Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lying. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Giada De Laurentiis: Lying About When She Started Dating Shane Farley?

Having dodged romantical rumors in the past, Giada De Laurentiis may have seen this one coming.

The Italian chef is currently dating Shane Farley, a TV producer who’s worked on Rachel Ray, The Tony Danza Show and currently The FABLife.

Farley filed for divorce from personal trainer Jennifer Giamo this past April, and De Laurentiis finalized hers from Todd Thompson in September (their split was announced in December 2014).

According to Radar Online, Farley and Giamo’s proceedings have gotten ugly, with a judge issuing a temporary restraining order on April 24th, 2015.  The estranged couple are due back in court December 11th.

A source recently told Page Six that when De Laurentiis and Farley first started dating, the producer was “still very much married.”

This led a few media outlets to try and connect the dots on when the new couple actually began seeing one another.  De Laurentiis and Bobby Flay were in talks with Farley to launch a show in 2013, and Radar notes that De Laurentiis made several guest appearances on Rachel Ray in 2011.

Giamo’s lawyer, Barry S. Guaglardi told Page Six that his client found out about Farley’s new girlfriend through the tabloids.

“My client is devastated by what she has learned through the tabloids,” Giamo’s lawyer said. “‘Hurtful’ would be a mild characterization.”

De Laurentiis’ rep claims that the chef and Farley have only been dating since this summer.

“Giada and Shane are indeed dating but did not start dating until this past August.”

Any reports to the contrary were “outright false,” he added.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Beyonce: Caught Lying About Her Age?!

It seems every few months, Beyonce is accused of lying about the details of her personal life.

Maybe we just have a hard time believing anyone could be as flawless as Queen Bey, or maybe there really is something to the widespread suspicion that she’s misleading her fans.

You probably remember the allegations that Beyonce faked her pregnancy, but you may not have known about the persistent theory that she’s actually several years older than she claimed.

Bey’s dad and former manager Matthew Knowles may have accidentally snitched on his daughter during a recent interview on The Breakfast Club. Check out his comments at the 4:14 mark:

Yes, Papa Knowles claims that Bey is “the exact same age” as Usher (37) and Pink (36). Officially, Bey just turned 34 last month.

So, did Matthew have his facts confused or did he just blow up his famous daughter’s spot in a major way?

It’s not uncommon for celebrities to play fast and loose with their birthdates. Jessica Chastain was caught lying about her age, in 2012 and she eventually came clean with no consequences for her career.

But pretty much every aspect of Beyonce’s life is tabloid fodder (We’re due for another round of headlines about her impending divorce from Jay Z any day now.), so don’t be surprised if this age thing turns into yet another iteration of Beygate. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Taylor Swift: History of Lying to Fans Revealed?

Yesterday, we reported that Taylor Swift probably have lied about a $ 25 million mansion that she bought in Southern California.

We still don’t know exactly why Swift chose to deny the purchase, but she’s been mum on the issue ever since she was busted by TMZ.

Some have claimed that the singer needs to keep her real estate holdings under wraps in order to preserve a modicum of privacy.

Others have pointed out that if that’s her agenda, she should adopt a policy of refusing to confirm or deny any real estate deals, rather than dredging up the issue and accusing the press of lying, as she did in this case.

In any event, this isn’t the first time that Taylor has been accused of being less than truthful with her fans.

Back in January, Taylor’s first guitar teacher revealed that many of the details regarding Taylor’s idyllic childhood are complete fabrications.

Now, several media outlets are unearthing past instances in which Taylor appears to have purposely misled her fans, including another case where Swift lied about buying a house.

In 2013, when Taylor was dating Conor Kennedy, there were reports that she purchased a house near his family’s home (Conor was still in high school at the time) in Cape Cod.

Swift vehemently denied the rumors in an interview with Vanity Fair:

“People say that about me, that I apparently buy houses near every boy I like—that’s a thing that I apparently do,” Taylor said at the time. “If I like you I will apparently buy up the real-estate market just to freak you out so you leave me.” 

“If there’s a pregnancy rumor, people will find out it’s not true when you wind up not being pregnant, like nine months from now, and if there’s a house rumor, they’ll find out it’s not true when you are actively not ever spotted at that house.”

Yes, once again, Taylor not only denied purchase, but also slammed the media for making up nonsense.

And as you may have guessed, it later turned out that she did buy the house, and she was “actively spotted” there on numerous occasions.

Obviously Taylor is entitled to make whatever deals she wants with her vast fortune, and she can and should do what she feels is necessary to protect her privacy.

That said, her habit of going on the offensive and placing blame whenever she’s caught in a lie is a bit ugly.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Taylor Swift: Lying About Purchasing $25 Million House?!

Now that Pope Francis has returned to the Vatican, Taylor Swift is the only person in the US that millions of fawning worshippers view as infallible.

But just as left-leaning Catholics were let down by news that the Pope visited Kim Davis, so too might many Swifties feel that they’ve been forsaken when they learned that Taylor appears to have lied to her fans.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Taylor purchased a Hollywood Hills mansion formerly owned by iconic movie mogul Samuel L. Goldwyn for an astonishing $ 25 million.

