Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mackenzie. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Wants to Plan Your Wedding For Some Reason

Last month, in news that was both shocking yet not at all shocking, we learned that Ryan Edwards is leaving Teen Mom OG.

That doesn’t mean he’s leaving the public eye, though, because this is 2018, and fool’s gotta support his kid(s) somehow.

Ryan and his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, are expecting their first child together (it will be the second for both of them overall).

What would’ve been a heartwarming storyline on the MTV reality show that made him famous won’t be happening, though.

Edwards’ ex, Maci Bookout, reportedly demanded he be nixed from the show because of his struggles with drug addiction.

Maci, who cited the potential impact on their son Bentley, even said she wishes Ryan were still in jail … where he’s safer.

The sad part is she may have a point.

After Edwards’ latest arrest, the 30-year-old’s capacity to handle parenting (or just life, in general) has never been more in doubt.

Being out of work with a baby on the way and looking at prison time for violating probation is not a good position, to say the least.

Well, Mackenzie is – despite shady Ryan’s Tinder history and heroin use – trying to make lemonade out of her lemon of a husband.

She’s moving on to a new career, announced on an official website this week, as “MACKENZIE EDWARDS WEDDING AND EVENTS.”

That’s right, she’s a wedding planner!!

What are you waiting for, couples? She’s currently booking weddings for the fall of 2018, and is ready to make your dreams a reality.

“My name is Mackenzie, and I love all things wedding and events,” Mackenzie says on her official site, Mackenzie Edwards (dot) org.

“My personal mission is to see your dreams come to fruition,” Standifer says, acknowledging that this is no easy task!

“Sometimes it can be hard to take all of the thoughts, dreams, and visions in your head and turn them into a reality.”

“That is where I step in.”

“From start to finish, whatever your needs may be, I will be here to help and guide you every step of the way,” she adds.

“The stress of planning your own wedding can take a toll on ones self and really take away from the whole experience.”

“With my help, we can partner together to create you the wedding of your dreams and alleviate the stress factor.”

Definitely sounds like a good pitch … but how’s she going to do that with a baby at home? Or after she gives birth for that matter??


“When I am not compulsively planning, you can find me hanging out with my family at our fave hot spot, the lake,” she says.

“I have a family FULL of boys (including the dog) so being able to express my femme, creative side is such a breath of fresh air.”

Ranging in prices from $ 150 to $ 1,500, Mackenzie has what it takes to meet your needs at any price point. Super convenient.

For the premium rate, you get two in-person 1-hour consults (up to a maximum of four) plus unlimited contact via email/text & phone.


Weddings are stressful, sure, but no one needs 24-7 access to Mackenzie. Even Ryan needs to go on Tinder now and then.

Sorry. We’ll stop, we promise.

Beyond event and rehearsal coordination, venue selection, handling of payments and the like, you get access to her “little black book.”

[We’ll pass on the jokes.]

All in all, you can expect white glove service planning the event of a lifetime … if you think she’s the best person to do the job, of course.

Would you consider hiring Standifer as your wedding planner … especially after the bizarre parking lot wedding she personally had?

Or the fact that she is, you know, involved with Ryan Edwards? That sort of casts a pall over one’s decision-making … just saying.



Sunday, July 29, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Quit Bullying Me Over Ryan Edwards and KISS MY ASS!

It’s been nearly a week now since Ryan Edwards was arrested, which means he’s spent nearly a week in jail.

It’s been a weird, sad time, right?

There have been conflicting reports about the reason for the arrest, with many reports claiming that he’d been caught with heroin again.

Other reports say that he was taken to jail for violating his probation by missing a court date back in May.

Either way, Ryan violated probation, which isn’t great, considering it’s the second time he’s done so.

Remember, the original arrest for possession of heroin happened last year, and he was placed on probation for a year.

When he was nearly done with that, he was arrested for failing a drug test with heroin in his system, and he was given six more months of probation.

So at this point, it seems pretty clear that probation isn’t working so great, which is probably why he’s being held without bond this time around.

His court date is set for August 6th, so he’ll be hanging out in jail for at least a little while longer.

So what’s his pregnant wife, Mackenzie Standifer, doing until then?

Doing photo shoots and telling off haters, apparently.

Remember earlier this year when she gave her Instagram account to her photographer friend?

