Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Justin Bieber: Keep Charlie Sheen Away From Me!

By now, the whole world is aware that Charlie Sheen is HIV positive.

Yesterday morning before his announcement on the Today show, however, Sheen was just another Hollywood sleaze with a handful of addictions and crappy sitcoms to his name – but apparently that was enough to scare off Justin Bieber.

You see, the Biebs also appeared on Today on Tuesday, and according to Radar Online, Justin kept his distance from Sheen.

“Justin’s team has requested the dressing room away from Charlie,” a show insider tells Radar. “They want to make sure he’s as far away from Charlie as possible.”

“Justin wants nothing to do with Charlie,” the source adds.

Since word that Sheen planned to confirm his diagnosis during his interview with Matt Lauer circulated online well ahead of time, it’s possible that Bieber already knew about the actor’s condition before he arrived on set.

If that’s the case, Justin’s a jackass, and someone should inform him that you can’t catch HIV just by checking out your pants-sag in a full length mirror in close proximity to someone who has the disease. 

If Bieber just didn’t want to be near Charlie Sheen just because he’s Charlie Sheen, however, then this kid might be finally be making smart decisions!