Taylor denied the claim yesterday, tweeting:

“What the press says I’m doing: Buying a Bev Hills mansion, getting married in an English castle. What I’m doing: Playing a show in St. Louis.”

Unfortunately for Taylor, TMZ did some digging and according to property records, earlier today, the title to the estate changed hands  from the seller to a company that’s headquartered in Nashville.

The owner of that company? You guessed it – Taylor Swift.

So does Taylor simply have so much money that she’s not even aware when her employees make a $ 25 million purchase in her name?

If so, she desperately needs to fire her management team.

What’s more likely is that Taylor simply didn’t want the public to know she bought the home, either out of fear of paparazzi and fan stalkers, or because purchasing wildly expensive mansions all over the country kinda ruins her girl-next-door image.

(Or maybe it makes her everyone’s girl next door!)

Either way, we can’t help but wonder how else she’s misleading us. Maybe there’s some truth to those rumors about Taylor and Calvin Harris getting married after all!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Steve Rannazzisi: The League Star Admits to Lying About 9/11 Escape

Steve Rannazzisi is best known for his role as Kevin MacArthur on the FXX sitcom The League.

After today, however, he might be better known as the character actor who never got work again after the world learned that he lied about nearly dying in the 9/11 attacks for an astonishing 14 years.

Over the course of his career, Rannazzisi has frequently told reporters that he had been working for Merrill Lynch in an office in the Twin Towers on the day of the attacks, and his narrow escape inspired him to move to Los Angeles to pursue acting.

“I was there and then the first tower got hit and we were like jostled all over the place,” he said, recalling the attacks in detail in a 2009 interview.

He claimed to have fled the building just minutes before the second plane struck.

Earlier this week, The New York Times confronted Rannazissi about the various holes in his story (Merrill Lynch never employed Rannazzisi or had an office in the World Trade Center), and yesterday, the actor finally admitted that he’d made it all up.

“I was not at the Trade Center on that day,” the actor said in a statement issued by his publicist. “I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly, truly sorry.”

Rannazzisi has declined requests for interviews, but his statement offers a weak explanation for his actions:

“For many years, more than anything, I have wished that, with silence, I could somehow erase a story told by an immature young man,” the statement reads. “It only made me more ashamed. How could I tell my children to be honest when I hadn’t come clean about this?”

Many have pointed out that, far from “a story told by an immature young man,” the incident has become a major part of Rannazzisi’s public persona, and he has publicly recounted the tale as recently as 2012.

The actor’s inexplicable fabrication brings to mind Brian Williams lies about his involvement in the Iraq War, which he was forced to apologize for earlier this year.

It remains to be seen if the consequences for Rannazzisi will be as severe. The League is currently airing its final season, but it’s likely that the actor will be fired from his job as a spokesman for Buffalo Wild Wings.

Mindy Kaling Dishes On What She Learned From Kim Kardashian & Why Actors Who Hate Filming Sex Scenes Are Lying!

We couldn’t love Mindy more!

Mindy Kaling‘s new book, Why Not Me?, hit shelves yesterday and has already given us a few AH-Mazing highlights!

In Kaling’s second book she has quite a bit to talk about including some of her fears as well as getting drunk at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Related: Mindy Takes A Stand Against Body Shaming Insults!

But probably two of the most interesting tidbits she reveals in the book are what she learned from Kim Kardashian West and why actors who say they hate sex scenes secretly love them!

The Mindy Project star revealed that:

“The most valuable thing I learned from Kim Kardashian is that your arm must never lie flat against your body. I remember hearing her say that when you put your hand on your hip, it makes your arm look thinner and draws attention to your waist. I tried it and I loved it! So I started doing it whenever I was getting my picture taken.”

As for those steamy on camera sex scenes, Mindy isn’t buying it when actors talk about how awkward they are and that they hate filming them! She says:

“There must be lots of other actors who love doing sex scenes too, right? Wrong. If you interview any actor about having to do sex scenes, you always get the same answer: they ‘hate’ doing them. I am here to tell you they are all lying. Every last one of ’em. Obviously on-screen sex is not actual penetrative sex, but as any religious high schooler will tell you, simulating sex can be pretty damn enjoyable as well.”

This isn’t too surprising as Mindy’s character has dated QUITE a few studs including James Franco, Tim Daly, and her Office co-star B.J. Novak! Speaking of studmuffins, the actress has an AH-Mazing anecdote about drunkenly meeting Bradley Cooper at the Correspondents dinner in Washington D.C. She remembers:

“I saw John Kerry talking to Bradley Cooper. I’m from Massachusetts and I’m friends with Ed Helms, so I figured I had hit the conversational jackpot with these two. I was drunk and feeling a little important, so I wandered over and interrupted them. ‘Hi! I’m Mindy Kaling. I’m from Massachusetts. Ed Helms was in The Hangover and was also on my old show, The Office,’ I said cockily…’Yes,’ Bradley responded. ‘I know Ed.’ I would give our interaction a solid B-minus.”


She’s never afraid to speak her mind which pretty much sums up exactly why we love her!

Definitely check out her new book Why Not Me? and don’t miss The Mindy Project‘s fourth season which is currently airing on Tuesdays on HULU!

[Image via Brian To/La Niece/WENN.]