She took it back recently, and she’s been sharing some photos of her baby bump, which is getting pretty big now, considering she’s due in October.

It seems like sometime in the past few days, she posed for some photos with her friend.

She shared this one on Instagram:

In her caption, she wrote “She has a kind soul, but a cold [heart emoji].”

Later, she edited it to add “This isn’t a new revelation, I’ve always been the ice queen.”

It’s not hard to figure out why she’s talking like this: a whole, whole lot of Teen Mom OG fans hate her.

A lot.

Some fans hate her so much that they blame her for Ryan’s drug use, because she’s an enabler, see?

She’s also been seen talking trash about Maci Bookout several times on the show, which hasn’t done anything for her popularity, either.

And that’s why the vast majority of the comments on her new post are so negative.

“You know it’s harder to be a bitch than it is to be nice and loving,” someone told her. “It’s nothing to be proud of.”

“Ice queen mom and drug addict convict dad,” another person wrote. “That poor baby.”

One person told her “I hope the father of your child sobers the hell up!”, and another pointed out “your husband is in jail and u taking pictures.”

One of her followers got super direct, telling her “Girl, get your f-cking head out of your ass and grow the f-ck up.”

Finally, Mackenzie’s photographer jumped into the fray to defend her friend, writing “I’d like to meet a single troll on this post who has a job, isn’t an addict themselves, isn’t miserable, and isn’t completely insecure.”

“You all have some major soul/hobby searching to do if putting down a hurting mom to be makes you feel satisfied or content.”

“She might have had TV time,” she continued, “but she is still human trying to figure sh-t out.”

“If you don’t know her personally your comments are baseless and a way to compensate for the sh-t in your own life.”

The friend actually made several comments on the post, and in one she wrote “Mack is one of the most selfless people I know.”

“She sees the best in people and is SO freaking loyal it’s blinding. You don’t know her, and you don’t want to.”

She went on and on about how wonderful Mackenzie is, and how nobody knows the kind of person she truly is, but before too long, Mackenzie herself stepped in to call her off.

“Lol these little phone bullies who have nothing better to do than comment ignorance on a picture can kiss my ass,” she began.

She suggested that the people “drilling me with facts you think you know about myself and my husband” take some time from doing that to “go volunteer your services at your local clinic/hospital/medical school research team.”

“I’m sure they’d be happy to have you and the breadth of your knowledge.”

So much sass in one little comment, right?

We imagine that she’s been hearing and seeing lots and lots of negativity since Ryan’s arrest — and also, you know, for almost the entire time she’s been with Ryan.

It’s understandable that she’d snap after a point.

Hopefully in addition to going off on strangers on social media, she’s also dealing with everything that’s happening in a healthier way.

After all, if Ryan’s going to be staying in jail for a while, she’s going to need to pull everything together to have that baby of theirs.

Best of luck, Mack.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Shows Off BIG Baby Bump: When is She Due?!

Mackenzie Standifer sure has been busy lately, huh?

Between trying to spin getting fired from Teen Mom OG, taking care of Ryan Edwards, and being very pregnant, she’s definitely had her hands full.

It must be exhausting to have so much drama in your life, but somehow, she’s managed.

Let’s do a quick recap, just for fun, OK?

Last year, we learned that Ryan Edwards was addicted to heroin.

Well, first we learned that he was addicted to something, thanks to some heartbreaking scenes of Maci Bookout on Teen Mom OG.

Fans had suspected that something was up with Ryan for a long, long time because honestly, he’s been filmed looking super, super high for a while now.

And then when we saw him nodding off while driving himself and Mackenzie to their rushed parking lot wedding, it became painfully clear that something was very wrong.

During that terrifying scene, Mackenzie was heard asking Ryan if he’d taken Xanax, but a few months later, after he came back from rehab, he admitted that he’d been shooting up heroin.

Oh, and another thing happened when he came back from rehab: he tried hitting up girls on Tinder for hookups, because that’s something newlyweds do.

Things were weird for a while between him and Mackenzie, or at least they seemed that way on the show, but in January, she became pregnant.

Because hey, why not?

We didn’t hear about the pregnancy until March, when it was discussed on the show, and although it didn’t come up until the last couple of episodes of the season, it was super awkward.

