Lindsay Lohan is kind of a hot damn mess right now.

Well, she’s always a mess, but right now the situation is more dire than usual.

Last week, Lindsay did this little interview, and while she was talking, she used this bizarre new accent.

It didn’t sound like any accent that exists in reality, and she’s certainly never used it before.

Disappointingly though it was, her father, Michael Lohan, tried to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal — like a grown ass adult randomly making up an accent and using it in a professional setting is totally normal.

“Lindsay picks up languages like I pick up a coffee!” he joked.

“I will tell you this, she’s spoken other languages on the phone with me — languages I don’t understand.”

“I’ll be on the phone with her and I’ll hear her say something in fluent Farsi to a friend she’s with.”

And just yesterday, Lindsay’s mother, Dina Lohan, told Us Weekly all about how Lindsay isn’t disturbed or anything tragic like that.

No: she’s just special!

“I have raised Lindsay and all my kids to constantly learn different languages and embrace different cultures,” she said.

“Since Lindsay was a kid, she was speaking fluent Italian because my mother is Italian and would only speak to her in Italian.”

OK, maybe that one’s true. That’s at least a tiny bit believable.

But then Dina says that “She taught herself how to speak French, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and the list goes on.”

“Lindsay has a very high IQ and is very intelligent and can pick up on any languages in a minute. She has that gift.”

And really, Dina argues, the accent thing is nothing new.

“Remember when Lindsay was just a little kid doing The Parent Trap and she was able to rock that British accent because she was so fascinated with the British culture — and still is — and embraced it fully?” she asked.

“With that being said, she has always been this way. Nothing has ever changed.”

Really? Not a thing? There are several rehab centers and police departments in California that might disagree.

It’s just Lindsay’s new accent is so very, very upsetting. It’s not a great sign for her mental health, especially considering everything else she’s been through recently.

That engagement to the allegedly abusive Egor Tarabosov, for instance?

But Dina insists that Lindsay’s is fine, completely fine. Marvelous, really.

“She is overseas now focusing on giving back to kids who have been refugees, who have no place to go, who have no food, who have no clothes to wear or anyone to turn to, and she helps them get everything they need,” she explains.

“She sits down and communicates with each kid no matter what background they have come from or what language they speak because that’s her way of communicating to them.”

“She is a worldly person who has so many talents and so much to offer and that’s what makes her so special and beautiful.”

If all that’s true, then that’s great, it really is.

But the accent is still weird and sad as hell.


Friday, November 4, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Spying For the Turkish Government?!

There are phrases you never expect to hear, and then there’s “Lindsay Lohan might be a spy for the Turkish government?!” which is up there with “Donald Trump just used his giant hands to give away his billion-dollar fortune that actually exists!” in terms of staggering degree of unlikelihood.

And yet, all over the Internet today, there are serious discussions about the possibility that LiLo is highly-paid operative working in league with a Middle Eastern government.

The really crazy part is, this isn’t just today’s “Taylor Swift is pregnant with Drake’s baby” gossip.

There might actually be some legitimacy to this report.

The rumors started shortly after the release of this video:

You may have seen it.

The clip went unexpectedly viral not because of the bizarre ramblings about nightclubs and refugee camps (that’s just typical Lohan), but because of Lindsay’s accent.

What the hell is that?

It’s as though she sampled a little bit from each continent like she’s eating at a buffet at Epcot.

And what’s with the pauses, like English isn’t her first language?

We can understand picking up certain linguistic quirks if you’ve been living abroad for a while, but if she’s forgetting her native tongue, that’s just a case of cocaine-induced brain damage.

But believe it or not, Lindsay’s sh-tty stage accent and appropriated cadence aren’t the most interesting things about this video.

We know it’s painful, but pay attention to what she’s saying.

Note the effusive praise for Turkey and the repeated use of the phrase “the world is bigger than five.”

She says it twice in that 3-minute clip, and it’s her favorite hashtag these days, appearing on just about every photo that Lohan has posted on Instagram in the past two weeks.

So what the hell does it mean?

Well, unlike the notion that Syrian refugees need dope night spots to party in, the phrase didn’t originate in Lindsay’s Smirnoff-pickled  brain.

Turns out it’s a favorite slogan of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his cronies.

Despite showing zero interest in global politics at any previous point in her multiple decades as a public figure, Lohan is suddenly gushing at Erdogan every chance she gets.

Here she is singing his praises in an interview for Turkish television:

“The world is bigger than five” refers to Erdogan’s contempt for the UN Security Council and its five permanent members – he US, the UK, France, China, and Russia.

In recent weeks Lohan (who again, is Lindsay Lohan and has never previously shown an interest in matters any deeper than that new cut her dealer is using) has repeatedly called for the Security Council to be restructured.

She’s also praised Erdogan’s handling of a military coup that threatened to unseat him over the summer.

