Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marroquin. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau: Is the Baby Coming Soon?!?

While Javi Marroquin continues to clash with his ex-wife over their past, many questions continue to be asked about this reality star’s future.

Specifically, about his future with Lauren Comeau.

The couple, of course, stunned celebrity gossip followers back in late May when they announced they were expecting a baby.

This news came mere months after Javi split from Briana DeJesus and also stopped hooking up (again) with Kailyn Lowry.

Marroquin and Comeau had met at a wedding last summer and actually dated briefly in 2017… until they reportedly broke up because Javi slept with another woman.

We haven’t been here to judge, however, simply to wish these two and their impending child the best.

Perhaps Javi really is a changed man and will dedicate himself entirely to this new family. You never know, right?

Along with the baby bombshell, meanwhile, has come various speculation regarding Comeau, considering she’s now very much involved with a prominent MTV personality.

As we’ve posted about over the past few weeks…

will she appear on Teen Mom 2?

… will she and Marroquin get married?

… heck, are they already married?

Now, based on the photos above and below of Comeau, we can add another inquiry to this list:


Taking to both basic Instagram and her Instagram Stories page over the past week or so, Comeau has shown off her baby bump on multiple occasions.

And it ain’t small!

All Comeau and Marroquin have said thus far is that their son will enter this world at some point in 2018.

That much is clearly true, but the size of Lauren’s precious tummy makes it appear here as if their son may enter the world at some point in the fall of 2018.

We make note of this partly because it’s very exciting and it will be cool to meet yet another baby produced by a member of the Teen Mom 2 cast.

But also because Comeau’s due date does make one wonder when she and Marroquin got it on and whether he cheated on DeJesus with his baby-mama-to-be.

The timeline does cause fans to ponder this possibility.

Whether or not Javi stepped out on Briana, though, he and Lauren appear to be going strong.

They are posing together in a number of Instagram photos, often with Marroquin and Lowry’s son, Lincoln.

Lauren has also now moved to Delaware and is shacking up with her famous lover.

At some point, Javi swears, wedding bells will even ring for the eventual parents.

“Definitely in the future I will propose,” the MTV star recently told Radar Online, quelling rumors that they were already betrothed.

He says it will happen, he promises, but he and Comeau have something else to concern themselves with in the meantime.

Or someone else, we should say:

“The focus is on the baby first.” 


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Javi Marroquin Is SUCH a Creep!

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have such a strange relationship, right?

One day they’re married, the next they’re not, they’re sleeping together the day after that, then the next day he’s breaking into her house and she’s filing orders of protection against him.

OK, maybe it didn’t happen that fast, but all of those things have definitely happened, and that’s simply too much drama for one relationship.

Kailyn and Javi have had plenty of ups and downs since their divorce, and really, it’s difficult to keep up with their feelings for each other.

Even though they share adorable little Lincoln, they definitely didn’t get along while he dated Briana DeJesus late last year, but they seemed to patch things up after Briana was out of the picture.

Well, they did more than just patch things up for the sake of their son — they actually hooked up for a while, believe it or not.

But shortly after that, Javi impregnated his old girlfriend, Lauren Comeau, so what is even happening?

Are they still getting along? Are things super tense again?

We’re not sure, but judging by this fascinating little story Kailyn told on Twitter recently, they’re not on the greatest terms for sure.

It all started when a particularly savage Teen Mom fan tweeted that “Without MTV, Javi wouldn’t have gotten to screw any of these girls.”

“Desperate to spread it because he’s on tv,” this person said of Javi’s girlfriends. “Not a real celebrity either.”

“Without the show he’s just another ugly with zero style, fish lips, tiny weenie, bad tattoos, and those ugly white socks.”

Someone else pointed out that Javi managed to land girls before appearing on the show, most notably Kailyn herself, and that “He seemed like a good stable guy years ago but his reputation nosedived really hard this year.”

Boy, did it ever!

Juggling three girls at the same time and knocking one of them up will do that.

The original tweeter wrote “It creeped me out when he kept bugging her at her job to date him like he was hungry to be on tv.”

Remember, on Teen Mom 2 the story was that Kailyn was set up with Javi by a friend, but they’ve since admitted that they met while Kailyn was working a side job at Express.

He showed up, asked her out, and when she said no, he kept returning to the store and asking her out until she finally said yes.

Romantic, or shady?

Kailyn actually responded to these tweets, and the way she tells it … yeah, it seems pretty dang shady.

“When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as sh-t he had tweeted me a week prior,” she claimed.

“That was after he got picked to do True Life and the girl refused.”

Amazing, right?

