Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Giada De Laurentiis: Lying About When She Started Dating Shane Farley?

Having dodged romantical rumors in the past, Giada De Laurentiis may have seen this one coming.

The Italian chef is currently dating Shane Farley, a TV producer who’s worked on Rachel Ray, The Tony Danza Show and currently The FABLife.

Farley filed for divorce from personal trainer Jennifer Giamo this past April, and De Laurentiis finalized hers from Todd Thompson in September (their split was announced in December 2014).

According to Radar Online, Farley and Giamo’s proceedings have gotten ugly, with a judge issuing a temporary restraining order on April 24th, 2015.  The estranged couple are due back in court December 11th.

A source recently told Page Six that when De Laurentiis and Farley first started dating, the producer was “still very much married.”

This led a few media outlets to try and connect the dots on when the new couple actually began seeing one another.  De Laurentiis and Bobby Flay were in talks with Farley to launch a show in 2013, and Radar notes that De Laurentiis made several guest appearances on Rachel Ray in 2011.

Giamo’s lawyer, Barry S. Guaglardi told Page Six that his client found out about Farley’s new girlfriend through the tabloids.

“My client is devastated by what she has learned through the tabloids,” Giamo’s lawyer said. “‘Hurtful’ would be a mild characterization.”

De Laurentiis’ rep claims that the chef and Farley have only been dating since this summer.

“Giada and Shane are indeed dating but did not start dating until this past August.”

Any reports to the contrary were “outright false,” he added.