We’re not saying Lindsay is definitely being paid by Turkish government officials to push their agenda in the West, but what’s more likely:

That Lindsay has taken a sudden interest in the more arcane complexities of the Middle Eastern political climate, or that someone offered her blow money to spout a bunch of BS she doesn’t understand in front of some TV cameras?

We think you see our point.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Michael Lohan: Lindsay is Not Insane!

Lindsay Lohan’s bizarre new “LiLohan” accent set the internet on fire this past week, and while most people were more concerned about her mental health than they were about her garbled nonsense, Michael Lohan, like, isn’t even concerned. 

In an interview with ET Online, Michael addressed Lindsay’s new way of talking, and said, “Lindsay picks up languages like I pick up a coffee!” Michael revealed.

“I will tell you this, she’s spoken other languages on the phone with me – languages I don’t understand.”

“I’ll be on the phone with her and I’ll hear her say something in fluent Farsi to a friend she’s with.” 

Now that’s just showing off. 

Also, does Michael Lohan even know what Farsi is? 

Nah, we didn’t think so either. 

Even the ever-contentious Dina Lohan weighed in, adding her comments to the pile.

“I raised Lindsay and all my children to constantly learn different languages and embrace different cultures,” mom said.

“Since Lindsay was a kid, she was speaking fluent Italian because my mother is Italian and would only speak to her in it.”

“She taught herself how to speak French, Arabic, Hebrew, and the list goes on,” Dina remarked.

“Lindsay has a very high IQ and is very intelligent and can pick up on any language in a minute – she has that gift.”

“She is a worldly person who has so many talents and so much to offer, and that’s what makes her so special and so beautiful,” Dina added. 

First, if Lindsay had such a high IQ, she might not do half of the things she’s done, making herself look like a literal dumb ass. 

Second, learning various languages should not trigger a visceral response that validates your bizarre reasoning for talking with a completely different accent. 

See how well that worked out for Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow. 

They both ended up looking like pretentious asses, and unfortunately for Lindsay, those two women have accomplished more in their lifetimes than Lindsay could in three. 

As for Lindsay’s mental health, Michael dismisses any rumors that she’s in the midst of a mental crisis. 

Michael claims that Lindsay’s doing “absolutely amazing,” and that “she’s so happy and healthy and doing great.

“Every time I talk to her she’s so positive.”

“There’s nothing to be concerned about.”

No, except for an errant accent on an American woman with a history of both substance abuse and mental health concerns. 

Is it us, or does the whole entire Lohan family need to get a good, solid grip? 

You know what, never mind. 

Don’t even bother answering that. 


Monday, October 31, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Puts on Much-Needed Weight, Looks AMAZINGLY HOT

We’re not quite sure what Lindsay is for Halloween, except for Hot

Lindsay Lohan stripped down to her bright pink lingerie, and captioned the photo, “#halloweencostume #halloweenisaworkout#halloween #everydaywewearpink and no filter.” 

While another possibility of Lindsay’s costume could be “drunk” – what even are those hashtags? “Halloween is a workout?” “Every day we wear pink and no filter?”  

What does it all even mean? 

Later she shared another snap, this one much more demure, and featured friends with some of the biggest lips you’ve ever seen in your life. 

She’d apparently changed her mind about the costume, and said, “Sorry I couldn’t spend tonight with my beautiful friends.”

“Off to bed before early flight to Turkey.”

Wrong, ah, holiday, girl, but okay. Turkey. 

This snap, she captioned, “Left too soon.” 

We aren’t exactly fluent in Lindsay language (who is), but perhaps there’s someone out there who can decipher her nonsensical ramblings. 

Her captions are always okay, but when it comes to her hashtagging, stuff just seems to fall apart. 

She might be embarrassing herself mildly on social media – though there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of over that body, dang – but it’s not nearly as bad as what happened earlier this month.

You all remember what went down at the newly-opened, hilariously-named night club, Lohan, right?

During the fete, Lindsay had an epic night club meltdown, where she told off the patrons of her namesake club. 

Trying to get the crowd’s attention, she said, “[I have to say] a really important thing.”

“I just want everyone to …” she trailed off.

“Shut the f–k up!” Lindsay shouted.

“No, seriously, please,” she begged.

“Just stop talking and listen for a second.”

“I’m not going to speak until you stop,” she whined, pleading her case, even as everyone but her realized her plea fell upon deaf ears.

Needless to say, the audience did not heed her warning and kept right on doing their thing, and Lohan ended up looking pretty foolish. 

So embarrassing. 

But hey. 

If the above “Halloween” snap is progress for progress’ sake, we’ll take it every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

After all, it seems like she’s severed ties with her abusive ex, Egor Tarabasov, and for that, we can be eternally thankful. 