Javi pulled a Matt Baier before Matt Baier even pulled a Matt Baier? He was going to be on True Life?!

It’s all such good, juicy information, but it does raise one significant question: if Kailyn knew all of this, why did she go on to marry him?

As she explained in a later tweet, “I was young and ignored red flags apparently. What most would call desperate.”

At least she’s honest!

After that, Javi felt the need to jump in, telling her “Stop tweeting about me. Stop seeking validation. Move on please. Like we’re grown now … That’s for the birds.”

But he deleted that because, as he explained to a follower who asked, “We’re too grown to be going back and fourth.”

“I’m enjoying my life as privately as I can. I don’t need to be looking for validation from social media. I’m past that stage of my life.”

First of all, “back and fourth,” LOL.

Second of all, how rich is it that Javi, who appears on two separate segments of Teen Mom 2, who has dated two separate moms on Teen Mom 2, is talking about living his life “as privately as I can”?

This is the most entertaining development in the Teen Mom universe since we saw Briana screech like a banshee at the reunion taping, and that’s saying something!


Friday, August 3, 2018

Javi Marroquin & Lauren Comeau: Are They Already Married?!

Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau’s relationship has fallen apart and been rebuilt more times than a set of Jenga blocks.

Perhaps that’s why these days, Javi and Lauren are moving at a speed generally associated with couples who feel they have something to prove.

Lauren is pregnant with Javi’s baby, and now they’re rushing headlong into a traditional family arrangement, as though they didn’t just get back together while Javi was hooking up with multiple different women.

Not only are Javi and Lauren engaged, it now looks as though they’ve bought a house together.

It also looks like they’re trying to keep that fact under wraps for reasons that remain mysterious.

As Starcasm reports, Lauren posted a photo of the couple’s new home on Facebook earlier this week.

“It’s closing day!!!” Lauren captioned the image.

“Beyond excited (and thankful) to start this chapter in our new home,” she added.

Interestingly, the post was up for less than a day before Lauren deleted it.

The situation has led many fans to speculate that the couple is keeping some sort of secret.

Deepening the mystery is an image from Lauren’s latest Snapchat video:


That’s Javi’s sister, Lidia, who apparently wound up at the same stoplight as Lauren recently.

Note the caption, in which Lauren refers to Lidia as her “SIL” or sister-in-law.

Now, it could be she was just speaking presumptively, as — if everything goes according to plan — Lidia will be Lauren’s sister-in-law in the near future.

Still, the caption was enough to get fans talking.

Even if Lauren and Javi aren’t secretly married, it looks more and more like they’ll be tying the knot very soon.

And not surprisingly, fans are encouraging the future Mrs. Marroquin to proceed with caution.

As you may recall, before she was his fiancee, Lauren was something of a bargaining chip for Javi.

When he unexpectedly visited Briana DeJesus in Miami, Javi informed his then-girlfriend that he has a side-piece who’s willing to move to Delaware to be with him.

That girl was later revealed to be Lauren.

It now looks as though Javi got Lauren pregnant, then decided to get back together with her, not the other way around, as the lovebirds would have us believe.

Not the most auspicious start, but we wish Javi and Lauren the best of luck. They’re gonna need it.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Javi Marroquin vs. Briana DeJesus: INTENSE Fight Between Exes Revealed!

It"s been seven months since Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus broke up, and a whole lot has changed since then.

For one thing, Javi is engaged to Lauren Comeau, and the couple is expecting a child together.

We think it"s safe to say he"s pretty much moved on from Briana, and we"re sure she"s done the same.

(She never seemed all that into him from the start, tbh.)

But this is the world of Teen Mom 2, where drama never dies.

And new details about Javi and Briana"s most famous fight have revealed that the whole thing was much more intense than we thought:

1. The Happy Couple

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Javi and Briana weren’t together for very long. And they definitely weren’t able to maintain the facade of a happy relationship for very long.

2. A Surgical Breakup

Briana and dr miami

Javi and Briana’s relationship began to deteriorate after only a few weeks, but it didn’t come to an end until she headed for Miami for another round of plastic surgery.

3. Javi Drama

Javi cant even deal

Javi objected to the idea of the procedure, but Briana decided to go ahead with it anyway.

4. Forgot About Dre

Briana is psyched

Javi hit the roof when he learned that Briana’s ex, Dre, would be taking care of her after her surgery.

5. Miami Fights

Javi marroquin watching briana dejesus

The stuff hit the fan in South Beach, when Javi unexpectedly showed up to help nurse Briana back to health.

6. Aftermath

Briana dejesus a selfie

Bri was very happy with the results of her cosmetic procedure. But she was less pleased about what transpired with Javi…

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Javi Marroquin: I Was Banging Kailyn, Briana & Lauren at the Same Time!