Ryan didn’t seem interested in having another baby at all — at one point, he even told Mackenzie to call him when the kid turned three.

Coincidentally, he was arrested the same week the pregnancy news broke.

He’d violated the parole he’d received from a previous arrest after failing a drug test, and although he didn’t face any real consequences for anything, he and Mackenzie both sort of went into hiding after that.

Until now!

But unless you’re thinking that maybe they’re back in the spotlight for good reasons, don’t get your hopes up — they got back on Instagram and did an interview because they’ve been fired from Teen Mom OG.

According to reports, Maci threatened to quit unless MTV stopped filming them, and not because she was being petty, but because she believes Ryan is still using, and she doesn’t want their son to be able to see footage of that anymore.

It seems like there was a bit of time before MTV decided what to do, and during that time they hired Bristol Palin to replace Maci.

But eventually, they decided to stick with their OG golden girl, and last week, they informed Ryan and Mackenzie that they were out.

As Ryan explained it, “They didn’t want to see another recovering addict storyline. So they’re writing us out of the show right now and making it seem like we dipped out on our baby, on Bentley and on everyone.”

“And that’s just not the case.”

In addition to making statements about how wonderful everything is (and how wrong Maci is), they’ve also been very active on Instagram.

Ryan’s been rambling about how we’ll all learn the truth soon, and Mackenzie’s been sharing updates on her pregnancy.

And yesterday, she shared a rare full-body bump pic!

A lot of people don’t like Mackenzie because they think she’s manipulative and mean and all sorts of bad things, but she looks amazing here, right?

She’s also looking pretty big — she’s more than halfway through her pregnancy already!

Ryan has said that she’s due in October, and sources have claimed that her exact due date is October 16th, so we’ve got less than three months to go before a new Edwards baby is born.

They’re having a boy, and though they haven’t announced a name yet, a few reports have stated that they’ll name him Jagger.

We’re still nervous about all of this, because it’s hard to be excited for a pregnancy when the father is as big a mess as Ryan is, but let’s hope for the best, OK?


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards to MTV: Suck It! We Quit!

Teen Mom OG continues to undergo a massive cast overhaul.

In the most stunning news of the week, Bristol Palin confirmed that she’s coming on board Season 8 of this long-running MTV franchise.

And now Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Edwards have their own statement to make…

… they will NOT be interacting with Palin when new episodes premiere later this year.

For what reason? Because the couple is leaving Teen Mom OG behind.

But not before hurling producers far under the bus first.

Following weeks’ worth of rumors about their status on the series — Would Ryan step away to focus on rehab? Did Palin’s addition force Ryan out? — the couple released a statement to E! News that shot down all of this chatter.

In doing so, Mackenzie and Ryan made it clear they are finished filming… while doing all they could to paint the show in a negative light.

“We’re not returning to Teen Mom this season. The network told us they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict,” Mackenzie told E!, making a rather scathing accusation.

She wasn’t done making it, either:

“But they did want to enter a contract with our unborn baby and have the baby film with Ryan’s parents so it would look like someone else is raising it.”

Uhhhh, excuse you?!?

Mackenzie is pregnant with the twosome’s first child, this much is true.

However, she’s really claiming here that producers were hoping JUST the baby, and not its parents, would appear on Season 8?!? Wow.

Ryan, who has wrestled with substance abuse for nearly as long he’s been in the spotlight and who was arrested earlier this year for heroin possession, also talked to the aforementioned outlet.

The ex-husband of star Maci Bookout, with whom he shares a son named Bentley, Edwards argues that executives refused to let him stand on his own.

He alleges they only wanted him to appear again on Teen Mom OG under the condition that Bookout essentially speak for him. And he was not having that.

Not when his ex has laid down her version of the law to him.

“They also want to take Maci’s word on how I’m doing,” Ryan says. “Maci’s said she’s not going to film unless I enter rehab again and quit the show.

“But I’m sober.”

Mackenzie went on to explain that the couple was told Teen Mom OG is trying to recreate the dramatic magic of Teen Mom 2.

“I know they did want five girls to begin with after Farrah [Abraham] left to sort of resemble Teen Mom 2,” she says, adding:

“But they didn’t want to see another recovering addict storyline. So they’re writing us out of the show right now and making it seem like we dipped out on our baby, on Bentley and on everyone.