With that said, and switching gears … can we get the real deal on what’s happening with Lindsay Lohan for Halloween? 

Today’s the big day … after a month of preparation, she must have some idea of what she’s talking about, right?  

Come on, girl. We’re begging you. 

Don’t let us down, okay? 


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Is She Going Back to Jail?!

Lindsay Lohan just can’t catch a damn break, can she?

Or rather, she can catch a break, but she has this awful instinct every time she gets her hands on one to set it on fire and run away screaming.

Our beloved LiLo has been in a bad way for several years now, and, bless her heart, things are only about to get worse.

Remember when Lindsay moved to London a couple of years ago? You remember, she did that play and she was only a little bit flaky and she kept talking about how she could get a new start in a new country?

Yeah, it didn’t work out so great.

Lindsay is now being sued for unpaid rent to the tune of around $ 95,000. Apparently she’s been unable to pay up for her fancy London apartment, and the landlords have had enough.

She reportedly has until November 8th to hand over all that money, and if she doesn’t, she’ll be made to file for bankruptcy.

“Lindsay is an an absolute mess,” a source explains.

“She has blown virtually all her money, and has basically resigned herself to being declared bankrupt.”

“The whole situation is incredibly tragic, and for Lindsay this is an astonishing fall from grace.”

But wait, it gets worse!

Her sketchy ex, Egor Tarabasov, is also claiming that Lindsay stole nearly $ 30,000 worth of his belongings during their time together.

And Egor wants her to be arrested.

He’s saying that she took items like a Rolex, a diamond ring, designer clothes, a fancy painting … you know, stuff you could imagine Lindsay Lohan stealing.

But “the thing he really wants back,” according to a friend of his, “which, ironically, is of very little monetary value, is a small gold Russian orthodox cross which was given to him by his dead godfather.”

What a gross, awful situation.

It’s difficult because while it’s definitely easy to think that Lindsay Lohan stole some jewelry — she’s been known to do so from time to time — it’s also hard to believe anything this creeper says.

Lindsay’s said that Egor was incredibly abusive, to the point that she thought he’d kill her.

So is Egor telling the truth? Is he trying to make her look bad? Is he a disgusting leech who just needs to take Lindsay’s name out of his mouth forever?

Who knows, but man, poor Lindsay.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Slams US Government, Provides Refugees With Energy Drinks

As erratic as her behavior has been over the years, we usually have a pretty good idea of what’s going through Lindsay Lohan’s mind.

Cocaine. The answer is usually cocaine.

These days, however, Linds is reportedly given up the Colombian marching powder in favor of a new habit:

Sources say she’s railing fat lines of the powdered milk of human kindness and gettin’ all geeked-up on compassion for her fellow man.

As you may have heard, Lindsay spent time with Syrian refugees and the experience was apparently enough to turn her into a celebrity humanitarian, a la Angelina Jolie.

Of course, this is still LiLo we’re talking about, so the whole endeavor is way more half-assed, and there’s money to be made.

Lindsay has teamed up with German energy drink-maker Mintanine to provide hand out sugary caffeinated sludge to people fleeing the Syrian civil war.

We assume the bonkers humanitarian mission will be documented on the ‘Gram, along with captions like:

“Mintanine: for when your homeland’s resources aren’t the only thing that’s depleted!”

“There’s hardly food, water or anything,” a source from Lindsay’s camp tells.

“So at this point sending anything is helpful.”

The company decribes its product as a “blue caffeine lemonade” (which is weird, because elsewhere on its website, it claims the drink is caffeine-free).

Their tagline (sadly, we’re not making this up) is, “Blue tastes woo-hoo!”

Maybe that suffers in translation.

We’re not sure “woo-hoo!” is exactly what people who have been forced to flee their war-torn homeland need, but what do we know.

In case you were worried that Lindsay is using this humanitarian crisis just to make a quick buck, fear not…

She’s also using it to show off how little she knows about politics!

Sources say Lindsay has taken to slamming the US and backing Turkish military strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Knowing that most of you came here to have a good LiLo laugh, we don’t want to get too deep in the weeds politically, but suffice it to say Erdogan is widely considered to be a bad dude, and Lindsay is widely considered to be a dumbass for supporting him.

Here’s Lindsay giving a bizarre, rambling interview on Turkish television:

Don’t mix vodka with your blue woo-hoo juice, kids.

Also a hearty LOL at Lindsay’s assertion that there’s no tabloid media in London.

Anyway, in case you were worried that Lindsay has lost sight of who she is, don’t worry…

She’s still living proof that you can take the cocaine out of the girl, but you can’t take the girl out of the cocaine. Or something.

Lindsay recently opened a nightclub in Greece called – what else? – LOHAN.

The clip above shows her screaming at the clubs patrons to STFU on opening night!

Some things will never change.

Lindsay Lohan being bonkers is one of those things.