Do these kids ever let up?

All of the ladies of Teen Mom 2 have a lot of drama in their lives, but perhaps no one"s love life is more complicated than Kailyn Lowry"s.

We"ve known for quite some time that the exes briefly got back together, but now, Kail has finally copped to it on the show.

Needless to say, Briana DeJesus probably didn"t love hearing it.

The bad news is, it looks as though all four parties (including Lauren Comeau) who are involved here are doomed to lives of non-stop drama.

The good news is, we get to watch it all unfold!

1. They Just Can’t Quit Each

Kailyn javi photo

Javi and Kailyn have been off and on for years. But their latest hookup may have been motivated by revenge and jealousy.

2. The New Couple

Javi and briana all smiles

Bri and Javi didn’t date for very long, but their relationship carried consequences that are still reverberating months after their breakup.

3. The Rivals

Kailyn lowry javi marroquin briana dejesus split

Kailyn and Briana flat-out hate each other, and as far as we can tell Bri went after Javi basically as a means of getting revenge on Kail.

4. The Timeline

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

Earlier this season Kail admitted to hooking up with Javi. Fans had known about low-key reconciliation for quite some time, but Kail’s revelation complicated Javi’s love life in a big way.

5. Overlap

Javi cant even deal

Javi was involved with three different women in the span of just a few short weeks — and now it seems he didn’t bother dumping one before hooking up with the next.

6. Simpler Times Ahead?

Javi with lauren comeau

These days, Javi is engaged to Lauren Comeau, who is expecting his child. But that doesn’t mean the skeletons of his romantic past are content to remain buried.

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Monday, July 23, 2018

Briana DeJesus Gifts Self a Ring, Trashes Javi Marroquin

Briana DeJesus has a new ring on her finger.

Because she"s found true love and is engaged? Heck no.

It"s because she has made a promise to herself, at the expense of ex-boyfriend Javi Marroquin, and she wants a piece of jewelry to mark the occasion.

Meaning what, exactly? That"s a fair question.

Scroll down for the answer…

1. A Ring Was Once The Thing

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

As a quick refresher, remember: Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus dated for a few months, toward the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. He even asked her to marry him!

2. He Did?

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus on instagram

Yes, according to a Teen Mom 2 episode that aired this summer. The installment alleged that DeJesus was going to be deployed by the Air Force and wanted to lock Briana down before leaving.

3. Look! We Told You He Got Her a Ring!

Javi ring

Marroquin has made it sound like a proposal never took place, but he hasn’t denied that the photo above is of a ring he purchased for DeJesus.

4. Here. Just Take It!

Javi marroquin and brittany dejesus

DeJesus has said Javi just shoved the ring in her face that never even popped the question, really. “It wasn’t my ideal proposal, and I wasn’t going to accept the ring,” DeJesus explained very simply to a friend.

5. What Was the Problem?

Briana and javi make it official

“He wants to marry me, he wants me to have his children, he wants me to move in with him, there’s a lot of things that he wants,” Briana said to her sister. “I told him, ‘We have some time to think about it, we don’t have to rush."” In other words: The two just wanted different things.

6. Okay. So Why is Briana Shading Marroquin Now?

Briana dejesus a selfie

We have a theory (keep scrolling!), but first a rundown of the shade: On Snapchat, Briana posted a photo of a different ring on her finger.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Javi Marroquin Baby Mama: Will She Appear on Teen Mom 2?

Lauren Comeau is Javi Marroquin’s girlfriend, baby mama and, due to a recent move, also his roommate.

But will she also be his co-star?

That is, will Comeau join the cast of Teen Mom 2 next season?

This is a reasonable question, based on all the ways described above that Comeau now fits into Javi’s life.

It would certainly be true to the MTV program for Lauren slide right into future Teen Mom 2 episodes, likely feuding with Briana DeJesus and Kailyn Lowry, both of whom have ridden Marroquin raw in the not-too-distant past.

However, Marroquin has some bad news for viewers anxious to witness the aforementioned feuds:

They won’t be happening. Comeau will NOT be a part of this franchise moving forward.

“She doesn’t want to be on camera,” Javi told Radar Online in a recent chat, explaining that Comeau already “deals with a lot of the social media extent of it.”

We think he’s trying to say there that Comeau has been dealing with some online harassment and has no interest in inevitably bringing on more of it by appearing on television.

Can you blame her?

Marroquin has opened up a lot of late about both Comeau and their impending child.

Most excitedly of all, he and Lauren have revealed to the world that they’re having a baby boy.