“And that’s just not the case.”

As for other details of their departure?

“The show had been paying for my healthcare and for the baby so they could film the visits and then a week ago they let me know that would no longer be the case,” Mackenzie tells E! News.

“They’re not going to film the birth. We’re not going to be on at all. Maci can’t speak to Ryan and Ryan can’t speak to Maci – that was a mutual decision.

“But she doesn’t know what’s going on in our lives.”

Mackenzie says she and Ryan are finished with the program, even if producers approached them down the line to return.

Neither wife nor husband says their decision has anything at all to do with Bristol Palin, who has said the following about her addition to the cast:

“I am excited to join MTV’s Teen Mom OG. I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey.”

Will she actually help viewers?

That remains to be seen.

But we’ll be tuning in each week to find out, that’s for sure!


Friday, July 20, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Opens Up: Will She Divorce Ryan Edwards?!

For the past four months, rumors of Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer getting divorced have been circulating non-stop.

Ryan has given Mackenzie ample reason to leave his ass, and when she took a break from social media earlier this year, many took it as a sign that she had chosen to quietly end her marriage.

Ryan has cheated on Mackenzie; he"s been arrested; he"s stalked and harassed his ex — all in the past six months.

Standifer is notoriously shy of the spotlight, so it was widely assumed she had simply chosen to disappear from the spotlight while she and Ryan ironed out the terms of their divorce.

Now, however, she"s back on Instagram — and fans are more than a little surprised by what she"s been up to:

1. Standifer By Her Man

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Mackenzie is doing her best to make her marriage work these days. And fans think she’s out of her mind for giving Ryan yet another chance.

2. Return of the Mack

Mackenzie ryan bentley

After a hiatus of several months, Mackenzie returned to Instagram this week. She posted this photo of her and Ryan, seemingly as a means of squashing divorce rumors.

3. Bump Close-Up

Mackenzies bump

Mackenzie also posted this pic of her own baby bump. She captioned the image, “Happiness is HOMEMADE!”

4. Turning It Around

Mackenzie standifer is pregnant

Needless to say, it looks as though the relationship between Mackenzie and Ryan is actually going quite well. But is it healthy?

5. Mack N Ryan 4-Eva

Mackenzie standifer and ryan edwards going strong

Seemingly as a way of assuring fans that all is well in her world, Standifer posted this photo earlier this week.

6. High Hopes

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

“Family,” Mackenzie captioned the pic, complete with heart emojis. “It means everything.” Certainly sound like she’s optimistic about her relationship! But it’s important to remember why fans are so skeptical …

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Posts Baby Bump Pic Following Mysterious Social Media Hiatus

Back in May, Mackenzie Standifer disappeared from social media.

Her reasons were obvious, of course.

Standifer"s husband, Ryan Edwards, has been involved in just about every sort of scandal imaginable in the past few months.

The downward spiral began when Edwards got arrested several months ago, and it"s continued in shocking fashion ever since.

At a certain point, Mackenzie probably got sick of dealing with a new controversy every time she logged in.

Fans are happy to see Standifer back on Instagram — but they still have a lot of questions about her absence.

1. Before the Fall

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

There was a time when Mackenzie and Ryan actually appeared to have a happy marriage. That didn’t last long.

2. A Rocky Start

Mackenzie standifer ryan edwards

Things got off to a bad start when Ryan got so high on his wedding day that he passed out while driving to the church.

3. Turning It Around?

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer son

Shortly thereafter, Ryan checked into rehab, and it briefly looked as though he was committed to making his marriage work.

4. Worse By the Day

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer sons

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that Ryan had been using a dating app to help him find suitable cheating partners.

5. Bad Timing

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

All of this came on the heels of news that Standifer is pregnant with Ryan’s baby. It will be the second child for both partners, but their first as a couple.

6. The Long Goodbye

Kenzie standifer

Like we said, it’s not hard to see why Mackennzie needed a break from social media — but we’re having a hard time understanding why she returned.

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Monday, July 2, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Pays Heartbreaking Tribute to Dying Mother

Back in January, Mackenzie McKee revealed that her mother, Ange Douthit, has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

In the months since, she"s frequently updated fans on Ange"s condition, and while Mackenzie is generally optimistic, she"s also realistic.