Yet while many Instagram followers have sent well wishes to the couple after learning this news, Marroquin tells Radar that Kailyn “did not congratulate” the pair after its child’s gender was announced.

(Editor’s Note: Why would she? Lowry has already said she’s happy for Javi and Lauren; plus, isn’t congratulating a couple on the gender of a baby sort of weird?

There are only two possibilities at play. Is one of them more worthy of praise or props than the other?)

Marroquin did draw some heat after this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2 aired.

Speaking to DeJesus, his recent ex-girlfriend, Javi appeared to be referring to Comeau when saying he “has someone [who] will move to Dover.”

But he added:

“If I wanted to fill that void, I can. But I’m not settling. I’m here for you… no one makes me feel like you make me feel.”

This episode was filmed months ago, of course, but Javi doesn’t sound overly pumped to be with Comeau based on these quotes, does he?

He met Lauren at a wedding in July of 2017 and briefly dated her before, allegedly, cheating.

Typical Javi, right?

But he also gushed openly about Comeau shortly after they split last year, even dropping the L-Word at one point when saying he hopes they have a future.

And now they do!

And it includes a baby!

We wish them luck with it.

We’re guessing they may need it.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Javi Marroquin Moves in Lauren Comeau: Take THAT, Briana DeJesus!

Is anyone else super uncomfortable with how Javi Marroquin has been behaving lately?

Well, lately, for the entire time he’s been on Teen Mom 2, either one.

There’s just something that’s so questionable about the way he went from wanting to marry Briana DeJesus to hooking up with Kailyn Lowry to knocking up Lauren Comeau in the span of a few months.

And honestly, “a few months” is pretty generous.

Like, let’s break this down: Javi and Briana broke up in January, right?

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, we saw him tell her that if she didn’t want to move to Delaware to be with him, then Lauren would — and honestly, who says that to someone?

What did he think would happen?

Did he think that Briana would trip all over herself to be the lucky girl to leave her entire life behind to move in with a guy she’d been dating for a handful of months?

Did he think that threatening to move Lauren in would get her to change her mind about marrying him?

It was a super weird moment that we have to imagine Lauren wasn’t too happy to see, but let’s carry on.

So Briana and Javi broke up in January, and shortly after that, he started hooking up with Kailyn for a little while.

The official story is that he began dating Lauren again in March, but we’re not too sure about that — she look very, very pregnant right now, and if he’s had her on the back burner that long …

The whole thing is just a little too bizarre for our tastes, and it definitely makes us think less of Javi “please someone marry me and give me so many children and make my fairy tale come true” Marroquin.

But, as he reveals in a new interview with Radar Online, the marriage part isn’t happening.

At least not right now.

“Definitely in the future I will propose,” he explains. “The focus is on the baby first.”

So that’s good, isn’t it?

It certainly seems like they rushed into having a baby together, so at least they’re not rushing into another huge move.

And speaking of huge moves, Javi also says that he and Lauren are no longer long distance!

“She’s officially moved into my house,” he tells the website. “We got a new place and we’ll be moving there in two weeks.”

“It’s nice to have her here. We’ve been traveling non-stop so it’s nice that she doesn’t have to travel.”

It’s not only nice for Javi and Lauren, it’s also nice for Lincoln, Javi’s son with Kailyn — Javi says that she’s a “fantastic” stepmother already.

“She’s really good to Lincoln,” he gushes. “He loves her and he asks about her all the time. He’s happy she’s here permanently.”

And just in case you thought he was done hyping this whole thing up, think again — he also says that they were excited to learn they’re expecting a boy!

“I had a feeling it was going to be a boy,” he admitted. “I’m super excited for a boy. They’re super easy.”

That’s sweet and all, and we’re glad that he seems so genuinely pumped about this whole thing.

But can Briana please comment on this already?

Because after everything we know now, we’re dying to hear what she has to say about Javi’s brand new fairy tale.


Javi Marroquin to Briana DeJesus: You Betrayed Me ... But Let"s Get Back Together!

If you watched last night"s episode of Teen Mom 2, you may have come away from it feeling that the relationship between Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus was even more unstable and unhealthy than you"d previously thought.

You weren"t alone on that.

As far as we can, tell it was nothing but drama with these two from the very start, and last night"s absurdity basically confirmed that they only dated because of their shared desire to seek revenge on Kailyn Lowry.

For some reason, Briana"s plastic surgery was the issue that put this relationship to the test, and it was flat-out bizarre to see the whole thing unravel on camera.

Here"s a rundown of how it all played out:

1. Better Days

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

We suppose there might have been a time when Javi and Briana were actually happy together. We just didn’t see any of it.

2. Surgical Summer

Javi and briana all smiles

The issue that drove Javi and Briana apart was her trip to Miami to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure.

3. Make Up Your Mind!


At first, Javi was mad that Briana wanted to get more surgery. Then he was mad that he wouldn’t be the one to help nurse her back to health after the procedure.

4. Forgot About Dre

Briana de jesus pic

Javi pretty much lost his mind upon learning that Bri planned to have her ex-boyfriend Dre take care of her after her surgery.

5. Playing the Game

Briana on teen mom

To be fair, Briana seemed to choose Dre for the job primarily because she knew it would piss Javi off, but his reaction was still hilariously over-blown.

6. A Surprise Visit


Javi showed up unexpectedly just prior to Briana’s surgery and spoke of her decision to summon Dre in hilariously overblown terms.

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Monday, July 16, 2018

Lauren Comeau and Javi Marroquin: We"re Having A...

Lauren Comeau and Javi Marroquin are expecting a baby.

This much we know to be true.

The couple made the bombshell announcement on May 30, 2018, stunning Teen Mom 2 fans and critics alike.

While we continue to come to terms with this impending arrival, Comeau and Marroquin have now given readers something else with which they"ll need to grapple:

The gender of this child.

Will it be a boy or a girl?

The star held a gender reveal party in mid-July and you can scroll down to learn what they confirmed during it. Do so now!

1. Full Speed Ahead!

Lauren comeau kisses javi

Lauren and Javi are taking their relationship seriously. Just prior to this reveal, Comeau shared the photo above and wrote as a caption: “Final drive home to you.” Yes, they are now living together in Delaware.

2. Are They Also Engaged?

Lauren comeau and javi marroquin cuddle

This is also a question the Internet is asking after Comeau was seemingly spotted with a diamond ring on her finger. It would make sense for Javi to propose, right?

3. Javi Has Been Married Before, Of Course

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin kiss

To Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry. That’s how he became famous in the first place. The two got divorced after each side cheated, but have found mostly amicable ground these days.

4. Back to This Baby…

A kiss for comeau

… right, sorry. We started going on a tangent there. But Javi and Lauren are expecting and provided Radar Online with the details of their gender reveal party.

5. Who Was There?

With their baby bump

Javi’s four-year old son Lincoln, who he shared with Lowry, was on hand, as were other close friends and relatives. Lauren wore a pink shirt for the event, causing many to assume that was a major giveaway.

6. End the Suspense Already!

Lauren comeau baby bump

Okay, are you ready? Are you set? Are you prepared to learn whether Javi and Lauren are having a son or a daughter? Here. We. Go…

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Javi Marroquin: ENGAGED to Lauren Comeau?!?

Javi Marroquin and Lauren Comeau are expecting a baby, this much we know for certain.

The couple confirmed this stunning news in late May.

The couple did NOT, however, state at this time that they were going to get married in light of this development.

But now astute Instagram users have a reason to think things may have changed between the Teen Mom 2 star and his girlfriend.

For what reason? Why is this engagement rumor now making the round?

Scroll down to find out!

1. The Major Announcement:

The announcement photo

This is what Marroquin wrote as a caption to the photo above in May 2018: “A baby is a blessing and I am ecstatic for the future. Lincoln is happy, I’m happy, and Lauren is happy. Gonna go on a little hiatus from social media to take all this in and enjoy it with my family and loved ones. For those sending love, thank you! We appreciate it. And to you @lauren3elizabeth thank you for blessing me with another child. We are gonna be amazing parents together.”

2. Wait… WHAT?!?

Javi and briana

Teen Mom 2 fans were stunned by this reveal, considering Javi had just recently split from fellow MTV cast members Briana DeJesus.

3. And What About Kailyn?

Javi and kail image split

Ah, right: Javi has also remained close enough to ex-wife Kailyn Lowry that the two hooked up at some point again in early 2018, making it even more shocking that he was having a baby with someone else.

4. Moving Forward with Lauren

Lauren comeau with her man

Javi has made it clear on social media that he has moved on from the aforementioned Teen Moms and is now focused on Comeau, who he met back in the summer of 2017. “Excited about this journey with you @lauren3elizabeth,” Marroquin wrote on Instagram.

5. How Forward is He Moving?!?

Javi marroquin and lauren comeau selfie

Neither Javi nor Lauren mentioned the possibility of getting married when they announced their pregnancy, seemingly content to take things one day at a time. But now?!?

6. A Picture Can Say a Thousand Exciting Words, Right?

Lauren comeau engagement ring

This picture has elicited a thousand EXCITED words, at least, from Javi and Lauren fans online. Is that not a diamond ring on her finger?!?

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