No one in Mackenzie"s family is under any delusions about what the future holds, but rather than give into their grief, they"ve opted to make the best of every remaining day with Ange.

Fans have drawn inspiration from Mackenzie"s love and gratitude for her mother, as well as for Ange"s strength and determination to continue living in the present moment.

This week, Mackenzie shared the most recent update on Ange"s ongoing battle, and fans have reacted with a tidal wave of kindhearted and supportive sentiments.

1. Mackenzie and Ange

Mackenzie mckee with mom

Mackenzie first shared the sad news of Ange’s diagnosis back in January. Since then, the strength that both mother and daughter have demonstrated has served as a source of inspiration for millions.

2. A Moving Story

Mackenzie mckee and angie douthit

These days, Ange is facing the end with her daughter by her side. Fans have marveled at the courage demonstrated by both women.

3. Sharing Their Strength

Mackenzie mckee with angie douthit

While many families would no doubt prefer to keep such struggles private, the McKee-Douthit clan has been happy to serve as a source of strength to others who might be struggling.

4. The Latest

Mackenzie mckee image

Yesterday, Mackenzie offered fans an update on her mother’s condition and revealed a special way in which she and other family members are paying tribute.

5. Give Her an Amen

Mackenzies mckees mom

“The doctor gave my mom 4 to 13 months, today marks 6 months…. can I get an AMEN, a retweet, a hallelujah #alwaysbekind,” Mackenzie tweeted.

6. Strength and Kindness

Mackenzie mckee is strong

Yes, it seems “always be kind” is Ange’s motto, and now, her daughters are using those words to pay a very special tribute to their beloved mother.

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Ryan Edwards: STILL Cheating on Mackenzie Standifer With Shelby Woods?!

It"s been a little over a year since Ryan Edwards married Mackenzie Standifer, and we probably don"t need to tell you that he hasn"t been the greatest husband in the world during that time.

Ryan has been arrested; he"s had restraining orders issued against him; he"s fallen off the wagon; he"s been verbally abusive to his pregnant wife.

And of course, Ryan has been caught cheating on Mackenzie multiple times.

Edwards has a lengthy history of infidelity, but even the professional baby daddy"s most ardent critics thought he"d stop screwing around after Mackenzie stuck by his side during the year from hell.

Sadly, it seems we all overestimated Ryan …

1. Shelby and Ryan

Shelby woods and ryan edwards

Shelby Woods briefly dated Ryan in between his relationships with Maci Bookout and Mackenzie Standifer. Now, it looks as though Edwards never quite got over his former flame.

2. Not to Be Trusted

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

Ryan married Mackenzie just over a year ago. But in that short time, he’s been accused of infidelity on numerous occasions.

3. Tinder Trouble

Tinder trouble

First, Ryan was caught communicating with other women on Tinder, using an account that falsely stated his age as 25. (He’s actually 30.)

4. Let ‘Em Know

Let em know

Shortly thereafter, Shelby took to Twitter to let the world know that Ryan was still hitting her up on a regular basis.

5. Hey, Sis

Hey sis

“Sometimes I just wanna be like, ‘Hey sis, your husband is still hitting me up,"” she tweeted on April 15. “Buuuuut then I remember how delusional you are so I don’t waste my time.”

6. Not One For Taking Hints

Ryan edwards on teen mom photo

Sadly, it seems Ryan didn’t get the message that Shelby isn’t interested.

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Friday, June 8, 2018

Mackenzie McKee Reveals Tragic Update on Mom"s Cancer Battle

If you’ve been keeping up with Mackenzie McKee of Teen Mom 3 fame, then you know that things haven’t been great for her recently.

And that’s because things haven’t been great for her mother, Angie Douthit.

At the beginning of the year, Mackenzie and her family revealed that Angie had been diagnosed with stage four brain and lung cancer.

Back then, we heard that there were several tumors in her brain, and so many masses in her lungs that doctors stopped counting them.

Angie had gone to see a doctor in the first place because she thought she had bronchitis — since she was always very healthy and never a smoker, lung cancer didn’t seem to be even a remote possibility.

But, as so many of us have unfortunately learned, cancer is the worst, and it can hit anyone.

And it seems like it’s hit Angie particularly hard.

Last month, Mackenzie informed her social media followers that in addition to the brain and lungs, cancer had also recently been found in her mother’s bones.

In a brand new update, it sounds like things have gotten even worse than that.

The update was written by Angie, but Mackenzie posted a screenshot of it to Snapchat, and that’s how we’re getting a look at it.

In the post, Angie wrote that she’d gotten a phone call from her oncologist to discuss new test results.

“This is difficult to write because I wanted to be telling you this morning that the cancer was gone and I was completely healed, but God has a much different plan.”

Instead, she said that “It turns out I have two diffferent cancers. I not only have non small cell carcinoma lung cancer, I also have small cell lung cancer which is aggressive and that is why it has spread.”

Because of that, she’s getting a chemo port, and she’ll start “the dreaded IV chemo” on Monday.

Apparently she’s on a chemo pill now, and she’ll stay on it, with the addition of the port and the IV medication.

“I’m really their Pioneer Woman now,” Angie explained, “as they’ve never seen someone have both, who is a healthy, young non smoker.”

Seriously, can you even imagine running marathons and dedicating so much to your health and fitness and never, ever smoking, then getting two different types of lung cancer at once?

It must be so difficult for the Douthit family right now, especially since Angie also said that both types of lung cancer only have a prognosis of 12-18 months with treatment.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night praying and telling God my heart,” she wrote. “My family is very upset and sad. But you know what? My God is way bigger than cancer.”

“He loves me and has a plan for my life. I know he was asked because I was asked, just yesterday, to speak at two more churches.”

“And,” she continued, “I have 3 new grand babies on the way who need their Nannie.”

As if that wasn’t heartbreaking enough, she then asked anyone reading her message to pray “that chemo will not weaken me or make me sick,” and “as silly as this seems, please pray that my eye lashes and eye brows won’t fall out.”

“That’s all I have left!”

She also asked everyone to “pray that I won’t be afraid of the chemo,” and insisted that “I want to live, but I want God’s will more.”

It sounds like her faith is a big comfort for her right now, and how wonderful is that?

Although her prognosis isn’t good and things seem to be getting worse, it sounds like she’s at peace with it all, at least as much as she can be.

And that’s not nothing, you know?


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Debuts Baby Bump ... But Is She Still With Ryan Edwards?!

It’s been two months since news of Ryan Edward’s arrest brought the Teen Mom OG star’s whole world crashing down.

Just one day after news that Ryan had been picked up for a probation violation came reports that he had once again been caught cheating on Mackenzie Standifer, his wife of one year, who is currently pregnant with his girlfriend.

Shortly thereafter, it was revealed that Edwards’ ex, Maci Bookout, had filed for a restraining order after being threatened by Ryan.

Needless to say, all of this hasn’t made for a terribly tranquil pregnancy for poor Mackenzie.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that Ryan’s beleaguered wife has decided to take a hiatus from social media.

But Mack didn’t just delete her account, like most social media stars who have had enough.

No, she wisely realized that an Instagram page with a six-figure following is valuable virtual real estate.

So she gifted the page to her friend, photographer Christian C. George.

And as a reward for not unfollowing him as soon as Mackenzie jumped ship, George offers up the occasional gem, such as the photo above.

That’s the first pic of Mackenzie’s baby bump, posted by George this afternoon.

“When Mack told me about how much her quality of life improved since letting go of social media a couple of months back I didn’t totally understand,” he captioned the pic.

“I see social media as a marketing tool and an additional stream of revenue for influencers. However, what price was she paying? Since I took over Mackenzie’s account- I expected people to unfollow (because after all they didn’t follow me- they followed her).”

George went on to say that he’s learned some lessons from walking a mile in Mackenzie’s shoes:

“What I didn’t expect was the trail of bullying to continue,” he wrote. “These are examples of the messages I’ve received:

“‘You’re f—ng ugly just like Mackenzie, your pictures suck and so do you, you’re trash, why did your ugly face show up on my timeline today.’

“It’s unfortunate that these types of cyber attacks actually exist. I’m choosing to find peace with Jesus, and thanking Him for His Amazing grace and truth!”

Then Christian encouraged you to “learn more about” him, but let’s be honest, that’s not what you came here for.

Anyway, it’s nice to see that Mackenzie is doing well (no word yet on whether she’s still with Ryan), and it’s kind of cool that she discovered such an innovative way to put her old IG account to good use.

Very savvy. Maybe she is the right person to replace Farrah Abraham, after all!

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive the wildly bumpy road that brought Mackenzie to where she is today.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer Quits Social Media, Dumps Ryan Edwards?!

Mackenzie Standifer has put up with an awful lot during her brief marriage to Ryan Edwards.

But now it seems she may have finally become fed up with his many awful tendencies.

Ever since Ryan was arrested back in March, he and Mackenzie have both been laying low on social media.

But now, Standifer has taken things a step further.

She appears to have quit Instagram completely, and some Teen Mom OG fans believe they"ve picked up on subtle signs that she and Ryan are no longer together.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. Happier Times

Mackenzie standifer with ryan edwards

In the wake of his March arrest for a probation violation, Mackenzie initially stood by her man. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of Ryan’s downfall.

2. Repeating a Pattern

Ryan edwards is mad

The day after the arrest, it was revealed that Ryan had been using an online dating profile to try and cheat on Mackenzie. It was not the first time he had done so.

3. It Gets Worse…

Ryan edwards with mackenzie

That same week, the public learned that Ryan’s ex, Maci Bookout, had been granted a restraining order after revealing that Ryan had threatened to kill her husband.

4. A Painful Separation

Ryan bentley

There was a time when Ryan wasn’t even allowed to make contact with his son, Bentley. A judge has since lifted that order of protection, but Ryan’s vistation rights remain in jeopardy.

5. The Future

Ryan edwards a photo

It’s unclear what’s next for Ryan. He could still be facing jail time, and he’s in for a hell of a custody battle with Maci.

6. Mackenzie’s Next Move

Ryan edwards mackenzie standifer photo

Mackenzie is five months pregnant with Ryan’s baby (his first, her second), and fans have been encouraging her to kick him to the curb. Now, it seems she may have done exactly that …

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Mackenzie Ziegler Blasts Dance Moms: I Had No Childhood!

While Abby Lee Miller struggles through her chemo treatments, another former Dance Moms star is telling all about her experience on the show.

13-year-old Mackenzie Ziegler is following in big sister Maddie’s footsteps; she has written a book!

In Kenzie’s Rules for Life, she talks about missing her childhood while dancing on TV, and she slams Dance Moms as a toxic environment.

RadarOnline reports on some of the contents of Mackenzie’s tell-all book. Within the pages, Mackenzie confesses that she felt inadequate and insecure during her reality television career.

“I didn’t feel like I was good enough.”

That’s a normal feeling to have, but for a young child to experience it while being thrust into the spotlight is … sad.

“I was also really nervous about people watching me on TV.”

Of course! She was a child. She is still, for that matter, a child. She’s barely a teenager.

“Would they laugh at me? Would I look really stupid up there?”

Dancing in a room full of dancers is one thing. Doing so on television is another.

“I know the cameras would be following us around and catching everything I did and said. I was embarrassed and really insecure.”

Like her sister Maddie Ziegler’s tell-all book, Mackenzie’s does not mention Abby Lee Miller by name.

But you can see “vague” hints that appear to refer to her.

“I always felt like I had to live up to people’s expectations of me.”

A number of people suspect that Mackenzie is referring to Miller, here.

“I thought everyone was constantly judging me, watching each move and tearing it apart, nitpicking everything I did, and laughing at me behind my back.”

Yeah, that definitely sounds like how Miller came across on the show.

“The competitive dance world and reality TV can get a little crazy.”

Mackenzie also mentions that she basically missed out on a lot of important parts of being a child.

“It was pretty much my answer to every party, play date, after-school activity, you name it: ‘Sorry, I have dance."”

Strange that we live in a world where you (correctly) can’t send your child to work in a mine or a textile factory, but kids can be trotted out on TV and dance themselves into exhaustion.

“I started to regret not being a ‘real kid’ with a real life. I felt like I had no childhood, and it made me sad and angry.”

Those feelings sound very justified.

To make matters worse, Mackenzie reveals that she was the target of online bullying over social media.

“People would be so cruel to me in comments.”

For one thing, they would make unfavorable comparisons between her and her sister.

“They would compare me to my sister, saying that I wasn’t as pretty or as talented as Maddie.”

Vicious and inexcusable.

“They called me fat; they said I was ugly and had big bunny teeth that stuck out.”

I cannot imagine saying these vile things to anyone, let alone a child.

“They made fun of my costumes and my routines, called me a crybaby and a loser.”

Absolutely despicable.

“I felt like I was constantly being attacked. It made me paranoid and insecure.”

That kind of experience can haunt you for life.

Mackenzie says that it took almost her entire run on Dance Moms to work up the courage to put her foot down and leave the series.

“I was over it.”

By the way, are you aware that Mackenzie herself was not paid for her time on the show? She’s worth 2 million, thanks to other appearances and endorsements and tours.

“I felt like the constant competition life was getting to me too much.”

Absolutely understandable.

“It wasn’t fun for me anymore; I was ready to move on and do something else.”

Good for her.

“It was me knowing I was capable of doing so much more in my life and feeling ambitious and a little ‘itchy’ to branch out. I was ready to move on.”

Considering that Maddie’s book also did not mention Abby Lee Miller by name, we assume that Mackenzie avoided naming her from the start.

That is for the best, since Miller has been diagnosed with cancer. Releasing a book that bashes someone while they’re in the hospital fighting for their life would be all kinds of awkward.

That said, Miller did shade Mackenzie over allegedly vaping, but that’s a far cry from actively bashing someone.

We hope that Abby Lee Miller makes a swift and full recovery.

We also hope that Mackenzie Ziegler continues to see success — and that she gets to, at least, have an almost normal adolescence since she was robbed of a childhood.


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Amber Portwood: Good Riddance to Farrah, But I Don"t Know About Mackenzie McKee

Early Tuesday morning, Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood welcomed her baby boy.

While she’s excited and busy with her new baby, Amber always has time for her longstanding feud with Farrah Abraham.

And she’s speaking about Farrah’s firing … and her replacement.

Amber Portwood spoke to HollywoodLife.

“Everyone knows why Farrah’s not on the damn show.”

While the exact story varies depending upon whom you ask, Amber is definitely not buying the “Viacom hate crimes” angle.

“She pushed her limits every season, she knew that she did.”

Farrah was reportedly a nightmare for producers and others responsible for making the show.

Amber says that, eventually, enough was enough.

“And you can’t keep doing that.”

Drama is the fuel that keeps reality television going, and Amber acknowledges that Farrah was nothing if not wildly dramatic.

“Yeah, it works for a little while, it brings some ratings.”

Amber explains that there are limits to how much of a real-world disaster you can be and still have people willing to work with you.

“But when you keep pushing back and it’s a big network, you can’t go too far.”

Eventually, like a bear being harassed by a racist squirrel, MTV got tired of it.

“This is bigger than her.”

But since Farrah has been claiming that this was all about her sex work, Amber thinks that Farrah may genuinely believe it.

“I think she didn’t realize that and she got booted for it.”

But Amber won’t lose any sleep over Farrah’s departure.

“I’m just fine with it, s–t. I don’t care.”

That’s fair.

Reportedly, Teen Mom 3 star Mackenzie McKee is replacing Farrah on Teen Mom OG.

But Amber says that she is in the dark — or at least that she cannot confirm anything.

“I don’t know what’s going on with that.”

Obviously, the stars aren’t going to comment until the network makes things nice and official.

“Again, everything’s up in the air.”

Amber does suggest that MTV’s cameras may have included her giving birth to her newborn boy.

“I can’t say that yet. I really don’t know if my birth will be filmed because I may have him before the due date, so it’s getting crazy.”

Amber’s due date was May 13, so she’s absolutely right.

But we do wonder if cameras are rolling.

The biggest thing in Amber’s life right now has nothing to do with her past, present, or future castmates.

She just gave birth!

As Amber revealed back in December, her son’s name is James Andrew Glennon.

Huge congratulations to the whole family — Amber, Andrew, baby James, and of course, Leah!

When Amber went into early labor over the weekend, we knew that the countdown had begun.

Obviously, Amber Portwood has had her issues over the years … and even recently.

Among other things, her anger issues have made her interesting to watch on television, even as they have alarmed viewers.

A lot of fans are also concerned about her whirlwind romance with Andrew Glennon. Some even worried that he used her emotional vulnerability to become her rebound.

But she seems to be much happier with her current situation than she has been in a while.

And congratulations for the birth of her son are absolutely in order.
